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Ukrainian An-26 Crashed In Zaporozhye Region (Video)

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Ukrainian An-26 Crashed In Zaporozhye Region (Video)

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On April 22, a Ukrainian military transport aircraft An-26 crashed in the Volnyansky district of the Zaporozhye region. According to preliminary data provided by the local administration, one person was killed and two others were injured.

The accident took place during a technical flight. According to preliminary investigation, the aircraft touched an electrical pole, after which its engine caught fire. The aircraft flew very low so as not to be detected by Russian air defense systems.


Antonov AN-26 is a twin-engine turboprop civil and military transport aircraft of Soviet production. Today, the Ukrainian Air Force uses the remaining cargo planes to transport military equipment supplied from abroad and to deliver equipment closer to the front line. However, the flights of Ukrainian aircraft are hampered by Russian air supremacy over Ukraine. The Russian threat is not the only reason for the regular crashes of Ukrainian aircraft. Some accidents are the result of technical failures or incompetence of Ukrainian pilots.


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Zhirinovsky Ghost

So Russia was not able to destroy all the Ukrainian aircraft by now? There are two months already. If Ukraine was at war with USA, the job was done in 3 days.


That was decommissioned AN26 that Ukraine was trying to recommission


Perhaps more aircraft are getting into Ukraine through the borders?


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Last edited 2 years ago by BettyLomax


Last edited 2 years ago by BettyLomax

I think this decommissioning is final.


bubba ..right on..

Vlad butcha orc

Orcs and technology, what could go wrong?!

Anti air systems which are hunted by drones in the air. 🤷

Accidents happen, that’s true during war too, when maintenance often isn’t possible. If that’s the case here or the Orcfront speculation only the blinded orcs will answer without clue. 😉

eat shit and die

Stupid dirty whore, the real Orcs are Uruk-Ukro-Orks – bred by their masters for nothing but to fight and hate their kin. Entire so-called “ukrainian” nation is nothing but vile mutant creatures just like you filthy cockroach from Bidens shitter.

Last edited 2 years ago by eat shit and die
Vlad butcha orc

So much hatred in you, you seem to be a well raised orc.


All we can really discern from this is yet another catastrophic failure of the armed forces of the failed Ukrainian CIA project.

Deception Bucha Ukroorcs

Ukroorcs and technologies? Everything can go wrong! The video proves it!

Edgar Zetar

Stop talking about Orcs you juvenile dumb ass… i can only known one thing for sure about why you use Orc so often and its because you spend too much hours of your live playing Warcraft and WOW. Madure yourself please, your community will thank you.


AN26 is civilian transport plane. No guns. No bombs. Made by Antonov, next to Kiev

Last edited 2 years ago by good4u

The US usually fights war against countries who barely have the means to defend themselves. And even then still manages to lose in the end. I don’t think anyone should take that as example.

Zhirinovsky Ghost

That’s exactly what Russia thought of Ukraine.

The Ghost of Kiev

Zhirinovsky’s ghost thought so, Russia did not think so.


soooooo butthurt! LMAO

Vlad butcha orc

Your response is a perfect example for an orc. Nothing intelligent at all, just the hunger for destruction and misery which is driving you.

No surprise with Orcfront and its lamenting fanbois. 🤷


13400 deaths 7000 missing By russian MOD Winning…







Ukrotards so angry and sad! Hate ol’ Clyde for laughing at failed Ukrainian CIA project! Glory to psychotic Ukrotard imbeciles!


Yeah like in Afghanistan

Zhirinovsky Ghost

I was talking of aviation.


Iraq still flies SU-25’s today after 2 wars with the USA and a 10 year no fly zone so you’re full of shit. In fact after the Gulf war Iraq still had 508 military aircraft left in service

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica
Vlad butcha orc

Excuses from fanorcs.


I understand the mistake … it’s hard for you Ukes to count past 10 with your shoes on. Be safe and wear your bike helmet and pin your mittens on if you leave the house

Vlad butcha orc

You didn’t find anyone to rape, loot or torture today or why so much hatred? Poor orc.


which just means the average Iraqi’s have more sense, and use their brains more than the average ukrop. you learn quick when everytime your plane gets shot down right after taking off that its just safer to not fly and bunker them. at least Iraqis do. maybe ukrops need more time to formulate. no one ever accused ukrops of forward thinking. Chocks away Algae!


