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MARCH 2025

Ukraine Would Be “Just A Warmup” For Washington – US Strategic Command Head

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Ukraine Would Be “Just A Warmup" For Washington - US Strategic Command Head

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US’ real goal is to neutralize Russia and China, which it sees as threats against the unipolar global order.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

According to a US official, the Ukrainian tragedy appears to be just a “warmup” in the face of challenges Washington will see in the near future. US Navy Admiral Charles Richard, head of US Strategic Command, recently stated that his country has been preparing for prolonged conflicts with Russia and China.

Since 2018, Moscow and Beijing have played a central role in American international strategy, being seen as threats to the US-controlled world order. In this sense, major confrontations are expected, with the current conflict in Eastern Europe being a mere initial stage of this period of tensions.

Richard explains that the US would be entering a “great power competition”, in which the disputes with its two biggest geopolitical rivals would become intense. For him, Russia and China are the leaders in a process of overthrowing the American project for the post-Cold War world – and Washington seems really willing to take drastic measures to prevent the Chinese and Russian plans from materializing.

As head of the US nuclear arsenal, Richard analyzes the current global situation with concern and seeks realistic solutions to problems. The commander claims that the US is about to be “tested” in a very serious way. He believes that in the face of new dangers the quality of US military forces will not even matter, as there will simply not be enough resources to carry out US involvement in these conflicts. Therefore, Richard defends a rapid and effective reformulation of the American defense and security strategy, which adapts the country to the new geopolitical circumstances.

“We have to do some rapid, fundamental change in the way we approach the defense of this nation (…) This Ukraine crisis that we’re in right now, this is just the warmup (…) The ‘big one’ is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested in a long time (…) It isn’t going to matter how good our [operating plan] is or how good our commanders are, or how good our horses are – we’re not going to have enough of them. And that is a very near-term problem”, he said during a recent interview.

Indeed, Richard seems pessimistic about his country’s ability to reverse its position in the power competition scenario. Currently, Washington is already behind China in terms of missiles. Beijing already has a new generation of ultra-long-range cruise missiles, in addition to a variety of ballistic missiles and hypersonic weapons, in the face of which the US has no equivalent equipment.

In addition, the Chinese armed forces also have warships equipped with radars capable of detecting stealth aircraft, surpassing the potential of the American F-22 and F-35 fleets. Also, as far as space warfare is concerned, China seems to grow much more than Washington, with the Pentagon having several times expressed concerns about the modern Chinese system of fractional orbital bombing.

Although such data are not enough to say that China is “overcoming” the American military power, they point to a scenario of Chinese growth in war technology in front of which the US, with so many internal and external problems, does not seem able to respond with equivalent progress. Washington remains the main military power but has fewer and fewer intermediate weapons preventing the use of the nuclear arsenal, which makes the situation quite tense and worrying, since in the face of eventual intense and prolonged conflicts the US will quickly tend to resort to the use of the extreme force.

It must also be mentioned that during the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, the US encouraged an irresponsible escalation of the conflict by supplying Kiev with weapons, including modern long-range missiles, but they did not achieve any success in their objectives, as Russia continues to maintain absolute control of the military situation. For this reason, the West quickly escalated the rhetoric, appealing to clear nuclear blackmail, worrying the entire international society. The case accurately illustrates what may happen in any new conflict situations – such as a possible Chinese intervention in Taiwan, in which the US would certainly send weapons and mercenary troops to support Taipei.

In fact, Richard’s analysis is supported by the recent US government document establishing a National Defense Strategy focused on Russia and China as central adversaries in a major global competition. The US is willing to use all its resources to prevent emerging nations from questioning the unipolar world order. And, in this sense, regional conflicts, which could be resolved quickly without foreign interference, are prolonged so that Washington “warms up” and “tests its strength” for the new “challenges”.

Faced with the emergence of Multipolarity, the best thing for the US to do is simply accept it and adapt to it, consolidating it as a regional power and abdicating any role of “global police”.


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Adm Richard is right. The Ukraine war is a US warm up, and it’s losing, which points to a bigger defeat against China and Russia. Time to negotiate… oh, I forgot, the US is unable to negotiate.


JGarbo is speaking facts

Vlad the Goat Fucker from Rumania

1. Nobody is attacking US. This old fart is disoriented and has Alzheimers.

2. US does not have any Army for 50 years already. Draft was discontinued in 1973.

3. They have only dumb and lazy rogue mercinaries high as kites on roids, HGH and coke.

4. Correct old term for mercinaries is fiefs.

5. Fiefs are not needed for nobody in US since nobody is attacking US.

6. Fiefs are just trying to justify thiefing by some dellusional bullshit about defending freedom for thiefing.

7. But fiefs do not have any control projection left.

8. Fiefs ran scared shitless from Afghanistan.

9. Everybody saw how scared shitless fiefs were of unarmed crowds in Kabul airport. They scattered disorganized like cockroatches in my the kitchen when I turn the lights on.

10. Fiefs do not have any organizational capacity left.

11. Fiefs only skill left is circle jerk and doing LGBTQ++++ human centipedes.

12. Hypnosis does not work anymore.

13. Back to the Stone age and you better run into you caves, cockroaches!

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad the Goat Fucker from Rumania
The Begin of Barbarossa OP's End.

The author of the article is correct on his observations.

God Bless Russia 🇷🇺

This proves the US military is for the elite and not the American people.


