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Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

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Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

Southern outskirts of Kupiansk


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Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

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Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine
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Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

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On September 9, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their offensive operations in the Kharkov region. They managed to break through Russian defences in several areas on the front lines and develop their bridgehead.

On the evening of September 8, President Zelensky claimed Ukrainian control of the town of Balakleya, which became the main target of the first phase of the Ukrainian offensive. In its turn, the General Staff of the AFU is yet to confirm the full control of the town.

Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

Click to see full-size image

The advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the western direction in the town was confirmed by the footage from the spot. Ukrainian flags were raised over the administration buildings in the central districts of the town.

Ukrainian flag over Balakleya:


The Russian grouping has been holding the positions in the town for more than three days, being blockaded by Ukrainian artillery fire. Late on September 7, it was reported that additional Russian forces managed to break into the town and secure evacuation of the wounded. Late on September 8, several Russian sources confirmed that Russian forces left their positions in Balakleya after the way to retreat was secured. At the same time, some reports claim that some clashes continue on the eastern outskirts of Balakleya. No Ukrainian advance to the east from Balakleya has been confirmed so far.

As the Russian military is yet to officially comment on the situation in the area, various military reporters suppose that some Russian forces are still fighting in the eastern and north-eastern parts of the town. On the north-eastern outskirts of Balakleya, there is a large 65th arsenal of the AFU ammunition storage located. The Russian army took control of the arsenal back in March. It is still not clear if there is any military equipment or it was emptied by any of the warring sides.

Anyway, the remaining Russian forces in Balakleya were blocked by Ukrainian fire and probably could not repel the advancing units without reinforcements.

Fighting in Balakleya on September 7


North of Balakleya, the AFU are reinforcing their stronghold in the village of Volokhov Yar. They advance to the north towards the village of Shevchenkovo, where fighting has been ongoing for several days.

According to preliminary reports from the front lines, the village of Shevchenkovo came under control of the AFU at noon on September 9. The control of Shevchenko secured the AFU flank and paves the way for their offensive to the north.

On the other hand,  Russian forces in Shevchenko fulfilled their task and detained the AFU offensive. The Russian military is unlikely to keep forces there in the face of the threat of their encirclement and fighting near Kupiansk.

Ukrainian Forces Develop Decisive Offensive In Eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian forces in Shevchenkovo

Part of Ukrainian forces bypassed the village of Shevchenkovo on its southern outskirts and advanced to the east towards the town of Kupiansk which is an important node for the military supplies of the entire Russian grouping in the Izyum region. Ukrainian forces also advanced south of the highway and took control of the villages of Bezmyatezhnoe and Spodobovka located on the roads leading to Kunye.

The AFU reached the village of Senkovo located on the right bank of the Oskol River. There is a bridge which is of strategic importance for the Russian military supplies to the grouping in Izyum. Clashes in the village continue.

Russian helicopters urgently transfer reinforcements to Kupyansk and Izyum:


On September 9, the AFU shared photos from the  southern outskirts of Kupiansk. Last night, several Ukrainian assault groups were repelled from the area. Russian forces in Kupiansk are preparing for defense. The battle for the town is likely to begin on the coming hours.

The AFU attempt to cut off the roads between Kupiansk and Izyum used for the supply of the Russian grouping in the region. However, the Russian military could still reinforce their positions in the Izyum region from the eastern direction through the town of Oskol. If the AFU continue their advance and cross the Oskol river, the supply of the Izyum grouping should be organized through the LPR territory.

A deeper breakthrough on the left bank of the Oskol seems impossible without a supporting strike from Slavyansk and Seversk to the Izyum and Krasny Liman.

Russian positions in the Kharkov region taken by the AFU:


From their positions in Volokhov Yar, the AFU are also advancing along the road to the south-east towards the village of Vishnevoe. So far, the village reportedly remains under Russian control.

To the south of Balakleya, Ukrainian forces attempt to advance towards Veseloe and Kunye, but they were stopped near Zaliman.

Part of the Ukrainian grouping was involved in distraction of the Russian military from the main directions of the attacks. Heavy artillery duels continue south-west of Izyum, where the Ukrainians have been deploying in attacking positions.  A local offensive began near Kopanki to the southwest of Izyum.

