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MARCH 2025

Ukraine’s Puzzling Enthusiasm In Inviting U.S.-Led Nuclear War On Its Territory

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Ukraine's Puzzling Enthusiasm In Inviting U.S.-Led Nuclear War On Its Territory

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On September 4th, US Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bombers flew over Ukrainian airspace, and along Crimea and the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

They were escorted by Ukrainian Air Force Su-27’s and they were a very apparent warning to Russia, and a sort of sizing up of potential strikes if the need were to arise.

Alongside the bombers, a number of NATO reconnaissance aircraft, but also NATO warplanes, also made flights over the Black Sea.

Some of them took place within the territory controlled by Ukraine.

A British Typhoon fighter circled over Nikolaev.

The flights were enthusiastically confirmed by Ukraine. Having specified that there were three B-52H Stratofortresses.

Such a formation of American B-52H missile carriers and Ukrainian MiG-29 and Su-27 fighters seriously agitated the Russian “invaders”, who immediately raised 8 fighter jets – 4 Su-27 and 4 Su-30 – to intercept and transferred the air defense to full combat readiness Southern Military District.

NATO reconnaissance planes have successfully used this and received all the necessary information about the air defense of a potential enemy, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said.

“Two of the three bombers turned on the Mode-S transponder, which allowed them to be tracked during the flight through the Black Sea region. Interestingly, the plane flew towards the Sea of Azov, then orbited for several minutes before flying north towards Kiev “, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense reported.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine said that the flight was carried out in order to work out the military coordination of the Ukrainian and NATO aviation, and similar flights will be repeated.

This is significant, since for the first time US long-range strategic bombers flew near the Russian borders from the territory of Ukraine.

To a certain extent, this mission is concerning. The B-52H is a strategic bomber. And its purpose is not reconnaissance, but the delivery of missile and bomb strikes – moreover, the Stratofortress is designed specifically for nuclear weapons.

That is, Ukraine helped to practice possible attacks by weapons of mass destruction on a region it considers its own territory – in this case, on Crimea. Also, strikes in the south of Russia proper were probably practiced.

It is obvious that in a real war scenario, American bombers entering Ukrainian airspace will become a target for the Russian Federation. In other words, a nuclear war will go on in the skies over Ukraine. With all the ensuing consequences.

And in this sense, the enthusiasm of the Ukrainian military is not entirely clear.

This story does not bode well for modern Ukraine either. Russia is ready to go far enough to prevent NATO infrastructure from approaching its borders. This is also in part why Russia was rather keen in accepting Crimea into its borders.

And if Kiev demonstrates a desire to become a base for an American attack against Russia, this could dramatically change Moscow’s entire strategy in Ukraine.

It is one thing when Ukraine is perceived as a weak adversary who, on the whole, does not threaten the security of the Russian Federation.

In the other scenario is as a country from whose territory a nuclear strike can be delivered against Russia. It is unlikely that any sanctions could impact Moscow’s actions.

In the present, a demonstration of a nuclear threat from the territory of Ukraine can achieve at least the goal of disrupting any agreements – for example, in Eastern Ukraine, where a somewhat stable ceasefire has been going on for more than a month. Obviously, Moscow isn’t allowing Ukraine to integrate the region, which is helping the United States plan a nuclear strike against Russia.

One question should be asked, are the citizens of Ukraine themselves aware that they may be involved in a nuclear war with Russian, and it is led by the United States, but on Kiev’s territory?

Were they asked? And the answer is obvious: it is unlikely that the “colonial administration” ask the opinion of the “natives” on what actions to undertake.


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Ukropia is occupied and failed state full of morons, idiots and turds on the highest places..


sad, but true

Brother Ma

A very informed response and i agree with muchofit. However ,symbolism is potent. Thise four planes ,thise few AA have keot many people away and afraid. Every so often Russia must protect Syria andbe SeEaean to be so as it will keep tge world onside and admiring.

Norway and Greece were disasters for the Allies but they had to be done to get world opinion onside and of course Russia and America . Without the futile Greek campaign the USA would never have gotten the US into the war. Simple people’s thoughts matter in wartime.

Russia must knock out an israeli /Nato jet every so often if only to show people what is what. Blame it on a mistake or untrained personnel and offer reparations. Just do it. No , it won’t start a war just as russia blowing nato/ zio military intelligence cadres hqs in Syria to pieces didn’t.

carlo cozzarin

Ucrania is preparing the party, first the coup, then the chocolatier and now the clown They seem to have learned nothing from the great party of the past Maybe they will have to repeat with worse and more destructive fireworks A number of dumbs neonazis homelands traitors helped them yesterday as today

catalin zt

I’m Romanian and my own country unfortunately has forgotten the hard lesson of ww2 when allied with Hitler now is doing the very same mistake being allied with the fourt anglo-saxon zionist cabal reich…. Is BREAKING my heart to see my beautiful country ruled by perverse and pervert paedophiles anglo-saxons and pushed into EXTINCTION in an coming war against Russia. Last time 200.000 of Romanians died and ended up in Stalin’s camps in a war what wasn’t theirs…the very same will happen now…

Gary Sellars

Agreed, but the Romanian co-operation with Nazi Germany (as a Tripartite Pact member) in its attempt to destroy the old USSR has long been air-brushed out of the Wests collective memory. Inconvenient facts get stuffed down the rabbit hole these days, so we are doomed to watch the same old BS repeat itself.

The mariginally-evolved arboreal primates that rule this 3rd rock just don’t seem to be able to leave their primitive instincts behind…


Same thing happened with Hungary,both Romania and Hungary took part in the war against the soviet Union,the result was the same their forces were annihilated on the eastern front.


If Ukraine wants its territory to be a base for NATO, then why not. Its their territory and their decision.


Bollocks! NATO regulations forbid the membership of the countries that have teritorial disputes or are in any kind of conflicts. Ukraine is at least according to them in ware against Russia (Crimea) and they have civil war in Donbass for which they again accuse Russia for participating. Germany and France would always veto entering of Ukraine in NATO even if US decides to ignore NATO regulations. Because Germany and France does not want another war in Europe, specially not against Russia. You are NATO undercover propagandist.


I never said membership. But anyways, don’t need to be a member to have NATO bases in a territory.


NATO bases are declaration of war! No non NATO country has NATO bases ! If they are there that can only be called NATO – OCCUPATION You didn’t say “membership” but they already have all other kinds of “cooperation’s” and participation’s in NATO programs and maneuvers ! Can’t you comprehend that Ukraine is already integrated to the maximum in NATO without being member?! If they keep sending NATO bombers they will wake up one morning and see Russian troupes in Odessa. Because nobody is bulshiting with Russia when it comes to the security! They should better wise up before too late. Because Russian patience is close to be spent. And Chinese also.


You can call it whatever you want. But the fact is NATO planes are flying in Ukraine, Ukraine does want them there, and there is no one who can do anything about it

Raptar Driver

The coup leaders who are in charge of Ukraine want that.


didn’t they have elections 2 times?


You are very wrong about that! US was convinced that after investing billions and staging color revolution that they have won! Than Crimea has happened and Donbass afetr that ! If Ukro-NAZI’s and US – NATO continue with their bullshit Russia will liberate their population in South Eastern Ukraine and take all Black sea coast including Odessa all the way to bordering Kiev on north !


Exactly. You are finally getting it. This is why Ukraine wants bases in its territory. Since the Budapest memorandum is down the drain, gotta move to actions instead of simple promises.


You are snake as usual ! If Russia wanted to invade Ukraine they would do that long time ago! But if you sons of bitches keep pushing you will get what you deserve no doubt about that !

And Those Western Ukrainians also will receive what they deserve also ! Nobody will terrorize ethnic Russians in Ukraine any more, just keep pushing your provocations you pigs !


Exactly, Russia wanted and did invade Ukraine long time ago. Hence why Ukraine is trying to make sure Russia can’t get more. A NATO presence is an ideal killer of Russian desire. Look at Baltic, not a single bullet. Do some in Kremlin want Baltics, sure, does anyone have balls? nope, none, nada

Jim Allen

Or, maybe Russia just isn’t interested in the Baltics. You some kind of expert on the Kremlin, or something ? Ukraine, too I suppose ?


Me? Expert? noooo. Just vlad calls me every day to report

Jim Allen

The Donbass was the first. Declared independence. Crimea has more strategic value with the port, Navy base, and now bridge. US Government is all over Ukraine, like 7 new bio-weapons labs, military base, arms to Ukraine’s military, Russia arms The Donbass, CIA, puppet Government, the usual bag of dirty tricks. Jacob Rothschild is more hands on in Ukraine, because baby that’s Khazaria. Because he hates Russia, more now than ever before. Putin told Rothschild owns to his face Russia will have no part in the Globalist agendas, and will take steps to stop the Globalist advance. Which Russia has. Dropped Central Bank as it’s reserve bank, repaid it’s debt in full, and paid off the debt of some neighboring countries that same day. (August 2016) Declared Jacob Rothschild and George Soros persona non grata in Russia. Issued an arrest warrant for Soros. Snatched Crimea away from the Cabal (legally, and without firing a shot) made it self-sufficient again, smoothed out the transportation. The common border with Russia isn’t working out so well as it was thought. Appears Ukrops, are as brainwashed as ‘Mericans, anyone that still somehow believes US Government’s nose stuck in one’s country is anything but sheer terror, and tyrannical totalitarian dictatorship, after standing by watching country after country destroyed is either brainwashed, (it’s more powerful than you can imagine) or just plain stupid, mentally ill, drugs can’t get one that high.


