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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Wants To Draw Germany In War: German Ex-Foreign Minister

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Ukraine Wants To Draw Germany In War: German Ex-Foreign Minister

Global Look Press / Mohssen Assanimoghaddam

Ukraine has tried to draw Germany into a war. former German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told N-TV broadcaster commenting on the recent tensions between Ukraine and Russia in the Kerch Strait area.

“I think that in no case should we let ourselves be drawn into a war through Ukraine,” he said, adding “this is what Ukraine has tried [to do].”

In a separate interview to Tagesspiegel newspaper, Gabriel noted that Germany “should not be drawn into a war against Russia.”

Just a few days earlier, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called on NATO states to deploy warships in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov as well as asked Berlin to provide military assistance to Kiev.

“We need increased presence warships from Germany and allied nations in the Black Sea to send a message and deter Russia,” Poroshenko told Funke media group.


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I am glad that they are getting it.

Promitheas Apollonious

what choice do they have not to get it? german economy, is very depended on russian gas.


Hey Promitheas. Logic is not always part of the process. It usually puts a smile on my face when I see that it is being applied..

Jens Holm

Its both ways. Russia would very fast collapse, if they didnt have that income.

Promitheas Apollonious

it is obvious from your posts you live on the planet called loulou land. Dont stress too much your single cell.

Albert Pike

The German Green Party doesn’t need to be drawn into it – they try since years to involve them selves into any conflict possible – especially Ukraine, and receive financial support for it by George Soros: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/03/22/germ-m22.html

Jens Holm

Its time waste to read and comment things like that at all. Putting in Zoros in it makes me laugh. hahahaha.

Facts are that many hoped for investments in Ukraine coukd help them and us. But we almost only see thing drown i corruption and old systems.

But I can joke about George. If he is a jew as You probatly prefare he is, and he has left Turkey, there is nothing left in Turkey to steal :)

Albert Pike

If it is a ‘time waste’ to comment then why are you doing it?

Are you a son of György Schwartz, or a member of the German Green Party?

‘Investments in the Ukraine could help’ – have you ever been there?

Jens Holm

Danes as well as probatly the rest of Western Europe is very well informed about Ukraine in all details about every little part of Ukraine.

That includes a non censured History book from “ancient time”.

Vikings mainly Swedes made the Kiev State. Novegorod was a vinking/slave/ mix Governess as well as Russia are named by the Slavic name for Vikings.

We traded through there by the big rivers and had well known contact to Byzans. Thats included, that well descriebed and named vikings were lige guards there as well as the payments were in silver by coins a a lot of expensive things.

So buzz of You little illitarate Nilling Nutworth Dwarf.

Its also about who talks in the article. People like them hardly are in their parlaments and he is retired.What a big voice in the big picture.

Like our less then 100 real nazis her at us represent the whole country or vegans did.

Albert Pike

The ‘little illitarate Nilling Nutworth Dwarf’ has heard of the Kievian Rus, and yes – he knows all about the slave trade, but I have no idea why any one would like the old frankist and kapo George Soros and even defends him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YeThpbBGNQ8&app=desktop


Actually Ukrainian government tries to get everybody (not only Krauts) in war against Russia. While in the same time Porno-shenko tries to get every Ukrainian sucker to war against Russia. U.S. tries to get Ukraine and E.U. in war with Russia and U.K. also… Poland and Baltic NAZI countries try to get U.S. in war with Russia.

So bottom line of all that is like saying: We will get those nasty Russians, YOU go first and we will cover your back ! But nobody has the guts to do it!

Jens Holm

USA dont try to get Ukraine as well as the rest of Europe into war. Much better to see Russians collapse themselves again.

You say, that Ukrainians, Baltics and others are not allowed to defend themselves, because then Russia cant take their colonies back as before WW1 and after WW2.

And why is Crimera russian ? Under hard figtings the muslims there has been killing in many, many 1000 as well as deported twice and the leftovers are not even today allowed to move back.

Thats the Russian rights hip hip.


U.S. is the only country that will “collapse” in their arms race with Russia and China.. China is industrial Super Power (unlike U.S.) and Russia has much better bang for buck than U.S. when it comes to the new weapons. So both China and Russia have huge advantage to bankrupted U.S. when it comes to arms race.

Huge majority of people in Ukraine REJECTS NATO! Ukrainians are SLAV and have absolutely SAME ROOTS as Russians. They are the same people with same history with no need to fight each other. The only reason this artificial conflict exist is because U.S. has sponsored NAZI’s from Western Ukraine that are not Slav to take over power from democratically elected president. Baltic’s are NAZI and totally unimportant to Russia. Why is Kosovo Albanian and not Serb ?!? Why U.S. have created by force 2nd Albania after the aggression on Serbia?! If U.S. can destroy countries all over the world and create new one, so does the Russia have right to accept referendum of ethnic MAJORITY Russian’s to join Russia by their free will. Crimea was NEVER part of Ukraine because Russian parliament never ratified decision of communist dictator Khrushchev to give Crime to Ukraine!


What a great piece of shit, he wants to block the north stream and asks for German ships in the Sea of Azov. How come these unholy servants exist in Europe?

Jens Holm

Its not forbidden to ask.

Jens Holm

Western support to Ukraine is based on needed changes, and we are so disapointet. That dont say we prefare Russia being there and Ukraine unprotected at all.

Liberation of Ukraine was to support Ukrainian people to raise from the collapsed Comecon – not to support “Petro Poroshenkos”.

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