On the side of Ukraine, whole units of NATO countries are fighting, who simply changed their chevrons to Ukrainian ones. The Pentagon announced a new package of military assistance to Ukraine totaling $675 million. It includes additional shells for HIMARS MLRS, 105 mm howitzers, HARM anti-radar missiles, Humvee armored vehicles etc.



The situation is extremely difficult for the Russian side. The transfer of troops from the Kherson region through the Crimea has reportedly begun. This confirms the strategic failure of the Russian forces.

As the Russian military found themselves in a rapidly deteriorating situation in the Kharkov region, Russian President Vladimir Putin convene a meeting of the Security Council on September 9. Partial mobilization which seems necessary for continuation of Russian military operations in Ukraine could become one of the topics to discuss.

The Ministry of Defense remains silent. Against the background of incoming information from the Ukrainian front lines, which is distributed mainly through social networks, the silence of the Russian Ministry of Defense leads to distrust to Russian generals. The rapid development of the Ukrainian offensive in the Kharkov region, who cut the Russian grouping and reached the Oskol river in 4 days, demonstrates a deep systemic crisis in the Russian military-political leadership.


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This article reports la situation on battlefront of my deleted comments between yesterday and today :)

John Tosh

Here is a little fiction for your entertainment: A little view into the reality of why human consciousness exists.

Consciousness (or soul) is the energy that powers the expansion and growth of the universe. Many creatures on many planets have consciousness and upon their death, their soul is used to expand the universe. The biologic body is equivalent of the computer hardware, while the soul is the equivalent of the software. In electronics, hardware is hard and real, while software runs on the hardware. This is reversed when it comes to the soul. The soul is the important part while the bodies we walk around in is the part needed to carry the soul and it is discarded after the soul leaves.

You can expand the universe with happy souls or sad souls, both are needed. You cannot have one without the other. They are two poles of the same energy source. Hence choice comes into play to decide if your soul goes to the happy place to power the universe or it goes to the sad place to power the universe.

The energy needed to increase Entropy in the Universe comes from consciousness and death. You can call it dark matter or missing matter in the universe. Makes no difference. Hence where there is life, there is death. Upon death the Soul goes to the really sad place where the worse things that can ever be used on a soul help extract the energy. Conversely, the soul may go in the opposing direction to the happy place; in the happy place, the soul is exposed to all types of things to increase happiness. Does not matter what soul goes where, all that matters is upon death, energy needed to increase the expanding universe is obtained.

One asks the question, what if I choose not to participate…… the answer is you have no choice…. you had no choice of being born, so have no choice what your soul has to do upon death. The only option you have is will your soul go to the happy place or the sad place. This is where religion comes into play.

Many creatures on other planets have chosen to create a source for the sad place. Pushing as many souls into the sad place….. some creatures out there are pushing for the happy place… they are fewer and fewer because it requires effort to create the circumstances for the good soul to go to the good place. Its far easier for souls to go to the bad place.

So next time NATO, G7, MI6 and the CIA decide to kill and murder and pillage, remember upon your death, you have already chosen the sad place…. call it HELL if you like….. it is real

This is fiction or is it???? You decide…

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh

Wrong, the moment of your death, is precisely the time when you have a choice. If you don’t exercise your will at that time, you will remain in the trap of death and rebirth.

a passer by

Amen to that, but I have to disagree on one thing. Unlike animals, human can choose not to participate any further. Buddhism is all about this. In short, it can be achieved by meditation, flatlining the happy-sad waveforms and let go off all emotions, especially the happiness that accompanies peacefulness. To see that there is no “permanence” in anything. Achieve that, and you will never have to be born again.

If that soul cannot “let go” of its wants and not-wants (source of happiness and sadness) that binds them to the realms and has no one to dispel its ignorance on the nature of itself, then it has no choice but to continue the life-death cycle, like you said.

Last edited 2 years ago by a passer by
Captain Hohol

That’s not being human, the apex human experience is literally that of being in a natural and reactionary state but not experiencing anything negative that causes a naturally negative response.