Crimea has more strategic value with the port True and by far more important value ! But with these B-52’s flying not far from Russian border Russia needs more space between her territory with strategic missile silo’s on south and Ukraine. NATO by pushing ever more with strategic weapons near the border is forcing Russia to reconsider her decision about Ukraine and not only about Donbass but all Russian speaking part. Americans are planing to build military naval port next to Russia and by doing that they are forcing hand of Russia ( again) to take care that they can not build anything close to Russian border . And only option left to prevent them is to expand Russian borders onto Ukrainian territory. South eastern Ukraine (Russophone) will become that bordering region separating US-NATO from Russian strategic military targets which are too close to the Ukrainian border

Ukraine Russophone https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/ukraine_langues_parlees_cefan_jacques_leclerc_2014.gif


From now on you filthy NATO snake are black listed !


You blacklisted me because NATO planes flew in Ukraine?:))) God bless you mate.


Not because of that but because you are talking propaganda about NATO bases! No country has right to install NATO bases if not member! All other NATO bases that are built are part of invasion and occupation !!


What are you on about? Any country has a right to put base of whoever they want. As long as they both agree on that, there is no law that prohibits it. That is not a propaganda, its a fact. Syria can have a Russian base, Qatar can have a Turkish base, Djibuti can have a Chinese base, Ukraine has have a US base. What is the law that prohibits it?:)))


NATO is NOT COUNTRY you idiot !!! Fuck off now!


no it isn’t, neither is CSTO


WTF has CSTO anything to do with that?!! Fuck off MORON ! There is nothing constructive coming from you just provocations and bollocks! You are like that idiot “bacon”! FUCK OFF !!!


what does NATO not being a country have anything to do with it?:)))))

Jim Allen

You’re a most pitiful troll. You can’t even stick with the Western narratives you’ve been programmed to parrot. There’s a US military base in Ukraine for the single reason, (something completely foreign to your alleged mind) US is the occupying force in this country. US military occupies Ukraine at the direction of The City of London. Not US Government, not Israel. Both are owned by The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, at The City of London. Ukraine and the region are of special interest to the Cabal. It’s quite simple really.



Raptar Driver

Camp Bondsteel is a good example of this


You are also full of shit!

Camp Bondsteel is the result of NATO aggression on Serbia-Yugoslavia and their occupation of Kosovo !


not really, that was established before Kosovo was established making them unable to decide whether they wanted the base or not. so the base is more of an occupational force. I am talking about the point of establishment, im not sure if they ratified it later or not

Lone Ranger

Ukropisstan is a cia colony, they arent a sovereign country to bring such a decision. Aside from that its stolen land from Russia.


Call them slaves if you want, nothing will change the situation on the ground.

Lone Ranger

Time will tell.


it sure will

Raptar Driver

You’re right, not until somebody stronger than Putin is in power.



Jim Allen

US Government will change the situation on the ground. Change it from bad to worse.


yes, bad. very bad. bad boy

Jim Allen

Actually it’s Khazaria.

Fog of War

” Ukropisstan is a cia colony, they arent a sovereign country to bring such a decision. ”

So are Japan, Germany, South Korea, Iraq, etc ….. They all have US bases. Whats the difference with the Ukraine ?

Lone Ranger

Indeed, all are occupied countries. But non of them is the backyard of Russia with ethnic Russians, except for Ukraine.

Fog of War

Also true, but the ball is in Russia’s court on that one. I predict the US will just pour troops into the Ukraine and dare the Russians to do something about it, just like in Syria.

Lone Ranger

In Syria the U.S. is losing and Ukraine is right at the Russian border, perfect location for defense…

Fog of War

Yes, and for WW3 . Good luck with that.

Lone Ranger

Its not Russia that is pushing for WWIII,they bent over backwards to avoid it, but the U.S. just keeps pushing for it.

Fog of War

You are correct as I’ve been saying this for a long time now. For whatever reason, the ZioAmericans dont seem to be scared of the possiblity of war, Its perplexing. One theory is that they have some type of secret weapon. Another theory is, that this is all just well orchestrated theatre.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You think the USA is immune to nuclear missiles then!

Another Star Wars believer, lol.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

500 troops in Syria, out of 2 million US military?

Hardly pouring troops there is it. Everyone of those troops knows his nation will do jack shit when the Iranians fire a few missiles against them though. That would explain the US troops all claiming headaches, so as they can get themselves out of there. FFS, 4 more went sick with head injuries after they bumped into a BTR-80 ffs.

Fog of War

Unfortunately, all you did is state a bunch of opinions unrelated to anything I said. Those 500 ” measley ” troops have prevented Turkey, Russia, Iran, and Syria from entering the Syrian lands that they occupy. So who cares if its 500, 5000, or 50000 ?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Turkish, Russian, Iranian and Syrian armies are all there you muppet, didn’t you see the pussy Yanks trying to crash into the Russian BTR-80, or are you just being an embarrassing troll butthurt that the Yanks did fuck all to the Russians who brushed them aside like the silly little buggers they are!

Iran bombed the US bases in Iraq, and what did the Yanks do for that!

FUCK ALL. Cowards who know when they meet superior troops.

AM Hants

Because they tried that in 1997 and it could not go ahead, owing to the fact that Ukraine have never ratified their borders with Russia, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991. The borders are only recognised whilst Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are members of the CIS. Then the borders go back, I assume to pre-1917. Eastern Ukraine goes back to being Russia’s Novorussia. Crimea, well it is back in Russia, but, if not, would also go back to Russian territory.

Ukraine did well out of the Soviet Union. Even Lyev was gifted to them. However European borders have been ratified since the fall of the Soviet Union.


Unratified border doesn’t make a country’s territory a common ground. What you are thinking about is recognition of a sovereignty, which might make a base issue a matter of a third party. But that doesn’t apply in this situation.

AM Hants

So are you saying borders mean nothing?

At the end of the day, owing to international law and border concerns, Ukraine could not join NATO, back in 1997.

The same reason they cannot join the EU.

Considering how much territory they were gifted by Bolshevik Communists, both in 1954 and 1917, where does that territory end up, when Ukraine leaves the CIS? Back to pre-1917 borders?


Nope. I am saying, if 2 countries didn’t delimitate borders woth each other, it doesn’t mean they don’t recognize each other as countries. Maybe Ukraine won’t join NATO, but few bases here and there would be mutually beneficial.

AM Hants

If you read my comment, you would notice I stated that borders are recognised whilst Russia, Belarus and Russia are members of the CIS. Meaning, the three recognise each other whilst partners of the CIS. Now what happens when Ukraine leaves? Bearing in mind the borders will be a priority.

With regards NATO bases here and there being beneficial? How do you work that one out when Russia will have completely run out of patience? There again, you no doubt believe having 15 US Bio-weapon labs, with full diplomatic immunity, on Ukrainian territory is also good for Ukraine? Remind me, how many viruses, that were long ago erased, turned up in Ukraine, when the bio-weapon labs turned up? Why were they advertising for Russian DNA? Was Navalny a factor in the need for Russian DNA and dodgy chemical reactions?


You mean leaving CIS delegitimizes a country? or CIS countries don’t delimitate borders with each other? You are thinking USSR, but that is a goner, has been a while. Sovereignty of countries is not bound by “patience” of Russia (full of itself much?:))). Russia can take a hike as far as NATO is concerned. We saw such attitude in Balkans, Iraq. We don’t see Russia moving towards NATO borders but opposite. But to be fair Russia does draw red lines like in Georgia and Ukraine, but stil that puts Russia on defensive and NATO on offensive. And guess because of those conflicts, what do once friendly Georgians and Ukrainians feel about Russia? Its all a game, where defense will make you lose in a long run. FYI I am not even talking about what is fair and what is not. You seem smart and I am sure you know that geopolitics couldn’t care less about fareness. But it does care about international law, power, cost/benefit. Right now NATO feels powerful and in line with international law to do it, hence they do it. All these conpiracy things about DNA and stuff, we can talk about when it becomes facts. But I like conspiracies, they are funny. Here is another funny one for you. -What was the poison used on Navalny? -Sputnik5 vaccine:))))

AM Hants

What are you on about?

What was it Ban Ki Moon stated, when talking to UK Government funded Channel 5 News, about the borders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus never been ratified, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991? Ukraine ratified their European borders, but, not their Russian borders.

Remind me, how much territory was Ukraine given by Bolshevik Communist Party Leaders, post 1917, that belonged to Russia?


u evaded the questions mate

AM Hants

Like I said, I have no idea what you are on about. The Commonwealth of Independent nations came about after the fall of the Soviet Union. However, I have repeatedly stated the borders of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus only being recognised whilst all three are members of the CIS. The reason why Ukraine could not join NATO back in 1997. The reason they can neither join NATO or the EU now.

You waffle on about territory without borders and how do you recognise the territory. Which was nought to do with my original comment. Just one of the 5 D media Disinformation rules.

DIscredit. Deny Discourse Disagree Detail

What happens when Ukraine comes out of the CIS and borders return to pre-1917 times? As stated, it does not concern the EU borders, as they have been ratified.


Ok ill clarify with examples. 1. Can the countries while in CIS, delimitate borders with each other? For example can Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan demark/delimitate borders with each other, while being in CIS at that time? 2. If a country decides to leave CIS, does the country cease being a country? For example, can Turkmenistan leave CIS and still be a country with its borders and sovereignty?

AM Hants

When a country leaves the CIS, does it cease being a country?

Where have I stated anything like that, by stating the fact that Belarus, Ukraine and Russia have not ratified their borders, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Pre-1917 borders. Now remind me, but, I do believe Ukraine, Belarus and Russia were all sovereign nations, prior to 1917. Just Ukraine was a lot smaller and Russia a lot bigger.

With regards the other members of the CIS, I did not mention them or their borders, specifically focusing on Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, as pointed out.

It was you that decided to bring discourse into the comments, was it not?


