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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

Against the backdrop of the crisis in Ukraine, the AFU continue the attacks on the Russian territory. The locations of the strikes have not changed; these are the same border territories of the Russian Federation – the Kursk, Belgorod, and Voronezh regions. The Russian Ministry of Defense notes that villages in Bryansk, Belgorod, and Kursk regions were shelled.

On April 25, the AFU struck the Druzhba oil depot and a second oil storage facility on the territory of a military unit in Bryansk.

Kursk Region

On April 13, Ukraine shelled a border checkpoint in the Korenevsky District of the Kursk Region. Authorities of the Kursk region reported a small arms fire at a checkpoint in the village of Gordeevka on the border with the Sumy region of Ukraine. The points of fire were suppressed, and there were no casualties on the Russian side.

On April 23, Ukrainian troops shelled the border village of Tetkino in the Kursk region. There were reports of damage to a customs post, a mill, and a railway bridge. The shelling came from the Sumy region of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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On the night of April 27, residents of Kursk reported explosions in the region The details of the incident are being clarified. There were 3-4 explosions and an aircraft was shot down. According to preliminary data, the air defense system intercepted an unidentified object. There were no casualties or destruction. According to witnesses, explosions were also heard in Oboyan, a town in Kursk region.

A Ukrainian drone was intercepted in the Kursk region. The military, special services and the regional administration have full control of the situation, and there is no reason to worry, the governor claimed.

Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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The Voronezh region:

On April 27, in the morning, several explosions were reported in the Shilovo region near Voronezh. Eyewitnesses supposed that the local air defense system intercepted an aircraft. This area is 300 km away from Ukraine.

The Governor of the Voronezh region Alexander Gusev said: “This morning in the sky near Voronezh an air defense system detected and successfully destroyed a small-sized reconnaissance UAV. The situation is under control. The lives and health of the region’s residents are not in danger.”

Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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The Belgorod region

On April 15, Russian air defense forces shot down several AFU shells in the sky over Belgorod.

Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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On April 26, the Ukrainian side once again shelled the village of Golovchino in the Belgorod region, regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said. Four houses were damaged and there were no civilian casualties.


An ammunition depot near the village of Staraya Nelidovka burned down in the Belgorod region on April 27. This was reported by Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov. According to Gladkov, there were no civilian casualties or damage to houses. In the video, published by local residents, it can be seen that explosions are still being heard during the fire. Earlier, an air defense system went off in the sky over Belgorod. Eyewitnesses reported explosions and smoke near the village of Oktyabrskoye in the Belgorod region.

Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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Ukrainian Attacks On Russian Territory Intensify

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The military operations in the border territories intensify. The air defense of the Russian Federation copes with the threat. However, Ukrainian artillery and drone strikes regularly achieve their targets.


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Well done! Bomb the Orcs!

Ulf the persistent

Orcs? let me guess, you’re a 30 year old virgin living in your moms basement who dreams about three ways with an elf and a dwarf while Gandalf watches.


Ivans trying hard to avoid being drafted


Ulf the persistent

Oh no a hurtful meme … quick run for a safe space … how will I ever show my avatar on social media again!!

Just what I’d expect from a thirty year old virgin living in their moms basement dreaming of being the meat in an elf / dwarf sandwich.


I have read that Russian state of the art air defence can intercept any NATO missiles. How could Ukraine strike Moskva and now Russian cities?

Michel LeBlanc

Simple, ukraine lied, once again, about hitting the moskva.

Lying peices of shit all of you!

jens holm

Hill billie proganda


Michel LeBlanc: would you rather suppose it was a careless fire that caused it to sink? In waters with 2 foot waves? How is that better?

Michelle Obama

False, your country is weak and will be gone within months, goodbye stupid little Russians.


With the help of American aircraft and British SRR…The next SATAN 2 leaving Siberia is heading for London.


Hehe, I’m waitiiiing ;)

jens holm

Hill billy propan ganja again.

So funny. Those people relaly believe in own propganda made for believers.


You can’t shoot down artillery shells with a SAM

jens holm

Thats right. They cheated You. They have learned that tennis rackets can do it and nukes exploding makes no harm, if You use sunglasses.


