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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Seizes Russian Tanker In Port Of Kherson

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Ukraine Seizes Russian Tanker In Port Of Kherson

PHOTO: fleetphoto.ru

On August 10th, the authorities of the Ukrainian port of Kherson seized the Russian tanker Mekhanik Pogodin from leaving.

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) blocked the Russian tanker by claiming that its owner is on a list of sanctions imposed by Kiev. The captain of the vessel said the tanker ships diesel from Turkeminstan to Ukraine under contract with Canada’s Oil Marine Shipping and Chartering, while Unicredit Bank Austria was the cargo manager at the Kherson port.

The vessel is owned by VEB-Leasing, part of Russian banking group VEB and among Russian companies subject to sanctions imposed by Ukraine in May as a response to “Russian aggression in Ukraine”. It is leased by V.F. Tanker. VEB-Leasing as well as the Russian Ministry of transport have declined to comment, as cited by Reuters.

The ship was issued a three-day ban from leaving the port, however on August 15th the vessel’s operating company V.F.Tanker in a statement said that the ship is still prohibited from leaving after the ban’s expiry.

“The three-day ban issued by the port authorities expired on the night of August 13 but on the morning of August 14, when the recipient companies – Maddox SA (Switzerland) and Maddox Ukraine (Ukraine) – once again tried to clear the vessel’s cargo, the customs service rejected their request without providing any comment,” the statement says. “The port authorities issued another ban to prohibit the vessel from leaving the port, citing Article 91 of the Merchant Maritime Code and a letter of the Ukrainian State Border Service. However, there have been no violations in this case that could possibly prompt the port authorities to employ the code,” the company added, as cited by TASS.

The company also claims that the Ukrainian’s Border Service’s letter about a new ban was not presented to the captain. The company also commented that “it cannot be viewed otherwise than a formal excuse to extend the illegal detention of the Russian vessel at the Kherson port.”

“No inspections took place when the vessel entered the port, there have also been no inspections during the four days of its detention, and no claims have been made concerning any violations that the vessel or its crew could have committed,” the statement adds. “The port authorities and customs service have been notified that the vessel’s detention was groundless and illegal and could entail liability for damages,” the company adds. “The port authorities and customs service have been notified that the vessel’s detention was groundless and illegal and could entail liability for damages,” the V.F.Tanker company pointed out, adding that the move was “a violation of the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Arrest of Sea-going Ships.”

Reuters also cited other Russian shipowners, who are not under sanctions have stopped shipping to Ukrainian ports due to fear of losing their cargo. “Of course we won’t go to Ukraine, we have suspended the shipments for now. If needs be, we will be searching for other destinations,” an anonymous shipping industry source told Reuters.

The recent developments have come amid the growing tensions between Russia and Ukraine in the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea.

In May, Ukraine imposed sanctions on more than 700 mostly Russian companies. They include banks, transport, media and defense companies. They are banned from doing trade in Ukraine and their assets and property in the country were to be seized.

On March 25th, Ukraine’s coast guard detained Nord, a Russian Fishing boat in the Sea of Azov, accusing the crew of entering “territory, which has been under a temporary occupation.” Reuters reported that the crew was released, however the boat is still detained as of August 15th.

Ukraine has seized the Russian tanker at the port of Kherson, which is a Black Sea port in the delta of Dnieper river. That is a part of the Black Sea where Russia has not increased in presence in the recent months.

The increase in Russian presence has happened in the Sea of Azov where on March 25th the Ukrainian Coast Guard seized Nord, a fishing vessel under the Russian flag in the territorial waters of Russia. Russia’s attempts to solve the issue of the detained ship and its crew via diplomatic channels were all rejected by Ukraine.

This prompted Russia to increase its presence in the Sea of Azov dramatically, which as of July 27th numbered 40 military boats and 2 small missile ships. With their increased presence, Russia has put under its control all maritime traffic proceeding to and from the Ukrainian ports in Berdyansk and Mariupol through the Kerch strait. In addition to pressuring the Ukrainian government in releasing the Nord and its crew, the increased presence more than likely has the purpose of increasing the security measures in the area after the launch of the Kerch Strait Bridge, which links Crimea to the Russian mainland.

Ukraine appear to be attempting to target Russian vessels outside of the Sea of Azov, outside of the reach of the increased Russian military presence within it. Judging by the response to the seizure of the Nord it may be expected that Russia may lead to Russia making moves to further increase the pressure on Ukraine via the Sea of Azov or beyond.

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Get your natural gas pipe lines completed and turn off the spigot to Ukraine. A few winters without heat will end a lot of ‘sanctions’ imposed by America’s Nazi pals.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Why is this trade continuing between RF and Banderised Ukraine when the Fatso says RF has invaded 1000 times this year alone? Can you explain???