Captain Hohol

The sad people deserve to be the woke shitbags and leftists, all the neoliberals who are their masters and all the persons who have until this point been running the world into the ground and all their ardent supporters.

Those who are happy should be filled with strident joy as they watch the aforementioned die in agony and fire.



hunter bidé lab pork !

Prince Dracul lgtb digital climate change chineze monkeys Charles de global Abortion his gonna adress the slaves for taken more in the anus !!!! Heill Klau SS Z !!!! German Sheizen Parazite !!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Please send more Bags full of money to Dracul !!!

Porc halal

You mean KlauSS IohANUS???? The Nazi/child trafficker at the Cotroceni????


Why is Russia losing? For the ineptitude of the commanders, but above all for fear of causing an escalation with US. My grandmother used to say: if you want to kill the snake you have to behead it. The head of the snake is Kiev! I haven’t seen any bombs on Kiev lately …


how many wars did your dear grandmother win?

Johny cash

Russian leadership dont even know wtf is going on tbh jus send more men to die simples

The Objective

Sounds more like the ukropigistan side.

Max Schmidt

To bomb the decision centers is now not only overdue, but ultimately necessary for the RF to finish the victory.


With what? There is a comprehensive NATO anti missile system in the Ukraine

Michel LeBlanc

LOL no there aint.

Not 1 kalibr missile has been intercepted.

The russians a not hitting kiev as this is a smo, not a war. If it were a war there is a bunch of legal ramification, like reparations for example that russia is not interested in right now.

What is stoppong Kiev from declarong war then if they are so mighty?



The Objective

That cant stop shit.


There are NATO-AT and AA Missile systems, NATO-soldiers, NATO anti-Ship missiles, NATO-doctrine, NATO-strategy. NATO-Long range artillery. Russia is not up that task against NATO.


Sure they are. If anything, they are being threatened by the Jews who control the purse strings of the world. And I am sure there are many Jews in the Russian government and military that also make a lot of threats. Russia needs to arrest them for treason and put all of them in front of the firing squad.

jens holm

This war is rigged. Any idiot would command the Russian military to much better success than the incompetent bunch in Kremlin.

Michel LeBlanc

You dont understand mobile defense tactics do you?

You expect the russians to fight and die for every meter, when withdrawing and pulling the ukes into a killing field is much better?

This is not WW1, dumbass, go pontificate at nyt, where dumbasses like you dwell.

Leave military matters to adults.


I am pro-Russian. I am not Anit-Ukraine, but I am anti-West. The west is corrupt beyond measure. So I really hope you are correct. But the russians are still fighting for Soledar, Bachmut etc. The same places they were fighting for 3 months ago. Without much progress.


Yes, they are STILL and gaining 1km a week at best while the Ukraine gains 30km in a few days.


Yeah, let us know how that works for them. Taking the same ground twice is not a sound strategy.

Niall of the Nine Hostages

You are absolutely right M le B. Most of the posters on here are either pro-Russians whinging frantically about what is a strategic and orderly Russian withdrawal or they are pro-ukronazis gloating over perceived nazi gains. In a few days Russian forces will be mopping up what’s left of the ukies and will be pushing on towards Kharkiv. For those armchair generals out there it’s called a cauldron, it’s what the Russian army does best. The ukronazis are surrounded on 3 sides. The only way out which is back to the west. When RF armed forces and their allies close that exit the nazis are toast. Remember the Kherson offensive last week that resulted in 3000 AFU killed and over 100 tanks and armoured vehicles plus a few MIGs destroyed?




Yeah sure. Bollox


Without Tactical Nuclear Weapons, RUssia will not win, and even then it will lose


Russia is doomed

Pamfil Military Academy

It’s time for resignation of Putin. He is not good to wage WAR. Point. Jirinovsky already would have been conquered half Ukropizdan by now.


This is a significant tactical success for Ukraine.

They showed the West that it is worth sending them equipment and resources, because they are willing and able to use them effectively.

This was a make-or-break moment, and the ukrainians surpassed it with flying colours.


Maybe this is what Russia wants them to do so that the JewU and the JewS send them more weapons for the Russians to blow up.


why can’t I post a comment here?


Because SF gets hacked and taken over by Paid Posters backed by government agencies.