If after leaving CIS a country is still sovereign as it was during the membership, it has a right to negotiate a foreign base as it wishes. Same way Ukraine negotiated a Russian base in Crimea (non of US business), and the same way US base in Ukraine (non of Russia’s business) Russia has recognized Ukraine’s territorial integrity in 1991 by Belavezha accords and in 1994 Budapest memorandum. So whatever was in 1917 has no legal power now. If we are talking about CIS and what legally happens when country leaves, then other central asian countries are relevant. If we are talking about Belarus, Russia and Ukraine only, than CIS is irrelevant. You cannot cherry pick to who general rule applies to who it doesn’t:))) Waiting for your response.

AM Hants

The borders were Never Ratified in accordance with International law, between Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Only acknowledged whilst three are members of the CIS. Ukraine wishes to leave, which means the borders become a priority concern.

The reason why NATO could not accept Ukraine in 1997.

Budapest Memorandum, 1994, have you read it? If so you would have noticed Article 3, which the US has admitted violating, together with Article 5. Which gives Russia the right to defend her people, wherever they may be, from assault from either a nuclear or non-nuclear nation

If you read John Major’s Prime Minister UK classified papers, from 1994, which have been released, you will find out exactly why Clause 5 was put in the Memorandum and the UN Non Proliferation Security Treaty of 1994. Which Sergey Lavrov signed for Russia, John Major for the UK and Bill Clinton for the US, along with Ukraine’s UN envoy at the time. When reading those papers, it is interesting the concerns the UK and US had, regards Ukraine’s stupidity and arrogance.

Now what was it Ban Ki Moon said with regards Ukraine Without Borders?


What r u on about? Both the 1991 Belavezha Accords and in 1994 Budapest Memorandum were ratified by both of the countries.

AM Hants

How do you ratify a Memorandum? Have you ever read the Memo? If so, you will know about Clause 3 and Clause 5.

Clause 3 – Ukraine was not to be coerced. Victoria Nuland, 2014, bragging about the $5 billion the US gave Ukraine to think the US way.

Didn’t Soros, invited by Christia Freeland’s mother, help her write the Ukraine Constitution, after the fall of the Soviet Union?

Article 5 of the Budapest Memorandum, states Russia has the right to defend her people, wherever, if under attack by nuclear or non-nuclear nations. The reasoning behind the precise wording is explained in the classified papers of the UK Prime Minister John Major, back in 1994. They were released a couple of years ago.

Belovezha Treaty, does it mention the borders? The accords states the Soviet Union no longer exists. Goes into the Commonwealth of Independent Nations, signed by the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine and do those accords state that whilst the three are members of the CIS they will recognise the borders? Why does Groundhog Day so come to mind?

Bruno Giordano

Article 3: when and by whom was this “$5 billion”, that – according to you – “Victoria Nuland bragged” about, given to Ukraine? Does that (an honest answer to the question) look like “coerced”? And then about that “help”, even if true, what is the problem when a private person advises a government and that government is fully free to ignore the advice?

Article 5: Has Russia at any moment been “under attack by nuclear or non-nuclear nations”? Wasn’t the Budapest memorandum about security assurances for Ukraine, after giving up its nuclear arms? Which state dis not respect Ukraine’s integrity and breached the memorandum, by illegally annexing a piece of land of Ukraine and instigating and actively supporting a war in the east of Ukraine? Groundhog day. Yes it is.

AM Hants

Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, in the ‘FU EU’ phone call. Truth Seeker, ‘What They Are Not Telling You About Ukraine’, covers Victoria Nuland and her press conference, bragging about giving Ukraine $5 billion, to think the Project Israel aka US way. History of Vicky and friends: She is one of the Board of Director’s of the NED. Victoria Nuland, wife of Robert Kagan, who along with the US Ambassador to Venezuela and now Iran and Billy Krystal, set up the Project For New America.

Now remind me about Elliot Abrams history with Iran? Another Ambassador who sits on the Board of the Government Funded NED, along with Nuland and Anne Applebaum. Applebaum who also sits with Bill Browder, over in Integrity Initiative, the ‘Think Tank’, funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Anne Applebaum, wife of the sacked Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw SIkorski, who stood in for Catherine Ashton, the EU Foreign and Defence Agency Head, when Yanukovich stood down and signed the agreement, the EU witnesses, before his alleged assassination attempt. Why does the NED run in parallel with Soros Open Society Foundation, where regime change is concerned?

Remind me, but, were the nuclear missiles, Ukraine stored on her territory, the personal property of Ukraine or the Soviet Union?

Did Ukraine have the carriers and codes for those missiles?

How much money did Ukraine receive to no longer store Soviet owned nuclear missiles?

How much money did Senator Obama, in 2006, give Ukraine, to hand over their domestic weapons? Why did Ukraine happily give them up, for a suitcase full of $US when still whinging at the loss of her Soviet nukes?

What was it John Major, UK Prime Minister, 1994 Classified Papers, have to say about the stupidity and arrogance of Ukraine? Besides mentioning why they would lose Crimea to Russia? Why did the UK and US demand precise wording in the Budapest Memorandum 1994 and UNSC Treaty that went with it, concerning Article 5? They had no intention going into a nuclear war with Russia, owing to Ukraine. Article 5 stating that Russia can defend her people (novorussia/Eastern Ukraine and Crimea at the time) from assault from nuclear or non-nuclear nations.

Why is Ukraine desperate for Russia to come and invade Ukraine? Is it because this will allow NATO to come and protect Ukraine against superior Russia?

Why won’t Russia invade Ukraine? Is it because she is an expert with regards the ‘cac and cannot’ of international law?

US used self determination on 4 July 1776 to gain independence from Great Britain.

NATO used self determination to justify invading Kosovo. NATO Final Report:. Kosovo in an International Law Perspective; Self Determination, Territorial Integrity, NATO Interpretation.

BREXIT, Falkland Isles Referendum, Scottish Referendum, alluded self determination argument.

Yalta, Crimea, Russia back in 1944, Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met, to discuss demilitarisation of Germany, denazification of Europe and setting up the United Nations, based on self determination.

United Nations Charter – based on self determination.

1970 United Nations Resolution 1625/25, states the argument for self determination.

March 2014, the third referendum the people of Crimea took, inorder to use self determination to return to Russia. Referendum 1991, they were ignored. Referendum 1994, Ukraine said NO, which led to the Independent Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

2014, people of Donetsk used self determination to set up Independent Autonomous Federation of Donetsk. Ukraine said no, which led to the civil war. Nought to do with Russia, despite Ukraine needing to blame Russia, in the hope of attracting officially help from NATO, concerning defence.

Even Ukraine’s leading General, back in 2014 stated there were no official Russian Forces in Ukraine. Friends and relatives visiting, but, no official Russian Forces.

Bruno Giordano

Blah blah blah. The usual propaganda and distraction. Your 5D’s, hants.

No such statement [as claimed by you] was made by Ban Ki-moon. In 2003 the presidents of Ukraine and Russia mutually recognized their land boundaries. In 2004 this treaty was ratified by the national parliaments.

Victoria Nuland referred to the [sum of all] donations since 1991; so beginning THIRTEEN years before the Budapest Memorandum and TWENTY THREE years before “Maidan”.

The “referendum” and subsequent annexation of Crimea was illegal, as a.o. concluded by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, of which Russia is a member.

Facts, hants.

AM Hants

5D media Disinformation Script that the following sign up for:

Belingcat 77th Squadron Statecraft integrity Initiative open Information Partnership White Helmets

All the above funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to demonise Russia. Now what do other Governments, NATO and EU Think Tanks also fund on the same subject?

Deny Discourse Disagree Detail Discredit

Now, with regards what I say:

Is Victoria Nuland married to Robert Kagan? Yes or No?

Did Victoria Nuland have a telephone call with US Ambassador to Ukraine, discussing concerns about the EU and using inflammatory language? Yes or No?

Did Victoria Nuland brag about the US spending over $5 billion on Ukraine, to manipulate Ukraine aligning with US thought process, back in 2014? Yes or No?

Does Victoria Nuland sit on the Board of Directors in the NED?

Is Anne Applebaum married to Radoslaw SikOrski?

Is Anne Aapebaum a member of Atlantic Council, Integrity Initiative and sits on the Board of the US Government funded NED?

Was Elliot Abram involved in war crimes concerning Iran in the 80s?

Does Elliot Abrams sit on the Board of Governors of the NED? Yes or No?

Is Elliot Abrams now the Ambassador to Iran and the ex-Ambassador to Venezuela? Yes or No?

Did Elliot Abrams set up PNAC with Robert Kagan, husband of Victoria Nuland and Billy Krystal?

Did NATO use self determination to invade Kosovo? Yes or No?

Did the UK need self determination to hold BREXIT, Scottish Referendum and Falkland Isles Referendum? Yes or No.

Did the US use self determination to gain independence from Great Britain? Yes or No?

Did Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill meet up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia to discuss the demilitarisation of Germany, denazification of Europe and setting up the UN, based on self determination? Yes or No?

Is the UN Charter based on self determination? Yes or No?

So please little Bruno, tell me what part of my comment is based on:

Deny Detail DIscredit Disagree Discourse


Bruno Giordano

Do yourself and the world a favour, check the facts.

AM Hants

I have darling.

Notice you have not answered yes or no to the questions. Not that I was expecting you to.

AM Hants

If Crimea Referendum was illegal than so was America’s Independence on 4 July 1776. Together with NATOs invasion of Kosovo and BREXIT, Scottish Referendum and Falkland Isles Referendum.

Council of Europe -seriously?

Even the UN vote could Not side with Ukraine. They never got the figures in 2014 now did they? Why can’t they go back for another UN vote on Crimea? Is it owing to getting even less support?

You have just reminded me of the argument, brilliantly explained over on The Duran, why Ukraine cannot risk another UN vote on Crimea.

Ban Ki Moon, Channel 5 News, funded by the UK Government was quite articulate explaining Ukraine and Russia have not ratified their borders, back in 2014. Just because you missed it, does not mean he never stated the facts on a UK Government funded, news programme.

