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Ukrainian Forces Tested US-supplied Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles (Videos)

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Ukrainian Forces Tested US-supplied Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles (Videos)

Ukrainian troops are using a Javelin ATGM

On May 22, Ukraine tested its Javelin anti-tank missiles for the first time since the weapons were received from the US on April 30, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko wrote in his Twitter.

“This defensive weapon will be used only in the case of the Russian offensive at Ukrainian forces positions”, Poroshenko pointed out according to the Ukrainian news agency 112.

The Ukrainian President said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine had passed all the necessary trainings to use this weapon. He stressed that the Javelin anti-tank missiles had showed their high-potency.

Poroshenko thanked US President Donald Trump, US Vice President Mike Pence, US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for supporting Ukraine and accepting the decision of the Javelin anti-tank missiles delivery.

On November 14, 2017 the US National Security Council provided a reference for a plan to deliver lethal weapons to Ukraine in the amount of $ 47 million, including the Javelin anti-tank missiles.

In December 2017, Washington approved the delivery.

On March 1, 2018 the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification of the delivery of military support through the U.S. Department of Defense’s Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to Ukraine. 37 command launch units, 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and a few Basic Skill Trainers were included in the delivery. The abovementioned was delivered from the US Army possesses.

The turnkey contractor of the delivery was a joint venture Javelin company of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

On April 30, the US State Department corroborated the delivery of the Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine by a few flights of military transport aircraft Boeing C-17.

Ukraine is not the first recipient of the Javelin anti-tank missiles among the former Soviet Union countries. For example, in January 2018, Georgia received the first batch of these anti-tank missiles.

According to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2018, Washington provided $ 350 million for the provision of military support to Ukraine.

On May 7, Chairman of the US House Committee on Armed Services of the US Congress Mac Thornberry released his proposal of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019, which provides $ 250 million to be allocated for Ukraine’s security, including $ 50 million for the provision of defensive lethal weapons.

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It’s working. Next they’d sell them in black market and replaced it with lookalike knockoffs.


Asking myself, too how many will land for “good dollars” by the many “M@fia”-like gangs around Ukraine

Dr. Pro Liv

It makes you cry when you think that they are not going to use them all against your “DONBAS-warriors” whom you pretend to LOVE SOO MUCH !


Any hardware of serious value in Ukrainian military is subject to pilfering of stocks and offering on black market – from officers and bureaucrats.

Dr. Pro Liv

Ukraine in this shape and form is deeply corrupt ARTIFICIAL country and failed state. Created from ethnic Russians-Russo-phones and the others… There is no such thing as Ukrainian culture or people apart from Russian culture and people.They are not separable. They have lived for CENTURIES together and Kiev is cradle of today’s RUSSIA.* Ukraine can only fall apart as dysfunctional country.


And on the other side of the front, Russia cancels S300 delivery to Syria because of objection of its “partners”…

Dr. Pro Liv

And how do you relate those two things? What Ukraine has to do with Syria?! There was no “canceling” of anything….They only had in consideration of giving that as GIFT to Syria. Syria would be much better of with much more BUK M2 systems than with S-300.


Don’t try to minimize the issue: On one side the USA DELIVER JAVELIN anti-tank missiles and on the other side Putin still tries to marry his enemies. The question is, said more directly: IF SYRIA doesn’t get the weapons it needs, what do get the DONBAS-warriors?…

John Whitehot

bullshit. the relevance of the two subjects is comparable only in obnubilated minds.

in fact, the javelins change absolutely nothing in ukraine, except the amount of debt the already defaulted country owes.


It does have connection. It is about principle of how you treat your allies, and how much you respect/are afraid of your adversary. I don’t think that US treats UKR as an ally, better as a cannon fodder and useful idiots, but that’s another story.

Every open and public weapon delivery by US to any Russian-opposed forces is direct spit in the face to Moscow. On the other hand, Russia seems always restrained and concerned of what would US or ISR say, their beloved “partners”.

Just for the record, i’m not a trigger happy gung-ho, who would like to see RU-US shooting war, because that would rapidly escalate to a termination of all of us fellow humans.

But, can you imagine, back in 2003 RU jets flying around Iraq and bomb at will some areas, and pro-US forces, and at the same time arming Shia militias that will kill US soldiers? Meddling in US campaign? And all that time giving a shit about coalition complaints?

