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Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

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Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

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The Ukrainian Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War has confirmed that 65 Ukrainian servicemen from the list published by Margarita Simonyan were indeed scheduled to be exchanged on January 24.

Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

List of Ukrainian prisoners of war on board the downed Il-76, published by Margarita Simonyan

However, earlier Ukrainian media launched the information campaign aimed to assure the pubic that many names from that list of Ukrainian POWs on board of the downed Il-76 allegedly coincide with some names from the list of Ukrainian POWs who were exchanged on January 3, 2024.

Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

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Comparing the data, Ukrainian media took some unofficial list of POWs, which was shared in some Facebook public. Let’s look at the official Ukrainian exchange list on 3rd January 2024 and compare it with the exchange list on 24th January 2024, there are the only one match – POW Konovalenko Maxim. He was indeed included in the both lists. But in fact Konovalenko Maxim was not actually exchanged on the 3d January 2024 due to logistical issues. This is how he ended up on downed board of IL-76 on 24 January 2024.

Western MSM, following their Ukrainian counterparts, began to massively disseminate this information, including Deutsche Welle, ZDF, The Washington Post and the Daily Mail.

The Ukrainian mass media also started to spread information that there were no Ukrainian POWs on the aircraft. Later, the Russian Investigative Committee showed a video of Ukrainian POWs boarding the Il-76, which was later shot down by an air defense system made in a NATO country (the United States, Germany or France).


According to the Russian Investigative Committee, the air defense system from which the anti-aircraft missile was launched was located in the village of Liptsy in the Kharkiv region.

The Russian side published footage from the crash site, which showed that documents of Ukrainian POWs from the exchange list were found at the site of the incident.


The bodies of victims and its fragments were also shown. Some of them have characteristic tattoos similar to those worn by members of the Ukrainian nationalist military formation “Azov”. Similar tattoos were on the Azov prisoners of war, who were previously interrogated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, recording the interrogation process on video.

As a result of this terrorist act 65 Ukrainian POWs were killed, at least 12 of them were servicemen of the Ukrainian nationalist military formation “Azov”, and 9 Russian citizens were killed: 6 members of the airplane crew and 3 escorts.

Here are photos and videos of some of the Ukrainian POWs who were aboard the downed IL-76:

Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

Ukraine Recognized Its Citizens On IL-76 Shot Down By NATO Air Defense System

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This terrorist act was most likely carried out by an air defense crew that consisted entirely or partially of NATO military personnel under direct orders from NATO advisors or by mistake of a foreign crew (which is unlikely). It is an obvious fact that senior officers of NATO countries who are on the territory of Ukraine in the status of military advisors have the ability to give direct orders to specific units at the front. The development of the situation in the media environment, both Ukrainian and global, shows that it is unlikely that this order was issued by the leadership of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence or President Zelensky’s office.


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france foreign legion dead

nazis killing their own


wrong. they’re not killing their own. they are protecting their own. the president of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister shmygal is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish, the leader of the president’s party in parliament arakhamia is jewish, every oligarch like kolomoisky is jewish and the sbu is a mossad front that hunts down ukrainian orthodox christian slavs to send them to their slaughter


i believe this was a deliberate act, according to the other article from south-front, russia previously told them the time and flight plan of the aircraft before the prisoner exchange deal. it’s like zelensky wants all of ukraine to die! he sends the men to the frontlines to fight against the russians against all odds and when some finally do make it back, zelensky forces shoots down their plane! to me this is deliberate genocide, i guess all of ukraine is meant to perish!


zelensky’s worse than stalin, who wasn’t too happy with anyone not fighting to the death either.

at least most republicans now realize ukraine’s a lost cause and refuse to throw good money after bad.


those ukrainian pricks just steal it any way. hey republicans, nice to see someone’s finally awake over there.


they empty ukraine to be colonised so khazaria can rise again


there will be no khazaria since all of the land will belong to russia


after ukraine is mostly emptied out of able bodied men, they’ll make a deal giving the east to russia.

and then it will be a defacto jewish state, and they’ll bring in replacement migrants as servants and to fight the remaining gentile ukrainians.

naming it khazaria will come decades later.

Stan le français

dans tes dents lci, eux qui faisaient des gorges chaudes sur le sujet hier soir !


to be fair, it’s perfectly possible the machine was shut down by russian air defenses. the former head of wagner was also killed in a crash and russia/the soviet union has a looooongg history of blaming others for their massacres. does that mean they did it? no. but it’s not impossible.


not impossible but completely improbable. then again, maybe the russians moved an anti aircraft system from russia (one the ukrainians use) drove it passed the ukrainian front lines; set it up outside kharkov and shot down one of their own planes dropping off ukrainian pows to make it look like the ukrainians did it. job done, they drove back to russia. id say it seems far fetched but seemed to work for the mh17 story


that’s not fair. that’s gobbledegook


you wish dave the zio


are you a jew david?


it is amerikunts that lie–dissimulate not russians

Last edited 1 year ago by TomSawyer

i have nazi brain—this explains my feminized lgbt personality

jens holm

nazis are kinky. i like dat.


sniff glue jens became senile age 10 after uncle hans sodomized him 3 year


that worm budanov ordered it.


fašistickí bastardi obetovali 65 ukrajincov len aby dali dolu ruské lietadlo. čo tam po tých chudákoch, že? podstatné je, že sa im podarilo bez problémov dať dolu jeden ruský stroj aj s posádkou. smutné na tom je, že nik nebude za toto svinstvo potrestaný. u sa ukazuje pravá tvár fašistov ktorí teraz vládnu na ukrajine. svetu mier!!!

jens holm

if i would entrust my children to someone, it would be one of them.

i see only friendly, nice and sympathetic characters in the pictures.

it’s such a pity about these kind guys


nobody cares about what russia has to say – same as always, only lies 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

No love for 1776!

yeah okay little stars stripes waving faggot!


cope little whiny bitch


i am nobody–a senile retired janitor must beg for taco in omaha barrio


thats exactly my comment in previous related article.. westerners dont give a crap about ukrainian lives, all they see is they killed 9 russians. when are ukrainians gonna open their eyes? this been said, western ‘leaders’ (really they re traitors and psychopaths) wont treat their ‘own people’ any better.. thats warning for nato personal themselves.


the west is run by jews. and western men are such sports worshipping morons that they care more about pleasing jews than their own countries.


may god have mercy on their souls. there was no sane reason to shot down this il-76


it was not about pows. nato just destroyed a strategic transport asset.


i’d bet there is not one jew among the bunch.

but giving the order to shoot the plane down? jews.


i only recognize lgbt jens holm and fake news

Arch Bungle

the ukrainian government lies almost as much as the ‘israeli’ one.

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