Bruno Giordano

Council of Europe seriously! Russia is a member, hants. How long did it take to organise that Crimean “referendum”? Did I miss “Ban Ki Moon’s statements on Channel 5 News, funded by the UK Government”? Ah… you saw it, recorded it, and now are going to show it to me. Thanks in advance.

AM Hants

Council of Europe Council of Europe aka Pace that denied Russia a voice or vote, so Russia walked, cheque book closed. Who ended up begging Russia to come back?

Riddle me this: Does the Council of Europe have more or less power than the UN?

Vote whether Crimea had the right to use self determination and return home to Russia; over in the UN, back in 2014.

100 out of 93 voted with Ukraine, with no knowledge of the history of the UN Charter or meaning of self determination. 51%/49% result.

11 voted with Russia.

82 abstained or refused to vote.

To win a vote in the UN, you need 126 votes or 2/3. Crimea vote, 100 disagreed, around 51%. 49% agreed with Crimea and including in 49% those who abstained and those who refused to vote.

Bruno Giordano

Thanks for illustrating some of your 5 D’s. “D” for deny, “D” for discredit, “D” for distract.

AM Hants

Did I deny Council of Europe aka PACE, refused to allow Russia to vote or have a voice? How does replying to your comment, with regards the Council of Europe deny or discredit the subject?

Could not be bothered to read the rest of your 5D salad.

AM Hants

Vicky happily bragged about what she expected from that $5 billion.

What does the 1994 Budapest Memorandum state about coercion?

Bruno Giordano

Donated since 1991. There wasn’t any “coercion”. How much had Russia donated over the same period of 23 years?

AM Hants

The whole $5 billion was not donated in 1991? When did Soros to turn up to write the new Ukrainian Constitution?

As Vicky states, ‘we spent $5 billion getting Ukraine to see things our way’.

Coercion, however you look at it.

Bruno Giordano

Your distortions and repetition of nonsense and lies are boring. Facts, hants.

AM Hants

Gave you facts. Now which questions do you disagree with and prove are wrong?

Bruno Giordano

No, you gave no facts. You gave claims which are not true, in other words, lies.

AM Hants

I asked questions, which relied on a yes/no answer, you could not be bothered to supply.

Questions based on published facts.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Bruno Boredom does it again. Wonderful for insomnia.

Bruno Giordano

Questions? What questions? I saw some irrelevant bullshit questions. Where is your proof for the “not ratified” Ukrainia-Russia borders? Where is your proof for what Ban Ki Moon has said on your “Government funded” TV?

AM Hants

It is there, you would have read it if you wished. Does not bother me, just nice to have it their should others be interested.

Bruno Giordano

Donated since 1991, a period of TWENTY THREE years.

AM Hants

What was it Vicky Nuland said about giving $5 billion to Ukraine, for them to come round to the $US way of thinking? Not forgetting the Cookie Monster and her basket of goodies.

Bruno Giordano

No she has not said that. I gave you the exact words. Don’t sound like “coercion”, however you look at it.

AM Hants

You gave me the exact words? No Bruno darling. I listened to the video of what she said at a State Department Press Conference, back in 2014. A video I used to share a lot and happily viewed, with horror, several times.

Now remind me how a 77th Squadron/General Harding Pirn Squad/Belingcat/WhitecHelmet/Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership Troll works? What is the 5D Programme you and your mates run with?

Deny Discourse Derail Disagree Discredit

Bruno Giordano

Yes I did, but I know you have a reading and a hearing problem. So here it is again

“Since Ukraine’s independece in 1991 the United States have supported Ukrainians to build democratic skills and institutions as they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are pre-conditions for Ukraine to achieve the European aspirations. We have invested over 5 bn dollars to assist Ukraine in these goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous democratic Ukraine”

5 Billion since 1991. No coercion.

AM Hants

Bragging what US gave Ukraine and what was expected in return. Coercion

Bruno Giordano

“Bragging”? About giving peanuts? 5 billion over a period of TWENTY THREE years. “Bragging”. LMAO


“THE HAGUE (Reuters) – More than 300 relatives of victims who died when a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane was shot down in 2014 will seek unspecified damages from four suspects being tried in the Netherlands”

AM Hants

You mean courtesy of the non-nuclear proliferation agreement and being ordered to provide Ukraine for her loss of stored Soviet missiles? Remind me, was the US part of the Soviet Union and part of post Soviet divorce? Ukraine benefitted from $100 billion a year from Russia. Trade, leasing Sevastapol and cheap gas, courtesy the Soviet Divorce Agreements of the day. Were they ever grateful? Did Ukraine do anything to prepare for independence?

AM Hants

By the way, there was a lot of controversy with regards the legality of the Belovezha Accords, was there not? Wasn’t it the Alma-Ata Protocol that had more clout and got rid of Gorbechev?

Bruno Giordano

Where did you get this “borders never ratified” nonsense from?

AM Hants

Ban Ki Moon – UN, Channel 5 News Interview, believe in 2014. Channel 5 News, heavily reliant on UK Government funding.

Believe Stewart Dale wrote a Thesis, based on Russia Ukraine 1997 Friendship Treaty. Summary, page 60 of the agreement shows that Yeltsin never signed off the borders. His excuse was illness prevented him going to Ukraine. Sevestapol was signed off, but, the borders were not touched on. Also, it suited Ukraine, at the time who were happy not to sign off the borders.

Bruno Giordano

No such statement was made by Ban Ki-moon.

In 2003 the presidents of Ukraine and Russia mutually recognized their land boundaries. In 2004 this treaty was ratified by the national parliaments.

AM Hants

Oh yes it was and broadcast to the nation.

Bruno Giordano

Never. Where did you get this nonsense from?

AM Hants

Channel 5 News, 2014.

Bruno Giordano

“Channel 5 News, 2014”? Reported about the illegal annexation of Crimea? Or about the downing of a Boeing in eastern Ukraine by a Russian BUK? Or about the weather in Hampshire?

AM Hants

Darling, Ban Ki Moon stated about Ukraine Without Borders before MH17. Remover, Crimea voted in March to return home to Russia. MH17 had nought to do with borders. Well, apart from the fact the plane was meant to go down over the Russian border. Ukraine could not even get that right, now could it?

Bruno Giordano

Was Ban Ki Moon on your TV? About borders? And you recorded it? Please show it

AM Hants

Why should I record it? Find the clip yourself.

Bruno Giordano

It is nowhere.

AM Hants

Ukraine Without Borders – only recognised whilst part of the CIS.

Bruno Giordano


AM Hants

2004 Ukraine and Russia signed SES (Single Economic State) also known as the Eurasian Economic State,. A single market which provided freedom of people, goods and services within the Eurasian Economic Union.

Bruno Giordano


Bruno Giordano

20 April 2004 — The Russian and Ukrainian parliaments today ratified two bilateral agreements to solve a standing border dispute and create a single economic zone.

The votes in both legislative chambers — Russia’s State Duma and Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada — were overwhelmingly in support of the measures.

AM Hants

As. I have stated borders are only recognised whilst nations remain in CIS and the SES. Didn’t the EU believe they would have access to Russian markets, using Ukraine’s membership of the SES and were rather cheesed off when Russia said ‘NO WAY’.

Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General UN, at the time stated on UK Government funded Channel 5 News that Ukraine and Russia had never ratified their borders in accordance with international law. Back in 2014, I believe the interview took place.

1997 Russia Ukraine Friendship Treaty, which Poroshenko tore up, states the reasons why Yeltsin and Ukraine President never signed off the borders.

Now have you read the transcript of the Single Economic State, the CIS members Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed, with regards free movement of people, goods and services, back in 2004?

AM Hants

Create a Single Economic State to provide free movement of people, goods and services.

As stated the borders are only recognised whilst the three nations (Belarus, Russia and Ukraine) are members of the CIS. Why was the EU fuming when they could not gain access to Russia, using Ukraine’s position in the SES?

Jim Allen

Ukraine isn’t going to join NATO, EU, or anything Western. The West does not desire Ukraine. The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal, desires Ukraine, the Cabal doesn’t desire the people. They’re essentially Russian, and the Banking Cabal hates Russia. There is nothing mutually beneficial, or any other kind of beneficial in US military occupying any country anywhere.


sure thing

Raptar Driver

No it’s only their territory, Only according to the Soviet union and now NATO. Ukraine in Russian means Borderlands. It is part of Russia, always has been. They have no right to bring NATO in.


Ukraine is a UN member country. Even Zimbabwe can have a claim on it, that doesn’t change anything:)))

Jim Allen

Russia is a UN country in that context, you fool.


Yes and Russia can invite another country to build a base if they want. Law works for everyone.

Jim Allen

No ! It has not always been. You are an idiot troll.


nobody says they can’t. many say they need to accept the risk of becoming a nuclear battle field to serve atlantic interests in London and Washington. If its fine with them no problem. I would not take this risk for the place l call home but anyone is different.


They are just following the Budapest deal, little late though. But still a promise is a promise. If a party backs down now, will lose credibility in future.


Ukraine is following insane policy of worse as usual…

If Ukraine can invite NATO bombers and jets in smaller numbers that is nothing more than symbolic threat that Russian S-400 on Crimea and along the border (that are covering already lots of Ukrainian territory )They can take care of those jets immediately if need be.

Russia can also put mobile long range radar’s to track NATO jets before even they enter Ukraine


Like in Syria. Those AA systems work every time, they shot down even Russian planes.


Yea. The problem with defensive weapons is you only hear about when they fail. You don’t hear about all the attacks they prevented because the opponent didn’t want to risk a $100M aircraft and nuclear war against them.

It’s like being a goalkeeper. Strikers get praised for being successful 1 out of 10 attempts but a keeper who keeps a striker from getting a shot by organizing the D then lets 1 in is a loser.

You hear about how successful Israel is by launching missiles from the Bekka valley but you don’t hear about the raids the israelis can’t make deep inside Syria because of their air defences.