I am really looking forward for East Euphrates liberation campaign to kick-off, after pest-eradication in Daraa, and sincerely hope RU will not disappoint this time with their soft approach, because everyone sees it as their weakness, not politeness.

John Whitehot

it doesnt have any connection if it takes more than two lines of text to explain it.


Yes, i know, it is too demanding… Reading is an advance human skill, that distinguishes us from other primates…


You Smrda are the result of the intentional ‘Primate level ‘ of education, funded by expensive loans at the higher level of mediocrity.


Florian Geyer, the overeducated british commie, putins asslicker:


Dr. Pro Liv

and who is that fat pig? you?! you should change your name on FatPigCraptor !


pulp fiction. who writes it for you?


You are correct it is ‘ bullshit ‘ indeed.

Russian doctrine today works on the basis of ‘consequence and need ‘.

US/ NATO doctrine works on the basis of ‘ want and bugger the consequence’s ‘.

The results are usually chaos and rejection.


The actual russian doctrine is tha same as was in ussr. the same, loser shit.

Dr. Pro Liv

The only thing I do not know if you are Muslim or Jew My bet is you are JEW writing from Israel probably. You are definitely not German. You pretend to be pro Assad yet something is missing and you are only pro Assad to be ANTI-RUSSIAN

Perfidy of your comment is impressive = TALMUDIC ! I have impression talking with the Devil incarnated. I just deeply believe one day Muslims will eat you alive.

Ajdin Aksoy

This website is full of retards accising people to be jewish as soon as they start criticizing Russian policies in respect to Israel’s role in Syria and Putin not selling S-300 to make Syrians defend themselves

These idiots are either Russian delusional bots, or the real hasbara trolls

Dr. Pro Liv

Being Turk you are “retard” by birth

Ajdin Aksoy

Shut up troll

We have real discussions here, not elementary school insults

Dr. Pro Liv

How come your all comments are on elementary school level? OK you go away and leave adults to talk

Nice peace of read rug you have there ;-))



i blocked him and lot of such idiots

Dr. Pro Liv

Here you have dog from US that calls himself veloCraptor that is wagging his tail at you. Have “serious” conversation with him you ErDOGan’s fart ! Maybe you should sniff and lick his anus to make friends with him…dogs like that


” Shut up troll ” .

Those few words are soooooooooooooooo typically Jewish Ajdin :)


fuck theresa may! :DDD

Dr. Pro Liv

Like John have already mentioned those Jevelin’s militarily speaking have NO IMPORTANCE AT ALL ! They will change NOTHING in UKraine It is U.S. and Pronosheko’s P.R. stunt with NO IMPORTANCE !

So finish it “Putin still tries to marry” WHOM ?! Putin still tries to marry Bibi maybe? You do not even know what “weapons Syria needs” You all can’t stop that bullshit mantra about S-300..

“DONBAS-warriors” ha ha ha ha and you are 100% ANTI-RUSSIAN and you call them “DONBAS-warriors” like you care about them!

Very sly bitch…that’s what you are. You can be even MEN from MARS but you are NOT pro Russian you pretend to be…Not even pro Assad

Maybe you are TURKISH BITCH since one have just assisted you?


Problem with all these guys is, they are always ready tp fight America to the last Russian…not that they themselves are willing to do the heavy lifting. Many of these guys are NOT pro Russian, they are anti American.

Dr. Pro Liv

My problem is that…. I was thinking like you. But lately…..now… Now I start to think for some of them that they are ANTI-Russian pretending to be pro-Assad, pro-Iran or anti-American just to have excuse or platform from which they can attack Russia for whatever reason.

ANYTHING GOES as long as it is ANTI – RUSSIAN !

And that tactics is VERY intelligent and VERY COORDINATED lately because comes from everywhere! They are pushing Russia into full war in Syria against NATO also! Just look at that Jihad bastard from article above with not usual Jihad BEARD attacking Russia to working with ISIS ! And HE IS ISIS !

The West is starting to use NEW tactics of ATTACKING RUSSIA WITH PROPAGANDA with objective to drive wedge between Russia,Assad Hezbollah and Iran ! And Russia is vastly underestimating Western propaganda effects that can have very bad consequence on everything. This all game smells on Israeli idea because only Israeli are intelligent enough to come up with good ideas like this. Just like war of Shia and Sunni was Israeli idea. US are hopeless when it comes to that. US foreign policy in Arab world is catastrophe!


