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Ukrainian Army Already Full Of Disabled Fighters

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Ukrainian Army Already Full Of Disabled Fighters

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While officials in Kiev are playing the role of saviors of Ukrainian men and women, staging heated discussions on a new bill aimed to mobilize broader groups of military personnel, including women, youth and the disabled, the number of non effective disabled soldiers in the ranks of the Ukrainian army is growing.

The war between the employees of the military enlistment offices and Ukrainians is escalating. In the last week alone, several heinous incidents as a result of the forced mobilization of heavily ill Ukrainian men took place in different regions of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Army Already Full Of Disabled Fighters

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A 70-year-old resident was recently detained in the village of Dubovka in the Kharkiv region. He is suspected of murdering one of the employees of the local military enlistment office. The officer had forcibly sent the son of the man, who has a severe form of asthma, to the front without a medical examination. Despite the fact that the conscription of the ill man to the army violates Ukrainian legislation, the local military commissars tied him up in front of his father. The commissars took their victim to the local enlistment office, gave him a uniform and a few days later sent him to the frontlines in the Kupyansk region. The mobilized did not even complete a basic course of military training. As a result, his health deteriorated significantly. In response, the father of the mobilized man stabbed one of the commissars several times in the neck with a knife and took the body to the railway tracks, trying to present the incident as a suicide.

The incident gained headlines in Ukrainian media and the officials  tried to hide the truth. The Ukrainian prosecutor’s office claimed that the murder was as a result of a quarrel after the men got drunk together. The Kiev regime prefers not to disclose the real circumstances of the case, while attacks on military commissars throughout the country continue.

Kiev is hunting on the disabled servicemen. Ukrainian journalist Sergey Guz recently wrote that a man with incurable kidney disease was captured in the Chernivtsi region. The man was kept without food and water for more than three days, while the commissars forced him to sign the military and become a stormtrooper.

Ukrainian Army Already Full Of Disabled Fighters

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Ukrainian Army Already Full Of Disabled Fighters

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Documents of Ukrainian prisoners of war also confirmed that there are more and more incapacitated servicemen in Ukrainian units. The scouts of the “Southern” grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized documents from Ukrainian pow. The documents confirm that the pow is a disabled person of the third group, as well as a person injured as a result of the Chernobyl disaster. According to the testimony of this prisoner, he was a soldier of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade.

Footage from the Ukrainian positions shows the problems faced by servicemen with various diseases.



An elderly Ukrainian man cut off his fingers in an attempt to avoid mobilisation, but he was taken to the frontlines anyway:




Men with Down’s syndrome are used as cannon fodder. In the video a disabled young man is sitting in the trench while another soldier films and mocks him making him:




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jens holm

mee and waif dont diskriminete


you accept any peniz in azz

Edgar Zetar

i am a faggot sodomite. i love to be fucked and cumdumped in the third eye.

Edgar Zetar

ukraine is lost, they could not do anything, ready to send them to oblivion. you should not fight your own father and creator, you should honor your father the ussr no matter what everyone else said about him. usa empire and western world are the devil here, they persuaded ukraine to go against their own father. and usa 🇺🇸 knew too damn well that was impossible to ukraine to defeat russia. still they did bribe ukraine and force to fight their own blood, their own breed.

Edgar Zetar

to expand the western world empire domains near to russia


this is disgusting targeting disabled and people with mental health problems and sending them to die on the front lines. what kind of sick mind is responsible for making these rules. these kiev politicians and their bureaucrats who inforce these rules are beyond criminals they are inhuman


most everything about the band of banderites that took over ukraine in 2014 is disgusting.


and the jewzio trash that is in control of them

jens holm

who make that rules? i tink samae peuple whjo make rule based internotional order, no?


very disgusting, just gives you an insight into the mind of a neo nazi. whats even worse was the video where they were bullying someone with mental disabilities. sickening.


israel msm reports they have 12000 – 13000 disabled fighters – that seek government aid/support. “at least 12,500 israeli soldiers are predicted to be recognised as “disabled” due to the fighting in gaza, israeli outlet yediot ahronoth reported on friday.”

israel on other hand just love to kill children and women (over 70%).

now one can just imagine what is happening to ukrainians.

jens holm

dat ok. amerika pay dem solders like dey pay ukrainiens. we in eu throw in few pennys too.

christian reinhard

jou jensi bist voll der coole schwuorze he


the guy chopping his finger off is old like 2022 old. but that is f up they are sending a mentally retarded person into battle. and even more f up that his fellow soldiers are making fun of him, so much for a closely knitted army bonded by the shared hardships of battle! also one thing i caught in that video was that ukrainian high command is sending their soldiers into battle without even guns and telling them to charge the enemy and take theirs!


