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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian “Counter-Offensive” Was Media Invention To Boost Kiev’s Morale

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Ukrainian “Counter-Offensive” Was Media Invention To Boost Kiev's Morale

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What really happened was a tactical retreat by Russia, which is now beginning to be reversed into high-fire combat actions.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

Recently, the advance of Ukrainian troops on territories occupied by Russian forces has caused enthusiasm in the West. Pro-Ukrainian media outlets began to announce that Kiev had successfully performed a major military counter-offensive, defeating Russian soldiers, regaining territory, and rapidly advancing towards a possible “victory”. However, this kind of irresponsible conduct on the part of the media completely failed to demonstrate what was actually happening. 

Several Ukrainian operations have been dubbed by the media as a “counter-offensive”. Most of these missions have been absolutely unsuccessful, as was the case recently in Kherson. However, the recent Ukrainian advance in the Kharkov region was recognized as a military victory by Kiev due to the Russian retreat announced on  September 10. Large areas were abandoned by Moscow’s troops, suggesting that Russian soldiers were fleeing confrontation with the enemy and surrendering their positions. Official sources in Kiev even claimed that its forces had “reconquered” more than 3,000 kilometers of territory.

Obviously, the news was spread as a symbol of the “strength” and “resilience” of the Ukrainian soldiers. The so-called “Ukrainian resistance” was applauded throughout the western world. The media channels repeatedly reinforced the “importance” of military and financial support to Kiev, showing how the “results” of the aid packages were positively influencing the “Ukrainian resistance” in this counteroffensive. Kiev’s morale was boosted. Zelensky and several Ukrainian officials began to announce that the country was heading towards military victory. But this euphoria was short and the reality about the situation was quickly revealed.

In the early hours of September 12, Russian forces began a series of tactical operations against strategic targets on Ukrainian soil, causing serious damage to Kiev’s forces. The operations focused on critical infrastructure targets. Several cities in the country became absolutely without electricity and internet, cutting off the Ukrainian main civil and military communication platforms. Local information and propaganda vehicles went offline, and Ukraine lost most of its domestic media capacity. Some sources claim that 50% of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure was destroyed in just two hours of Russian tactical actions.

In parallel, the Russians also intensified heavy artillery work on several other targets. Successful mobilizations took place at strategic points and provided several gains. Furthermore, it must be mentioned that even during the retreat of the Russian forces from Kharkiv, there were confrontations in various places, where casualties were inflicted on the enemies. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that in the last few days 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers involved in the “counter-offensive” were killed, in addition to 8,000 more wounded.

Obviously, these data are inconsistent with the western narrative that Ukraine is reversing the military scenario of the conflict. And indeed it is impossible to analyze the case from a realistic point of view and believe that there was some kind of Ukrainian “victory” instead of a Russian tactical retreat. The Russian military advantage gained so far would not allow such a huge territorial loss to happen so easily. This leads us to believe that what happened was a retreat strategically designed in order to allow new forms of attack.

The Russians were keeping military numbers at a low level in the evacuated regions, while Kiev is attacking in full force, uniting almost all of its troops. A direct confrontation scenario would be exhausting for both sides and lead to unnecessary casualties, as well as significantly harming the Russian forces which would be in numerical disadvantage. Therefore, the Russians retreated and fortified a line of defense near the Donbass, where it was possible to form a strong front against the enemies. From this strategic position, new attacks began to be planned and executed.

The Ukrainian infrastructure is being neutralized precisely as a first stage of this new Russian offensive. By destroying enemy communication and damaging their logistical bases, the Russians will be able to advance more easily towards the retaking of abandoned territories. Returning to Donbass, the Russians will be able to recompose their military personnel.

In recent hours, the Western media has tried to omit Russian tactical successes against Ukrainian infrastructure. The aim is to try to prolong the pro-Kiev narrative and keep Ukrainian morale high, while accelerating the push for new military aid packages. But this fallacious narrative is unlikely to last long. It is improbable that the alleged “counter-offensive” will change the scenario of unpopularity of the aid policy in the face of American and European public opinion.

As Russia continues to have control of the conflict and is expected to increase incursions in the coming days, the media’s attempt to justify the military assistance to Kiev with baseless inventions such as this “counter-offensive” will only be seen with more antipathy by citizens of Western countries amid the current wave of protests against NATO and sanctions.