After looking at your picture, I don’t think I would want to view your web cam!

Michel LeBlanc

Whatever, enjoy freezing this winter asshole.


Given the fact the Ukrainians are the ones brainwashed into fighting for the evil empire I’m pretty sure it’s more realistic to call them orcs. Russia is like Gondor or something lol


Gondor my ass. I’d rather visit Mordor than Russian shit hole.


That’s how Satanism works, an inversion of truth. Ukrops are cheap cannon fodder, used by the openly Satan worshipping west. But I wouldn’t even go as far as to call Ukrops orcs. Orcs were the more elite fighters of Sauron, whereas the Goblins are the expendable cannon fodder, which is precisely what the Ukrops are.


Interesting comment. Satanism is of course part of the West of today, whereas Russia is its polar opposite.

jens holm

They became motivated from 1993 to 2014. Putin brainwashed them.


This is not Ukraine bombing Russia. This is the U.S. bombing Russia.

And as long as the U.S. can bomb Russia with impunity it will. Just like Israel bombing Syria.


Whether it is the US directly attacking Russia or not I don’t know, although I doubt it. But, yes, this is similar to Syria, only less so. Maybe Russians will understand what they are letting Israel do to Syria on nearly a daily basis. But since Russians constitute the vast majority of immigrants to Israel, you know it won’t matter anyway. Guess who most of the new housing is for? That’s why even in Russia ‘they’ are protected even from rough language. Israel gets strong language from Russia only, no slaps, even as they work against Russia openly.


American aircraft are being used for targeting but the only Americans on the ground are stuck in that steel plant at Muriupol..


Yeah, I think everyone knows the US is in this up to our ears. The US will do whatever they can, clandestinely. I have no doubt there are US active duty as well as mercenaries there. They have no support from the people in the US, as ‘we’ don’t know they’re there. Hopefully, the Russians can get their hands on them alive and prove how the US is directly involved. It will not go over good at home. The US gov may be going full retard over this, but the people here have no use for it. I hope they capture, parade and execute them. None that are there are forced to go, these ops are almost always voluntary. I would wager that there are far more Americans there than just in Mariupol.


> I have no doubt there are US active duty as well as mercenaries there Definitely. The foreign legion recruitment program is obviously just a cover story to explain why Ukraine is filled to the rafters with foreign mercs. Also the fact that they cancelled the recruitment program hints that all the professional mercs are already deployed and the reddit betamales are not wanted in the battlefield anyway.

jens holm

And Putin is taiga Woods hitting his own balls too.


I bet the mercenaries are getting paid directly by the US. And likely paid a lot.

jens holm

Sure. They get food and ammo by internet in zipfiles too.


And Moskva, also sunk by the U.S?

jens holm

It felt ashame and did it itself

jens holm

Its Putin bombing You. You write like that.

From xchild they only fed You with Pravda and Izvestia. You might even look like a goat by that. Are You a he, she or it?

The maharaja

Honestly I would ask where they find you retards however from the way you write its clear your the same fucking troll. Anyway here is the deal, right now 200k orcs got sand in your pussy when the kicked down Ukraine’s front door and started bitch slapping them around about sixty days ago!

Now you get excited because while that takes place in Ukraines front room, Ukraine throws a rock over the fence into russias back yard? Not even a rock more like a beer can. You think your winning because the Russians/orcs were in every room of Ukraines house but now they have all moved to the living room….walked in there by choice and you think its a victory because they stoped beating the shit out of Ukrainians in the kitchen..

At some point this beer can to the back yard may draw the anger of a lot more Russian Orcs…. if you think 200k made your pussy soar think how much vagisil you will need when another 400k show up. Keep throwing shit over the fence!


Says the ork son of whore


Strike Kiev

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Nuke chicken Kiev, tastes better with microwave radiation. SLAVA ROSSIYA!

jens holm

Thats a waste. We all know Russians are slaves. manay has Gulag as first name.

Several has been in terror videos. You can find them as Dont hit me man. They either are psycopats or perfect victims.