i liked that american tv series band of brothers about wwii.

i hear someone in ukraine’s making one about the afu called brand of suckers

nazty ukrops

that guy ridiculing him is pure scum. thankfully, he’s dead already. god punished him.

jens holm

how dat guy shoot russies when on toylet cleening behind?

jens holm

i vely gud scrub toilet in lgbt gay bar

jens holm

mee i dant remember if wrote zis, meybee


i’m not going to like whatever comes next from ukraine, but we will find out soon. something terrible and evil, no doubt. maybe they’ll just start abducting orphans and sacrificing them to satan and then telling people that it’s hate speech to want them receive justice. sounds too realistic.

nazty ukrops

nudelman stirred up this new abomination called ukraine in a boiling pot of lizard tongues and gnat eyelashes and cast it upon the world, then incantated along with her pet wharlock pontius pyatt, ‘we came, we saw, ukraine died’ ….cackle, cackle


fašistický hajzel si robí srandu z chudáka!!! dúfam, že ho zmrzačia a potom si bude robiť niekto iný s neho pi. ču!!! skurvený bastard!!!

jens holm

i afraid that i too senile to qualify to scrub toilet in ukraine

jens holm

i wrote this

Jens holm

mee to. i rote dis


i only writ ebonics

Tommy Lee

man, i could see sending amputees and people with heart conditions to the front, but the mentally disabled? these guy really are nazis. poor dude’s got no idea what’s happening or why he’s there, and he could get blown to pieces by a bomb any minute. shit makes me fucking sick.

Last edited 8 months ago by Tommy Lee

discusting ukronazis


jens is a pedophile belonging to the transgender admirals fleet of satanists.


and just when you think they cannot go any lower


now my lgbt navy accept any moron if graduate from 4th grade and will lick officer peniz


the joke is on the soldiers who think they aren’t retarded while they die for some oligarchs and mass murderers knowingly killing as many people of all nations as possible.

Last edited 8 months ago by BunkerDwellers
christian reinhard

very sympathic laughs they have . . .

Psionists slaves of America

very sad to see war disabled ukrainian soldiers fighting for their own country even though it was nato’s expansionism’s fault. what is truly sad ,pathetic and criminal is seeing able bodied but mentally disabled american “servicemen” cannon fodder goyim worthless slaves fighting for bibi the chickanchit netanyhu’s genocidal regime while the us border is being overrun by illegals. may the gods have mercy on their treasonous israel-first souls. or not.


my lgbt dementia qualify me for used condom double prozac


amerikunt defense cannot prevent 36 lgbt soldier in hospital 3 in zelensky coffin factory

M. Paraplu

tis but a scratch.

Last edited 8 months ago by M. Paraplu
King Vlad

alright, we’ll call it a draw.


the jewish supremacists in charge of ukraine sending all the ukrainian orthodox christian slavs to their death while allowing the ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.


that dumpy “christian” american televangelist john hagee raised money from his retarded flock to fly jews out of ukraine!

christians in ukraine will just have to have jesus solve their problems.

and the fat little man was at the airport in israel waving his israel flag.


all ukrainian politicians have some nice real estate in the western countries, which is the wage they get for inventing more ways to mobilize everyone in ukraine. look at klitschko (2 villas in hamburg), main afu food supply contractor buying 3 hotels in croatia, zelensky, mansions and villas in italy, florida, france med coast etc. the country is dead and all those people are sold out for us mic interests.

Boycott usa the world's bully

i wonder if the guy with no arm lost it in the war? so he has already sacrificed a part of himself for the war. and now he has to go back and give more self-sacrifice. unbelievable, tragic.

No love for 1776!

man they the nazi mocking and making fun of that guy with down syndrome is just sick and wrong they poor guy don’t belong there.


sad… bringing disabled people to the front… while zelensky the pigwhore shops villas and new coke suppliers from europa…


it is so sad when my gopnik rashan azz is not being fucked by prison faggots. i get depressed … 😥

Gestapo mcshitbag

gestapo pigcrap… is that u, nazified swine…


ukro/troll coping and projecting under a name that doesn’t belong to you, piggy mykola

Last edited 8 months ago by Name

outin needs to pull off the gloves and bomb the stink out of the govt in kiev . bring the whole rotten govt down


we desperate–now recruit moron to amerikunt military lgbt obese but too retarded to graduate high school

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