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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Army Uses New Approaches To Eliminate Fortifications And Manpower Of Enemies

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The conflict in the region of Donbass in Eastern Ukraine has been ongoing between the Kiev government and the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics since 2014. The hot phase of the conflict in fact finished in 2015 after the devastating lose of the Ukrainian Army in the battle of Debaltseve.

Since then the shaky ceasefire regime has been established in the area thanks to the Minsk agreements. Under the same agreements both DPR/LPR forces and the Ukrainian Army are prohibited from using heavy weapons, at least publicly.

In this conditions, the Ukrainian Army has started employing a costly, but effective, at least in the terms of psychological impact, approach of trench warfare. It uses anti-tank guided missiles Fagot and Konkurs against firing-points and separate targets in the DPR/LPR-controlled area.

The Fagot is a second-generation tube-launched SACLOS (semi-automatic command to line of sight) wire-guided anti-tank missile system developed in the USSR. One missile costs approximately 4,000 USD. The Konkurs is also a Soviet wire-guided anti-tank missile system developed in the USSR. One Konkurs missile costs about approximately 13,000 USD.

Therefore, it is hard to describe the usage of anti-tank guided missile against separate targets and firing positions as a very cost-effective approach. On the other side, it allows to achieve an apparent result, especially in the field of psychological pressure on enemy personnel. Another important point is that the usage of these anti-tank demonstrated a growing professionalism of ATGM operators in units of the Ukrainian Army deployed in eastern Ukraine. One of the reasons behind this is their constant participation in combat actions of various intensity, without a need to save munitions and with the employment of modern methods and combat systems. One more factor is assistance from and deployment of high professional US and NATO instructors and specialists.

Alexander Khodakovsky, a former commander of the DPR’s Vostok Battalion, which was formed during the 2014 events in Donbass, noted the current situation a separate post in Vkontakte social media on March 10.

Ukrainian Army Uses New Approaches To Eliminate Fortifications And Manpower Of Enemies

Alexander Khodakovsky

“Apparently, Ukraine lives richly,” he said adding that just recently a guided missile hit a fortified position of DPR forces. Khodakovsky said that no casualties were caused by this attack, but in a previous case one person was killed.

Ukrainian Army Uses New Approaches To Eliminate Fortifications And Manpower Of Enemies

Vestiges of the ATGM used by the Ukrainian Army

At the same time, as Khodakovsky notes in his post, DPR and LPR forces have no resources to provide an adequate answer to such attacks.


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Time to get an answer to such attacks from friendly countries.


DPR and LPR can get Konkurs from Russia, I think the use of light ATGMs against infantry and fortification is marginal at best. 11,000 dollars to deploy a 2.7 kg warhead against a static target other than tanks or armored vehicles is a waste of money. You use far larger warheads against infantry and fortifications.


ATGM’s are an “Escalation”. they can respond to it or not! its an isolated incident that is most likely to cause stress for those in lightly armed vehicles. Wouldnt be hard for Rebels to get ATGM’s! I would imagine the Rebels do have them (even tho this guy says they dont). Ukraine has a large amount of APC’s and tanks they keep showing off! i would assume the Rebels are saving their ATGM’s for those . kinds of targets rather than in a tit for tat usage!


VIDEOS BELOW What i have just found out is that the Ukrainian forces have had more than half of their front line forces retreat and go back home! No kidding there is even video of this! therefore it has been allowed (propaganda) for remaining forces to use ATGM (expensive and far off weapons) against the DPR on illogical targets (not important targets to waste such expensive munitions on) in order to create more “faith” and “belief” of safety on the front lines but also to make the DPR THINK that the Ukrainian Front line is strong (when in fact, it is now very weak)

https://youtu.be/1TmR8xATbHI https://vk.com/id410606173?w=wall410606173_54884&z=video150554653_169785742%2F35188399eb5639a48a%2Fpl_post_410606173_54897


Funny how in western MSM Putin is driving the defense of Novorossia, while in the truth they obandoned Novorossia in delusional hopes that the west and NATO would then offer Putin a deal and become Putins “Partner” again, so Putins big money friends can make more $ with the west.