I have noticed Carlo,s first post is correct -posts disappear-articles appear.


Did you try to point out reality , that the Russians have lost?


A modest advance by the Ukronazis and the Russians are losing?


Their modest advance is 10 times the Territory Russia has gained in a month.


modest advance? from Chuhuiv to Kupuansk there are 65 Km!


So say the hohols. You believe hohol lies ?


“The head of the snake” is Kremlin liberals, oligarchs and 5th column of corruption and betrayal within Russian society in general… Russian patriots are not in charge in Russia but luckily IDIOTIC West did everything possible to help them.

Pamfil Military Academy

Correct. And Putin MUST resign because or he allowed that or he is PART of them. Point.

The Objective

Russia is not losing. They set a trap. Its working.


UAF is attacking Lyman just this evening with higher forces than Russian army. There is no any cul-de-sac if ukrops take Lyman and Izyum.


yes yes maybe the begining of the end

Pamfil Military Academy

Oh, yes ! For the first time in this war FINALLY this idiot called PUTIN accepted what military urges from months: to let DOWN the idiotic soft gloves of ‘humanism’ and imbecility politic and strike HARD the bandera cock sucking drug addicts. In KIEV TODAY all hospitals where are accumulated war wounded, especially foreign fighters WERE BOMBED AS HELL. Hundreds of casualties and with many medical personals. Now, that’s I call the REAL DEAL to start crippling ukropizdan nazi junta. I want PUTIN resign temporary and let other more aggressive figure to finish this JOB. PUTIN is not good in wartimes, like I said maybe dozens of times.


Russian army: advances a few km in bakmhmut region over two months Ukrainian army: destroyed whole Russian grouping in kharkiv in a couple of days


It is very hard to understand, what the Russians are thinking. That the whole world just going to stand idly by, as they conquer Ukraine, literally square inch by square inch?

Taking half a year to occupy like 20% of ukraine? What is that? OF COURSE the West was going to intervene.


Ukkies have built fortications in bakhmut the past years, Russians haven’t even laid mines to prevent the attack, also the area was guarded by reservists not regular Russian army. But now the reinforcements come and ukkies will be beaten back


What i don’t understand a army can’t mount a major offensive with thousands of troops and armour without being noticed,didn’t Russian intelligence see this coming?also the Russians should deploy massive air power,however who knows the true situation could be the Ukrainians are being drawn into a trap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell
jens holm

There’s no such trap. You don’t let your enemies in your house to trap them because it would destroy your house. Beside, you can always set traps around your house.

Fück them. Let them taste the humiliating defeat and downfall of Russia soon follows. One of the sides needs to lose, either NATO or Russia. If this war drags on, it will turn into a world war.

jens holm

I like to think that the Russians are indecisive stupid mf, instead of them having in cohort with the evil NATO to orchestrate this war. Imagine you live in a city where the Russians came and liberated it then withdraw. The bombs fall every time they come or go.

Either way, we the civilians are fücked.

Pamfil Military Academy

That’s BECAUSE ONE FUCKING THING: PUTIN interfered like hell with military and thus they don’t have ENOGH MANPOWER to do this job. For example, MoD ask/beg him to let very experienced foreign fighters to join ranks, like IRGC, Hezzbollah, syrians and other shia arabs which would BOOST the army enormously. PUTIN said NO !MoD ask/beg PUTIN to let them destroy all the C&D centers and he said NO ! He is an imbecile who put Russia future at the stakes ! MoD ask/beg PUTIN to let them destroy all the C&D centers and he said NO !

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Looks like NATO has managed to prevent Russia from receiving signals from its satellites.

Without them, RU cannot see what is moving at ground level.

Senile Joe

They have drones that can do that!!


Drones only cover a limited area.

Pamfil Military Academy

Bullshit, from a month by now, all sources on the field including spies and locals told that banderist concentration of arms. It’s Putin fails as was the Moskva sunk.


All information must be quality checked and here it looks like something has failed.


In that case somebody should inform them that Ukrainian army is “moving”. Or should they buy Iranian drone or two (to see) But their incompetent traitors from MIC cant even produce few extra drones in matter of urgency….

