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Ukraine Released Intercepted Russian Radio Communications During The Black Sea Incident (Analysis)

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On November 26, the Ukrainian Armed Forces released the radio communication between Russian border guard ships and operations duty officers of the Russian Navy.

The video entitled “Переговори російського командування з екіпажами прикордонних кораблів РФ. 25 11 2018” can be found on the Youtube channel of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian General Staff alleged that the radio interception is “an evidence of purposeful aggressive escalation of the situation (in the Black and Azov seas) which was ordered by millitary and military-political leadership of the Russian Federation”. The transcript of the intercepted communications with SF comments is below:


  • This is Lt. Colonel Sharapov
  • Now, I will pass the radio to the commander, this is Don [PSKR Don – the coast guard ship]
  • Halo
  • Shatohin, yes, Michalych
  • So, I run foul of it second time. I damaged it board little bit along the ship feed. There are the thoughts to kick [fuck] warships [gun boats], not the tug. They will definetely stop then. Miltiary [ships] are maneuverable. They began to maneuver quickly.
  •  [SF: the Russian coast guard is concerned by Ukrainian gunboats because they are armed, maneuverable and pose a threat]

HINT: to run foul of a ship – to use the hull of your ship to stop or damage another ship.


  • Michalych, the order from the border service to kick them, ram them to damage, fucking, all of them.


  • This is the operations group, Captain Basov, Kerch. Moscow wants to clarify. Who did run foul of the ship? [SF: Moscow is concerned and is acting in response to actions of the Ukrainian naval group]
  • PSKR Don.
  • PSKR Don. On whom?
  • A947
  • A947. Got it. Provide the coordinates. Provide the coordinates where the run foul took place and you are now located.


  • The first run foul – 44°56’0″N 36°30’8″E. Time – 7:35.  The second – 44°56’0″N 36°30’5″E. Time – 7:44. [SF: These coordinates show that the encounter took place within Russian territorial waters]
  • No more run fouls? What are your cooridnates?
  • 44°58’7″N 36°30’4″E
Ukraine Released Intercepted Russian Radio Communications During The Black Sea Incident (Analysis)

Click to see the full-size image


  • We can all together – four of us – to kick one and then the second one.
  • I’m trying but he’s maneuvering. He has got that he’s maneuverable and when I’m approaching him, he’s moving away.


  • We should kick them. We should kick them, fuck. Medvedev is in panic, shouting. I feel that the president monitors all this shit.
  • I know. I understand. There are some attempts.
  • Fuck, lets him into the propeller-rudder, to damage something fuck. Have you tried to hit him by the ship prow?
  • I’ve tried. But he does not let me to come close.
  • Are you trying to flush him by the water fall from your gun carriage?
  • Not, it does not work.


  • We have a collision with Izumrud, seious. [SF: the collision between ships of the Russian Coast Guard]
  • Between our guard ships?
  • Yes.


  • We will be in all reports.
  • So, who would say that will not be fired?


  • Michalych, look, 10 guys with cool physical skills are coming.
  • Ok.
  • They will come to me from above in about 50 mins, maybe in an hour.
  • Ok.
  • Could we take them onboard from Zavetnoe, or from somewhere else, by your boat?
  • No, it’s too shallow there.


  • Sharapov. What orders did you get right now or previously? [SF: once again it becomes clear that Moscow is concerned and is not seeking an armed clash]
  • Shein contacted me, but I would like to clarify: he said to block them, at least the tug. But I’m thinking from where to block? From the northern direction or from the south – out of the territorial waters? [SF: the communication clearly says that the Ukrainian naval group is inside Russian territorial waters]
  • The leaving route.
  • The leaving route?
  • Yes.
  • Wow. We will have t ospeed up and catch them. They are moving at speed of 7 knots. We are following them.


  • Michalych. You were great, you had a great video and your emotions were really realistic. They show you on TV.
  • Come on.
  • I’m serious.
  • You did not see our damages. Shit.


  • I’m working with the tug. The tug stopped, but there are people armed with machine guns. [SF: This means that Ukrainian servicemebers were armed and prepared to open fire]
  • The tug stopped,. People are armed with machine guns.
  • Right.
  • Got it.


  • Kerch, Captain Basov, the operations group. Who did employ weapons, open warning fire?
  • PSKR Izumrud [the Russian coast guard ship].
  • Izumrud, right?


  • I cannot contact Izumrud. There is a mess in the radio communications. Those screaming… the Ukrainians are sinking or what is happening there indeed? [SF: they refer to this ]
  • Did he shoot them? Wow.
  • Yes, halo. One second.
  • I got it.