“Don’t try to minimize the issue:” no issue. just remember 2+2=4 and not 5 like you keep insisting. lol

John Whitehot

“And how do you relate those two things?”

the connection is

“we are paid to bitch about Russia at all costs”. Doesn’t matter how stupid one may sound, there are even stupider people listening to them and unlimited amounts of nicknames. it’s a win-win situation, except that they ‘ll lose anyway.

Dr. Pro Liv

Well explained….Finally I can understand people like him. The smaller character the bigger mouth.


apples and oranges. do you know the difference?

Dr. Pro Liv

he works for both…. you can pay with the eggs, bacon and such…. as well


Unlike your momma, you shouldn’t pay her at all…dr.PROLIV (serb. – diarrhea).

Dr. Pro Liv

Listen NATO or Jew bot I do not know what the hell are you talking about. They sure do not pay you enough so you can’t even make one sentence that makes sense.


I think that it is really disgusting to call someone NATO paying bot, whose country was brutally bombed for 78 days 19 years ago… Others dare to call me anti Russian?!?! Damn you, people, Russians are our Orthodox brothers, Slavic brothers, we are same blood, same nature, same temperament… I have my own right to be sometimes pissed off with Russian lack of showing balls sometimes, which they surely had. Russia is now supporting my country in many political and economical spheres and i highly appreciate that every day, but somehow wherever was a “close call”, they somehow let us down the drain… There are many examples through history… And i see the same scenario happens right now in Syria! So i hope this clarifies you my opinion which is sometimes in the contrast with yours approach to this issues.

Dr. Pro Liv

OK point taken But you are very much PRO-Israhell also. Why is that?! Because Israel have defended you from Gerorge Soros or bombing of the Serbia or something else? All those neocons behind bombing Serbia and their expansionist policy were US Jews. Doesn’t mean that every Jew is bad but it does mean that it is the Jews that prevail in this aggressive US vision of the world .. — Russia is country like any other with sanctions and lots of other pressure on them at the moment. Not everything that they do is to their liking either. Some of their moves is the best what they can at the moment some are forced by the circumstances. Whoever see Russia perfect will be disappointed because they are not perfect. But they do not have bad intentions either and it is not fair game to imply that they do. Russia in Syria was just fighting Jihad ( not US,NATO or Israel) Russia in Syria is not fighting for Assad or Iran keeping power forever. They just want peace so that Jihad doesn’t spread to Russia. Liberating whole Syria should be problem of Syria not Russia


I’m not pro Israeli as well, feel free to review my previous comments on them. And i definitely understand US-ISR connection, and i will always wonder how a 350M nation let 1,5M minority to lead them into so many adventures and crimes against other states. And i’m sick as well of western hypocrisy regarding Israeli actions, Arab casualties (they are not even worth mentioning in media – where are your Palestinian flags on your fucking Facebook profile pictures, where are yours Je Suis Palestinien…) We were in the similar situation, satanized on all zio media, in Hollywood ministry of propaganda etc. So only we, and similar countries, could truly understand Syrian people’s suffering and frustration. It hurts a lot when you look up to the skies and helplessly watch that redneck cowboy asshole poisoning your nature with depleted uranium, and to have Russians with all of their fancy missiles standing beside and repeating “yea, we don’t give a fuck, kill them all but don’t touch our units, or you’ll be heavily CONDEMNED” I mean, they are arming terrorist, who are killing RU troops with US or ISR weapons. The same with UKR and Javelin, why is it matter who pulls the trigger? If it isn’t matter, then give Syria that fucking S300, and show the world that you are truly a superpower and no one could dictate your foreign policy! Serbia have to ask NATO for every single bullet we intend to export (we have great weapon industry, though). But this is RUSSIA, man!

Dr. Pro Liv

You remember that Russia have walked over killing of their Ambassador in Turkey, shooting down of Russian bomber by Turkey and killing of Russian pilot and one marine soldier and destruction of Russian helicopter by pro-Turkish militia and all that practically in the same period of time.

If you know all that why are you not mentioning all that? Why are you so selective to label Russia in the BLAME-GAME?! You accuse them of everything that crosses your mind but you do not want to see that they also sustain casualties and walk over all that without major conflict! Specially IF they find the reason that tells them that it is better to avoid the conflict. So why would Russians not do that with others if they do that approach with their own casualties ?!? Or you think that starting wars is the only way to resolve any problem?