Thats why Russians dont make children. Some of them cant

Jens Holmo wife of John Holmes



Nuke Kyiv, because fuck Belarus and fallout blowing over Russia, amirite?


Won’t be long. They are a definite target now


Well Russia left the boarder wide open. So obviously there will be attacks


Russia suspects British SAS and SRR in area. Suspects 20. Easy information gathering from all those yapping inside the steel plant at Muriupol. Probably an SAS crew stuck their to oversee mercenaries. Also there are 5 million Ukrainians living in Russia but suspected infiltrators are being lifted slowly but surely.

jens holm

Too much speculation. I love its a traume for so many.

jens holm

I kind of like Ukras do like that.

They shoukd take some bridges and railway stations too. They seemes to be legal targets in ukraine. An eye for at foot.

jens holm

my danish faggot ass is sore, need more lube.


You kind of like sucking Yankee dicks and you also kind of like sucking Ukras butts.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

US and NATO tranny LGBT low IQ losers are supplying the weapons and targets to attack Russian soil. Time to use a tactical nuke on Kiev and Warsaw for starters. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


Putin the small ball can’t even declare a war.

Martin Rapavý

Why should he? He has been waging a defensive war upon request and in alliance with the DPR and the LPR, which had been attacked by pro-Kiev forces, in violation of the Minsk Agreements.


Woa, you think DNR/LNR act independent of Moscow? Interesting theory, too bad there is no support for it.

jens holm

No matter what, they are doing pretty well.

It seemes some tactical nuke already has hit You.

Sure Russians are slaves. They all has the right to decide nothing. Many are born with no ears. darwin is correct. Pavlov is too.


Dont forget to put on your slave mask when CNN announces the next variant.


Putin is the type of person who wants to make an omelet without breaking any eggs. It’s not going to work and the consequences of his easy-handed approach on Ukraine will be paid by Russian citizens now.


Agree. Putin is not the master tactician/chess master the media and SF readers makes him to be.


The problem is that at this point the game isn’t chess but poker. And you can’t win this hand by bluffing.

The maharaja

While I am in agreement to some point, the fact is unless you are in Russias inner circle we have no idea! Now you tell me, do you think Russias support for a war grows with these attacks? Or do the Russian people demand the war end now that they have become targets? I would venture to bet that many Russians are now in favor of fighting this war and with each little attack this grows.

Iron Zion

With our help 🦾🇮🇱 those who touch our brothers will have their hands cut off.

jens holm

LOL, you Jews are parasites.

jens holm

I never wrote that.

I wonder why so many Hesbollas only has one foot or arm?


Yea, we know you like touching your brother yourself.

Don’t worry, we have no desire for your degenerate past time.

Last edited 2 years ago by IMHO

Edit…gee, isn’t it strange how certain subject matter here requires an ‘edit’ to post?…No doubt you will try. Oh, yeah, you assholes helped train these Nazis you are so proud of. Too bad Putin doesn’t do to you leeches what he’s doing to his brothers. BTW, when did you climb out of your hole? I guess that it’s time for the Hasbara Brigade to join the war, eh? I shouldn’t say that though, there are many here who don’t like talking to ‘your people’ like that. Russians at that. Let’s see, Israel causes Russian deaths in Syria, aids and abets terrorists, helped train Nazi terrorists in Ukr., ‘certain oligarchs’ created and backed these Nazis, then fled to Israel when the SHTF. Russia even said harsh things to Israel. Wow. But that’s as far as that’s going to go, so you are safe there in your bunker. That is until Iran buries you in it. Hopefully sooner than later and being a Russian immigrant won’t help.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman
jens holm

Those Russians must be very third class. They only has 2,15% Nazis against them. ´

Thasts 935.000 including children, women and grandparents.

The world dont look as You are told. We live in it and know.

