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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Drone Strikes On Russian Fuel Facilities On March 12-16, 2024 (Map Update)

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Ukrainian Drone Strikes On Russian Fuel Facilities On March 12-16, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • On March 16, Ukrainian UAV struck the Syzran refinery in the Samara region;
  • On March 16, Ukrainian UAV struck the Novokuibyshevsky refinery in the Samara region;
  • On March 16, two Ukrainian UAVs were suppressed near the Stanovaya refinery in the Lipetsk region;
  • On March 15, Ukrainian UAV reportedly struck the First Plant refinery in the Kaluga region;
  • On March 13, Ukrainian Mugin-5 Pro UAVs struck the Ryazannefteprodukt refinery in Ryazan;
  • On March 13, Ukrainian UAV was destroyed near the Kinef refinery in the Leningrad region;
  • On March 13, three Ukrainian UAVs were suppressed near Novoshahtinsky refinery;
  • On March 12, Ukrainian UAV fell on the territory of the refinery in Kstovo in the Nizhny Novgorod region;
  • On March 12, Ukrainian UAV fell on the territory of an the fuel and energy facility in Oryol.

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it’s not ukraine that did this but nato, even cluster munitions and nato armor go directly into russia, one day maybe russia will take this seriously because- this shit is becoming ridiculous, it’s time for russia to really scare them


why would you think they’ll do anything of the sort? half of russia is already destroyed and they’ve done nothing.

jens holm

its a apart of the russia expansion. where the borders are, they say they are attacked and have rights to make more for safety.

it was the same for the tzars and of course only their leaders and not their sheep.

jens holm

inferior dumb nazi humiliated by russians

jens holm

i am certified to lick amerikan rectum —i received certificate in azz licking from portland academy of hillbilly woke homosexual studies

jens holm

i didnt write that.

John Smith

half of your brain as per usual is destroyed. and i’m being optimistic.


they won’t for whatever reason the only two countrys who do not fear to hit back at the usa and nato troops right now are yemen and iran.


yemen is supplied by russia. yemen have nothing left to lose at this point or they will be the next palestine.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahaha


utter load of bollocks

jens holm

the russiin illusion again again.

they and we dont get scared – so funny.

jens holm

lgbt homo holm lies again–terrified of superior russian you send billions$ for zelensky villas and russia has defeated all nato…you are hilarious pathetic

jens holm

not me. another non comment. no dont need to repeat you low level. are you trying to be more well knovn then putin.

jens holm

in dumbmark we so scared 35% need psyche meds to cope with russian superiority—i cope by snort glue

jens holm

you are forbidden to know where it is.


the only possibility to resolve the problem is to attack direct berlin, london, washington, germany didn’t got enough in first and second world war ,someone need to kick off they ass for ever

Florian Geyer

if all the hato gangs ‘decision makers and military’ hideouts were vaporised by russia, the long suffering hato debt slaves will be dancing in the streets, lol.

jens holm

thats an internal russia thing only. we are not like that.

if we all are slaves, we all anythime are treated much better almost all russians.

by that we can produce and share. you can on nothing. thats the whole point.

we live long, better and are safe.

jens holm

no its not.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahaha


everybody is laughing at nato the north atlantic terrorist organization

jens holm

how do you know. you are not even connested to here.

you are only branwashed and told.

when rt tell about my denmark a hardly recognize it even i live here and windows and doors

jens holm

not all is bad. my late wife died laughing. now i have a better more cleaning well upstars as well downstars. hahahaha


carpet bombing, anyone?

jens holm

they can import enough from iran

jens holm

i am the moron julius ebola–the south front village idiot

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

not written by me. seemes his service get stimuliy by his behind.

jens holm

i have carpet for senile gay orgy

jens holm

very much as you made in dark in the darke market som not how.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

White Gandalf

[sarcasm mode on] i don’t see any critical problem here. we not even need to begin something serious in the ukraine. it’s just something special that specialized professional military deals with. nothing any civilian in russia would have to be worried about. just bear with me and keep sitting relaxed at home, my dear russian people!

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahaha


trochu veľa. rusko by malo začať s tým niečo robiť. takýto stav ako bude pretrvávať i naďalej tak ľudia začnú frflať. ako som už nie raz písal treba frontovú líniu odsunúť aspoň 50 km na západ a zároveň posilniť potom pvo!!! svetu mier!!!

jens holm

serve vodka larger and with a umbrella.


impotent amerikunt and colonies defeated and humiliated by russia—more desperate—-like little flea they try to lick peniz but fail

jens holm

i worship dollar lick any amerikunty peniz

jens holm

thats not written by me.