It is not that they neglect Serbia or Syria or Iran. They have relations with those countries and when they have obligations towards them they try to fulfill them. But apart from that Russia follows Russian interests also. In general people BY FAR EXAGGERATE the obligations of Russia towards Syria and specially Assad. To keep Assad in power was not at all one of Russian objectives. For them it is primordial to kill all ISIS Jihads and bring peace to Syria. And to keep those Russian bases safe. Attacking Israel was Iran’s objective and liberating whole Syria and Golan is Syrian objective. Russia is not their servant and Russia will not be manipulated (like Israel does with US) into any conflicts with US-NATO and Israel. Unless of course they kill Russian soldiers and similar… Russian missiles are not there for bringing universal”JUSTICE” in the world but to above all reduce domination of US and NATO in the world. When and where that is possible to be done…

Tudor Miron

It took them 3 weeks to figure out how to fire this thingy?


LOL! Astia-s o gramada de redusi mintali, îi bat niste kolhoznici si mineri rusi. Well, if the Americans train ALL their Allies like that, .. that’t good news for the Russian Army ;)


Overall inventory delivery inspection can take weeks. To ensure that no missiles or CLU damaged on transit.


or stolen


The moujiks in Syria did not figure it up how to use their own CCCP AA systems to fire against IAF :D for years in order to protect their ally …

Tudor Miron

Get lost zio. You guys don’t even realize what you’re doing for yourselves. It will be too late for ya.


Ja ja ja…. But the fact remained: the moujiks sold they soul to Netanyahu for 30 silver coins. So cheap is putin to take the money, to invite Netanyahu to parade and then to watch the IAF crush the donkey fu#kers. Which was good btw ;).

Tudor Miron

Shlomo, tell this nonsense to those with your level of brain failure :) Was it Putin participating in Jew parade or other way around? Was it Putin giving honor to Jewish heros (were there any in your history?) or was it the other way around? Are you aware that Bibi is leading you to the slaughter?


Shithole moujick miron strikes back… Wtf dude? Are you stupid or what? Maskirovka rings a bell to that shit between your ears? While Netanyahu was giving the shekels to that whore putin, he was also planning and giving the order to IAF to strike :D . To strike the putin allies; which he allegedly FAILED again to protect them from the IAF divine hand :D . So much about the russian honour; so much about your uber weapons oh shit (which fails and fails and fails in tests :D ). If the israeli coughs; russian force in Levant is good for body bags (just like those 100+ mercs in eastern Syria). So pls is time to update the propaganda bulls&$t …

Tudor Miron

Harder creature, harder! :) Earn your shekels.

Rakean Jaya

You’re conflating everything, it was US not Israel who attack SAA convoy (with Russian embedded) in SE Syria. You’re in deep frustration as Bibi Milowkoswy has, since Israel plans in Syria have been ruined by Russia/Putin.


Here come another goat fu$&er. I was talking/referring to about the “heroism”/”honour” of the moujiks as well as their skills; which put them in bodybags. If you do understand, please go and study that trashy coran but you are not going to get brighter, but viceversa. Israel plan ruined? You must be dreaming, when Syria unfortunately is 50% in ruins so it’s going to take a long time to recover. When the trashy fakestanians are getting what they deserved and everbody agrees that they are the cancer of the middle east, I do not think that Israel it’s in a bad situation. Because in the end, it’s muuuuch better for Israel to have Syria under Assad than those crazy freedom fuckers of coran. But you have to think….

Rakean Jaya

Poor frustrated man, incoherent reply and seems just follow the wind.


Yo shittie… I just try to explain to that stupid brain between your ears. So pls go a tarsh thorugh toilet that shit book koran and start thinking….

Dr. Pro Liv

Those are bear cubs you AmeriCunt twat. And…. Where is the second part where comes their mother and eats the dog?!

How come we haven’t seen any “invisible” Israeli F-35 “Flying brick” coming even closer to Rusian bases. What are they afraid of?!

Concrete Mike

Bwahahahaha why are you guys so hung up on some failed airstrikes. The situation on the ground is Syria is winning. These airstrikes are nothing but a mosquito bite. An attempt to distract and to escalate. Syria is wise to not take the bait…unlike you and your friends.


yup. you were not able to save the staff of Kursk at your shore. You are zeros.




So do Russian tanks have a defense for this threat?


Infrared jammers. It can home in on Line of sight command mode but that would put the operators in line of sight range. Well frankly speaking these system were redundant.

