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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Biolabs: From Conspiracy Theory, to Conspiracy Fact, to ‘It’s Russia’s Fault!’

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Ukrainian Biolabs: From Conspiracy Theory, to Conspiracy Fact, to ‘It’s Russia’s Fault!’

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Written by Mark Ehrman

Since the surprise admission by Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland of the existence of biological laboratories in Ukraine, during questioning by Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) during a Senate hearing on March 8th, the official narrative that the existence of such labs was merely a ‘conspiracy theory’ has been destroyed.

In the wake of this unanticipated disclosure by Nuland, several days elapsed before a new narrative could be constructed to replace the old, with various government actors frantically attempting to change the subject or revert to shrill denials of this information – despite the fact that this information has been posted on the official website of the US Embassy in Ukraine for some time, under the title of ‘Biological Threat Reduction Program’. Many of the links to the documentation on this website are now, strangely enough, dead (but still available on archive.org).

Mass media propaganda sources such as CNN and NPR opted for a policy of silence and erasure, with no mention of Nuland’s admission found during extensive searches of both sites.

In the end, the new propaganda narrative seems to be the one formulated on the spot by a stunned Marco Rubio when he interrupted Nuland’s testimony, and threw her this lifeline: ‘…If there is a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100 percent, it would be the Russians that would be behind it?’.  To which an obviously relieved Nuland replied,There is no doubt in my mind, Senator. And it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.’

White House press secretary Jen Psaki later tweeted on Wednesday, after Nuland’s testimony:  ‘“We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories,” Psaki wrote. “This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.”

In response to Nuland’s admissions of the existence of Ukrainian biolabs, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova told reporters during a press conference that Nuland’s remarks “do not leave Washington the opportunity to remain silent at this time.” Later in the press conference Zakharova stated, regarding biological warfare materials: “We have your biological material that was developed primarily for military purposes. As it turns out, it was all happening in Ukraine. What were you doing there?”

Regarding to White House press secretary Psaki’s remark of ‘Chinese officials echoing these conspiracy theories’, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian cited unnamed reports suggesting that “a large quantity of dangerous viruses are stored in these facilities” and said “Russia has found during its military operations that the U.S. uses these facilities to conduct bio-military plans.”

“According to data released by the U.S., it has 26 bio-labs and other related facilities in Ukraine, over which the U.S. Department of Defense has absolute control,” Zhao said. “All dangerous pathogens in Ukraine must be stored in these labs and all research activities are led by the U.S. side. Without U.S. approval, no information shall be released to the public.”

This information has been freely available online for years, thanks to the diligent and professional reporting of Bulgarian war correspondent Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, at https://dilyana.bg, who has documented the existence of the numerous biolabs encircling Russia, in Ukraine, Georgia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, and many other nations.

MintPressNews has also featured a lengthy, in-depth interview with Gaytandzhieva in the past week, along with a joint interview of Gaytandzhieva and Scott Ritter, the former UN arms inspector.

Glenn Greenwald, America’s premier dissident journalist (now living in Brazil), dissects Nuland’s comments and the American propaganda machinery in his article ‘Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has “Biological Research Facilities,” Worried Russia May Seize Them’.

Even the Youtube channel of Russell Brand, the English comedian turned geo-political analyst, is an excellent source for balanced analyses of the current situation, though he is careful not to cross the line and invoke the wrath of the YouTube censors and lose his channel (as has RT, RT America, Sputnik, and other channels who failed to hew the propaganda line).

While the corporate mainstream media in the West serves only as a means of broadcasting propaganda, the free press remains alive and thriving thanks to independent voices like those listed in the article.


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Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Oy vey get me out of here ASAP.


Admitting there are biolabs is not proof they were developing biological weapons.


You paid shills will grasp at anything won’t you lmao. Just stop already it’s comedy tier at this point.


no, they are developing cure for all your mental diseases. but no results so far.


You’re right … biolabs are essential for agriculture and public health.

What kind of public health or agricultural enterprises does the pentagon fund?

And why did Nulan warn that the Ukrainians had to destroy the work they were doing before the Russians?

Was the pentagon planning to surprise Biden with a new hybrid rose for his birthday?


Of course not it was just kids messing about in the school lab,behave yourself Nazi.