Russia has already 50 prototypes of different drones promised to be in production few years ago…they have war situation now…but still no Russian drones.


With traitors and idiots everywhere in military ranks and political hierarchy, Russia is a big pushover right from the Soviet times.


They were a big pushover in Czarist times as well.

Pamfil Military Academy

Putin is one of them. He have his daughter on west schools. That’s FUCKING ENOUGH to clearly see the picture.


Hard timeZ for ruZ naZ.

Johny cash

Deep systematic crisis is a understatement. 6 months in and still be making crucial mistakes. Pussy boy incompetent shoigu is still the head of the army smh. Cronism is killing russia


Russia needs another Zhukov. Not a new Timoshenko

Pamfil Military Academy

Russia needs another Stalin firstly. Because Stalin understood better the situation beside Putin, an incompetent or a traitor leader in war times.

Vlad from Romania

Russia needs an Alexandr Suvorov.

Michel LeBlanc

Whats roubling you the wrong way?


Imagine if they were fighting with US army


They would have been completely destroyed


They do.


You LGBT soldiers would get wrecked.

Not really

The ukrainian army was one of the 10 strongers army in the world even before 2014. After 2014 they got new equipment and a lot of support from the West and they got rid from pro-russian officers and soldiers from the army, also ukrainians, and slavs in general, they are the best fighters in the world. So it is normal that russia finds it hard to beat them by only using only a small portion of the russian army. If, instead they would fight directly the usa they would have dont total mobilisation but in the end i think that russia would lose against usa. They ddont have neither the allies nor the money of the usa has.


No need to imagine. Just look at Afghanistan…oh wait


After the Vietnam War, the United States learned to use many allied soldiers in its upcoming wars.

If only American soldiers were to be killed, the protests and unrest in the United States would become too unpleasant for the authorities and they would be forced to end the war.

Pamfil Military Academy

At last a correct vision.

Pamfil Military Academy

Sandal talibans beat the hell of the pussy ameriscum LGBTQ+++++WC army.


Herson without supply routes, Izium without supply routes. So… 35 000 ruZZians are going to….?




You’re free to suck dicks and eat shits. No wonder your brain isn’t working. You can’t lump Russians with Nazis. It just doesn’t make any sense and it’s not logic or rational. Everybody knows Nazis caused more than 20 millions of Russian deaths in WW2. You can’t lie to yourself just to bash someone you hate. Now go to hell. I hate people who disrespect the death.

Johny cash

Wasup with the airforce. From the performance from the past 6months im pretty certain if Russia went war with the turks the turks will win. Reality is all the brave russians has died in ww2. Modern white russians dont like to fight thats y they rely on the chechens either ways a laper tigher eith loads of equipment but not enough soldiers

John Tosh

Wait for the Russians to release the Kraken …. Lol You will eat your own words!

Pamfil Military Academy

Again, a very correct affirmation. For that reason Russia lacked the so needed manpower. Soft times/lands make soft peoples, an ancient saying.


This is a total retreat. Something weird going on.


Maybe some agreement has been reached between the sides of the conflict, similar to what happened with the withdrawal from Kiev.


I could understand if they get to Kramatorsk in a few days. Other than that, it’s to strange.


Yes agreement that Russian military will runaway to Russia.


These LGBT trolls you all believe this to be a counter offense, yes with limited success and with undercover nato regulars hiding behind a Ukrainian uniform, wait til Russia regroup, then we’ll see a real counter offensive just watch.


I would execute ANY Nato bitch taken alive.

Hairy Pottattooes

Speaking from behind a dirty keyboard…


So are you Bitch,thats what the forum is for.


The breakaway republics lack soldiers and there is a limit to how many soldiers Russia can provide without going to full mobilisation.

If so, there will be full-scale war.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lucifer

1st they start the war, understood to be understaffed… than Putin makes decree that army must be augmented by 120 000 soldiers. Quality of the Military planing ZERO… That is either treason or incompetence of high military command

Pamfil Military Academy

Where it the imbecile who commented some SF previous posts who said Russia have so many soldiers ??? He must be jailed for 10 years without parole. Russia don’t have even a 30% of what USSR had on professional military manpower. And how when it’s defense budget is so low compared with other much smaller countries ?

