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MARCH 2025

Ukraine: The Fakes of Anti-Russian Propaganda

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Ukraine: The Fakes of Anti-Russian Propaganda

Written by Manlio Dinucci. Originally published on Global Research

The New York Times published on April 4 a satellite photo, dated March 19, showing a street in the Ukrainian city of Bucha strewn with corpses. The photo, disseminated by the mainstream on a global scale, was presented as evidence of a “war crime committed by Russian troops in Ukraine.”

A technical examination shows that the satellite photo was not taken on March 19, when the Russian troops were in Bucha, but on April 1, two days after they left the city.

The exact date and time of the image were calculated by the SunCalc program, based on the Sun’s angle of inclination above the horizon and thus the direction of the shadows. In the satellite image published by the NYT, the Sun’s angle is 42 degrees. This means that the satellite photo was taken at 11:57 GMT on April 1.

Examination of the photos of the bodies by a forensic expert uncovers several clues to a staged event.

Other well-founded doubts on the official narrative of the “Bucha massacre” emerge from the same chronology of events: on March 30 the Russian soldiers leave Bucha, on March 31 the mayor of Bucha confirms this and does not mention any dead bodies, on March 31 the neo-Nazis of the Azov Battalion enter Bucha, on April 4 the satellite photo with the corpses in the streets is published. Moreover, instead of preserving the bodies in order to examine them and ascertain the causes of death, they are hastily buried in a mass grave where they remain for days. They are then exhumed to open an “investigation” and accuse Russia of a “war crime”.

Other technical evidence demonstrates the falsity of the official narrative of the Kramatorsk massacre, attributed to Russian troops. The serial number of the Tochka-U missile that hit the Kramatorsk train station on April 8, 2022 is Ш91579 (in Russian). This serial number marks the stock of Tochka-U missiles in the possession of the Ukrainian Army. Only the Ukrainian Armed Forces have Tochka-U missiles. Russia has not had them since 2019: they have all been deactivated. The Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics do not have and have never had Tochka-U.

The direction of the cone and the tail section of the missile that landed on the ground near the Kramatorsk train station clearly shows that it was fired from the 19th Ukrainian Missile Brigade, deployed near Dobropolie 45 km from Kramatorsk. Previously the Ukrainian Armed Forces used Tochka-U missiles of the same series — Ш915611 Ш915516 — which were launched on Berdyansk and Melitopol. The same missiles were used against Donetsk and Lugansk. On April 10, two days after the Kramatorsk massacre, the Ukrainian Army launched two cluster missiles of the same Tochka-U type: one against Donetsk and one against Novoaydar (Lugansk People’s Republic).

This article was originally published in Italian on byoblu.

Manlio Dinucci, award winning author, geopolitical analyst and geographer, Pisa, Italy. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).


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Why do people write obvious propaganda stuff? Why don’t they just tell the truth?isn’t it obvious to them?why not? Who is the greatest empire right now?Why don’t they want anyone to know?What are they hiding from? Join the dots. Why are they always telling everyone America or China or Russia are rhe 3 big boys The beastie boys?Who is bigger than each of them?Why are they always accusing others of being communists and socialists? What does common wealth mean?


A prediction! Given: Russia can not lose against Ukraine, at least it will never admit his lose ( see the Moscow and Mariupol all because of Nato) The Russian propaganda must maintain victories and reverse all loses as victories, but the unrealistic hilarious propaganda is becoming more and more to be great joke. A reasonable person ( opposite Putin) capable to inform him self from both side can no more then smile with it unreal claims. So Russia is thinking ; we can not lose from Ukraine but if we lose from the mighty Nato it is no shame and we can tray to sell to be the victim. So next fase we will refer to Nato as or enemy and not to Ukraine!


The only way Mariupol to be liberated is Shoigu to give a new ultimatum


The prince of this world is satan. Since his rebellion and the great war in heaven, he rules our world and is the MASTER of deception, disguise, masquerades, false accusations and false flags. Propaganda does not necessarily mean lying but usually it does, certainly from the UK and US. Propaganda sends messages to us, mainly those are the good guys, those are the bad guys. Particularly this is done with regard to war. In Russia’s case, they are clearly fighting against those who really are the bad guys and they only need to reveal truth. As so few of us get to hear truth and only hear the deceptions, we really need to have an entertaining debunking of those who spread the deceptions. Make our media and news presenters, our politicians and spokespeople into objects of RIDICULE, who we actually LAUGH at for their nonsense. This will help us to see and understand and as we laugh, we will be able to accept truth and discard lies.

