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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Unveils New Suicide Drone (Video)

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Ukraine Unveils New Suicide Drone (Video)

Screengrab. Via Twitter.

On February 12, video footage surfaced online showing the first successful launch of a new type of Ukrainian suicide drones.

The drone was reportedly developed by the National Aviation University in Kiev. In the footage, the drone, which is powered by a back propeller, can be seen taken off from an improvised launcher mounted in the back of a mini truck with help from a rocket booster.

Military experts noted that the suicide drone is similar in design to the RZ60 aerial target, which was first unveiled by the Ukrainian firm Ramsay in 2021.

The RZ60 has an operational range of 300 kilometers and can carry a payload weighing up to three kilograms. The new Ukrainian suicide drone will likely have similar specifications, if it was indeed built around the aerial target.

Kiev forces have been using suicide drones since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last year. While some of the suicide drones employed by Kiev were built from commericall-avilable drone kits and off-the-shelf electronics, others were built around Soviet-made Tu-141 and Tu-143 jet-powered reconnaissance drones.

In addition to these suicide drones, Kiev forces recivied hundreds of small loitering munitions from its Western allies, including Polish-made Warmate as well as American-made Switchblade 300/600 and Phoenix Ghost.

Ukrainian suicide drones pose a real threat to Russian military and civilian targets. The threat covers the special military operation zone as well as nearby Russian territory.

Kiev’s drone program is thought to be supported by its Western allies, who are apparently determined to improve Ukrainian long-range strike capabilities. In the face of this threat, Russia will likely reinforce its early warning and air defense network within and beyond the special military operation zone.


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1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

“reinforce its early warning and air defense network” is a defensive/passive action. What are the concrete offensive actions against it (e.g. bombing NATO shipments targets)?


Perhaps Russia can flip the government in Ukraine and launch drones against terrorists in Europe with impunity.

Guy Metdrapedes

How does the National Aviation University even exist in Ukraine? Russia needs to actually start fighting or just go home.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

a 100% fact! I totally agree


This whole thing seems more and more like a dog and pony show. You don’t fight a war to be nice.


v1 wunderwaffe vibes


This drone look primitive and noisy.


OMG, that hurt my ears! Is that what I deserve because I didn’t donate to SF.org?



What ? You didn t donate ? Shame on you – how could you not donate half your country and all of your money and soul to such a lovely little dwarf like Mr. Putin, who lied into the face of the russian soldiers, saying: ” You’re going onto a trainings-mission NEAR the ukrainian border”, when in fact he sent them OVER the border, directly into the ukrainian meatgrinder !

Whatever ..

One main problem most russians (likely due to the massive communist state propaganda) still not understand is that, even though indeed, Germany, without being occupied and oppressed by the Americans, would be the natural partner of the Russian Federation – and both together would be an economically and military superpower, there need to be some particular things in place first to enable it to happen. One is – and this is the important point which the media-brainwashed russians don t understand – of course Germany, and even Europe in a whole – need to be free and truely souveran first in order to make a true partnership happen.

Therefore partnership on equal face value is needed, nothing else will function. But that’s not what the still communist Russia government is planning for. They instead want to take over Europe, same as Stalin wanted to do, and install brutal communist dictatorship, and then rule over these places by proxy governments, which is in fact the exact same thing which the American are doing now. So in fact Russia doesn t want to make friendship and good cooperation with the european nations, but wants to conquer and dominate them. (and lots people – not only in Ukraine – know that!)

And the sadest thing is, that an equal face level partnership would indeed be possible, and in absolute favour of the german and the russian people. But the communist (in fact jewish-) rulers of todays Russia, and the fake european, fake democratic rulers of Germany and Europe in a whole (in fact mostly jewish puppets and collaborateurs) as well as the US capitalistic rulers, who are also the current occupiers of Europe (in fact jews) are of course against it. As they to not care for german or russian, nor ukrainian or whatever other people or races but jews. Apart from the fact, that they (jews) want the other nations and races to cease to exist, and exterminate them so much that only a small amount – of such a size they need as slaves to serve the jews – stays alive as eternal subhuman genetically manipulated (mRNA modified resp .degenerated) slaves. Which are also called “imps” (Impflinge) like in the future forseeing videogame “dungeon keeper” where the tyrannical dungeon keeper commands his hellish realm and slaps his subhuman “imps” at will and makes them work for free all the time.

But most europeans, including germans and poles haven t got this situation yet. They can t see this truth because of all the jewish western media propaganda. And the same goes for the russians – who in exactly the same way – still do not understand who their real enemies are, due to the constant eastern jewish media-propaganda which tells them “it’s the Nazi’s, it’s the USA – so we ought to (against all international law) invade all none pro-communist countries and “de-nazify” them”.