Sooo… the biolabs in Ukraine were just cooking up new hybrid kids for Biden to mess around with on his birthday?


nazi poko molo becoming more stupid and senile—did they transfer you grunting like pig to a different trailer park in arkansas?

jens holm

Laika had Your brain. It never was used.


This is straight from University in tel Aviv.


No, America would never do anything as nefarious as that….. a country that’s been at war with the rest of the world from its genocidal inception, North Korea, Vietnam etc, etc, are testimony to the psychopathic use of biological weapons by that amoral cesspit and in its dying days it’s going to get more evil….if that’s at all possible!


You getting caught with a drawer full of worn little boys underwear doesn’t prove you are a pedo.


You realize Russia has bioweapons too correct? Besides what about the biolab in Wuhan? All chemical-biological weapons affect anyone they come into contact with. Russia has hundreds of ethnicities, making one weapon that affects a certain group will supposedly not work on killing other groups.


What bioweapons? Bullshit. America has more bio and chemical weapons than the rest of world combined. Probably 10x more.


Yes they have bioweapons. And so does Russia.


Well true Russia has COVID-19, but that’s the US’ bioweapon that came in uninvited. Now the whole world has it.

Karl Wolfe

You don’t what you’re talking about.


more nazi lies from nazi hillbilly in arkansas……

jens holm

Dont offent Your neighbors as long as they have matches and gas.


Tel aviv


Stop digging, that hole is big enough!


Does Russia have bio labs on the US/Mexico border?


If you’re talking about human trafficking, then yes. They’ve shipped them through Belarus to attack Poland but Pedo Joe fooled them, he gave the insurgents money and free rides everywhere. Frustrated all Hell out of Putin, the poor guy. Note that Americans are being forced to take the AIDS jab but immigrants aren’t. Don’t ask, don’t tell. China is totally cheesed about the result of their clever stealing of American bioweapon research. Was the Marburg release in October an accident on the part of the Chinese? When you’re jumped in, who you gonna call?

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗🤡


You always type that generic comment projecting your own feelings onto another. You make bold assumptions, while making false claims everyone who disagrees with you is a bot. In fact anyone who makes such claims is likely an intel asset themselves.


worthless retarded nonsense by a worhtless retarded troll ^

Black Flag

CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging: x2. Enjoy!

Plus, in good mood so will throw in a, VIva Z & V Baby!

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag
Vlad the Impaler

Typical German subhuman, spreading your lies and degeneracy. I would instruct you to go breathe some gas, but oh, wait! YOU DON’T HAVE ANY, haha!


He is not real German.


pathetic nazi— traumatized desperate

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps CIAisis biolabs away 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Russia is gaining ukrobots are draining 🤗

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Slava Rossiye 🇷🇺


The Latin words “slavi” or “sclaveni” can be found in the old manuscripts. Sclavus, sklabos and slabenos, which were mostly translated as slaves, or scamps.

Orthodox Saint Caesarius of Nazianzus used the word “sclavenoi”, Procopius likewise used the word “sclabenoi” in the 6th century for tributary non-Christians outside the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire. Until about 700 CE, “slavi” was practically unknown in Central Europe as a synonym for heathens.





Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

no one needs “history lessons’ from Odysee and retarded lunatics like you.


Because you makeup retarded assumptions without watching, like assuming anyone you disagree with is wrong without evidence to prove them wrong. You can’t debate anything and childishly insist I am wrong without evidence.


nazi amerikant hillbilly already self hating—humiliated…nobody debates with an insecure traumatized child—too inferior


You could only understand when subject to violence.


How am I retarded or a lunatic? For disagreeing with you? Are you so indoctrinated that you assume anyone who disagrees with what you believe to be the “sacred truth” is therefore a madman? As for those “cartoons” someone kept mentioning, I posted a meme. Somehow that means I’m posting cartoons constantly? You know the context and likewise don’t care about your feelings.


You commentators can’t even figure out what flag belongs to who. https://i.imgur.com/IErQd2k.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

You tard, it’s the Banderovite Nazi flag of western ukraine from WW2 with a jew star on it. So creative, just like the 80 made up genders in the west.

jens holm

Thats right its the Judea version. I looked up.

I dont think thats known in west at all. Its about the same for the 40 silly flags in Syria.

In Syria I only has been offended for YPG using their flags as it was all of the SDF. Just after that they actually changed it.

Flags unite as well as the opposite.