ruin moscow

slavs are dogs


MEN RIGHT ONTO YOU MONGREL BRED SODOMITE PHAEDO PROTESTY MAGGOTS. THE THING IS WHO DOES THIS MAGGOT THINK HE WAS CALLING RUSSIA NAZIS? What a dumb,let me tell you something else,the only nazis are protestys of the vaticans (period)



are you another one of these scandinavian scum whores ? USArael’s pet

Michigan Man


Michigan Man

Come on you liar, it is very much speaking for itself that none of you hysterical Kremlin poodle fanboys here, did ever put forward a list or at least a number of the civilians killed in the mystical 8 years of hellish bombardment of Lugansk and Donesks areas. So again, I challenge all of you russia putin-poodle fan-boys here !!! Tell me: WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS ??? How many civilians killed in this 8 years ? 500 ? 5000 ? 50000 ? 500000 ? Nobody of all the russian trolls here can give numbers – but they claim it was very bad, high, high numbers of course, but when it come s to the numbers … uaaa .. wait .. no. No numbers. Very convincing these putin fanboys. Just lies, hate, russian propaganda and lots of empty air in their heads.

And then look at what the russian invasion caused in Ukraine ! 3 Mio refugees, at least 30.000 – 50.000 plus dead ukrainians (civilians and soldiers combined) , half the country destroyed etc. etc. And also 15.000-20.000 young russian soldiers KIA. For what ?

So it is very clear that Putin is a filthy war-criminal who needs to be executed big time !

Peter The Ungrateful


How is that for your “list”, troll?

jens holm

You are right and wrong. Its a facts since 2015 that many Russian/Russians has been killed or herassed. Its a fact it not only has been real fightings. They are hit by heavy artillery.

I have no ideas abaout numbers. I will say very random addinge and subtracting toes and fingers it might be between 500 and 1500.

So Your nothing is much more then nothing.

Its horrible to try to compare. It is the Russian/Russians and the Ukras being the stubbern one. The Russians are assisted at least some by Putin.

As written before those regions should have been voted back to Russia. It makes no sense to keep that Krustjof adding. Its a typical Russian thing. They can say the Russian minority and rescue them and take over.

It also dont make sense Ukraien got Ukraine. Russia anytime should have kept it but with Ukra bases for their navy, tade fishing.

But by that they also should be compensated for those three landskapes. It makes no sense any can be that stubbern.

It is Ukras, which are the main sinners. They hardly has tryed to keep Minsk 2.

But what Russia has done is much worse. Its desperation of the worst kind.

I can only give an advice. You kill Leaders like Putin, if You cant vote them away. That gpes for several american Leaders and others too.


Thousands died during and after the coup in 2014. These were the good guys who were unarmed or the lawful police services, trying to do their best. Agents provocateur fired from behind the police and they fired from behind the protestors. This was a violent armed orchestrated coup, using the CIA and UK special forces and the NAZIS. The peaceful unarmed protestors, who were protesting about the coup, they were murdered after the Ukrainian president had to flee for his life. The Donbass regions have been persecuted and civilians murdered since the coup. About fourteen thousand unarmed civilian were murdered. See Patrick Lancaster and find an unedited Oliver Stone documentary on another site other than You tube. Censorship against the truth has gotten Oliver Stone removed from You tube.


In this case the anglo-saxon’s are cats! Losers!!!

Michigan Man

Both is bullshit, just jews want to instirr hate and play christians against christians to make us slaughter each other. All of us (including also large part of todays US population which moved to US from central Europe), from the northmen (today called scandinavians),to the germen/germans to the rus are more or less ancient Viking folks and tribe remnants of these ancient glorious cultures and societies.

No need to split that into Western Europeans, Easterners (Slavs) etc.that is just what our enemies want in order to force us against each other. We need to wake up, go to the weapons and defeat the real enemies of mankind which is the ugly hook-nosed jews and their world-wide power-structure, and take back our belongings and our eternal rights and re-establish our souvereign realms and states, independent and free from these disgusting brute of smelly litte parasites ! That’s what we ought to do !,

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man

are you canadian with a dad called Felix?

the end

Better being a dog, than a Nazi.


Ukranian and Russian women are hot! I hope a lot of them immigrate to the US.


US has already taken 12 refugees from Ukraine

jens holm

They we seen at Gibraltar 12 days ago.


unlikely… their skin is to white.. US prefer poo skins so to mix and end whiteness.


They would avoid you at the first sight of your staunch except they whom swallowed nazis,yuk!


true, but they dont like big fat dumbasses, the usa is all over full of.

jens holm

Globalresearch is an “anti-Western” website that can’t distinguish between serious analysis and discreditable junk — and so publishes both. It’s basically the tankie equivalent to Infowars or WND.

While some of GlobalResearch’s articles discuss legitimate humanitarian concerns, its view of science, economics, and geopolitics is conspiracist — if something goes wrong, the Jews West didit! The site has long been a crank magnet:

If you disagree with “Western” sources on 9/11, or HAARP, or vaccines, or H1N1, or climate change, or anything published by the “mainstream” media, then GlobalResearch is guaranteed to have a page you will love.

the end

From anything that comes from west, I prefer reading Inuit weather forecasts.



