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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Conflict An “Opportunity” For The CIA – William Burns

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Ukrainian Conflict An “Opportunity” For The CIA – William Burns

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At the same time, Ukrainian President emphasizes there is “no secret” between the Ukrainian government and the US main intelligence agency.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

US authorities no longer hide their anti-Russian ambitions in Ukraine. In a recent statement, CIA Director William Burns said the Ukrainian conflict would be a “unique opportunity” for Washington. The case shows how Western strategists really want to destabilize and harm Russia as much as possible, with no intention of peace or diplomatic goodwill.

The head of American intelligence revealed in a lecture at the Ditchley Foundation in the UK on July 1 that his agency plans to explore the possible opportunities for infiltration that would arise from the weaknesses of a Russian society allegedly dissatisfied with the conflict in Ukraine. This would be, according to him, an appropriate occasion to advance anti-Russian plans in the intelligence sector.

“Disaffection with the war will continue to gnaw away at the Russian leadership beneath the steady diet of state propaganda and practiced repression (…) That disaffection creates a once-in-a-generation opportunity for us at CIA, at our core a human intelligence service. We’re not letting it go to waste”, he said.

In this regard, Burns also made it clear that the CIA is already taking steps to advance its projects. According to the official, the agency launched a recruitment channel on Telegram in May, showing “business” proposals for Russian officers, military, government representatives and scientists who want to provide information from Moscow to American forces.

“We had 2.5 million views in the first week, and we’re very much open for business,” he added.

Two days later, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky went public to reveal that his regime is constantly in cooperation with the CIA, and there are no secrets between them. Recently, Zelensky and Burns met during a director’s visit to Kiev. On the occasion, the neo-Nazi leader talked to the US official about many “important things”, such as what Ukraine “needs” to keep the proxy war on Russia.

“My communication with the CIA chief should always be behind the scenes. We discuss important things – what Ukraine needs and how Ukraine is prepared to act (…) We don’t have any secrets from the CIA because we have good relations and our intelligence services talk with each other (…) The situation is pretty straightforward. We have good relations with the CIA chief, and we are talking. I told him about all the important things related to the battlefield that we need”, Zelensky said.

According to an anonymous source linked to the American government interviewed by CNN, Burns’ visits to Kiev are frequent, despite the fact that media outlets often do not pay attention to these events:

“Director Burns recently traveled to Ukraine, as he has done regularly since the beginning of Russia’s recent aggression more than a year ago (…) As with other trips, the director met with his Ukrainian intelligence counterparts and President Zelensky, reaffirming the US commitment to sharing intelligence to help Ukraine defend against Russian aggression”, source said.

Indeed, Burns’ words about the CIA seeing the conflict as an “opportunity” show that American intelligence wants to take advantage of events in Eurasia to generate instability in Russian society, fomenting frictions in the government, military and civil institutions. Burns exposes the plans very clearly and does not hide his intentions, which makes the US hostile stance towards Russia public.

The CIA director’s regular visits to Kiev are actually part of these anti-Russian plans. American intelligence actively interferes in the conflict, manages the activities of its proxy state directly from the battlefield, acting as a true belligerent party. This high level of information sharing and strategic integration shows that there is certainly American participation in all crimes committed by the neo-Nazi regime, including terrorist attacks and murders of civilians in the undisputed territory of the Russian Federation.

However, it remains to be seen whether the US anti-Russian plans will really be effective. The director is mistaken in his assessment of the Russian scenario when he says that there is “disaffection” and growing frictions in Russia as a result of the conflict. Vladimir Putin’s popularity and Russian national unity have been greatly strengthened by the progress of the special military operation, contradicting Burns’ claims.

Also, it is unlikely that any incursion attempt by American intelligence will be successful, considering that Russian security forces are on high alert for this type of threat, having occurred repeated operations focused on neutralizing infiltrated foreign agents and terrorist networks. Moscow is aware that the real enemy side in the current conflict is the US-led West, which is why it is acting cautiously to protect itself.

Furthermore, Burns’ words about an alleged public CIA recruitment of Russian citizens through Telegram sounded unconventional. This type of strategy sounds amateurish and ineffective in terms of security, since Telegram is an easily accessible network and Russian forces could act against citizens who search for the CIA there – in addition to infiltrating their own counterintelligence agents in the process of recruitment.

Either Burns made this announcement as a bluff to try to “scare” Russia by demonstrating that it was advancing intelligence operations, or in fact the CIA is desperate in its search for agents on the ground in Russia and is making basic strategic mistakes. In both cases, it is clear that American intelligence does not seem prepared to defeat Russia.