1000 NATO planes have bombed Serbia for months. NATO was not able to destroy the Serbian air force or the Serbian army.

Zhirinovsky Ghost

Where was the Serbian air force then?


Good thing that the Russians are only fighting and destroying the US-trained-and-supported military of the failed Ukrainian CIA project!


Phuck yeah look at what we did in Iraq, we kill everybody. Madeline Albright said it was worth killing 500,000 Iraqi children. Wur Murica

The Manly man

I don’t know if you know this or you try to ignore. Ukraine uses civilian airports to hide some of these planes just like they are using to transport some weapons because the know the Russians said they won’t be bombing CIVILIAN FACILITIES! When the Russians know a civilian airport used by military planes or to store New weapons they attack it. For now the Ukrainians are playing cat and mouse and hoping for luck


Clyde does not even have to put any picture jokes here






Poor Ukrotard just crying and gnashing teeth! Want Clyde to stop making fun of failed Ukrainian CIA project!

Benji Klopcsik

Yesss!!! The job was done in 3 hours and 34,5 sec. : -)

Zhirinovsky Ghost

And the shorter the table, the closer the end


NATO is laughing at you

Hahahahahaha poor midget looks like smeagol

High Zelensky on High Heels

No need for your moronic fakes, here is the midget with 3 more fags dancing for you queers



Last edited 2 years ago by High Zelensky on High Heels



“Sorry master midget would you please let go the table? Its creeping me out…😓”


awwww, that’s a shame. what ever could have done that? hope nothing important ,like aircraft repair parts or bags of billions got burnt. Keep up the stellar work UAF….lmao

Vlad butcha orc

How many more planes which are reactivated successfully and are carrying supplies Russia is unable to stop?

It is and stays a Russian shit show, no matter how we turn it.

Without Mariupol Vlad has nothing to show for beginning of May. A show of incompetence and impotence of Russia in the Ukraine.

Oh, let’s not forget, Russia has air superiority, right? Lol.

Deception Bucha Ukroorcs

Russians don’t even have to do anything, Ukrainians knock themselves down!)))


Only a Ukrotard could cite a Ukrotard plane crash as evidence of Russian failure. How did the entire country develop borderline personality disorder?


shitshow? LOL watching pseudo nazis get zapped is a great amusement. And Im ever so Happy Vladmir is fertilizing the fields with ukrop mooks. its the funniest thing Ive seen in years watching ukrops destroy their own homes, towns, bridges, aircraft, ships. thousands of gay goosesteppers self kettled in a concrete bunker (where they get that idea?PMSL) soon to follow their leaders example(slow claps) sure is gonna be a cold old winter for the banderites that actually survive the summer.

the only thing shorter than a communist playbook is a fascist one, which makes it easier to tune in to the level of self destruction in the special operation to liquidate them timeline. Azov should be nearing the urine drinking stage at any moment. Prost!


ukraine is done. the only marketable product coming out of that shit hole was world renowned ukrainian prostitutes even in asia.


Two RU helis were downed there yesterday, any survivors?

NATO is laughing at you

They are being towed to sevastopol 🤣🤣🤣

The whole world is laughing at NATO

Idiots keep having fun.)))


By way of Snake Island, with the Ghost of Kiev in hot pursuit?


Monika Zelensky says It will be up and flying in a week or two. Onward to …. WTF

dj dd

Anything, Anyhow – just to strangle Russia financially and inflict her as much human and material losses as possible. Pathetic vassal Europe. They don’t care about their own losses, as far as Russia is being punished for something, they are okay. Stupid hating vassals. US running all over the world coercing countries into hating Russia, bribing, promising them everything just to be enemy to Russia. The reason for all these maniac efforts – Ukraine is so important to them, the biggest foreign trophy territory wise, manpower wise, economy wise since second world war that they have captured, or so they think. But Russia has other ideas for the bastards. That’s why all these maniac and hysterical efforts to bring Russia to her knees. Not going to happen Bastards! How many weapons can you possibly deliver to Ukraine to make her win a war against Russia? This is useless US and European mentality. Surely they know that RUSSIA HAS MORE WEAPONS THAN ALL WESTERN EUROPE COMBINED. One tenth of Russian territory holds more weapons than some 20 NATO member countries have. How about that America!


It’s not like the has been winning wars. They are CIA designed to keep going and off load weapons from the US Military Industrial Complex. The Natostan countries get to buy these US weapons and sell a few of their own.

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