Iron Zion

Listen bitch we don’t fuck around. Some on here called these Russian whores Orcs. I call them cannon fodder. They now down to us in Syria. Yesterday we killed Syrian army, they can’t touch us because they know what we’ll do to them, like we are with our Ukrainian brothers 🦾🇮🇱

hans raus

surprise,surprise…….you invaded ukrainian land and you are surprised that they will attack your territory ? xD

Just wait couple of days, Us made MLRS HIMARS with 500km range are on the way to ukraine or already in ukraine. You expect russian airfield to be destroyed and there is nothing you can do ^^


except continue liberating ukraine. LMAO

jens holm

They try to liberate millions which arm themself agains You. Thats very optimistic.

If You take it, how many do You have to have there as permanent control. Do they vote Putin next time too.


Russia has now their perfectly excuse to strike high decision-making centers. That’s what they wanted. Zelensky walked right into that one.

hans raus



Classic hans. No facts, just utter BS. You seem very helpless.

jens holm

Zelinsy is not commander of the ukra army.

It makes a lot of sense. Russia bombarde infrastructure. Ukras do as well. It probatly will be bridges, railway stations when none is there and bridges too.

They can diconnect krimera if its not guarded well. It has a new bridge.


Ukraine has lost long ago. It’s NATO that is doing the fighting now. They f**k up and some NATO country will pay the price. Then it will be over for them. US, UK and EU still buying Russian oil en masse. Seems they miscalculated on everything.


the US is hoping that the Russians hit , by accident, a nato country or use chemical weapons or nuclear ones to strike the Russians in Ukraine and elswhere..


Russia hasn’t even taken the gloves off yet. Ukraine is going to get stuffed like a Sunday Chicken Kiev

jens holm

I didnt know Russians slept with gloves on.

It makes no change. Those Ukras are 100% determinant. Wre slide and give them more and more help. I lke that.

Putin is a dummy bear hardly with no hair.


I thought Russia threatened to “attack command points” if these attacks continued. I thought that this meaningless gibberish wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

When Russian citizens start dying from the attack of a stressed much inferior force, this shows the level of crap the leadership of Russia is. A bunch of oligarch Gauleiters managing their assets

jens holm

They do fight hard now. We have to see the netto results.

Ukras are first class troops well digged in trong points They are exhausted and has lack of hard stuff.

But we see the Leadership by Russia is very bad. We might see their equipment and supply lines are no good as well.


The British are responsible for starting more wars than anyone else in the world and leaving someone else to finish them . They have wasted many generations of their youth on pathetic attempts at empire. Their belligerence is only exceeded by their arrogance. I guess those who are not homeless by now are shivering in their homes and seek revenge. The most appropriate response might be pity if they weren’t so malicious.


Forget that. Any people that worships those that would have their throat cut in an instant, all while telling them they are their ‘betters’, then feel proud for their accomplishments in the realm of ’empire’, deserve no sympathy. It’s not like the Royal family gives a shit about them, but it’s all they got.

jens holm

We have flushing toilets for people like You. Monsanto take the rest. They look like Saints.


The only way to stop this nonsense from the Nato controlled Kiev-junta and its Ukrainian zombie-soldiers is to strike back 10 times harder every time. Why not make Kiev the main target? That would probably make them think twice before trying again.

jens holm

As usual You expect we are even dummer then You and are sitting ducks.

Ukras might take out a couple of TV toers on Moskva. People there already is living in the dark.


Kiev will pay the consequences.

jens holm

You really dont get it. They are prepared for that and very determinat.

Putin made them into that.

Now we help them extra to compensate from the Russian primitivisme.


This is looking more and more like the Yemen vs Saudi war. Russia has been stuck in the same areas since the beginning of the war and is not making any advance, and now Ukraine is starting to attack the territory of Russia. Hum! it doesn’t look good.

jens holm

Russia strted with even more missiles. So its something for something. Havnt people Russia. bicycles.

Russia has many god targets – roads, bridges, railroads tracks and stations then no one is there. We will see if Ukras are some nasty moskito or not.


This is exactly the reason why this intervention was necessary: it’s a huge border, many Russian cities are nearby and Russia could not allow US military presence in Ukraine at any cost. In case of nuclear attack they could obliterate half of European Russia in matter of minutes especially when they eventually make their own hypersonic missiles.


They already made them. They are called Dark Eagle.

jens holm

Thats a joke.They still can. No problems. Those are ballistics. Thats not even what Ukraine is about.

