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Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny Accused Zelensky Of Lying About Mobilisation

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Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny Accused Zelensky Of Lying About Mobilisation

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Ukraine finally acknowledged that there is a need to mobilize large new forces in order to continue the war. Officials in Kiev are intensifying mobilisation. In an attempt to avoid the public anger, Zelensky shifted the blame on the Commander-in Chief Zaluzhny, claiming that the military asked to mobilise 500 thousand servicemen more.  revealed that Zelensky was lying.

In his turn, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny promptly responded, accusing Zelensky of lying. In his speech, Zaluzhny claimed that he did not name any specific figures. The General Staff did not ask for 500 thousand more soldiers, and the loud statement of the president during his press conference do not correspond to reality. The mobilisation is not Zaluzhny’s business. The General Staff is only interested in the cannon fodder itself but it is not responsible for how many and by what criteria new soldiers are mobilized.

In fact, Zaluzhny shifted all responsibility for the mobilization of Ukrainians to Zelensky and his team, who are acting according to direct orders from Washington. Earlier, the President’s Office dismissed the leadership of recruitment offices amid numerous corruption scandals and replaced it with loyal figures, who launched the illegal hunt on new servicemen on the streets.

Zaluzhny and Zelensky are now accusing each other, since no one wants to take responsibility for this obvious crime and further deaths of untrained mobilised soldiers on the front.


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zaluzhny is stupid=🤡 , zelenska is right 😆😆😆


i never wrote that. 🇷🇺=🤡


zelenska is stupid=🤡 , zaluzhny is right 😆😆😆


i never wrote that. 🇺🇦=👍👍👍


zelenska and zaluzhny are both stupid war criminals 😆😆😆


i never wrote that 🇺🇸 = 🏳️‍🌈 = 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 = 💩on the 🍆 🇪🇺 = ☠️🤡🧔🏽‍♀️👩‍🎤🧑🏾‍🎤🧟‍♂️🧜🏻‍♂️🎅🏿🏳️‍🌈👰🏻‍♂️

Shock and Awe

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸=💩💩💩 tom sawyer is a united paedophile of raping children, eat shit and die proven paedophile😘

Sergeant Scholz

i’m thinking of retiring and becoming a lawn jockey in front of the brussels nato hq.

tom homo hillbilly

i write best when mulatto pene in my rectum

Shock and Awe

yes you did american paedophile low life, stop raping children scum.


there is news that ukraine is evacuating what’s left of their soldiers in avdiivka.

jens holm

thats not news. we all know there is hard times for both and many lives are lost.

right now its visible russian gains relativ important terrain. could me the next oligars are untertakers and coffinmakers.

Sergeant Scholz

they only used avdeevka to shell civilians in donetsk because ukraine isn’t a real country. it’s a mental asylum for the criminally insane just masquerading as one.


unfortunatly like all wars, the will to fight them will fade as they enter year three. tthey did have an opportunity, but pissed it all away with small skirmishes. they needed a grand assault, somthing unthinkable. iranians did it again and again with passadam. pretending to limit calulties is a joke. tey should have done a market garden style initiative with wooden gliders, decoys, air inserts and literally thrown everything at a single point of weekness to breakthrough to melitopol


not part of the script. a high bodycount on both sides is though.


the blob would have eaten them in one gulp then instead of nibbling at their edges

Cuckoo 40

it might have worked in 1914 but not a chance today with eyes looking down from the skies, it would have been a complete slaughter. really what should have happened is no war at all but twisted gutless cowards with bags full of money bribe the weak to do their dirty work for them. the ukrainian’s thought the west would buy them all bmw’s and a rock star life how stupid they were.

Sergeant Scholz

but in europe it’s sadie hawkins day when the ugliest women in europe will all find themselves recruitment age ukies to marry.

Shock and Awe

no matter the strategy banderastan nazus we’re always going to lose just like their masters in wasington, united paedophiles of raping children did in vietnam, korea, afghanistan, etc!! besides the invincible and undefeatable red army is back while the american paedophiles can only recruit lgbtq+p homeless scums!!! amercan paedo veterans are committing suicide while the heroic russian veterans are gifted russian land to prosper and provide!!! you gotta love it aye???😘


there is fresh news that ukraine is evacuating what’s left of their soldiers from avdiivka.

jens holm

thats not news.

jens holm

your plastering is no news at all. im sure yoiur grandprents belive you if they get candy in both hands and you fill them up with milk and honey.

go to the doctor. you forgot jews.


market garden was a joke. when my grandfather heard the allied tanks were stuck 30 miles from arnhem he told the neighbours to take down the dutch flags because of coming repercussions.