How many times have the israeli’s hit the same target at the Damascus airport? It was reported here that the Israelis just struck an Iranian HQ for the third time? And were to believe the iranians weren’t told about the three little pigs growing up and keep building straw houses at the Damascus airport?


Israel had hit targets in Latakia, near Russian bases and in Aleppo. Pretty far from Bekka valey, I don’t even k ow where it is lol


Bekka valley runs down the center of Lebanon. there is a mountain range forming the Syrian side of the valley so aircraft can fly down that valley in Lebanese air space avoiding radar coverage from Syria then pop up to launch missiles and glide bombs then escape.

Russia used to tolerate Israeli operations adjacent to Latakia on the condition that Israel gave advanced warning so the Russians could keep their aircraft out of harms way. Israel failed to warn the Russians once and a Russian surveillance aircraft ended up being shot down by Syrian air defences.

Russia put a stop to them using that air space after that and now the Israeli’s attack down the Bekka valley. The Israeli’s seem to enjoy that because their aircraft are relatively safe however it limits the scope of their operations.

Just to head off the response that I know is coming. Russia remains neutral about Israels beef with Syria / Iran. They’re in Syria for a specific mission and IMO they are smart to limit mission creep by not getting between Israel and her many enemies. Russia has honoured all UN sanctions against Iran.

The gave Syria the best air defences they can afford and after that they are on their own. If the Israeli’s were to get between Russia and her objectives in Syria I suspect that may change.


Thanks for the clarification. The Aleppo was targeted by Israel more recently than that incident.


Aleppo is only about 20 miles from the Turkish border. Israel could easily strike Aleppo from Turkish air space. Turkey also flies F-16’s so an F-16 over Turkish air space wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary. presumably Israel also struck at Al-Mayadeen … another town along Syria’s border

Israel never claimed responsibility for those air strikes btw but were all pretty sure it was them and no one from the SAA has given me the location of Syria’s air defences so I have no idea what assets Syria had in Aleppo or Al-Mayadeen at the time.

Gary Sellars

Turkey would never agree to allowing Ziostan to use Turkish airspace to attack Syria. That would simply be a bridge too far for Sultan Erdog.

Brother Ma

Not really ,Russia did not give the Syrians the Best S400 s nor does protecting Syria from Israel mean mission creep. Did n’t russia promise knocking out ALL planes over or lose to Syria when its surveillance plane was shot down? So Netanyahu goes on bended knee and russia forgives? Not good enough .


“Not really ,Russia did not give the Syrians the Best S400 s nor does protecting Syria from Israel mean mission creep.”

Not to be argumentative but back in 2015 I don’t recall Putin or Lavrov say anything about defending Syria or Iran from Israel or fighting the USA or their allies for hegemony over the ME.

They had very specific objectives that stated they intended to support Assad until the war ended and an election held (Putin’s “If not Assad then who” statement) and to insure the 25,000 Russian passport holding terrorists fighting in Syria didn’t return home or spread their cause to Central Asian republics.

As much as I find Israeli attacks on Syria distasteful they don’t substantially affect the SAA’s ability to free up Syria or Russia’s mission in Syria. Pulling Israel into a wider regional war would affect both significantly … especially as Russia would have to bring in a much larger force to deal with Israeli’s and potentially US involvement if they actually started shooting down Israeli jets.

The tiny force Russians have in Syria today would be overwhelmed in hours if Israel and the USA decided to full on attack the Russians in Syria. Even the mighty S-400 runs out of ammo eventually and the four SU-35’s Russia has in Syria wouldn’t last 10 minutes against the hundreds of air superiority fighters the USA alone has in the region …. and that’s without accounting for Israel or USA carriers that happen to be in the region.


Russia has major allies,besides they can afford to deter usa + israel (period) They akso have hypersonic means that would blow the entire airbase in workd record time and also emp,so you need to do more research,russias in control:


I do follow the Russian military quite closely and have read Andrei Martyanov’s books and read his blog daily.

I believe Russia is well prepared to defend Russia but not to project power beyond the near abroad …. at least to the extent the USA can.

Russia does have a lead in hypersonic weapons but not a lot of them deployed. Russia’s doctrine is all about the defence of the homeland … which is why they developed missiles that outrange US carriers.

The USA has a very different doctrine based on power projection. The USA has been prepositioning supplies and weapons all over the world in numbers that Russia simply cannot match. Don’t believe the ‘we’re running out of cruise missiles” reports in the media …. that’s a psyop …. where do you think a big chunk of that ridiculous US defence budget goes year in year out.

I’m not saying the USA is better at fighting than the Russians or has better weapons but the USA is an order of magnitude richer than Russia and has been for some time. That buys a lot of bombs and missiles.

I don’t know if your old enough to remember the calculus for a WW3 victory between NATO and the Warsaw Pact but it was figured in the 1980’s that the conventional war would last for 3 weeks …. at that time the first side to run out of either fuel or ammo would go nuclear. Same holds true today and the USA has far deeper pockets as well as prepositioned fuel and ammo all over the world.

That’s a huge advantage that trumps better weapons.


s400s not been active to date,other than radar.

Brother Ma

I didn’t know that. So what is the use then? Us promises not to fly planes close by and Russia promises to not have the sams ready? Is this a fake pretend war or what?

Whst about Turkey’s? Will they be just steel lumps too,so that Greece can bomb the crap out of them. I hope so.

Jim Allen

Those are USAF bombers, not NATO. Due to the US Government being a member of NATO, these planes are involved in NATO countries military operations, but NATO does not own the bombers, or command their actions. NATO is an alliance


I am not that ignorant, your comment is full of insults! I was just talking about ALL NATO bombers not only about B-52’s ! Of course that US bombers belong to US since nothing belongs to NATO !!! Tornado’s and Rafale’s are also NUKE CAPABLE even lousy F-16 can carry nukes so they ALL represent big danger close to Russian border. So I was talking about nuke danger in general ! But you are too ignorant to understand my comment from right angle.

Every dork who doesn’t know anything about military knows that B-52’s are US bombers?!?

No shit NATO is alliance??!! Is that you way to call me an idiot in my face?!!! Just go away before I get upset from your provocations and rather do not talk to me if possible!

Jim Allen

Emotional response. To a rational, and accurate answer to many inconsistencies in your analogy. Emotionally driven people are a drag.

Traiano Welcome

The technical term for this is “cucked”. The enthusiasm is puzzling indeed.


Stop crying. the U.S and Ukraine need to improve their ties and Ukraine can be an important part of NATO one day.

Lone Ranger

No it cant. Same as you wont let Iran prop up Syria.


Suddenly you see how it feels to have an enemy closer to your border right Ranger? No you as a person, but I mean Russia.

Lone Ranger

They are also your enemy… So stop treating them as friends and allies.


Maybe they are, I just want you to see how it is from my POV. Iran in Syria is okay (as most guys here say they were invited), but when Ukraine invites the U.S then it’s wrong? no double standards then.

Lone Ranger

I may agree with you that Iran in Syria is bad for Israel, national security wise. But there is a slight difference between Ukraine and Syria. It was the U.S. whom toppled the Yanukovich govt. It was also the U.S. whom propped up nazi paramilitary units to attack the east whom declared independece because they werent willing to become a cia colony with an anti Russian agenda. So both situation was triggered by the U.S. Both in Syria and Ukraine. Donetsk people contrary to jihadis dont intend to topple the junta in Kiev, they only want to be left alone. They have proven this in the past 6 years. So if not for the shit steering the U.S. does Iran wouldnt be in Syria, and Ukraine wouldnt have a low intensity civil war.

Jim Allen

It was, but it was directed by The City of London.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

So are you saying you would like Syria to ask Russia to point their strategic nuclear bombers away from ISIS and towards Israel on overflights of Syrian airspace?

Not saying Russia wants to do that, but that would be the kind of thing you are supporting with the U.S. provocation over Ukraine.

Iran hasn’t got nuclear bombers and is hardly threatening the existence of the state of Israel whilst the Russians are within Syria.

Jim Allen

The entire world is Israel’s enemy. Stop picking nits.

Lone Ranger

Stop supporting neo nazis. I told you yesterday, but Im telling you again. Ukropnazis are making lists of jews at the state level, police too. Let that sink in for a moment… You would go to war for one fallen Israeli soldier, but its ok if CIA backed neo nazis are preparing a genocide…?

Raptar Driver

What’s better than Nazis killing Zionists?

Lone Ranger

Where do you see it happening?

Raptar Driver

If the Ukrainian Nazis have a list of jews then that’s what I’m talking about.

Lone Ranger

Oh that, for a second I thought it’s already on… There are different factions between jewish people too. Some are willing to genocide for personal gain. Using ukropnazis as the useful idiots. Basically what happened in WWII…

Tommy Jensen

Nazis killing Bolcheviks and opposite. Both Zionists. Thats why Ukro-nazis are nurtered in Ukraine and the eco-nazists got 25% of the votes in Germany. To kill the new Bolcheviks in Moscow and the Eco-Nazis in Berlin………..LOL.

AM Hants

What I cannot understand, or perhaps I can, is why so many Zionists support the Nanzis?

Simon Wisenthal Centre, set upto hunt down Nanzis from WWII, actually support Ukraine and her Nanzis. Article by Max Blumentall on Altairnet.

George $oro$, born of Jewish faith and brags about the best times of his life, being a Nanzi Collaborater, back in Hungary in 1944. ’60 Minutes’, 20 December 1998.

Igor Kolomoisky, Head of European Jewish Community, in Ukraine and founder of Nanzi ‘Azov’ Battalion.

How many of the children/grandchildren of those given new identities and safe passage, courtesy the first exercise of the CIA, ‘Operation Paperclip’, are now in leading positions of the NWO institutions, Parliaments, including EU and also NATOs admin wing, the Nanzi controlled Atlantic Council?

Raptar Driver

It is simple, Nazism Came from Zionism.