These jewish belligerent media-hate instilling, western and eastern ones (as in the USA it’s the same phrases and speeches just in the other direction – telling that USA needs to fight Russia, China and in fact all none-pro USA countries -according to the dogma “Who’s not for us, is against us”) are in fact the source and the cause for the current stupid wars, and the degenerated mindstate of most people in Europe and Russia (and USA as well). And this mindstate is what made it possible that now again german tanks are again going to fight against russian ones, and also that christian Russians were misled to invade their christian brother-nation Ukraine and slaughter each other, on the behalf of jewish governments and leader on BOTH SIDES !

I am against all this war-shit, but to stop it, people need to wake up first, and realize who’s behind it ! They need to wake up and realize who their real enemy is !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

@Hip & Darius

Just look at the initial SF articles wording. Quote: “The threat covers the special military operation zone as well as nearby Russian territory.”

They are even so hypocratic and routine-liars that they not even calling this obvious war, a war. But at the very same time are claiming that USA and NATO are fighting against Russia. So by logic, how goes that together ?

Don t you see this illogical inconsistancy in their propaganda rhetoric ?

Don t you see the hypocracy of Putin and SF, folks ?

USA fucked up the Russian interests globally since years and years, and still Putin always fabulated about “Our american partners” blah blah.

Then now we have the largest war in Europe since WW2, much bigger even then the 1992-96 Yugoslavia war, and still hypocrats are labelling it not war but “special military operation”.

So from this alone, everybody can clearly see the character of these politicians and the persons supporting them. They are crooks, evil morons, hypocrats of the most evil sort, despictable scum of the earth, which no human being needs ! Nobody needs such lying trashbags ! (Same goes for the whole Biden administration and the EU commission, jewish Zelensky government, Israel government, China communist government etc. too, of course !)

Shoot them on sight, I say. All of them !

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
Dick Von D'Astard

Real issues with NATO AWACS, ISR and ISTAR/SIGINT assets being half-in on the conflict. Perhaps Russian aerial forces could use them as U.S. led Nato provided aerial shields in protecting their own strike aircrafts and cruise missiles?

The UK is a terrorist country killing civilians

This just in: Over 250 Ukrainian Nazis have been demilitarized by Russian forces in Donetsk direction — And up to 100 Ukrainian Nazis have been destroyed in Krasny Liman direction. And we are talking only about Sunday.


So we won. Not yet? Why? Are we waiting to land on Mars or what?


You’re lame, go help your ukranazis on the frontline.

jens holm

I anderstuud haw to ,manipulate the laiks her in SF.Look at me . I great. Rusticas bad .now I haker too

Lenin the Disgusting Mummified Face

The Russian soldiers are so pathetic they might just as well throw themselves down a cliff while they’re at it. Their deaths would be more merciful. It’s a Russian slaughter what’s taking place in the name of a deranged human cockroach called Vladimir Putin.


Can’t you clowns do better than parrotting US Bogeyman propaganda tropes? How many dead Ukrainian military personnel since the US overthrew your government in 2014, Ihor?

I eat Gestapos for breakfast

These guys are rappers from Donetsk: https://vk.com/video-22167015_456239088?list=0b8c7e91f790594362

Last edited 2 years ago by I eat Gestapos for breakfast

Tak toto je už ozaj hrozba a to veľmi reálna. Sú totižto ozaj reálnou hrozbou!!! Tiež je na zamyslenie v ako štádiu tento program je. Či sú schopný masovej výroby a kde ich chcú vyrábať. RF by preto mala urobiť patričné opatrenie a to vypnúť celú Ukrajinu!!! Tým zabráni tomu, aby Ukrajina dokázala vyrábať tieto samovražedné stroje.


Yet no side have drones that return to base and get a new payload to drop….stoneage

Natalie Biden was 13

Russia has such drones. Go educate yourself.


Russia lost the war with Ukraine. Nato and USA provided Russia with enough time to back off and leave Ukraine forever. Now, with long range missiles Russia will get its own medicine…

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

One more Wunderwaffe? I am getting bored of your useless Wunderwaffen. Z 333!

Last edited 2 years ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

National Aviation University in Kiev has become a high value military target. As well as buildings around it. No, the AFU won’t be able to mass produce this stuff, not faster than China can.


I read all posts and automatically come up with a summary consensus. For now the consensus is that “Russia is winning and will fulfill the objectives until the end of the conflict”.

Holy war against the fascist horde song WW2

333 Z for victory against Nazis youtube.com/watch?v=KCq0tOf-e6E


The pervert pedos, trannies and rapists from the UK could be conscripted to fitght in Ukraine. The Russians could have fun eliminating them.

Erase my post again and again...

A hotdog launcher off the back of a truck would be more impressive. Why is it, every new Ukrainian home brew ‘wonder weapon’ appears on the back of a crappy pickup truck? I tought the mighty Rothschild was funding this NAZI shit show?

Sissy Nigger

It is because they have a simp for e-whores as their commander in cock😆😆😆🖕🖕🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🖕🖕🖕🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

Stinging Metal

Russia should use a grid of aerial balloons that looks for drones and ground targets. But more importantly, drones.


RUSSIA!!! Nuke the motherfuckers!

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