Pamfil Military Academy

This is going to be a very costly PUTIN interference, even I have no doubt Russia will retake all the territory lost. But: 1. What about the military materials lost/captured ? 2. What about the russian supporters killed by thousands now by the cocaine nazi banderists on a Bucha 2.0 scenario ? How you will acquire future support of the ethnic russians inside Ukropizdan ? 3. What about the enormous Kiev junta propaganda win ? Which will surely add further ameriscum military support ? 4. What about the negative blow on your troops morale and a positive one for the neohitlerists ?

Putin go AWAY. Let Zirinovski to FINISH this ukrotrash forever.


This is significant tactical success for Ukraine.

They showed the West that it is worth sending them equipment and resources, because they are willing and able to use them effectively.

This was a make-or-break moment, and the ukrainians surpassed all expectations.


Minor setback for RF and allies, just wait for the real counter offensive.


“just wait for the real counter offensive.”

Have been waiting for that since Feb 24. Russia simply fights with an insufficient number of men.

Unless Russia pulls an extra 200k soldiers out of its hat and sends them to the front AT THE VERY LEAST, this war will drag on for a long time.

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutelly correct and a virtual medal for you from Pamfil Military Academy, You know, all us here know that we give something like that from time to time. The MINIMUM needed for breaking ukrobanderists is 200.000 professionals, not conscripts. They don’t have them. They MUST let foreign shia arabs to fill that gap. IRGC, Hezzbolah, Afghany, syrians, etc….just like in Syria. But to secure the TOTAL and decisive VICTORY they need 500.000 more. That means transfer 85% of far east troops, plus the arabs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Major setback is on the way.


Believe me Russia has had major setbacks before, history proves it, they will learn from this minor setback and come back 10 fold, RF and allies won’t be slacking this time, just watch 😉.


Wtf?what is wrong with your brain?

WT Baker

where is this “report” coming from, the Center for Countering Disinformation?

Pamfil Military Academy

No, that’s the fucking truth. The biggest defeat for Russia from the entire war till now. Hope it is the last.


How is this possible? For months Russian only gain few kilometers. But with few days Ukraine gaining nearly 100km. Is Russian army this incompetent? I fully support Russia. But what is this shit? Looks like all the western propagandas are true. Russian army is shit. Who weakened one of most powerful army into this position. This just really sad.


Who knows the thruth? Can turn into a trap for the Ukies, they are suffering huge losses anyway.


Listen to your wife quit going to strip clubs and sleeping with nasty h0es.


Dude I’m not Ukraine bot. Just regular user of this site. I’m just expressing my opinion about this situation. Why are you trying to insult me? Probably ‘yes’ people like you are responsible for this weak Russian army.

azov bunch of emo rejects

There is no reason for the Russian Forces not to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously. Just commit the appropriated number of troops needed in Ukraine already. What is the aerospace forces even doing? Russia has a huge advantage and it doesn’t make good use of it; It should be constantly supporting the ground forces by pounding the AFU positions during offensives, and the Russian ground forces should move in for the kill with constant air support out to smash any & all AFU defenses.

Just some thoughts… the attitudes toward this conflict need to change. Now what will happen to the Russian Ukrainians in Kharkov under the justice of the Azov, Aidar, Right Sector, Tornado that were released recently?

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely correct. Thousand of crimes for the guilt of Putin.


Because one himars is better weapon than any weapon russians ever invented and produced? Except sarmat hahaahha very usable rocket that will never be used. Or maybe for nuke attack on Moskva. Putin said no nuking, Putin is a great strategist and even greater global player. He still doesn’t want to hold a grudge to Usa. Usa is Russian western partner. What a dissapointment of a statman, incredible.


First of all, the source does not seem to be very credible. Anyway, Russia is effectively fighting against NATO, since the most of the Ukie army is already distroyed. How many KIA and MIA does AFU have so far?


If most of the UAF is destroyed how come they go on the offensive. Think before you speak. And no there is not a single evidence that russia is fighting Nato units. Don’t forget that in ww2 russia had far more losses than germany yet they still won against the nazi’s. Now it’s the other way around. The nazi russians will lose even if ukraine suffers more losses. Russia has only 1 chance and that is to fully mobilize its population otherwise it will 100% lose.