The ideoligies are very much alike,based on racist Nationalism.

Lone Ranger

They are simply traitors. They are supporting nazis for their own gain. Saying Soros has Jewish faith is about the same as saying adolf was a Christian. They were/are both atheists.


Many people don’t even know quite a few Jews served in the German army,some high ranking,a few even in the SS,although they probably would have been killed if found out.

Tommy Jensen

Maybe the Nanzi story from WWII is quite different from what we were told in school.

AM Hants

They banned WWII from history, when I was growing up. We got the Ealing Film Studios version on a Sunday afternoon instead.

Brother Ma

Simple. Judaism when practised whole -heartedly is nothing but Nazism or Fascim, just reversed. Religious Jews believe they are the Chosen Ones and we are all Untermensch.

AM Hants

So many religions also believe they are the chosen ones. Must admit, my preference is with those that put humanity first and ego last.

Brother Ma

I’m not bloodthirsty by hature so I would welcome a rwpeligion as you say.

AM Hants

I grew up in a heavy Catholic household, which put me off organised religion for life. It was during the times of the IRA working for the globalists, in the same style as the Ukraine Nanzis and White Helmets, just another branch of the tried and tested terrorists.

The maternal side of the family being Irish. I could never fathom why they wished to wipe out their relatives, just for living in England. After all, we both had the same ancestors. Then you would go to confession on a Saturday night, be given 2 ‘Hail Mary’s’ and one ‘Our Father’, by a man in a black frock, then back to carnage on a Monday, after the day of rest. Funny how the IRA were formed in the same year as the Bolsheviks overthrew Russia. Just after the Balfour Declaration and the Fed Reserve were set up.


More donbas terrorist lies.

Lone Ranger

Freedom fighters* We will see soon…


Terrorists that assasinate each others*

Lone Ranger

SBU terrorists assassinated them.


They assasinate each other since Russia sent only thugs there

Lone Ranger

Most of them are local miners and peasants. SBU terrorists assassinated a few. Ukropnazis are so weak that even with U.S.,Polish, Baltic help they are losing every time they try something.


The victims and the refugees yes, miners, peasants etc, the majority of warlords that controll business there came from Russia.

Lone Ranger

Warlords…lol, like oligarchs running the show from Kiev?


You spelled Moscow wrong

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

Cool new name for Ukraine…



Lone Ranger

Roshenistan Zelleristan CIA HQ- Eastern District Badlands Zombiland Twighlight Zone :)


Roshenistan. That made me smile. What is Twilight zone, it was a movie or smth

Lone Ranger

It was both a movie and a series.


Ahh I remember now. Dude you old

Lone Ranger

Relatíve… I like movies.


iq 50 for that comment,shill!


Still more than Zakharcenko’s for shoting his boss in the back to take his place. Now he has 0 IQ


Yes helped by the CIA,they own the SBU,the Donbass guys should have taken the SBU building off the map in Kiev and every SOB in it,so far they havn’t taken the War to Kiev,its all been defence in Donbass.

Lone Ranger



Article by Marc Bennetts, Moscow. Less credible than bollywood movies

Lone Ranger

It’s a British newspaper…

Lone Ranger



If that was the case, that’s very wrong. Anyway, in Donbas they just told the jews to live, for their own protection.

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

Except Russia didnt invade Ukraine. Jews and manY locals left due to constant shellings by cia/oligarch funded paramilitary groups.


They were informed by separatists that their protection can’t be asured so that was a clear sugestion to live. I don’t find the link, it was not big news.

Lone Ranger

Why is that surprising? How could anybody guarantee someobes safety when artillery rounds hit randomly in the whole region. Even locals whom are used to the situation are at grave danger.


It was a larger context I don’t remember it exactly, but probably they just didn’t want to be used as human schields by the terrorists.

Lone Ranger

By ukropnazis…


By donbasnazis

Lone Ranger

Donbas is antinazi…


As much as Antifa

Lone Ranger

Antifa is a fake soros/cia organisation. Donbas are real people defending their homes.


Fake Kremlin sponsored movement. Mercenaries and terrorists irronically called by Putin ‘peasants and miners’, like the Russian soldiers that were in `vacation’ in Donbas.


Are you cia,real deal wannabe homosexual twistfkd insolent liar or all specific, You got a severe mentak health issue,either way fool,you lost your freedom too! Oh well,no class nor truth,no empathy,liars like you are the reason usa gone fkd!


Donbas terrorists practice torture with pleasure, there is no empaty for that, they will be droned soon.


Get off the smack,nazis ands anfitas invade,where as dpr defends,insolent troll!


Dpr defends Donetsk as much Isis defended Raqqa.


Fk the cia,fk the lgbtq,fk the eu-epp,fk soros,fk fake news,fk incests, lowlife LIAR:


Jimi james the terrorist lover :)

Lone Ranger

The writer of that article must be a covert CIA agent still salty about theur isus buddies wiped out by Russia and the SAAm


It must be something that satisfies the simplistic logic of a little green.


Funny you mention that gimp,no loss of blood so you sick maggot bots brand? Stick to playing with your little grey deadbeat toy soldier,up ye cakehole shill!


It’s funny that you have time to reply my comments from 4-5 days agi. I occupy an important place in your brain.

Traiano Welcome

Whose crying? I’m glad Russia got rid of that slow burning dumpster fire called Ukraine.

Russia took the good parts (Crimea) and made allegiance with the best parts (DPR) and handed the shitty bits to the US, which, like israel will proceed to suck billions of dollars in welfare aid out of the USA.

Bleed the empire dry …


We gave the U.S some systems no other country could have developed, like the Arrow3, David Sling or the Iron Dome. I think if you ask them it’s worth every penny.

Traiano Welcome

Bwahahaha Lol!

That is dumb on so many levels I’m not even sure where to start.

No. Just. No.

Raptar Driver

Didn’t Lockheed martin help you develop that?


Yes they did, but most of it were done by the Israeli industries as we already had the knowledge. The funding comes from the U.S, so it’s a win-win.

Raptar Driver

Well at least you’re truthful. If I had a vote I would have us cut all funding to you, Sorry bro.


That’s true. The US has lots of money but they have always been behind the Russians in missiles and anti-aircraft weapons. They’ve always put up a copy of Russian systems about a decade later but they never work the same … in fact they fail miserably.

Just two examples here. “Sgt. York” Shilka knock off and the “patriot” S-300 knock off.




They do not need Lockheed or anybody else! They are stealing from US for decades military know how from which they make their adaptations and changes to their needs

AM Hants

Iron Drome or S-400? Which is superior?


S400 is long ranged, Iron dome is only up to 7-10KM. S400 can be comprared with the David’s Sling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%27s_Sling

Range – 70-300 KM Attitude – 30-50 KM Ceiling Flight – 50-75 KM Speed – 7.5 Mach


You are full of shit Jew ! S-400 Range – 70-400 KM Altitude: 30-60 KM Ceiling Flight – 50-75 KM It is even insult to compare it to ant Russian system let alone to S-400

“David’s Shit” is the same SHIT that can hit only primitive Palestinan rockets


Since there is such a big difference, did S-400 ever hit anything?

Christopher Petrov

To be fair the David;s Sling only hit a tochka. It missed the other one which landed in Syria and was retrieved by Russia :)


At least it fired on something. Did S—X00 ever been shot, or too expensive?


I don’t know bacon, all the armies in the world want to haveS-300, S-400 from India, Iran, China, Turkey, Greece , Belarus, Algeria, Pakistan, and the endless list of those who doesn’t have enough money or are forbiden to buy it because NATO and those who buy Chinese copies of those systems because doesn’t have enough money to buy original. Even western expert call S-400 as the best anti-aircraft system in the world and only you Ukrainian peace of shit origin would be American are saying that system to be crap?!?


Don’t take anything I say ad literam, it’s a good system against airplanes but it requires multiple layers, to protect it against swarms if cheap missiles. I really apreciate Russian AA systems, my problem is with some hotheads here I can’t respect (which don’ t even care about your country, they just hope for war cause they are 18 yo emo losers) . Russia is a respectable foe for me.


Your certainly no respectable foe to any russian nor them others wiser intellects:


Indeed I’m not that important.

Christopher Petrov

1 advantage David’s Sling has over the S-400 is that their missiles use not only radar, but IR and 360 electro-optical tracking. 3 guidance systems for the missile seekers whereas S-400 uses only either semi-active, active radar or dual radar/IR for the shorter range missiles


They are missiles for different purposes and they obviously have different tech. The track record of the Russian anti-aircraft systems speaks for itself. Russian’s do not have habit to pack their missiles with high tech sensors that would rise up the prices of those missiles sharply, yet they are more then sufficient with what they have. No aircraft within the reasonable range will escape 2 S-400 missiles chasing it !

Christopher Petrov

The additional sensors are since its HTK kinetic warhead it needs to be 100% accurate. S-400 doesn’t use it because it doesnt need 100% accuracy since proximity fuse detonation

S-500 will use many more and advanced sensors than S-400 since they use HTK kinetic warhead


You have said practically the same thing from the different angle and with nitpicking technicality only! If you read my comment nothing basically contradicts what you have said.

I would love to correct you though (Even though you are an expert)

No missile has too much accuracy or “no need” for 100% accuracy( that is your interpretation more or less) My interpretation is that:

The main reason why those missiles do not have those sensors is because they are good enough for their purpose and second reason is that they would be TOO EXPENSIVE with the sensor redundancy and extreme accuracy to justify its effectiveness. So only reason is price really and because cheaper version is good enough . The bottom line Russians ALWAYS make weapons with the final price on their mind while dorks like US and Israel do not bother to think about that. So S-400 are made as an optimal balance between efficient enough accuracy and lowest possible price for such achievement !


David’s Sling operational range 160+km while S-400 is 400km Why the fuck that you don’t compare that Sling SHIT with S-350 and not with S-400?!?