Later, the Youtube channel of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine released an English version of the radio interception. It’s entitled “Radio communication between the Russian leadership and border guard ships” and also can be found on Youtube.

It’s important to note that this translation is misleading and the meaning of the communication between Russian border guard ships and operations duty officers of the Russian Navy was changed.

For example, the Ukrainian side translated the Russian word “навал” as an “attack” [in the context of the entire translation – attack with weapons], while in fact this means “to run foul of”. This translation is an attempt of the Ukrainian side to manipulate the facts.

The communication record also includes “Medvedev is in panic, shouting” part. Some mainstream media already started speculating that this is Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, Medevedev is a common surname in Russia and the officers are likely refering to some local commander.

Summing up:

The radio communications released by the Ukrainian side confirm the position of the Russian side on the incident. It confirms that the encounter took place within Russian territorial waters, Ukrainian ships were not responding to requests to stop and were performing dangerous maneuvers. The Russian side was acting in response to actions of the Ukrainian naval group and was seeking to restore security in its territorial waters.

The most interesting thing is that the Ukrainian side was capable of intercepting some communications between Russian officers during the incident. Considering the facts included in the communication, it’s highly likely that the leak of this radio communication was preplanned and organized by the Russian Federal Security Service.

The video below shows a small part of the engagement between the Ukrainian naval group and Russian cosastal guards in the Black Sea on November 26:

Russia-Ukraine Black Sea Military Crisis: On The Brink Of War

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stary ujo

What slut Mogerini mix to Azov problem ?! They want really war ?

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Sometimes, a nuclear missile shoved up a big mouth really does solve a few problems.

You can call me Al

If you shove it up their arses (as that is where they talk from), it would at least shut them up.


What did Mogerini said about this? Sanctions are coming?

Tommy Jensen

The world is trying to understand Mogherini. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f0d0da4d1833b035cab39db174d56d1c389346b3107eedb7d80b49ac98d383df.jpg

Just Aman

And so the cover up of the event begins, as the blogger in Kersh said it would. It appears that the entire incident was all just a big missunderstanding…………….. There were never any NATO assets in the area after all,

there were never any Russian assets (air, land, sea, and undersea) in the area other than the Coastguard vessels,

the Russians did not feel the need to protect the bridge with a cargo vessel with submarine cables below it,

there was no race for a dumped ‘package’ in the Black Sea,

the British never sent SBS (Navy Seal equivilent) to Ukraine with an early Christmas gift of the glow in the dark variety,

the US guided shelling by Ukraine of Russian Spec ops routes/positions in Donbass never happened, the pre-planned war footing of Ukraine was just an over reaction, the Russians running to the UN Security Council was a complete over reaction the ‘evidence’ of a provocation to be presented to the UN never turned up. Yea, right.

Nothing to see here folk, keep moving on, next story coming along soon………………..


Ukraine Gambling ! Government Attempts at HOLDING ON TO POWER …DECLARES MARTIAL LAW They Planned it ALL PROBABLY !

Tudor Miron

“Considering the facts included in the communication, it’s highly likely that the leak of this radio communication was preplanned and organized by the Russian Federal Security Service.”(c) Highly likely this audio is simply faked :)


Dear friend, the meaning of “highly likely” in modern English is chequered))

You can call me Al

Sorry “Mod” I was going to slam you there, but you are indeed correct.

Gee SF, I learn a new thing everyday, on this site; even about my native language.


LOL. That one deserves at least 10 upticks!


There’s nothing showing that the Ukrainian navy notified the Russian side prior to entering the contested waters. Which damages the credibility of the Ukrainian side which is reported to be claiming that they were in communication with the Russian side and were following agreed upon protocol.

Promitheas Apollonious

sounds more like a cheap holywood script, rather than how the russian navy communicate between them.


These Ukrainians are just unfortunates, pirates, as you go around the sea in that way, full of ships at the bottom risking a catastrophe. They have to be tried and get 20 years in jail.


Is this the audio tape that Turkey illegally taped in the Saudi embassy in Constantinople? ;-P

In two months the murder tape was never been leaked but now we are supposed to believe that “poof” magically there is a tape that condemns Russia?

Hillary, Hillary…is that you?

Tommy Jensen

This is a State of Emergency. For Ukraine, for Poland, for EU.

Its moment like these, you remember your democracy and what freedom is and how our parents were fighting for Western freedom during 5 long years for our sake, and 54 million had to die to save 6 million.