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as long as russia remains pals with i$rael and retains it’s member$hip in the un wh0reh0u$e without making the announcement to it’s dual nationals living in the u.$., u.k, eu and i$rael that the party is over… either you come home?.., or stay where you are in your second and third homes abroad paying taxes to those government(s) trying to undermine the sovereignty of the place of your birth?… this $hit$h0w will continue and only get much worse!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

this system is so deeply ingrained into the fabric of economy and finance that you cant cut it out without resetting the entire planet and causing chaos and riots everywhere. and even then those who control the system now are in the pole position to get into a similar position of power as before. the virus of corruption is part of the human identity and will allways resurface.


ukrainian conflict was created by cia

like 99% of all conflicts


and russia with it’s indifference after maidan 2014 that got ukraine and russia where it is now!

Ivan Freely

i never understood russia’s lethargic response. it certainly fits with the old adage of how slow russian’s getting on their horses.


they were 100% sure that the nukes will make the us not pull such stuff with them like they did with everyone before. they let the us destroy or bribe potential ally after potential ally (in the enemy of my enemy kind of way) and are now wondering that only iran – who is on the long time kill list of the us no matter what they do – is standing with them. china seems to wait until some plan of them is ready and not be botherd by anything whats going on.


good observations. what you also imply (without saying it) is that china has no intention of giving their dual nationals living in the u.$. an ultimatum to leave their trophy home in america, just like india after they made the worst deal with uncle $hmuel hauling away the crime scene at ground zero going on it’s 22nd anniversary in exchange for control of america’s manufacturing and the “second life” in north america!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

they are both why russia has procrastinated because russia knows they will not leave it until they are attacked like russia is now!… and they don’t give a fuck about how many ukrainians and russians have to die as long as russia keeps their energy interests “flowing” at russia’s long term expense.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
AM Hants

cia was created to provide positions for the bolshevik and nazi scientists, engineers, and psychologists. why else was operation paperclip their first exercise. is it a coincidence that the cia was launched in the same year that israel was created?


the war in angola was also an opportunity in the proxy war of sa for cia and oil companies.

AM Hants

same with rwanda. it took the un over a decade to apologise for failing to notice the genocide of 800,000 rwandan citizens. of course, that was after the diamond and oil industries were up and running.


they never took responsibiity for the genocide. they blamed it on the hutu. the killing is all a result of the actions of the us proxy tutsi, including the darling of the us and their shitty canadian vassals, paul kagame, a bloodthirsty, corrupt despot.


open conflict is always “an opportunity” for mercenaries, murderers and thieves.

Yupeng Gu

that’s why we round them up and send them to reeducation camps


zelensky suffers from stockholm syndrome. the spooks in russia face the barrier of their own disgusting reputation which will be hard to overcome in russia.


sounds like desperation given that the guy is openly saying this, which they never do. yanquis were shut out of asia, africa, and latin and south america. they are trying to randomly throw shits on the wall if they would stick.

russia is crushing 30 plus odd countries of nato all by herself. the funny thing is that this nato folks pretend that asia doesn’t exist. china, nk, iran, etc. along with russia are ready to move in to north america and end this thing at washington dc.

Last edited 1 year ago by vietnam
Uncle Ho

persians make excellent drones. highly effective and particularly difficult for air defenses- two thumbs up – roger ebert

Yupeng Gu

he’s saying that in order to get more funding, of course he’s desperate since he has nothing to show proof that he successfully destabilized russia

John Kesich

dissatisfaction? remind me of putin’s approval rating. the psychos in washington seem to have finally lost what little grip they have on reality.


i do not think that any of those approval ratings neither in the west nor in the east are true. or do you really believe that all of europe is hell bent of stopping to use gas powered cars and dismantle their economy for the climate?

AM Hants

it was over 90%, after the cia attempted coup of 24 june.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

the cia will end up getting ass raped just like they did in afghanistan!

Yupeng Gu

i ship lubes to kabul


f the cia and the dnc donkey it rode in on.

AM Hants

such a good exercise, that it has only strengthened the relationship between russia and their leader. so love to see regime change fail.

Uncle Ho

their winning in the biggest possible way: their depopulation medical procedure is highly successful worldwide. they can’t wait to kill yet another kennedy either. they specialize in that.


ei asta fac. tranzactioneaza vulnerabilitati.


the cia is pathetic and weak af 🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡

poko molo

cia recruits saudi to bomb nyc—legislate fascisdt patriot act–amerikan=submissive burger licker


hurmf, they are just windbags for the scums of this earth, whom runs both sides and so far have done what they came for, ukraina. russia is lying about everything as the yankikes are, this war of attrition is about slaughtering slavs, the catle/goiyms, for both the gov are rotten to their core. the truth is, this uh… coup was a sign of something more fundamental than this smo since its about rgov. and the level of corruption, and this scums just humped the band-wagon along with a lot of others


william burns, burn in hell.

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