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MARCH 2025

Ukraine War “News Fatigue” Consolidated As Concern For Winter Grows

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Ukraine War "News Fatigue" Consolidated As Concern For Winter Grows

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Cost-of-living and energy crisis replaces Ukraine War headlines.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Although the West conducted a huge media campaign against the Russian military operation in Ukraine to legitimise backing Kiev’s authoritarian regime, a new study has found that people are experiencing “news fatigue” and are no longer as interested in following the war, unlike the first few months of it.

Six months is a near eternity in geopolitics – elections, financial and energy crises, natural disasters and even celebrity scandals have occurred and slowly began replacing Ukraine war headlines. An Australia-based academic has attributed this to “news fatigue”, meaning that media consumers in the West are no longer finding the situation in Ukraine as interesting.

“It happens with any news coverage of major events, particularly with explosive news and things that are traumatic,” said Steinar Ellingsen, a Norwegian who lectures in journalism at the University of Wollongong and has studied the news fatigue phenomenon. “I think there’s a pattern when the new cycle moves on after the first wave, and then particularly the further geographically away from the conflict you are, the quicker the interest pales. With distance, time and resources, and budgets drain very quickly.”

Euronews reported that a sense of fatigue for any particular story is a two-way street, which explains why that audiences can grow tired of seeing the same topic every night on the television or plastered on the front page of newspapers on a daily basis. From the perspective of media organisations, the war in Ukraine was not anticipated. Dedicating entire news team to focus exclusively on Ukraine became a huge expense which inevitably influences other news coverage decisions as well, like potentially having to scale back on reporting important domestic events.

According to the managing editor of Sweden’s Expressen, Magnus Alselind, “the public and the media only has room for one big story at a time. So four or five years ago people were talking about immigrants, then Greta Thunberg and the climate crisis, then Coronavirus, and after that, here in Sweden, it was crime shootings, then the invasion of Ukraine.”

For his part, the University of Wollongong lecturer said that research shows how media consumers “binge” initial coverage on major events but quickly lose interest.

“The drop-off is notable because it’s too overwhelming, and by that time the news has already established that things are dire. Sometimes a media strategy, when something starts to fade, is to give it more coverage, more details, but that’s not always successful,” Ellingsen said.

According to the academic, media consumers are now more interested in rising food prices and increased fuel costs. The irony of this is that a lot of these issues are related to the anti-Russia sanctions imposed by the West for its military operation in Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been active in trying to manipulate Western sympathies and identifies the importance of media appearances. However, maintaining interest is now evidently a difficult task as Europeans are instead asking how they can survive the cost-of-living crisis with winter now fast approaching. Despite his many speeches to governments all around the world, as well as ongoing public requests for financial and military support, the domestic policies of countries will take precedence over Ukrainian interests for domestic political reasons, especially if a country has upcoming elections.

As data from Google shows, the war in Ukraine has already been shifted out of focus for most Google News users. After a peak in interest when the war broke out in February, search popularity for ‘Ukraine’ on Google News has almost returned to pre-war levels, with the sharp decline in interest beginning in the middle of March.

Although the Norwegian professor attributes this purely to “news fatigue” and not necessarily a lack of interest, it does not account for the anger felt in many countries, especially Germany, to the economic crisis caused by reckless anti-Russia sanctions that are now beginning to affect the EU much more so than Russia. As inflation grows, along with rising energy and food costs, all directly attributed to sanctions against Russia, this so-called news fatigue phenomenon will only increase.

Journalists and reporters initially flocked to the Ukrainian capital of Kiev or Lviv near the Polish border, but eventually they started returning home and were replaced with colleagues in the field, before even they were withdrawn. Most information is now coming from Ukrainian sources. Westerners for months have been questioning the validity of such information after multiple humiliating exposes were made against Ukraine’s organised fake news campaign – Ghost of Kyiv and Snake Island being the most prominent.

Regardless of the reliability of news sources, the initial enthusiasm that Westerners had for opposing Russia at the beginning of the war has been replaced with a deep sense of concern and realism as the summer has almost passed. The winter is fast approaching and will seemingly be accompanied by an inevitable energy, financial and cost-of-living crisis. News fatigue has certainly been consolidated.