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Are the Russians evaporating in the fashion of asymmetric warfare? Big NATO-Ukrainian push into empty territory while the Russians lace them with artillery? What are the actual casualty figures suffered by the Ukrotared puppets, and what are the actual Russian losses?


It is not unrealistic to assume that there have been 600 KIA between NATO-Ukrainian forces and 300 on Russian side. Then everyone can overdo the stats as they like


So you’re willing to post figures, but you don’t have the faintest idea what the real figures are. Great job. Thanks.


That isn’t how you fight a war. It is who controls territory and who controls the heights. The USA tried to fight the Vietnam war with body count strategy which is one reason they lost so badly.


Utter nonsense.

Finn Gjersøe

What a liad of total bs!


Come suck my dick again…I might be successful in forking some brain into your head

Vlad from Romania

If Russia does not DESTROY the ukronazis FAST, it will not be obvious enough for the Western sheeple how idiotic this militarization of Ukraine really is…

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Romania

Russia see they have weak opponents and it’s not funny to fight with weaklings then they decide to leave for Ukraine army some heavy weapons sacrifice hundreds of soldiers and regroup in Russia territory 😂😂😂😂😂


Why not try posting in the English language?


While factually possibly accurate on many the interpretation of the article is propagandistic in that it promotes an interested viewpoint in the conflict. It is well known that effective propaganda relies mostly on true facts rather than fakeries. It is also contradicted by what apppears to be the reality on the field, that is a fast movement of troops and armour deep inside the enemy’ defense and the control of vast swathes of territory. The fact that the Russians retreated more or less orderly doesn’t change the fact that this is at least a tactical crushing defeat and that the ukronazi operated a true offensive. The headline is factually wrong, misleading and shamefully propagandistic, as well as an example of coping with an uncomfortable reality – the ukronazis kicked Russian asses


the ukronazis had massive fatalities and wounded. russia cares for their peoples lives

Me myself and I

OMG. Southfront where do you find these wackos who write the stuff for you lol. This is all total BS. Even though, I do love seeing how individuals can live in a total alternative reality created by such ridiculous propaganda.

AM Hants

Are you projecting?

RIO Times Online, now what do they have to say about the Ukraine BOT Farms? Isn’t it true, that over 80% of the comments, pro-Ukraine, come from the BOT Farms? Not just the Rio Times that are reporting the story.

Remember Bucha!

This major victory of AFU is dedicated to victims of russian genocide in Bucha…


I see what you did! You slid in the fake victory claim with the fake genocide claim. Clever girl! I dedicate this post to all those killed on Alderaan by Darth Vader!

Jens Holm.

It’s dedicated to your mama raped and genocided by my dog. Remember her!




I´m not pro Zelinsky at all but it is a fact ucranian army has taken Kupiansk an Izyum in a couple of days. Meanwhile russians troops are trying to advance further than Donetsk airport and there´s not a single km of advance in 8 years. So it is not a mockery what ucranian army did last weekend.


Try that again in English. Meanwhile, the Russians ripped the Ukrotards apart at Kherson and have withdrawn in a relatively orderly fashion from territory in Kharkov oblast, although they still seem to occupy an unimaginably vast swathe of former territory of the failed Ukrainian CIA project.

Ma Laoshi

“Media invention” yeah right. Tell that to the Russian forces who have just recently fought hard to expand their hold near Kharkov (territory that was already taken right at the beginning, only to be abandoned in March). Most importantly, tell that to the local civilians who, in spite of what I just wrote, chose to work with the Russians, and are now paying for it with their lives.

I’d like it to be otherwise, but the map elsewhere on SouthFront speaks for itself: this is not retreat -> counterattack: it is retreat -> retreat -> retreat. It’s now been about two weeks in this episode; if the cavalry still didn’t come then that means that it won’t–the cavalry isn’t there.


Two weeks ago the Russians were separating the parts of a few thousand Banderpite service personnel in the disastrous operation of the failed Ukrainian CIA project in Kherson oblast.