If you are going to criticize me for sourcing wikipedia, just know that such a flag is well known for what it is. This is like looking up Nazi Germany on wikipedia and asserting the swastika within a circle surrounded by red was not their flag.


Nordlux is very knowledgeable and well-read. If you cannot refute any of his commentary you’re probably wrong.


fringe nazi poko molo discredited retired dishwasher in arkansas—farcical


You are too bound up with emotion to make any effort to understand other viewpoints. You are kept at a meagre subsistence level, while living in a state of fear conjured up by Daddy Putin.

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther

I shouldn’t feed the troll but you are really crazy. Seriously, you are insane. Doctors should lock you in a cage and throw the key away.


this would waste money in USA broken health care system


you have no emotion–nor can you comprehend Spinoza plato, shestov gadder or Hegel—typical amerikant nazi


Once you are duped into that state of fight or flight, you surrendered your mind, body and soul to your oligarchic rulers.


Quit drugs!


nazi frizzy inhale too much shoe polish after he shine shoes of superior Jew in arkansas for 2 shekels


The unfortunate irony is you enjoy your servitude. https://i.imgur.com/ixz7ztL.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by HansGunther
Karl Wolfe

Nobody enjoys Servitude more than the German “leadership”. That’s a true oxymoron.


projecting nazi amuses—sitting in trailer park arkansas do zero

jens holm

You only make a photo and no movie during time.

I can do that too and make Viking England into Denmark again. That might even happen, when Boris Johnson collapse it.

Then we will let them into EU again and promise no more from Poland to there 🛀🏾

Yamil Perez

Oy vey… Not the precious bioweapons lab. Thats the shekel money…

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

I will gas everyone. Am I the best President ever or what 😈💯🍷

jens holm

I just got my period. My mangina is bleeding all over the place. Oh my. Need an XXL Tampax.

jens holm

Youri garqain again and not Jens Holm Denmark

Bigg Chungus

I think it is quite transparent that these are the types of places that created the entire Coronavirus crisis in a test tube. And you’re a fool for thinking they’re finished with their plans. They have much more in store! Russia has done humanity a favor. I only hope they dump all the biolabs information they recover from the special operation into the public domain, rather than bundling it up in some file in the Kremlin. The world needs to see their crimes.


Agree. No more faked sorosist UN uranium showed vial ! Russians must show entire world the proof even this world is a sheep or monkey one ! Sooner or later they will learn to think just how HOMO ERECTUS does.

jens holm

When things are not as You were told by Your one arm to Putin antenna, You make those stories.

Putin must have told You, there is a Nobel Price for lying too.

jens holm

So You were a guest in the Bolsjoj theatre too?



jens holm

Big nose makes big letters.


Russia should sponsor top quality documentaries about the biolab enciclement that presents credible evidence to the international Court of public opinion. Heck, US Congress loves watching videos so show it to them too.


The legend of Nuland ghoul: “Fuck the EU” 🤣🤣🤣

Black Flag

Vicky “Nasty” Nuland: the true Maiden Ghost Of Ukraine!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Black Flag

No more faked sorosist UN uranium showed vial ! Russians must show entire world the proof even this world is a sheep or monkey one ! Sooner or later they will learn to think just how HOMO ERECTUS does.

jens holm

poppy has sugar

Peppe il Sicario

Vicki Nuland, a low-grade Jew hag with stinky bunions!!

jens holm

You must be close to them since You know

Ivan Freely

Face of evil.

jens holm

Only Russian lover use the Massmedias. Its shouold be MARS MEDIAS.

They dont understand we get all information direct by not only free speech but also directly by internet, mobile phones and androids.

We get it right here in Denmark by reugees contecting family and friends.

In Russia Yiu have to use VPN. All sober medias are gone. If you say something or do something being a critisist, You get jailed ofr has to pay a lot.

I hardly has written the rest. Its like dentist making bread and putting in stones to have a living.


That fat karsi bitch let the cat out of the bag, and there is no going back, especially as the Russians will find more labs and more incriminating evidence.

Grand Canyons

Victoria Nuland, born into a family of standard Ukrainian Ashkenazim Jewish immigrants in USA. Meaning they are bitter, angry and deeply Russophobic. But dig a little deeper into her story and will find Nuland equally hates Ukrainian Slavs. This is what her Ashkenazim Jewish family taught her. Another fat Khazar bitch who hates everyone but her own kind.

Last edited 2 years ago by Grand Canyons
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