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Assad Defeated Zionists

They will lose more interest after they learn that Zelenskyy’s counter-offensive cost like 2,000 Ukrainian deaths and like 100 destroyed tanks. A complete waste for no gain whatsoever. Hopefully il pagliaccio Zelenskyy will eventualy face justice à la Benito Mussolini


The Russian MOD isn’t even reporting the inflated numbers you are.


The west really is prepared to fight Russia to the ladt I Ukrainian, why can’t the yulies see this, that they are being used…..

Truth be Told

I’m sure there’s a Polish joke or two that flipped its turret, blindly wandering around on the Ukrainian steppe, in there somewhere.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth be Told

Let the EU freeze!


Kiev’s Kosher Cocaine King Elensky looks high AF in that picture. You can see his big hooked nose getting ready to be powdered at taxpayers expense. Time to end this madness and save what is left of Ukraine.

It absolutely is the Jews

When the masses are trained to have an 8 second attention span, the elite Jews should be happy the goyim have paid attention to the war for this long. What can their Jew agents in Ukraine (Zelensky, Denys Shmyhal) and in America (Blinken, Nuland, Soros) do to get the goyim interested? After all, they need to have them mostly dead so then Jews can move in and buy up Ukraine, pennies on the dollar and fuck the remaining Ukrainian women.

Donald Moore

Some of it might be news fatigue, the other is no matter what lies the West promote the truth is getting out about Zelensky and the people are now wondering why they should go down with a corrupt drug addict government!


I dont watch mainstream media so have a difficulty knowing what those who dont research alternative platforms are being told.

Karl Pomeroy

I read AlJazeera. They’re good on some topics, like Palestine and Julian Assange, terrible on Russia. But it’s from AlJazeera that I get a feel about the MSM slant on Ukraine.

Ashok Varma

Al-Jazeera is run by British and is a Wahhabi outlet hostile to Russia and the Zionist free world in general. It is like the BBC factory of lies that manages it.

Truth be Told

Best you get it secondhand when alt-media exposes it as the fantasies of deranged minds. That’s what I do.

Like today, I heard Doug MacGregor expose what a Biden brown nosing POS Petraeus is when he imitates Westmoreland on camera: ‘We’re winning boys, honest – we’re winning.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth be Told
Stephan Williams

People aren’t suffering from “News Fatigue”. They’re simply tired of being lied to.

Once they learn they’re being lied to they tend to shut off the source of the lies.


The reason for the fatigue is the narrative the “reporting and coverage which is classic (if it bleeds it leads ) WAR PORNOGRAPHY !!!


Hard to sustain interest when every time you express support for Ukraine you are smashed by reality, that huge populations don’t support Ukraine and many are not fooled by the lies. People want action, that want news, excitement, entertainment and with the woke agenda destroying film, tv and our entire lives we are increasingly switching off.

Brownnosing BoJo

Nothing is abandoned in America faster than a loser. Well, maybe a leper but they have leprosy pretty much under control.these days.


OH BOY…The great failure of the AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine) counteroffensive in Kherson yesterday!


Brownnosing BoJo

They’re lucky they weren’t TOSed out of their trench.

Uncle Ho

Zelensky enjoy tossing salads of old men in London at parties

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Yes, mummy invited him.

zeke family BBQ

1200 more azov chervek enriching ukie soil for Russian farmer

tommy sawyer

CNN reports ukie victory—ukies now occupy Kherson Tomsk, Mariupol..you can only trust US media—

How to Spin a Flop

CNN: Ukrainian officials say military operations to retake Russian-held areas of the south are underway, with a presidential adviser saying their forces have broken through Moscow’s defenses in “several” areas of the front line in the Kherson region.

Let’s see how they spin it tomorrow. I’m really curious now.

Tommy Sawyer

CNN reports WMD in Iraq, USA now victorious vs taliban ukies now occupy Moscow and 2 eskimo penis in my anus

I came, I saw, I skedaddled home

“Broken through” with broken tanks. The rest skedaddle back to Poland’s war saw for resharpening.


The west has “News Fatigue” because ukraine is loosing. And nobody likes to back a looser

Mr H0wl3r

Very tired of listening to the media talking heads. Cut to the chase. That means consolidate news statistics and play your fluff under a different format.


When the public finally wake up and realise there government and msm have been living to them they’ll be even less interest in sending money and arms to the nazis

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