Ma Laoshi

… and I deny nothing of what you say: Ukie failure in Kherson and their success and Kharkov both seem real to me. Something doesn’t add up for me: if Russian intel saw the Ukie troop accumulations near Chuguev, why didn’t they whack those then and there, especially if there was NO cauldron trap prepared for them? If Russian intel *didn’t* see them, perhaps they should hire some of those maligned Telegram bloggers who’ve been proved right all along?


It should have been retreat -> counterattack; it’s totally disheartening that it was only retreat and nothing but retreat. The number of dead enemy soldiers isn’t important because the Russians lost territory which they needed to use it as leverage in a negotiated peace treaty. Also, if the enemy reaches the DNR prisons and liberates the POWs, they’re going to have fresh well-rested soldiers to replace the ones lost! :(


The Russians absolutely do not need the Kharkov territory for leverage in a negotiated peace treaty. And the notion that the people held in DNR POW camps constitute a font of capable personnel is just absurd.


“began a series of tactical operations against strategic targets” = started blindly shelling downtown Kharkiv out of anger.


From where? Do you suppose that the Russians are in range of downtown Kharkov?


Let’s hope so. I honestly cannot make an idea, due to the fact that living in Italy is like being trapped in another dimension. I hope DPR and LPR volunteers, Russians and Chechens will destroy those evil subhumans as soon as possible.


Let’s wait and see , i hope it’s true


I’m sure it isn’t a media invention to all the dumb saps who cooperated with Russia and now find themselves in the hands of the Bandera.

Cope more



watching this,agony since 7 months, i see only this solution: Khadyrov and Medwedew take over Putin, half of the Rus generals command should be shot in open Public on the Red square, call in a good Part of the 2 Million reservists and the whole ukro job could be done till end of year with a victory Parade in Odessa.

Remi Korsakov

Is it the carnival season in Rio? The city Izium was the base for the headquarters of the Russian army and made it possible to attack Ukranian forces in the Donbas from three sides. Russia fought three months to conquer this city. If this a tactical retreat it is one of the biggest blunders in military planning. In a tactical retreat you make sure not to leave any usefull material behind.


Dude your all in denial. Russia will loose the war


This description reminds me of the Confederation assault at Gettysburg to achieve some kind of ‘victory’ as their backer i.e. the British Empire wanted some good news, as the US south was losing the US civil war at that point, but that failed assault was the tipping point towards their total defeat.


@SF mass censoring, even all hig quality comments and even with only the slightest criticism? from me and all of my suroundings as long as this goes on, not a single cent anymore for SF support. apart from that, this behaviour destroys all your credibility and reputation.

Cope more

Cope harder


Just like in Judo. You use the enemies strength..


Russia needs to find a way to kill the narrative https://www.marketwatch.com/articles/ukraine-russia-war-stock-market-51662988515?mod=mw_more_headlines

emanuel fernandez

UKRAINIAN “COUNTER-OFFENSIVE” AS MEDIA INVENTION? I do not think so. The great leader Putin made the great mistake of underestimating his enemies by presuming that he could win with a very limited number of forces and troops on the ground and still leaving Ukraine’s civilians strategic structures intact, such as power plants that move trains full of US weapons to the fronts, as if russians soldiers were immortals and invincible.

How sad that because of the presumption and the arrogance of its leader, my beloved Russian is being shamed and ridiculed throughout all the world for his shameful escapes and defeats on several fronts in ukraine whith russians soldiers being sacrificed and humiliated and the inhabitants of the areas previously liberated by the Russian forces being massacred and tortured without no one who can defend them , after putting all their trust in the words and power of my beloved Russia. These times are for deep reflection and decision making much better than the previous ones. May God continue to bless and prosper my beloved Russia

Buford T. Justice

NO offense intended, but you’re putting lip stick on a pig in my opinion . A failure of Russian high command is what it was. Inexplicable . I don’t blame Kadyrov for being frustrated and angry , and pity the pro Russians Ukrainians left behind.

The Donbas and Luhansk militias , the Chechens and the Wagner boys , that is not near enough man power. Putin needs to pull his head out . Vital infrastructure for the enemy , left untouched up until now , fuel , weapons systems and heavy armor allowed to travel across the country on the highways and on rail , out in the open, all the way to the front, no problem ! I mean WTF ?

They’re making a mockery of Putin . Kiev should be too damn dangerous for Pelosi and other western dignitaries to visit !

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