Your final paragraph is a mouthful, which I am not in disagreement with, however, since when has the US ever considered what the best thing is for them to do, or accept, and adapt to unless it is in their interest alone? They are hegemons and there is no other thing that describes their mentality. This also includes it’s minions such as the EU governments et al, and sadly the government of my own country Canada. The working masses of the world are the only hope for humanity and they must be awakened.

William White

Rare to hear the truth from a Yank.

Captain Hohol

” For him, Russia and China are the leaders in a process of overthrowing the American project for the post-Cold War world – and Washington seems really willing to take drastic measures to prevent the Chinese and Russian plans from materializing.”

At this point this is literally nothing more than the americans trying to push neomarxist fag-tranny politics and Russia and China saying “No we don’t want that, please fuck off”.

Thankfully for the rest of the world, I’m confident in saying that the “big one” is actually going to be a civil war in the U.S that both China and Russia will be happy for, as well as a number of other nations.

There won’t be a unified United States of America after the civil war, it will literally be the same dichotomy that you see between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, where the latter is basically what democrat states will become only far more horrific in some respects, as a result of a coalition of red states going full-McCarthy and barring anyone who is of a progressive bent from participating in their political system.

Last edited 2 years ago by Captain Hohol
Buford T Jutstice

These American blowhards are in for a rude awakening.


The Anglo American system of control is over just look at the midterm elections and the 2020 US elections to see how desperate they are even their own people know it

Western Defector

The way I interpret what this admiral said is:- “Russia is not acquiescing to US NWO demands and therefore is a threat to business and must be destroyed.” USA could likely win in Ukraine because the USA is fully prepared to kill millions of civilians in order to do that, while Russia is not.

Russia knows this but Russia also knows that the USA will be the bigger loser in a Nuke war. Since nukes are the most likely way to for Russia to defend her own existence – Russia will nuke the USA in the most devastating fashion. The ball is in the USA’s court.

Last edited 2 years ago by Western Defector
USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

In order to “have enough of them”, THEY SHOULD HAVE CULTIVATED ALLIES. Instead, USA were bussy creating enemies!

The Earth is quite limited, were could you find allies after you bullied, invaded, robbed and threatened everybody all around!?

Build robots?! There should have been an industrial background for that… and they exported it to China 😅!


‘SEND MERCENARY TROOPS TO TAIWAN’ ….. ROFL …. they would not even get the chance to land in Taiwan before it is all OVER. ROFL in your dreams USA you have been already surpassed by Russia and China and now that Iran has hypersonic weapons they are even in front of you NOW lol. =Z=


Les than 10 nukes is enough for a MAD strike to destroy both US coasts.

Dick Von D'Astard

U.S. is currently running govt budgets that are unsustainable. The military spending is unsustainable.


The yankees are druged by there own “virus”. Covid comming out off Fort Dietrick Marryland in 2019, was a test to look how quick nations can be neutralised. The world is asking what they were doing in the bio-labs in Ukraine. Now Russia and China have devloped ant-virus, and probably a big stock of virusses to spread over nato and yankees. US dreaming off global power……..never !!!


So China would like to kill its biggest market? Why? China is waiting for Russia to fall – Siberia is already Chinese…

Pamfil Military Academy

This man already discovered now the warm water !


Now, after Putin admits defat in UA, the next step for US and NATO will be divided Russia


i think next crisis will be over very fast, … no russia, no planet….


LOL so really only a warm up? says a white headed moron who seems to have forgotten how his “brave” man run away out of afghanistan like headless chicken, scared to death from a few thousand talibs with rusty ak47.

Mexican American 🇲🇽

The relationship between the American people and the U.S military, how strong is it… well it’s no secret who they really serve and protect the so called deep state elites.


Just a warm up to getting their wanking twinkie totally cut off.


The US is a criminal psychopathic bully. The rest of the world needs to join forces to destroy the US and its vassals.

I think most Westerners still don’t realize what is going on. They still consume their daily propaganda and think they are the good guys, when in reality they are the same old racist, imperialist scum they have always been.

V for victory

I deeply despise China, BTW. They are ‘friends’ of Russia, but they did NOTHING to help them, unless iranians who actively sent weapons to Russia. Instead, Russia helped massively China vs USA in Korea.


sure, but china is selling 75% of theyr production to usa and europe, so they must act carefully.


Quite the warmup then. NATO, US weapon stocks depleted. US strategic oil reserve depleted. Inflation rampant on the US, UK, EU. And this with only 300 000 Russian soldiers. But sure, go for it. Take on not only Russia but China as well. Are these people for real? No one can be this stupid. They have to be selling their wares, weapons in this case. That’s the only explanation. Somehow benefting from a constant state of conflict and fear.

WT Baker

preparing? The US certainly does not have physical economic means to do anything. These people are criminally insane. The world is listening to these threats and better do something about it before it’s too late. With the Nazi regime in Kyiv preparing a dirty bomb incident to blame Russia and start nuclear WW III, the admirals words spell guilty of all charges against NATO’s real plans to force their rules based green order on the world; and that to means death for billions, nuclear war or not.


This dude literally lost a war to farmers. Now he is channeling his inner Hitler to fight “weak Russia that will collapse like a rotten house as soon as the door is kicked in”.

NATO might fight and win some battles. Maybe they would win a war. But, it wouldn’t be a warmup. And, it wouldn’t stay in Crimea or Ukraine.

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