Degeneration Of Russia

russia has lost the energy war on which the kremlin had pinned great hopes at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. europe has successfully restructured its energy market, largely substituting russian gas, prices have fallen, and gazprom, once the flagship of the russian economy, has found itself trapped with its ‘energy weapon’ in putin’s geopolitical trap.

Jürgen Grabowski

gazprom’s capitalisation has fallen six times to the levels of the mid-2000s. the established transport infrastructure, in which more than €27 billion has been invested in the last 20 years alone, remains largely inactive.


in 2023, russia supplied an average of 2.2 billion cubic metres of gas per month to the eu, compared to 5.5 billion cubic metres in 2022 and 12.4 billion cubic metres in 2019–2021, according to the gecf report.

Z - it's winding down

it’s true but. gazprom is facing hard times but after all russia itself is declining power and no kind of military bravado by kremlin leaders can change it.


here you are back with another pathetic alter ego name

jens holm

you only lie for yourselv a try it for you own.

fx france now export .more weapons then your kind. thats facts and not pathetic.

jens holm

moron amerikunt envious—russian economy double growth 2023 vs amerikunt–3 times vs eu

jens holm

in any level thats a joke.

the usa level in gdp is more times more the russia. most of eu is more the twice then russia as well.

jens holm

i can confirm that. lowered internal activicity.

they almost only has regain what they lost by ussr.

jens holm

eu is dead—russia exported more to asia india africa than any year in history

jens holm

i dont see that. the rest dont see that.

russia sell less to us and us. instead theý sell cheep to asia% africa and we somewhere else or replace fossils.

try to feed you pignion yandex-spandex. it seemes they stay here

jens holm

might be true, but only gas and you seemes to exclude fx oil and to usa as well.

jens holm

russian profit revenue from gas oil 2023 exceeded all previous years—“germs are fools”. leon trotsky

jens holm

russia’s annual oil and gas revenues fell to rb8. 822 trillion ($99.34 billion) in 2023, down rb2. 746 trillion on the year and the lowest since 2020, according to a jan. 11 report published by russia’s finance ministry.


2023 marked the beginning of the long-term degradation of the russian gas industry and its flagship company gazprom. two years of war in ukraine have been enough to destroy the economically most successful part of the ussr’s legacy, which was inherited by the new russia and continued to develop in the post-soviet period.

Jonas Strandval

russian gas is no longer needed by europe. european consumers paid a heavy price in 2022 and early 2023, but now it is the turn of the russian state and russian citizens to pay, deprived of export revenues that sometimes reached $20-30 billion a year.

Tuomas Kankaanpää

in 2006, gazprom was the third largest company in the world in terms of capitalisation, at about $250 billion. by the end of the second year of the war in ukraine, gazprom’s value on the moscow exchange had fallen to 3.85 trillion rubles, or $42 billion. putin and miller have managed to almost completely destroy the most profitable part of the soviet and yeltsin-era gas legacy..

John Smith

you fake troll accounts are pathetic fake likes, bot comments

Last edited 11 months ago by John Smith
Karl Veltjens

how does it feel to realize how putin has destroyed russia’s once so lucrative gas business?🤣

John Smith

how does it feel to have a bunch of fake troll names and project the fact that the western globalist owned economies are collapsing and ukraines existence will soon cease to be? how does it feel when russia is only growing stronger and there is nothing you can do about it other than troll a comment section?

jens holm

he and i dont feel that. most of it are well proven lie.

globalisme is the rest rest of the russia. only russia is not there with lukaskano, assad, cuba, eritrata and north korea.

jens holm

🌝 parts of it might be they are not taxfree. that whould improve my ennomy as well


reminds me of those scam comment threads on youtube where they want you to invest your money with so and so. and every account in that thread is just a chain of bots that reply to one another. these nafo ukrotards are mad dumb. can they make it any more obvious?

jens holm

it remind too but to pay save.

im stockholder. i prefare and get some small profit in stead. i dont want to loose my extra pension saving. i get a little more then the inflation.

look up and avoid bots as well.

jens holm

sure. thge rest of the world lies about, but you the truth because its contructed in krelin.