Barba Papa

you cannot mass a massive military force and then achieve the one thing you want, a breakthrough. because the enemy will see it happen months in advance and block your moves accordingly. that’s why the ‘great ukrainian summer offensive’ failed so miserably. it got advertised months in advance. and not just in the media. the russians could see it coming on their satellite and drone surveillance. and so can the ukrainians if the russians were to mass as well.


nato is willing to fight russia to the last ukrainian. so some zelensky x zaluzhny political dances don’t matter. there are 3 possible outcomes in ukraine: a. an endless conflict ending in some kind of “frozen” situation similar to north and south korea b. escalation ending in strategic nuclear war c. war of attrition resulting in killing the last ukrainian soldier


the absolute best case scenario for ukraine would be a mass rebellion and a public hanging of both zaluzhny and zelensky. but ukrainians are known to be fucking stupid so that’s not likely to happen.


the people are controlled by the media and the secret services, that rebellion would require a lot of money and a capable trained leader with professional pr and support team and a such leader would be silenced very quickly because this kind of insurgency does not play well with american interests. i don’t say the uprising scenario is impossible but it is very unlikely.

jens holm

te main cotroller is russia is your own. its supperted we laws of your own too.

you write a selvcreated illusion. very much as satan are tricking god. you also learn there only are one truth created by your great leader.

some 8 billions in the rest of the world dont think so. and there are many oppinions. many are very good ideas which you could need.

jens holm

when were there no medies control and secret services in your own country?

and not usa. you can say its western economics and affiliates and we trade much more with china and india then your 144 mio dwarf too, where some 100 wagners run the whole africa



niger is for the first time in its history free from the french colonialists , it’s good news for africa.


jens there are 7 billions

Sergeant Scholz

i see your gobbledegook isn’t improving much with time.

jens holm

sure. from from oktober 1917. they were all loyal to russia by the tzar and the frontzones agansit hungary-austraia and germany.

the ukraine cossacs with many small canons, where were many too, were seceond best to the tzar elite troop.

and why. the tzars mainly left them alone in their primithe was. they just bought a lot a food from there to fair prices and exported it with profit.

jens holm

incommers just made big towns and not the ukras. fx kharkov, rostov and aleksandrovka,/yuzovka/ stalino/had 30% jew too. ´the tzars got read the jews i russia itselv. ukras didnt like that part.

not liking you is like that. russia dont like poles. same thing. you dont like people obeying your big monster and supporting it.

jens holm

thats highly incorrect.

ukras has the right to defend themselves. we help them. that was a demand from russian and #west#.

by that they gave all their all nukes to russians. they were all directed west. good for us too.

its seemes russia har created another zone for themselves. they already has several. but you of course are not even allow to comment that.


finally you have some biased view of the european history , with a clear touch of russophobia. “russia dont like poles” , it’s a bunch of prejudices like that


d) negotiations , then the withdrawal of nato from ukraine and the neutral status of the remaining lands. it would be still possible to join eu (if the eu survives itself) but not nato. if the eurasian initiatives like one belt one road succeed , then the new ukraine will rather join it and not the eu.

tom homo hillbilly

i am real tom sawyer—bitter senile retired walgreen stockboy in lgbt san fagcisco—

Shock and Awe

but you forgot to mention american paedophile who is always looking for some underage ass, with a preference for little boys!!!


tým dvom treba nasypať koks ako sliepkam zrna a dať im do rúk nožík.

Peter Jennings

regime change in ukraine cannot be far away. you know when things are grim in juntaland when the nato patsy’s who live off their excuses, run out of excuses. the blame game just creates more conflict.

jens holm

we hear here russians are sending windows for suppert.

Sergeant Scholz

good god, your bullshit blather is giving me a headache.

are you a sadist?


o my, history repeats. in vietnam general westmoreland said: i need more troops and everything will be fine. wake up and follow the money/ cui bono?


commander-in chief zaluzhny is dead dudes… when was the last time you saw him in public?

jens holm

next time with be when you remove your censure.

has been around the world. here we see him allover from tv to youtubes as well as in many video link to parments.

you dont see. your are tricked.


lol putin is also dead due to some newspapers , and zelenski is captured while prigoshin is still alive. finally there will be doubles negotiating peace or maybe the ai will do the job.


notice russia doesn’t even talk about him… its only the western shitheads and ukraine

jens holm

thats right. zelensky is not mentioned as crown anymore. they have opgraded him to dictator.

i zelensky is not.

he has not absulte power. its democary til big enternal problem, we a lot are ussr leftovers. all money are used to warfare. by that reforms many reforns timbukto.


ukraine is as far away from democracy as the next star alpha centauri from the earth.

jens holm

another russia joke.

suddenly they refere almost the real world.

russian deny to understand the normal structures whicn now include ukraine. by that you get almost tranplantants like this and conclude from that.


part 1: – don’t you see? the us state department and their puppet zelensky are consistently implementing the plan of depopulating ukraine. the young and able to carry weapons are beeing sent to front lines to be killed their by the russians. the old will be bombed in their villages. and the women and children will emigrate. for whom are they depopulating the country? and why?


part 2 – is it to prepare the transfer of israel (something predicted in 2012 by henry kissinger)? is this why israel is desperately trying to provoke a larger war in the middle east? is this why americans supported only jewish cadidates for political functions in ukraine? please take this possibility under consideration before it is too late. don’t let the tribe of snakes steal the country from you.


cant be too long before zelensky succumbs to the hitler complex: sacks his chiefs of staff and runs the war himself.


it is now reported by wikipedia that jens holm will replace zaluzhny

Sergeant Scholz

i don’t think anyone will eve notice any difference.


god willing someone in the ukrainian military overthrows and kills zelensky once and for all

Sergeant Scholz

some people think i’d make a good lawn jockey in front of the bundestagg and other people think i’m into wearing a dog collar and being a slave in underground sadomasochistic clubs in berlin’s upscale part of town.

was just wondering what the people here think?

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