Capt. Steven Hiller, USMC

The fact that this is happening is pathetic, come on russia get it together!!!


Time to start hitting those ‘decission’ making centers in Kiev. Make it costly for them.

jens holm

The public elected Parlament and the Public elected president?

You might get some defenceminister only.


Now Putin is saying that if any foreign power attempts to intervene (deploy), that Russia’s response will be lighting fast.

Here is the problem. No one believes him. Too many idle threats, from targeting arms convoys, to targetting decision makers in the event of attacks on Russia. Now these attacks happen pretty much every day.

There is no bigger of Supporter of Russia than me, but for God’s sakes, if you don’t intend to pursue an action, stop saying that you will!! You destroy your credibilty and you hurt the morale of the people and the armed forces.

jens holm

Ha ha. Zelinsky has high heels too.

I have no nukes in my Armata.


I believe Russia has the finest Air Defense in tne world, I have said so many times. I don’t what the problem is with Belgorod is, nor what air defense (if any) is deployed there.

However, I wonder though if Ukraine can accomplish this cheap drones, why is Russia using missiles? How many Drones can you buy with the cost of one missile?

jens holm

You see those airdefences are not as perfect as You are told. If there are many they intercept many.

But there also are gabs which are impossible to cover and others just using some not so secret door


https://twitter.com/serobga/status/1519248444007018496?t=qM8WHyI6Bpl06Ab3nq7amg&s=19 25 000 RU soldiers dead!?

Peter The Ungrateful

LOL, again with the faked intercepts, presented by Goebbels Media Inc.


Ukraine is invaded by aggression and thus has all the rights to bring the war to the invader. Hail Ukraine. I think the US and Ukraine would love to go together in a battle against the aggressor. Now it is waiting when Russia will cross the Nato borders.

dj dd

Only an idiot doesn’t know that it is the US and NATO attacking Russian territories and ships. Ukraine on it’s own cannot do this. There capability to do such attacks have seriously been degraded by weeks of systematic destruction of their land, air and see assets.

Since during the Cold war and up to the present times, US either directly or through weapon supply to Soviets or Russian adversaries have killed over 100,000 Russians. And this is not a secret. US even brags about it and don’t hide ill feelings and vile words towards Russia.

So, what will Russia do about all these. What Russia does best is what they are known to do – pretend that they don’t know who is attacking her. This weakness is very well known by US and that’s why the attacks will continue and be intensified deeper and deeper into Russian territory.

Russia, unfortunately disappoints and disappoints heavily. To the very least, Russia must let the gloves off and start attacking all vital infrastructures of Ukraine including government buildings, military schools, academies railway depots, vital roads etc. etc.

Over 300 billion dollars of their money has been frozen, part of which will now be used for Ukraine purposes. So the gloves should be off and make sure she achieved all her aims in Ukraine.

If they want to demilitarize and denazify, they better start being serious.

WT Baker

Do people remember, or even know, how the National Socialists (Nazis) we’re put in power in 1938? Well just look at what happened in Kiev back in 2014 when the British stooge Obama sent Victoria “Cookie Monster” Nuland to make sure the Banderistas we’re put into power after the Maidan color revolution, aka. NATO regime change operation. 1938 is no different from 2014 yet just as Hitler failed so will the Kiev Nazis and their western knuckle draggers. It should be, if not already, obvious that the US, Global Britain, and NATO have had no intention of not escalating this crisis beyond the no return point. They will use nuclear weapons unless they are stopped with profound ideas concerning human development.


The SAS went into Ukraine RECENTLY, two groups of TEN. Attacks on Russian soil went up RECENTLY, the UK said Ukraine should attack Russia with the weapons they have been given from the UK, ie the SAS, RECENTLY.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Stoopid Ruskies. Just wait, OTAN is about to give Ukraine M270 MLRS. every bridge, ammo dump, fuel dump, etc, etc in Crimea and East of the Russo-Ukraine border will be hit accurately, unlike Russian munitions that keep hitting the wrong targets.

Remember Bucha!

Take the fight to the enemy! Avenge Bucha!

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