jens holm

while all eu economy stagnant russia grew 3.8% 2023—try harder moron

Z - it's winding down

that 3,8% “growth” is nothing but military industrial complex. real civilian economy has gone down 5% in 2023. russians are now more poorer than in 2021. europe will never bought russian energy. europe can’t trust such evil imperialist regime moscow now has.


can you even speak proper english, bot? europe is in decline. the quality of life of average western citizens is in a decline. get it through your thick skull since english is clearly not your first language.

jens holm

you dont define what proper english migh be. all are in the world are not educated doctors.

the rest is vertical lie as monkies still are the same in nice close.

jens holm

thats right. russia is in recession too and worse then most of the eu.

jens holm

thats not related at all. like comparing banging your hands and expolives – must be marx-engels economy.

jens holm

yes. we are doing relative well and improving.

denmark has a new windform covering all electicity for some 180.000 people.


sorry i don’t read your incoherent babble i just dislike.

Tuomas Kankaanpää

statements by russian officials, including vladimir putin, that gas exports could be redirected eastwards are irresponsible. only a fraction of the available gas volume can be diverted to the most obvious direction — china.

Degeneration Of Russia

forecasts for china’s energy development suggest that demand will continue to grow until 2040, and then, after a period of stability, it will begin to decline, with gas trade between russia and china ceasing by 2060.

John Smith

stop replying to your other fake name, first of all. second of all, only in your perverse wet dreams, loser.

jens holm

all has needed plans but i dont belive in this own.

they are drowning themselved in waste of any kind too.

if fxyou can invent smog to smoke cigerettes it migh help.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
John Smith

what’s irresponsible is your low standard of trolling for 5 cents per comment.


yet russia more profits revenue 2023 than any other year—europe is screwed

jens holm

no its not.

much as you has recovered the small brain in the clashed russian moonlander.

jens holm

its the same for the saudis. the gas is too far away.

maybee they can find tricks. a random example. they could produce a lot a alunium. ussr that the needed mineral and today are experts semilar ro kriva rok iron-coal both ways and do emptry trans

Degeneration Of Russia

the costs of the war are putting a significant strain on the russian budget, and russia has no access to international capital markets. in this situation, financing from potential future consumers will be very expensive, and the continuing uncertainty about the future of both russia and the global gas market makes such long-term investments particularly unattractive.

John Smith

replace russia with “europe and ukraine”. and your statement for once will be accurate.

jens holm

he operate in facts and you in wish thinking.

the rest of the world know.


so many wet dreams so little time for reality, degenerate.


cope harder see taliban therapist

jens holm

thats right. they spend some 30% to the militaries, which what one of the reasons ussr clashed.

they are now much small in most things. they dont they right thing, which is using their own stuff for own prodution.


terrorist acts is the “democracy” the west and its whittle chihuahua gimp ukraine truly embody.


it’s actually cute how nafo trolls and ukrotards actually think flooding the comment section with thumbs down is “helping” ukraine 🤣 just shows you have lost.

jens holm

most us are sober descent ordinary people.

we are not nazis as well.


since ukraine is getting everything from abroad while russia produces allmost everything themselves hitting their production facilitys does far more damage then hitting the ukrainian ones. the russians were lured into a trap to react to the donetsk shelling while not ready to fight yet. just like allways the us/ uk like to push the enemy to attack at a time convenient only for uk/ us.


lured into what trap? is ukraine and lgbt nato winning all of a sudden? nope and never will.

NATO is laughing at you

hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahaha

jens holm

it was decided and supported by minsk2 the ussr made borders were kept. it also ukraine should not be runned by moska in the inplanted russia bet kiev.

they became only to defence themselves as gave all nukes to russia.

and we oo course helpt them. they were needed exporters and tradepartner for many hundred years. only comunnist has even blocked that.

jens holm

your leader has mislead you again and even themselves. i dont see putin staues there.some there even prefared nazis.

Karl Veltjens

russia is nothing but rusty old gas station, a neanderthal facing hard times to adopt new reality run by new technology and renewables.


we all know you are the same troll with the same 6 or 8 names. give it a rest with the bullshit.


anyway burning some oil tanks is nothing, conpared tonthe nato loses the same day


as russia thrives eu anglos crumble their desperate delusions more enjoyable

jens holm

hard for people in spain, portugal,italy , greeks and even the japanize to be anglos.

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