Took the nazi maggot greeko katolick out,what you get for trying to divide the truth,good fkn riddance!


Maybe. But what is strange that there are corpses on the street where there has been heavy shelling? At least one of the corpses was from a man that was walking with a biscicle and surprised two Russian APCs covering the flank of a retreating Russian column. With all the losses the Russians have suffered from panserfaust and NLAWs, is it strange that they fire when an odd looking pedestrian suddenly appear around the corner?

I cant evaluate the veracity of that satellite image. But it is only relevant if any of the corpses it depicts looks like they are from people killed execution style. Otherwise they might as well be from mistakes such as that of Russian APC or from Ukrainian shelling when area was occupied by Russians.

Peter The Ungrateful

The shelling started at the evening that Russia had announced to withdraw from the region as a sign of goodwill in the negotiations in Turkey. The UkroNaZis started pounding the area as if there was no tomorrow.


In other reports shortly after the bodies in Bucha had been “discovered” there were mentions of heavy shelling in the southern part of town right at that time of the Russian withdrawal. Somehow I get the impression the UkroNaZis did that on purpose because the town needed to look devastated and the Russians had not caused enough damage to make their (Kiev’s) point that they “indiscriminately target civilians”, so their own military “corrected” the picture.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful
jens holm

So what about the 799 others?

The smelling in the southern parts is gas. Putin has gas.

jens holm

The Russians was there for 2 weeks. There are mass graves and even a torture rooom in a basement.

So its not about shelling. two old people were not able to burry their family. They took carpets over them, so the dogs cpould not eat them.

Its revenge killing. Thats how I see it. The Russians had to retreat.


A prediction! Given: Russia can not lose against Ukraine, at least it will never admit his lose ( see the Moscow and Mariupol all because of Nato) The Russian propaganda must maintain victories and reverse all loses as victories, but the unrealistic hilarious propaganda is becoming more and more to be great joke. A reasonable person ( opposite Putin) capable to inform him self from both side can no more then smile with it unreal claims. So Russia is thinking ; we can not lose from Ukraine but if we lose from the mighty Nato it is no shame and we can tray to sell to be the victim. So next fase we will refer to Nato as or enemy and not to Ukraine!

opet ja

In few days Russians will take all land east of Dnieper river, maybe Kharkov will be left for stage 3 or 4. In stage 3 or 4 they will grab Odessa. So there is no way they lose this war. Ukraine will seize to exist in its recognized borders.

opet ja

Probably in weeks or even months. But still the same.

Michigan Man

Yes, indeed maybe you are right and that’s the Putler’s mindset right now.

They need to sell their shit to their russian inmates, which they need to believe in it, in order to maintain this silly war. The moment the russian men, women, mothers and fathers say: Njet ! That moment it is over for Putler’s great conquerer ambitions. And already most are fed up with the Kremlins lies. And russian soldiers are going home deserting, leaving their equipment behind or selling it, maybe they will even file for asylum in Europe en masses within the next months. Kremlin already needs foreigners to prop up the all-to-visible deficites of its own military. Also the fragging-numbers (russian soldiers killing their own officiers and commandants) is skyrocketing right now. It is no coincidence that russia lost that many generals and top-officiers and commanders in this so-called military campaign. As both sides use russian and in part soviet-era weapons. Therefore, it is very easy for russian soldier to frag/kill their higher-ups/commanders and then claim it was done by the ukrainians.

War is definitly not going according plan for the russian side, that’s for sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
jens holm

Nice predictions

opet ja

https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html Can you comment this. It seems Russia lost an armor army already.

Peter The Ungrateful


Florian Geyer

The Fog of War is an ageless description of Propaganda.

However, the US/UK/Ukie propaganda is better described as ‘The Cocaine Fog of Bullshit’.


Who is going to believe somebody who lies constantly? Who is going to trust someone who constantly breaks trust? Perhaps it would be worthwhile for Russia media to concentrate on how many times the US and UK and EU have lied and to expose all of their lies. It can even be done in an entertaining way. Many a true word was spoken in jest. The clowns and fools from centuries past, they would send the King messages through their foolery. Let us laugh at the deceivers and deceptions and let that laughter turn our politicians and deceivers into objects of RIDICULE. This is an important part of fighting back against satan and his deceptions and our enemies with their malintent. PLEASE Russia and please media, comics, actors and script writers, do this for the entire world. Sketches, short drama pieces, put together can be very entertaining, make them send the messages that simple folks need to hear, that the brainwashed need to hear, that ALL of us need to hear. Debunk the lies, point out the inconsistencies and the hypocrisy. Show us the deceptions from throughout history. Also CLIPS of quotes from persons such as Faucci or Bush or Cameron can be used, in text or in clips of actual footage. Debunk the deceptions.

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