My mom made lamps in Gulag, and we know this can happen again when we hear the radio communication between Russia and Western moderate freedom fighters in Ukraine. Let it not happen!


Your mom didn’t make shit no lamps no nothing but if she said she did she’s a liar but probably you’re the liar saying that she did.

Tommy Jensen

Too late, you missed.


Hey Ukraine where are the radio communication tapes between ATC and MH17? Why should ANYONE believe you now (or ever)?


You spend a lot of time on this, even printing opinion in the news. but don’t really touch on background. Earlier treaties between Ukraine and Russia did not establish a maritime border, and since the Ukraine still claims Crimea… Russia is building a bridge across the straits for the expressed purpose of solidifying the link with Crimea. Kiev and allies have accused Russia of deliberately throttling the link of Ukrainian ports to the Black Sea. You try to paint Ukraine as causing problems for no reason, but there is a reason for this and it’s to interfere with Russian business, to assert power over as much of Ukraine’s former territory as possible, it’s a way to ensure the continued ability to get ships through the straits, and it’s a convenient way to retaliate any time Russia does something they don’t like. You glossed over how the Russians are using bumping Ukrainian warships as a method of getting them to leave while still looking good for the cameras. So instead of splitting hairs over an “attack” let’s call it what it is, non-lethal force. So who’s manipulating the facts, South Front?


Get real, in war the winner makes the rules. Did the US negotiate with Spain when it annexed Cuba Haiti and the Philippines? Did the US negotiate with Columbia when it annexed Panama? The Ukrainians are lucky that Russia didn’t take all of Eastern Ukraine. The US planned to take Crimea, and they wouldn’t allow any Ukrainian military vessels near their bases, why should Russia behave any differently to the USA?


The US had already issued request for bids to modernize the facilities at the Russia navy base in the Crimea ….. prior to the over throw of the Ukraine government. The modernization included facilities for schools and play grounds for US Military families. Who needs treaties when you have Ukraine Morons.


„Earlier treaties between Ukraine and Russia did not establish a maritime border, and since the Ukraine still claims Crimea…“ … and since Russia claims Crimea…

„Russia is building a bridge across the straits for the expressed purpose of solidifying the link with Crimea.“ Not really. That is YOUR MANIPULATION OF FACTS. And your expression. Russia never expressed that; rather, Russia always expressed other reasons for building the bridge, such as the humanitarian, etc. as Ukraine had blocked the delivery of basic commodities to Crimea.

„Kiev and allies have accused Russia of deliberately throttling the link of Ukrainian ports to the Black Sea.“ Indeed, yet another ridiculous accusation. Actually, have there been any such complaints by the Kievan government? Apart from mindless provocative statements that the Kerch Strait bridge was intended to do that… and whatnot.

Russia did not want to build the bridge, it was Ukraine’s actions which forced Russia to build the bridge.

„You try to paint Ukraine as causing problems for no reason,“ Again, that is YOUR MANIPULATION OF FACTS; SouthFront gives multiple reasons for Ukraine’s behaviour.

It is not “splitting hair over an attack”; “running foul of” and “military aggression” are vastly different matters.

The “Western circus of Russophobic autists” currently “supporting Ukraine” is ridiculous. Calling this an act of aggression is just as absurd, as if a group of cars with armed Russian soldiers entered Ukraine, deliberately ignored all Ukrainian border guard requests to stop, then the Ukrainian border guard would bump one car and shoot into the tyres of the other cars… and Russia would scream that this were an “aggression” by Ukraine against Russia!

John Whitehot

Ukraine has a history of releasing purported “intercepted communications” that in fact are pre-recorded tapes they create to murk the waters.

In addition, they are always looking for that propagandistic feel, “we are able to listen on your comms”, something they must have learned from their zionist master, while actual security services seldom release the information they gather, which is perfectly in line with their tasks and duties.

Based on how quickly they released this “information”, I’m pretty sure it’s just another part of the pre-planned provocation mission they’ve done.

Probably they were hoping for Ukrainian sailors to be killed in the event.

R Trojson

Hundreds of millions will die from Putin’s war, had hoped Russians loved their children too. Unfortunately China’s Puppet Putin only loves Chinese children.


“Putin’s war” exists only in sick heads.


2:01 We should kick them. We should kick them, fück. Medvedev is in panic, shouting. I feel that the president monitors all this shìt.

You feel the president monitors all this shìt …. and you use language like that? Someone should smack you, young man.

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