The stavka knows that those are delusions, and most Russians i know too. About time for the stavka to lead the way in defense and not the oligarchic friends of Putin who fear about their money in the west..

Tudor Miron

During Great patriotic war (ww2) higher command was called Stavka. Ставка верховного главнокомандующего. Let me ask – who or what is stavka in current terms? Let me suggest one very simple thought – those who think that Russia should annex DNR/LNR are either enemies/traitors of Russia or simply naive. They don’t understand that this way we will loose the rest of Ukraine in terms of pernanent hostile state. Those who do understand but still insist – simply traitors.


Finally some common sense from the ugly goblin

Real Anti-Racist Action

If Russia will not help, they must seek out help from Iran. Iran will equip any humans to resist Jewish dictators such as the King of Ukraine. The Jewish king of Ukraine seeks to Holodomor the Russian people… again as had Jews done to Russians in the 1920’s and 30’s.

Tudor Miron

Iran would not move a finger to help Donbass republics. Russia helps a lot and Russia is the only reason why LNR and DNR still exist – preventing a massacre of locals. Many people do not understand what is going on there but I will give a hint. Returning of Ukraine to its own constitutional law and order will emerge from LNR and DNR. It takes time but it will happen.


i agree with LNR and DNR but why did u bring up this comment on Iran? Would it really help Russia to be in Iran’s debt? Maybe Russia wants to keep Iran in Russia’s debt! Russia could always use the Chechnyans (Kadyrov’s forces) to fight in Ukraine (but they might demand new lands and expand muslim influence).

I think inviting others could cause problems down the track! Russia already has what it needs, it has Eastern Ukrainians! Mariupol i hear is 98% for Russia! And many other regions are majority for Russia! I think all the way to the Dnieper River, Russia could take this area and be aided by Ukrainians (Mainly russian speaking citizens)! I would not ask for help from Iran at all! The only “help” i would ask for would be from Syria! Battle hardened and experienced soldiers! I think Syria is now a Russian Proxy / colony! (even though we like to think it is not, but it is now) Iran is not though! Syrian forces would GLADLY help Russia in this war! I wouldnt even mention Iran!

viktor ziv

Recently I was in Ukraine and people there find Russians as brothers.They are perfectly aware that Donbass war is initiated by government to cover corruption and theft. The only war people are involved is struggle to survive.This is odd since Ukraine is extremely rich country concerning fruitful land masses and trees. Rented a car there and drove a roads full of holes 0.5 meters deep, so even driving down the road is a struggle. The main question remains; Ukrainians will survive all the strugles but will they survive another Poroshenko term?

Tudor Miron

I fully agree with your post but one detail – “will they survive another Poroshenko term?”(c) – That’s not about Poroshenko – he’s just a puppet/talking head. Question is will Ukraine survive another term of western governing?

Tudor Miron

“why did u bring up this comment on Iran?”(c) – I didn’t bring up Iran. I answered to the above post which suggested Ukraine “must seek out help from Iran.”(c) – absolutely absurd statement.

You suggest that “I think Syria is now a Russian Proxy / colony! (even though we like to think it is not, but it is now)”(c) – I think that you’re mixig Russia with the West. Yes, Russia’s influence is strong but Russia is not trying to subjugate Syria.

Russia doesn’t need any sort of military help dealing with Ukraine/LNR/DNR. West is actually begging (from 2014) that Russia starts a war there but it doesn’t work their way.

Brother Ma

The Jewish King of Ukraine is like the Jewish King of the Himaryotes in Yemen.Bloodthirsty.


Sounds like Kiev needs to invest into some mortars.

Jack Ironside-Owen

They already tried…




Hopefully the Ukrainian Military and its allies launch a massive offensive “IDLIB OP STYLE” to recapture ALL of Donbass territory from the DNR LNR separatist traitors


Go and lick a few windows as you normally do.