Christopher Petrov

more like davids shlong lol


Unfuckable comment !!! :-)

You couldn’t find better name! Respect Chritopher!

Christopher Petrov

haha thanks bro!


450 km! Problem with you nazis always underestimate soviet russians reach:


“Iron Drome” is system for hitting plumber pipes filled with explosives called also “Palestinian rockets” Iron dome does not have capability to intercept any decent missile So it is not comparable at all to S-400.They are not comparable to any Russian short range system because too primitive and simplistic for use only against simplest MLS=multiple launch systems (not guided) rockets


S-400 and s-300 shot plenty of ‘real missiles’ in Syria.

Christopher Petrov

S-400 and S-300 have never been used let alone fired in Syria. Nice try though.


That was sarcasm. Of course they didn’t. That’s the point.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

S-500 adds yet another layer too.

AM Hants

Coming soon, whilst future generations are in various stages of build. Gotta love Russia, for so many reasons.

Servet Köseoğlu

arrow??ı think Us developed basic Arrow..are you sure?


Yes I am sure…read about it.

Servet Köseoğlu

since 1988,ısrael and us have been jointly developing the Arrow anti-missile system.Page 17 and page 18 shows Us contributions to the Arrow program. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf


You wrote the U.S developed the Arrow I, but it was co-production. Maybe I didn’t get what you mean? I didn’t say Israel developed it alone, but most of the knowledge is here and the tests were made in the U.S where it was safe for planes.

Servet Köseoğlu

co-production is cover of the book..ı know us did the main job and supplied know-how and this doesnt make you low-tech country..İsrael with its start-ups is doing excellent solutions now..

Traiano Welcome

israeli technology wasn’t needed for the development of any of these items.

The whole arrow, iron dome david sling set of boondoggles were just another method for the MIC to suck funds out of the public. Israel was a junior partner in the scam … that is all.

The US alone has produced more advanced systems than any of these, why in heavens name would the US need help for:

a) Iron dome. A computerised pea shooter for bottle rockets. b) Arrow 3 – useless against cruise missiles therefore useless against things actual enemies will use. nonexistent track record. c) Davids sling, some prototype crap being used to plug the holes in the iron dome, made for shooting down RC hobbyist planes, with dubious utility against Iranian, Hezbollah and even Houthi drones.

Yeah ‘high tech’ indeed. Not likely.

None of these systems are on the technological level of THAAD or Russian S300 or even Chinese HQ-series systems.

Christopher Petrov

not quite, Arrow 3 is extremely advanced similar to S-500 or A-235. And David’s Sling is similar to Antey-2500 or S-400

Traiano Welcome

What a fat liar you are.

You wrote:

“We gave the U.S some systems no other country could have developed, ”

Now you talk about co-production.

Jesus was right when he said of your kind:

“44 (A)You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. (B)He was a murderer from the beginning, and (C)does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. (D)When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

When your lies are exposed, you simply create another lie.


Not lying at all, most of the development was ours but true it’s done by cooperation. Without the Israeli knowledge all the money wouldn’t create those systems.

Traiano Welcome

Like I said, once your kind lie and are exposed they simply move on to another lie.

Now tell us how the F35 was another ‘codevelopment’ with israel and without israeli help that flying metal turkey would not exist?

Furkan Sahin

ARROW IS BAD SORRY Iron Dome, S400, S300 which is only the only good air system defense

Furkan Sahin

if humans can figure out how to make Pantsir and control them then Panstir is actually better than Arrow

Traiano Welcome

32 years developing a system that has never defended against a single enemy.

No wonder the US is going broke …

Servet Köseoğlu

ı am also doubting ıron dome ,considering centurion c-ram there must be co-production as well.


They did it in cooperation with US that one He is LIAR !


I’m not so sure bragging about that will win you debate points here.

Christopher Petrov

all 3 of those systems were jointly developed with USA through Raytheon, Beoing or Northrup Grumman. Not a single was made alone by izrael

AM Hants

Notice the difference in the sections Ukraine were gifted by Lenin and Krushchev, which were originally Russia and the parts Stalin gifted Ukraine from Galicia? Quite a difference in the IQ, Russian DNA and Galician DNA.

Traiano Welcome

I was trying to avoid offense to any Galicians on the forum but oh well …

AM Hants

You are far kinder than me. There again, I should not generalise, but, the bad Galician give the good ones a bad name.

Traiano Welcome

Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.

AM Hants

Had to go to translate and ended up on a Wiki page. Found the article interesting, for a variety of reasons. Thanks.


And with the Best Korea

AM Hants

Cannot be part of NATO until they sort out their borders with Russia, following the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991. The borders are only recognised whilst Ukraine, Russia and Belarus are members of the CIS. That was why Ukraine could not join NATO in 1997 and nothing has changed since then


Don’t worry they will change the rules if they feel like it,they even broke their own charter when they attacked Serbia.

AM Hants

Can see them trying.

Brother Ma

…and even forced the idiot Vucic to sign onto moving Serb embassy to Jerusalem. Hahaha!


That was then,this is now,russia has clear advantage seens speed always wins!!!

kajetán pičura

the death to all yews.


Nato had a purpose when the Soviet Union existed but those days are long gone now its an organisation looking for enemies to justify itself.


“Ukraine can be an important part of NATO one day.’

100% …. Nato needs sucke… umm team players. Preferably one without a lot of money and influence and a gullible population that’s easy to trigger and experience hosting a war.

The Ukraine did such a good job hosting WW2 I’m sure they’d be happy to take one for the team again. Turkey’s getting cold feet but NATO’s already got Poland and Romania lined up and you can’t expect countries like the USA, GB and France to supply the money and weapons AND have the war on their territory can you?

Surely saving Europe from Asiatic hoards will earn the Ukraine membership in the EU and investments will flow into the Ukraine making them rich beyond belief!! Just ask the Turks.


That won’t happen idiot,Russia will not allow it,if you want to see what a Russian intervention looks like try it.you try and justify attacking Syria because of a few Iranians yet you call for Ukraine to be in Nato with the threat that would be to Russia,you are full of shit.

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazi retardation. Its no coincidence that the ukrop flag and the Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon are one and the same…

AM Hants

Can see the link, apart from Down’s victims always being happy.


Somebody tell Putin get out from his bunker, the threat passed


It is obvious that to you, mentally ill person, mental food is a discussion with us normal people. But no matter what animal species you belong to, you also have to feed on something concrete in order to survive. So, can you send me the account number where I can pay you $ 1 to buy you a sandwich, so you can stop eating shit …


I won’t get out of my bed from that money, my wage starts at $10/h


Youd have a far better life in russia under Putin than usas under phaedoreserves!


Why, does Putin give krokodil for free?


Weak piece of sht no respect for 9th dan blackbelt speak for yourself soros troll!


8th dan in cock sucking

Lone Ranger

B-52s failed in Nam, 50years ago… Russia could take them out anytime, even at their home airfields. U.S. is the crumbling 4th Reich.


Russians shits briks in the bunkers

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazis* But don’t worry their unlawful erected bunkers will be shot to pieces pretty soon :)


No need for that, Putin’s bunker is already clogged.

Lone Ranger

You mean that of Bunkerboy Humplytrumply…


*Vladimir Poisonovich Putin

Christopher Petrov

lol yeah, the most popular dissident and opposition activist getting fail poisoned just to further isolate Russia and its image. You really believe this story?


Russia wants to be isolated, that’s what they are telling us.

Lone Ranger

According to Soros news…

Christopher Petrov

it’s hilarious. the entire left wing US media is a blatant mouthpiece for Soros at this point, its so obvious. and they have the audacity to call out his critics as “antisemites” meanwhile because of his betrayal tens of thousands of hungarian jews died

Lone Ranger

Spot on.


Vladimir Novichock Poison

Lone Ranger

The new nickname for Boris Johnson…


I have two names for Bozo Johnson,Genocide Johnson and body bag Johnson


Is that prick still in power? Serious question

Lone Ranger

Im afraid yes.


Too bad assfloggeds,because it’s only gonna get better come october 13th,losers!


What’s october 13?


Pathedic trolls believe lieing cocaine addicted junkie vile old hag,you weak fktards!


Vladimir Krokodil Polonium



catalin zt

Anglo-saxon pervers and pervert paedophile….


Dem degenerates


That ain’t the name,assfloggeds!Either way it is your poison lies that getya cancer


Thanks :)) one day maybe

Christopher Petrov

sometimes you’re pro-Russian and other times anti-Russian. a truly confused individual :)


I’m mostly anti-Russia but I don’t hate Russians, I consider them victims of oligarchy, like Americans. Also I was against American wars from the very beginning and I smelled 9/11 and WMD bs. So I think Americans should get out and apologize.


How much do you get to suk browders dk,hyppocrite? fk lgbts apolology too!


What a weapon!!

Soldiers that shit bricks = self repairing bunkers.

The USA had this tech first with the advent of KFC and McDonalds in the 1950’s. This explains why President Trump, brave soul that he is, is the first man in the bunker at the WH.

The problem with the US system is all they seem to get is little hard balls which caused haemorrhoids on the launch tube … it was believed to be the gravy on the french fries …. now they use mainly taco bell. President Trump seems to have no problem creating great heaping piles of shit on burgers and KFC however it’s not known which launch tube is so weaponized.


At least you try to joke, you make a big difference on this emo forum, I appreciate, keep it up!


You can’t treat everyone who disagrees with you as a mortal enemy. If I did that in my real life I’d have zero friends. Everyone pisses me off in some way but I don’t hate em and my wife tells me that that there are people out there that may not want to hear me lecture on Stalin for three hours at dinner parties …. as if


Listen to her :) please allow me a sfupid avice, if you obsess with Stalin, adopt a cat or a dog and name it like that. Could make life easy.