John Whitehot

reconaissance and artillery. you can have the most advanced atgm ever made but it will not change a thing in a real war if you lack any organization and training (like the ukrainian army for the next twenty years or so). stop thinking in terms of lance vs armor. war is a matter of vertical levels much more than horizontal.





Dr. Pro Liv

Of course they have! Do you think they wouldn’t have bought them for Syria if they didn’t?! The things is they will NOT be used against tanks because Ukrainian army is attacking Donbass (and they are all dug in !) and not vice versa. So what the fuck they are going to do with those missiles ?! Shoot the bunkers with missiles that cost FORTUNE !?!

chris chuba

Funny, when I saw the Jihadis fire their TOW’s they always fired them in a straight line to hit them in the side hull, presumably to ignite the ammunition but these guys were firing them high in the air to hit the top of the turret. Is this a technique that would be more applicable to taking out defensive bunkers during offensive operations?


Our missiles are guided by Allah (swt), so you cannot compare what the kuffar do with what the believers do because it is vastly different. And Allah Knows best, while you not.


ISIS weapons are ‘guided ‘ by drug crazed criminals who fight for Israel.

S Melanson

If Allah knows best, given the fortunes of ISIS over the past couple of years, we can conclude Allah’s plans do not include ISIS.


The newest ATGM’s are designed to hit the top armour of tanks where it is thinnest.

Dr. Pro Liv

true, some of them are designed exactly for that


Send the weapons to lSlS, If you really support us America prove it with actions!

Hide Behind

I live in USA, am not afraid of bloodshed, pain or misery, as long as it is not mine, family or close friends, which means that my own government is my main threat to guard against. While the majority, 60%, people’s of US standard of living keeps declining those 40% that are parts of our political and militaristic supporters wealth grows daily. What does that have to do with Ukraine, well the 40% does not realy sell arms they are given away to foreign interest, and the payments come from U S treasury to the domestic producers, out of our tax pockets. Yet in reality the US is bankrupt and borrows hundreds of billions from mainly Asian and European banks,;US just pays interest on the loans. While you Eurocentrics talk of how vicious and barbaric US is, it is your Euro nations that are financing through buying US treasury notes its ability to war upon world’s poor. To stop this killings ongoing throughout world it is only through your nations can it be done. For in US we are not afraid of bloodshed, pain, children and old dying , as long as it is not being done to us.

Dr. Pro Liv

EU should be called EWU “European Wimps United” aside of East Europeans that are part of EU there is nobody there in Western EU to “fight”… Actually there is….Muslim emigrants. Only they still have balls left for fight but for Islam only and Eu can expect massive riots in few years time max. Or some kind of civil wars in countries like France, Belgium, Germany etc. If massive Muslim emigration continues this planned DEMOGRAPHIC DISPLACEMENT of population.

Hide Behind

Demographic Displacement; You are so dead on when the future is so blatantly obvious and is already ongoing and not just in Europe. In the US we have seen , ever since Iraq war over 3 millions of “legal” immigrants from nations who ally with US war making. Last 10 years as US increases its Africa takeover we have 1.8 millions from African nations alone, all whose leaders buy weapons from US. We hear all manners of hat speech from media, politicos and dumb as rock red necks against Mexicans, while ME Islamic s and African immigrants set up enclaves and demand everyone accept them but stay away from them.

Dr. Pro Liv

We are in so different but so similar situation. Our political elites do not like us at all and have very bad plans installed for all of us.


“it is your Euro nations that are financing through buying US treasury notes its ability to war upon world’s poor.” ??


great military formation feet spread like ducks. these guys are scary, aren’t they.

“The U.S.-made FGM-148 Javelin is one of the premier portable anti-tank missile systems in the world. It’s also an expensive piece of kit, with each missile typically costing more than the targets it eliminates.” https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/javelin-the-american-militarys-ultimate-tank-killer-17895

“each missile typically costing more than the targets it eliminates.” MIC will love this one

Dr. Pro Liv

“with each missile typically costing more than the targets it eliminates.”

IF “eliminates” !

S Melanson

Yes, a nice new fancy toy. It will make a fine addition to the existing deck chair arrangement on the Titanic (Ukraine).

888mladen .

Those Ukrops and NATO Nazis had a lucky day that Donbas militia hasn’t used UR-77 for clearing the minefield.


They’ll find better use for these than those drones we use to give them.


That’s what was used to hit a dissident APC, emplaced in a defensive earthwork, last week. The ‘top-down’ attack of the javelin requires a new defensive paradigm.

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