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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Says It Received HIMARS Precision Rocket Launchers From US

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Ukraine Says It Received HIMARS Precision Rocket Launchers From US

A U.S. Army M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) launches ordnance during RED FLAG-Alaska 21-1 at Fort Greely, Alaska, Oct. 22, 2020. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Beaux Hebert)

Ukraine has received M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launchers from the US, the country’s defense minister, Oleksiy Reznikov, announced on June 23.

“HIMARS have arrived to Ukraine. Thank you to my colleague and friend Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III for these powerful tools! Summer will be hot for Russian occupiers. And the last one for some of them,” the minister said on Twitter.

Reznikov didn’t disclose how many launchers have arrived in Ukraine. Early on in June, the US said that it would supply at least four launchers to Kiev forces.

The HIMARS, which stands for High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, can be armed with a pod of six M30/M31 series GMLRS rockets or a single ATACMS tactical ballistic missile. Ukraine will only receive GMLRS rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers. GMLRS rockets are guided by a GPS-aided inertial navigation system.

Ukraine will soon receive other systems that can fire GMLRS rockets. The UK will provide three M270B1 MRLS launchers, while Germany will supply three M270A1 MARS II launchers. These systems are expected to arrive shortly in Ukraine.

Ukraine Says It Received HIMARS Precision Rocket Launchers From US

Click to see full-size image.

While Ukraine have only now confirmed the arrival of the first HIMARS launchers, the use of the system has been already reported twice. On June 20, the system was allegedly used by Kiev forces to shell residential areas in the city of Donetsk, as well as in another failed attack on Russian forces holding Snake Island.

It’s worth noting that Russia has already warned Ukraine that it will respond to any attack on its territory with Western-supplied weapons like the HIMARS by destroyed “decision making centers” in Kiev and other areas. Washington said that Kiev has promised not to use the rocket system against Russia’s territory. However, Ukrainian officials made many false promises to their backers in the past.


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Joe Bidet Is a Nonce

Those will make a lovely fireworks display when the Kaliber missile hits. Hee hee, more Yankee tax dollars spaffed up the wall!

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Bidet Is a Nonce

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Last edited 2 years ago by CatherineStrickland

Bragging about the shipment arrival, will they also tell us when those rockets got blown up by RF forces..?


Perhaps they already have. Nikolaev/Mikolaev had a lot of missiles sent there.

Work AT Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

It would be more proactive from Moscow to destroy the shipments of such hardware, not when they are already setup in Ukro territory


Easier said than done. These systems are not necessarily arriving fully assembled. The vehicle body and launcher are detachable and can be moved/stored separately. As such, they can be stored in shipping containers of appropriate size. These containers are often mixed with humanitarian shipments and/ send across the western boarder at various locations in small numbers. This makes it difficult to strike until they are stored for later use, and/or being prepared for deployment or actively being used on/near the front lines

Martin Rapavý

Such as by train, mixed between passenger carriages.


The factories, warehouses, offices and HQ of the arms industries. Acts of war, terrorist acts and acts of hostility by foreign governments are not covered by insurance. Those supporting and driving the war will have a steep fall in income and the value of their assets in stocks will dive off a cliff.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

I hope russia blows up all dexision making centers in the west, HUGE EXPLOSIONS!!!!


I’m sure bringing these systems to Ukraine will bring an appropriate response from Russia. Putin the punisher will extract a pound of flesh and then some. There will be justice and it won’t be pretty, but it will be justice for the Nazis.


5.1 million a go only abandoned once a bargain at free. DPR&LPR would like to thank the Ukrainian army (again)and all her philanthropic allies for all donations of advanced military weaponry. Something no one had before you attacked in 2014 Now two of the strongest, technologically advanced armies in Eastern Europe. “never stop your enemy when he is making a mistake”

Ed Theman

Not only 5.1 million, but I heard the guided precision rockets these things fire are like a million dollars each, but they may be the very long range rockets.

The rockets they fire are very expensive.


After destroying them in Ukraine, Russia should destroy them in Syria’s Al Tanf as well.


…En contrepartie, la Russie a reçu deux obusiers de 155 m/m calibre 52 🤪

Last edited 2 years ago by Merdazov

Good news -Russia is turning -OFF- the North-stream pipeline for 10 days -Germany – “we hope they turn it back on “.

Hans raus

Lets destroy imperialistic nazi russia….glory to nato and ukraine


for hansy glory is a hole where you are sodomized by Otis in oklihoma trailer park


Why would any military tell it’s enemy that it has recieved missile weapons from another country? To scare them ? lol More targets for Russia.


Well, this is what Russia gets for such a ineffective , plodding offensive. Their inability to defeat the Ukrainians will now start costing them more lives than would have been lost by actually attacking in a truly offensive style.


amerikantretarditus brain disease—late stage


Sooner or later, one or more of them will be captured by Russian forses as happened with french Caesar howitzers…. Hope to happened soon, these rockets are really new on weapon market.

Hans raus

There is no evidence at all that rus captured CEASAR, if its true then we could see hundreds russian trolls who spam photos of captured ceasar ;)


there is ample evidence you are a diseased senile nazi oklihoma hillbilly


Russia can disable this amerikant trash w radio waves….HIMARS —258 page instruction manual. few amerikants can read above 5th grade level—-perhaps HIMARS will be sold to more literate Africans on the black market


Am I the only one who thinks it’s a good thing HIMARS have arrived and I hope they’ll be deployed on the battlefield soon? Well, that’s because I can’t wait to see them burn!

Last edited 2 years ago by Mariouzs
tommy lgbt sawyer

we spent 5 trillion $ and taliban sodomized us. China humiliated us in Korea…Vietnam made our transgender military into lgbt drug addicts—now Russia humiliates us in Syria and Ukraine….USA #1 loser…we are experts at losing


Bring on the day that the eagle-eyed bear bears down on the UZA supplied Himars.

William White

We know where they are and where they’re gonna be real soon.


Now the fun part, they need to get them to the front lines. With a range of about 40 miles they have to get pretty darn close. Good luck with that.

Peter Jennings

That’s all well and good but the Ukrainian army isn’t trained to use them. It all sounds good on the bbc, cnn PR front but the reality is that these weapons will never hit their mark. They will likely be blown to smithereens as soon as they leave their protected areas, which is usually some innocent municipal building.


ukranian if you read this : WE WILL PUT THEM IN YOUR ASS

flush goes the nation

Two days from now, headline. Russia takes out M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launchers from the US Zippa head Zelenski begs for more.


this American trash easily hacked …when ukies do learn operation more ukie land will be permanently liberated….ukie leaders after many sodomies in Washington bdsm dungeon infected by amerikantretarditus incurable brain disease

Icarus Tanović

When captured will send dozens of these tocLebanon, to good use of Hezbollah.


only 8 rockets. ROCKETS (not missiles) they have no brains these rockets. They are dumb rockets in the same way as a dumb bomb! These are easily intercepted in the air. Also f they get 8 it will cost 8 Kaliba’s to take them out. but i would assume it will be an air launched attack instead. These things are fairly useless. Why? Because they need real air defence to accompany them. Russia has already proved many times they can kill many objects within Ukraine’s air defences from day 1 of this war. This includes Foreign mercenaries in Lyviv. These things will be taken out immediately. Also this might be the very last step NATO can take before they can escalate this war without risk to their own safety. This is why the move in Latvia was made. By the way, russia can stock Kalingrad by sea or just use the small strip between Belarus and Kalingrad which is kind of like a neutral zone. Nobody gonna fuck with Russia. Trust me!

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