Traitor: people who made a violent take over of an ELECTED govt who could have EASILY been voted out in 12 months! These people decided the leadership of the whole country? Eastern Ukraine voted for Yanakovich! Why woould they agree to a “armed takeover”?!

So because they DISAGREED and had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ARMED TAKEOVER, they are supposed to follow the revolution?? Crimea said “hell no” and so did Eastern Ukraine! Fair enough too!

So because they didnt “go along” with the armed takeover of the man they elected, they are now called “terrorists” and they attack citizens!

We know what happened! u are wasting ur time commenting!


lol whatever


whatever twerp


twerp! i destroy u in a fight! that picture of u shows me enough! u have no traps, small fucking shoulders, a beta male look on ur face! ur upper chest is bone dude! how the fuck u gonna beat a man? i dont even close my fist against guys like u, i just bitch slap u and watch ur eyes water as u cry and become submissive!

oh yes ull be angry and u will want to fight back, but ull be scared too! and ull be a mix of angry, scared and submissive!

While im talking down to u calling u a little fucking bitch!

then u go away and dream for the rest of ur life about what u would have wished u did back to me! (u would have gotten fucked up)

Fight or flight, i already know ure a flight boy!

Photoshop ur picture for God’s sakes! u have a teenagers body! OR get off ur ass and get to the fucking gym!

lazy piece of shit!


lol I can out arm wrestle you let alone out bench you, you’re probably 15 years old and weigh 140 pounds soaking wet. Get over it, USA is the strongest! Ukraine will win! And the Kurds will topple Assad in Syria. Murica baby!


try again! 45 and if u saw a picture of me at 24 id make YOUR pussy wet! And u talking shit with that photo as ur avatar? u save urself by saying “that aint me, thats just my boyfriend” because that picture u got, doesnt work! small shoulders, no traps, bone for upper chest, a nose that looks Jewish and a 1980’s flat top! Thats the picture u went with? Really? and u call people “twerp”. We are far more advanced than u here! We know how u think, how much fake courage u have and how dumb u are! We know u because im sure i was 25 when u were born! And like i said a picture of me at 25 would make ur mum drop to her fuckin knees! And there’d be nothing a boney chest fuck like u could do about it! Soy boy bitch!


Ukrainian military has taken very few casualties compared to its opponents during the Donbass War… because they’re much more highly skilled and better trained. And now they’ve got AMERICAN weapons like Javelins, Bradley IFV tanks, and ATGM TOW missiles :)




He is Jacob Wohl.


That makes sense. I blocked him again. Thank you.

cechas vodobenikov

packuda nazi:….apparently u never heard about the debaltsevo cauldron


apparently you think you can outbench me, I can curl your body weight twerp

cechas vodobenikov

u believe u r able to think? LOL


You are completely delusional.


whatever helps you feel better, just don’t cry when tomahawks start raining down on the Syrian Regime, and US Airstrikes begin against Donbass insurgents


You do realize your personal fantasies are quite separate from any real world reality? The US has lost its war against Syria – it’s all over bar the shouting – and all the whole exercise succeeded in achieving, is actually strengthening Syrian-Hezbollah-Iranian relationship – and greatly developing both the Syrian army and Hezbollah militia’s combined-arms military experience – courtesy of the Russian intervention. That actually means Israel is worse off now than it was before this whole failed project, but the Likudniks wont ever publicly admit it.


did u see the VIDEOS i posted above? check them out! Ukrainian army leaves the front lines (at least half) so the leaders decide to allow the ones remaining to use ATGM’s on stupid targets like a car) to make them feel safer and to also make the DPR think they are stronger! Loo at the video! 1st video the Ukrainians are protesting, second video they take a bus back to their cities and are abused by the media! LOOK AT IT!!


Fuck off dude! They are poorly trained! Who do u think u are talking to on this website?? WE KNOW what is the reality in ukraine!!!!!