They need the imports and the russian companies need the money.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Why is this trade continuing between Banderised Ukraine and the RF when the very same forces are killing people in the Donbass? Who are those responsible for regarding money more important than human lives? As a British Indian liberal Hindu, I do not find this situation acceptable. This is a dark stain on the RF leadership.

John Whitehot

“As a British Indian liberal Hindu”

As a troll, you mean.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Uh, what EXACTLY do you mean by a troll, dear? Is that something you eat? I asked questions. Do you have answers? Why is this trade continuing? This same oil will be used to produce the diesel in the tanks and artillery that is being used by the “UFO” to attack the Donbass cities. Are you able to answer, or is about time to eat your “troll”, dear???

John Whitehot


“As a British Indian liberal Hindu”

As a real Hindustani then.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

What is a Hindustani, Dear? My birth country is India, also known as Bharatvarsha, so I am of Indian extraction. My religion is Hindu. My mother tongue is Hindi and my nationality is British. My home is London. THE London. What ignorant country are you from, dear? Will it be 2-1 or 3-0 after the Trent Bridge test? Do you even have clue what I am talking about? Whatever happened to Pujara, who used to be the Wall to replace Dravid? You are clueless, aren’t you dear. Here is a movie clip to make you feel better, dear!

John Whitehot

“What is a Hindustani”

It’s in a movie.

I suggest you watch it, perhaps you’ll learn that years ago there were real actors and directors in Britain, which could actually make people laugh because they were good, and not because they were a joke like your kind.

Besides, not knowing about Hindustanis pretty much proves how stupidly clueless as a troll you are, next time do your homework.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Do you get all your “information” from the movies? Utterly clueless! I feel sorry for you, dear! Grow up!!!

John Whitehot

your reply is like the moment, in the movie, where the hero is discovered wearing a cronograph in 19th century India and speaks the famous line:

“Oh my God”.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

I suggest you watch Star Trek from the 60s to improve your brain cells.

John Whitehot

don’t need many brain cells to uncover bellingcat style trolling.

in any case, i watched them all – the original Star Trek is the only Star Trek that exists in my universe. the following series don’t even deserve to be called the same way.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Go to the sites that the US/EU/NATO gangsters run. That’s where you belong, with the other MASSIVE IGNORANUSES. What are you doing at RI?This site is free from US/EU/NATO gangster thought control. Arse-lick the US somewhere else, BOY!

John Whitehot

you bellingcat types really are living jokes. but it’s like that, traitors never go up, they can only go down.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Go the your home, that is the sites run by the US/EU/NATO gangsters.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Your view of the 60s Star Trek is absolutely correct. So, how did you turn our to be such a US/EU/NATO slave? Too much Romulan ale? Is it still banned?

Brother Ma

True. Only Startrek worth its name!

Brother Ma

The Party starring Peter Sellars as the bugling Indian.

AM Hants

This might interest you, with regards ‘Why’.


‘…On August 10, the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) blocked the Russian vessel at the port of Kherson, saying that its owner had been blacklisted by Kiev. The vessel’s captain said earlier that the tanker was shipping diesel fuel from Turkmenistan to Ukraine under a freightage contract in the interests of Canada’s Oil Marine Shipping and Chartering, while Unicredit Bank Austria was the cargo manager at the Kherson port…’



where do you get your news from? I do not believe you are legitimate.

Promitheas Apollonious

british indian…………. mentally challenged you mean.

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

Do have the answer to my question? What are these RF tankers doing in Banderised Kherson in the first place?

Promitheas Apollonious

you asking me to speak both. on behalf of the russians, as well the ukrainians. And about something I dont know what you referring to.

maybe is better first to explain your self and what you saying then make questions and no judging from the level of your awareness, i dont think I agree with your line of thinking, or I dont understand what you trying to say.

John Whitehot

thieves are going to steal.

Manuel Flores Escobar

This is an act of piratery…so Russia should to block Ukraine port until the vessel can leave Kherson!

Tudor Miron

Ukro nazi never fail to amuse me. After their stupid move in the Sea of Azov they got effectively banned from there and their maritime traffic is reduced drastically there. It seems that they insist that same thing happens to them in Black sea. Russia still see Ukrainian people as our brothers and is not willing to harm them. Yet the Khazarian Kaganat that captured Ukraine keeps provoking hostility between us. Gumilev describe original Khazarian Kaganat as himera state – where the body (people) of the state have one religion and habbits and its head is completely foreigh in terms of religion, ideology and habbits. Ukraine became Khazarian Kaganat v3.0 but that ugly parasitic formation will be destroyed as it happened to v1.0 and v2.0.


Pootin will not do anything that his master Satanyahoo …does not instruct him!! Nazi Ukraine will continue to harass the Russian vessels and get away with it!!!

Tudor Miron

How’s weather in Tel Aviv?


The Russians held snap naval maneuvres off the western coast of Crimea and shut the Kherson port to all traffic for three days. An augmented Russian ‘presence’ in the western Black Sea could restrict Ukrainian trade.

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