We have had a succession of poodles all with Russian names. I do like Russian history however it was a dear friend who was a Russian scholar who convinced us to give our dogs Russian names.

The first one was named after Misha Maisky the cellist. Mainly because the remarkably resemblance to our dog https://img.discogs.com/fR7mJnV1cpPSRkcWNagQYhHOtXw=/fit-in/300×300/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(40)/discogs-images/A-670668-1271093159.jpeg.jpg

The latest is called Mila which is a contraction of the Russian word for sweetie which Mila certainly is.

catalin zt

The anglo-saxons are playing with their own EXTINCTION and the 100+ underground bases will not help because 1: they are for the capitalist-fascist “elites” and some of their mercenaries and 2 : the new Russian hypersonic missiles just only by kynetic force will penetrate them. And this will affect also big time the murican “friends” like the reptilians and greys under New Mexico,Dulce, Archuleta Mesa too… The anglo-saxon zionist Cabal western empire will be vaporised soon as they constantly ask for it.


And I was planing to sleep. Look what you have done.

catalin zt

The anglo-saxons are playing with their own EXTINCTION and the 100+ underground bases will not help because 1: they are for the capitalist-fascist “elites” and some of their mercenaries and 2 : the new Russian hypersonic missiles just only by kynetic force will penetrate them. And this will affect also big time the murican “friends” like the reptilians and greys under New Mexico,Dulce, Archuleta Mesa too… The anglo-saxon zionist Cabal western empire will be vaporised soon as they constantly ask for it. AMEN!

Tommy Jensen

As long as Russia are non-negotiable capable and have deaf ears, this is a necessay task. Hard duty so to say.


Actually, that was what US and other NATO troops in their bunkers in Iraq at the airstrip. :P


Actually that too :)

Gary Sellars

Americans pack fudge in theirs.


Americans have malls, Russians have kolkhoz


No time for that gimp,it will be your gayto whom be shitting brics,if anything allready are!


You worry too much about gay shit

Fog of War

Different times. The B-52s wont need to get close to the Russian border as they have long range missiles. This ZioAmerican close range flight was meant as indimidation and to establish Precedent.

Lone Ranger

Russia can even target the airfields they are taking off from. They can also target the planes and the cruise missiles as well.


The B-52s wont need to get close to the Russian border

You are of course too stupid to understand the closer are missiles for launch to the target the shorter is time to react Major Russian cities are not so far from the border


Slow subsonic missiles stand no chance against super/hypersonic defenses (period) Use your head not raytheons strapons!

Raptar Driver

The Slavic people who speak Russian and call themselves Ukrainians appear to be very suicidal?


Many of those are not “Slavic” And even those “Slavic” are brainwashed into hatred of every Orthodox or simply Russian (like Croats against Serbs) being under the influence of Poland-Latvia or Catholic church

It is unfortunately Soviet legacy where they have incorporated many other ethnic groups into Ukraine of which are some proven Waffen SS Nazi’s Russian haters since WW2

Raptar Driver

Yes I know in the West are many poles, Hungarians and Romanians.


And Orthodox converts to so called “Greek Catholic church” which is basically only in some form and ritual “Orthodox” but essentially recognizing the Pope as their spiritual leader .They are as Catholic as any other regular Catholics. The militaristic aggressive catholic proselytism in Ukraine and Balkans has never stopped.

Servet Köseoğlu

wtf are you doing stupid ukraine? black sea is sea of peace…


This is a textbook ”provoking bully that gets beaten up eventually” situation. The crazy idea in Washington that anyone will help them, since they always need help as they never accomplish anything alone, in Europe to pursue their political machinations is pure folly. The Germans will pull out with their constitutional court, the french will follow suit. All the other european minnows will do the same. Only maybe the brits although l doubt they self destructive lust comes to those levels. At that point they will be expelled from Europe. Was it worth it?

AM Hants

They could not even get their friends to side with them against Iran, over in the UN.

Since 4 July 1776, hasn’t the US only had 17-19 years peace in total? They are always battling with somebody, with the media fully cheering them on.


Thats because war is a businesss for them,with a trillion $ of taxpayers money a year spent on weapons they have to have wars to justify it.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

I suppose an adequate response to U.S. nuclear weapons hitting somewhere like south eastern Ukraine, could be Russian nuclear weapons hitting south eastern Canada. (Montreal or Ottawa)

But of course the U.S. Dr Strangeloves will know that.

Christopher Petrov

US/UK were spying on the air defense radars of Crimea by luring them with the B-52’s. 1 USAF RC-135 Rivet joint and 1 RAF Sentinel R1 were patrolling off the Black Sea while the b52’s were flying over Ukrainehttps://twitter.com/AirSpecInt/status/1301805626528497664

Christopher Petrov

Time for Russia to destroy all Ukraine’s air defenses in a large operation. This way they can intercept Americunts over ukrainian airspace and pave the way for DNR/LNR armies on the ground :)


Actually your ‘joke’ is what only makes sense for Russia in present situation. Russia has too many high value strategic targets not so far from Ukrainian border. B-52 loaded with nuke tipped missiles represent serious danger for security of Russia.


“Colonial administration”, “natives”, love it.?

Aleks Noir

So the excitement is that US flew around some planes they dare not use against Russia from Ukraine? Awesome… and the planes were escorted by Ukranian antique fighter escorts? who cares.

No one is going to war with Russia. Ukraine is just trying to open up a camp for Americans so they can send poor shlobs from Kentucky over to a country for a few years at a time where they can fuck some attractive women for a change, the camels are getting old. Ukraine just desperately needs some western love, because now that russia doesnt need them to sell oil to the germans, the best they could hope for is to export women, to get some reverse cash flow.


you tend to exaggerate into the other extreme… this is not so innocent as it looks to some…US they are testing ground and reactions and those are STRATEGIC bombers flying near the border not only some stupid old SU-27 from Ukraine….you are out of right perspective I think….

Aleks Noir

The Russians arent stupid, you think the russian intelligence wouldnt notice a bunch of nuclear bombers taking off from ukraine? All those planes would be destroyed on the ground in seconds if there was a real conflict on the horizon. And say they are successful, lets say they nuke crimea? how does that play out? everybody dies, everywhere. so yes, its total nonsense.


You are obviously not into military affairs..not much interested…otherwise you would know that moves like these are testing of many different things…. Strategic bombers near Russian border is not laughing matter…and they are not taken with total indifference ever…. US scrambles F-22’s immediately when they see Black Jacks near the US fly zone not far from Alaska and we are talking here about Western Russia !!! Where all the major Russian cities are within the reach of the missiles of those bombers.

So I have impression that you don’t have clue and don’t understand the gravity and significance of all that .

Military is not your favorite subject you know lot about.


nonsense !

Russian intelligence have much more intelligent things to do than to check loads of every US or NATO bomber or nuke capable jet fighter that might fly close to Russia. If they would do only that.. than they would have no time for anything else.

Aleks Noir

Thanks for your deeply thorough military analysis. You should write a report and send it to some comrade over in Kremlin to see if they are deeply concerned. I am sure that with your strategic military experience, they would reach out to you rather quickly to resolve this ukranian disaster. They could give you a funny hat, a case of vodka, and title of comrade reasonable strategist. have a nice weekend.


No need to get sarcastic…there was nothing on my behalf but stating obvious. I was not “deep” or “thorough” but I know basics which is plenty for not buying everything from you and quite few people here like you. I prefer it that way so I don’t fall for every bullshit theory, that comes around now and than. I honestly think that Kremlin is “concerned” with arrival of strategic bombers not only over the Black sea but also over the Ukraine. That is completely new situation and real threat in development. But still nothing to be alarmed about yet… Fore every US-NATO measure and their move against Russia, Russians are are doing their counter measure. It was always like that. Yeah have nice weekend you as well. If US had Russian strategic bombers on the same distance near the New York and Washington they would start general alarm and scramble 2 squadrons of F-16 to intercept them!


While Russian media and the defense ministry hailed the latest successful intercept of three US B-52 bombers over the Black Sea on Friday, which involved no less than eight Russian fighters dispatched, says the Pentagon has been using such intercept incidents over Eastern Europe as …….the B-52 was merely bait in an elaborate, and ongoing, intelligence trap…..”A pair of RC-135V/Ws meanwhile flew over the Black Sea, close enough to Crimea—and to the B-52—to intercept signals from any Russian radars tracking the bomber.”


cechas vodobenikov

racist durak

Aleks Noir

You are a fucking moron, do not contact me with your little circumcised cock to express you ignorant bullshit.


Because they are as thick as Rhino shit.

catalin zt

The anglo-saxons are playing with their own EXTINCTION and the 100+ underground bases will not help because 1: they are for the capitalist-fascist “elites” and some of their mercenaries and 2 : the new Russian hypersonic missiles just only by kynetic force will penetrate them. And this will affect also big time the murican “friends” like the reptilians and greys under New Mexico,Dulce, Archuleta Mesa too… The anglo-saxon zionist Cabal western empire will be vaporised soon as they constantly ask for it. AMEN!


In the real thing, non of that gear in the air they sent over, would get anywhere near Russia. So, let us wonder what is really going on? Understading SOP, there were multiple reasons at play for making such a horse´s ass move. The US just doesn´t have it anymore, the umph, to punch through Russian defenses without going all out ( even that probably would be miles from getting it in ), which would assure no survivors on the first couple of waves, plus stateside assets disappearing like stock on the shelf in a supermarket, before and after a Florida hurricane. It would be over in 24 hours with nobody here having internet access for maybe years, if ever in a lifetime.

They better be careful or Russia will take away their table top. In that respect, I fully agree with the article. I wish well to all.

Gary Sellars

Puzzling? Banderite Ukrotrash as just batshit crazy, its as simple as that.

cechas vodobenikov

a brigade of Chetniks and cossacks could easily defeat the entire ukrop military in 2 weeks


Ukraine, wake the fuck up or witness another holomodor

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