Ur either a troll or u DONT KNOW!


LOL. Penguins in Antarctica are better trained than your Ukrainian rebels or Inept Syrian Arab Army


u obviously havent seen the videos then! We know whats going on! u dont!


What absolute rubbish. The Ukrainian army is a conscript force and since 2104 has had huge morale problems, huge corruption, huge alcoholism, huge absenteeism, huge draft dodging and huge suicide rates. They have limited US weapons systems – and even when do, as was case when US supplied two expensive counter mortar radars – they immediately lost one to the separatists. You also neglected to mention the ‘Ukrainian army’ front lines are dependent on paramilitary neo-Nazi factions run by warlords and oligarchs.

Tudor Miron

Really? Ilovaysk, Debaltsevo are great examples of your absurd statement :) Yes, ukro nazy managed to kill lots of women and children and elderly people but that’s about all of their “heroics”.


whatever, so some elements of the Ukrainian Army are inept. big deal

John Whitehot

” the Ukrainian Army has started employing a costly, but effective, at least in the terms of psychological impact, approach of trench warfare. It uses anti-tank guided missiles Fagot and Konkurs against firing-points and separate targets in the DPR/LPR-controlled area.”

Such a novelty. Nobody ever imagined such tactics before, except several thousands of people which were involved in wars where ATGMs were present.

Besides, it’s more or less what the jihadist scum has been doing in Syria against the SAA in all these years, and it brought them so much good.

Tudor Miron

Just another one of those “strange” SF articles.

cechas vodobenikov

ukrop nazis cannot take nor hold territory; they merely attack civilians


Btw I was banned from Harlan’s place by a little girl running to her safe space, not that it matters given its done at month end.

If I’m “stupid” let’s compare CVs. I did a decade of M&A and the last 12 years have run a long/short FIG fund for a larger hedge fund. I have a BA in economics from Princeton and MBA in finance from Columbia.

Let’s hear your CV, loser. You’re such a snowflake making your comment history private, too, as you should because you’re an embarrassment and joke. Joke and failure in life.

cechas vodobenikov

your insecure anti-intellectual stupidity is unsurprising—only murikans r obsessed w credentials….finance—what can be more superficial and anti-intellectual? “amerikans r farcical when it comes to money and force majeur–the 2 things they worship. my country has created 1 art form: the TV advertisement. u should not expect a democracy from a society like this.” Gore Vidal “amerikans r the most prudish people in wester civilization. they sublimate their desire: the sublimate their desire by chasing the dollar”. Freud PS: yes—I do have a Ph.D…..your status anxiety is unsurprising….”only amerikans conflate status w class”. Richard Sennet LOL


Is quoting people supposed to sound clever? Stick to academia, the real world has proven too challenging. Pissant.

cechas vodobenikov

as expected u r immune to scholarship—of course in no other nations r people so insecure that they believe I should be impressed by their credentials–u merely demonstrate that u r unable to comprehend ideas…”there is no independence of thought or real freedom of debate in murika”. Tocqueville “amerikan academics r technicians that serve power that have a thin understanding of everything”. Richard Hofstadter….obviously


So do you have a PhD in a social science that you teach? If I’m unable to comprehend ideas why does the market pay me more to do just that? I’ll never get an answer.

cechas vodobenikov

“as one digs deeper into the national character of muikans one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world according to the answer to a single question: how much money will it bring in?” Tocqueville “only in amerika is the father vestigial: the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine…american males are trouble with an overwhelming insecurity”. Geoffrey Gorer “amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries”. Daniel Boorstin “the artificial sexual scarcity in amerika derives from the amerikan money neurosis”. Philip Slater “murikans have lost the capacity for spontaneous feeling ” Erich Fromm “amerikans r mean and bitter”. David Riesman….as Riesman observed, amerikans are “over-conformist semi-automatons” LOL


Got it, doesn’t have a real job.

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