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Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Completes Another Bad Week

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Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Completes Another Bad Week

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The Russian Ministry of Defenses has provided a detailed summary of Ukrainian losses during week thirteen of the so-called spring counteroffensive.

According to the ministry, the Russian military carried out six group strikes with high-precision long-range sea and air-launched weapons against Ukrainian signal reconnaissance facilities, port infrastructure, naval drone production facilities, Western-made weapons, ammunition and fuel depots as well as training bases for sabotage groups of Kiev forces and the so-called “Russian Volunteer Corps” between September 2 and 9.

“As a result of aviation strikes, the work of strategic radio-technical reconnaissance systems, as well as the logistical support of AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] troop groups operating in Kherson and Zaporozhye was disrupted,” the ministry said in a statement.

The ministry also provided details about the combat situation in different directions within the special military operation zone over the past week.

In the Zaporozhye direction, Kiev forces continued unsuccessful attempts to break through the defenses of Russian forces close to Rabotino and Verbovoye.

Ukraine’s 46th aeromobile, 47th mechanized, 82nd air assault brigades as well as the 15th Brigade of Ukrainian National Guard made 39 attempts to break through Russian positions in this direction.

“To support the offensive actions of its units in this direction, the AFU deployed a group of up to 360 artillery pieces, of which more than 160 are Western-made pieces of 15 5mm caliber,” the ministry said.

According to the ministry, all attacks were repelled by Russian forces who neutralized 845 Ukrainian troops, 27 tanks and armored fighting vehicles, including one British-made Challenger 2, tank and 25 other vehicles. At least 63 Ukraine field artillery guns were also destroyed in counter-battery fire.

“The 82nd Air Assault Brigade of the AFU alone has lost up to 500 troops, who were killed or wounded over the past week,” the ministry said.

In the South Donetsk direction, Russian forces repelled four attacks and launched several strikes against Ukrainian gatherings.

The ministry said that Ukrainian losses in this direction amounted to 1,230 troops, 24 armored fighting vehicles, 37 motor vehicles and 17 field artillery guns over the past week.

And in the Donetsk direction, the Russian Yug Group of Forces repelled 56 attacks by Kiev forces over the past week. During the fighting, 2,100 Ukrainian troops, 23 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 45 vehicles and 30 field artillery pieces were neutralized.

In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian Zapad Group of Forces continued to improve the tactical situation in their areas of responsibility by conducting active operations.

Over the past week, the group repelled 22 attacks in this direction. Kiev forces lost up to 425 troops, eight armored fighting vehicles, 18 cars and pickup trucks and 15 artillery pieces, according to the ministry.

Meanwhile in the Krasny Liman direction, 12 enemy attacks were repelled by the Russian Tsentr Group of Forces. Ukrainian losses amounted to 450 servicemen, 13 armored fighting vehicles, 15 motor vehicles and seven guns.

In the Kherson direction, the main efforts of Russian forces were concentrated on defeating Ukrainian troops, preventing landings on islands in the Dnieper River bed and counter-battery warfare, the ministry said.

An attempt to land troops in the area of Tendrovskaya Spit Island was prevented and five Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups were destroyed.

According to the ministry, 355 Ukrainian troops, one tank, 32 vehicles and 12 field artillery guns were neutralized in this direction over the past week.

The Russian MoD also provided the following details in its statement on last week operations:

Ships of the Black Sea Fleet during combat duty in the southern part of the Kerch Strait have detected and destroyed three Ukrainian unmanned semi-submersible boats attempting to attack the Crimean bridge.

In addition, four high-speed boats with landing groups of the AFU special operations forces, totalling up to 50 Ukrainian servicemen, were eliminated by Naval Aviation aircraft in the waters of the Black Sea west of the Crimean peninsula.

Operational-Tactical Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, and air defense systems shot down one MiG-29 aircraft and one Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Air Force during the week, as well as destroyed launchers of the S-300ps anti-aircraft missile system near the village of Lyubimovka (Zaporozhye region).

Russian air defense and electronic warfare systems destroyed and suppressed 247 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, including 23 in the western regions of the Russian Federation during the week.

In addition, 49 HIMARS MLRS projectiles, three JDAM guided aerial bombs, and one HARM anti-radiation missile were intercepted.

In total, 467 airplanes, 248 helicopters, 6,540 unmanned aerial vehicles, 436 air defense missile systems, 11,742 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,149 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,306 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 12,840 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.

In addition to the information provided by the ministry, lostarmour.info, a website that tracks military losses, documented 21 strikes with Lancet loitering munitions and 141 strikes with FPV suicide drones against Kiev forces between September 2 and 9.

Kiev forces sustained heavy losses and failed to break through Russian defenses in any direction during the thirteenth week of the counteroffensive. Despite this failure, the Kiev regime appears to be determined to go on with the counteroffensive.


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aflam ca drona cazuta in delta e m otan. ce idioti….. taberele m otan de pe dunăre…. delta dunării a devenit un serpar…


prostul nu e prost destul, pana nu e si fudul – zice proverbul….

bert didddle

waht the hell? asm i suposed to read all those words one after the other? come on southfront, i can’t do that, it has to be a yummy video all packaged nicely, i might as well read an isw bulletin.


isw doesn’t publish bulletins. they publish bullshit

jens holm

god and satan wont take russian soldiers.

putin has disconnected there too.


meanwhile, you disconnected from reality years ago.


winter is around the corner ukronazi swine…


they’ll leave their little tracks everywhere that’ll end up in snow devils and cherry flavored snow cones.

Last edited 10 months ago by bruhaha
my pocket calendar

every week is a bad week in ukropistan

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