Muhammad your Prophet

Vladimir Putin is having a massive bout of diarrhea on his golden toilet in Moscow. He just realized that the shitty Russian army is worthless. Maybe he can finally decide to do the right thing and blow his brains out.


Based and greenpilled jihadi


Russian army (excellent soldiers) just like Ukrainian soldiers are in average (often enough) MUCH better than than their commanding officers and their high command.

Incompetent Russian high command does not deserve such good soldiers. They never did. Putin is maybe good strategist and very moderate Russian patriot. He will win. Not because he is particularly good but, because Western id*ots are just so stupid! He just has to wait for them to destroy themselves.

Give up….you are only bitter loser.

Pamfil Military Academy

Nope, Putin is a very bad person for wartime but agree, a very good one for peace times.

Muhammad your Prophet

I’m the king of troll and I’m back after taking my vacation in Poland where I got to please all the queers there with my as shole.

Yamil Perez Dead

I came back from vacation where I spent the entire time sucking all my mother’s goats at her farm in Leningrad.

hunter bidé lab pork !

the Clowns are winig the Circus and Nato is gonna explode the anus and make a Party !! but its too much climate change so they just get imploded and think the queen have a big anus jubilaicus full of Gold and Parazites from the World !!! Klauz is very happy with nothing hes gonna eat all the bugs by the anus and finnaly a Dynamite in the Anus !!!!


This is 3rd huge blunder. Russian botched invasion of the northern Ukraine ( Kiev ) was the 1st, cruiser “Moscow” was 2nd. The Ministry of Defense ( with Shoigu ) should resign. All responsible Russian commanding officers in the concerned part of the Kharkiv region must be demoted and replaced by competent officers (with the b*lls). Russian army deserves better central high command and high commanding officers in many different places on the battlefields. Too much 5th column in Kremlin also.

Muhammad your Prophet

They have nothing to replace them with. They’re all dead.


“Nothing to replace them with”? So they say…The old bureaucratic farts, office generals…. While in the same time, kicking left and right all the competition of YOUNGER patriotic, heroic officers. Blocking their ever step toward promotion. NEGATIVE selection is miracle, that blocks the competition of the intelligent and courageous and replaces them with retarded, cowardly, bureaucratic, servile just like those in high command ! Who is winning for Russia in Ukraine if there are no competent and patriotic officers??!!

Pamfil Military Academy

You already won a medal. Second one is just not possible so quickly.

Muhammad your Prophet

Someone please send me to see my 72 virgins.


All good Russian Generals were killed at the beginning of the war as flies at least 12 in 4 months. never seen in military history. No worries Putin makes war nice

Pamfil Military Academy

Too much 5th column in Kremlin also’. Another virtual medal from Pamfil Military Academy will go to …YOU.

Hans rauss

Ukrainian army recaptured 1500-2000 square kilometers in just 6 days. Russian child rapists have to run away or die there. Whole world is llaughing at so called 2nd army in the world hahahahaha

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans rauss

I would say, NAZI “rapists”. Russians have crushed you Krauts like peace of insignificant sh*t … And you would run away from them in 1945 to Spain, if only you could. Even today you are STILL SCARED from Russia.


Russia received help from USA and allied forces via Murmansk to fight back against the Germans.

Germany had many large military forces that had not yet been in combat and aircraft that could not be deployed against Russian forces due to lack of fuel.

These forces later came under American command and if the Russians had gone further into Germany it would have been these German and allied soldiers who would have chased the Russians back.

Now it ended with peace and later the Berlin Wall.

No fuel, no war.


Russist trannies on suicide watch.


La Rata

A Fail to Russia ?? or a Trap for the Uck ??? Rusian Air Force are not bombing the area ?? we will see …


Russian airforce is inoperative since long ago.


Russian my ass, you’re a LGBT soldier, probably be taking your children to pride parades 🤣


LGBT soldiers are running back to Russia.

Hans rauss

Ukrainian army captured Oskil Reservoir area- no more supplies for Izium. It will be blood bath for russian invaders.


Russia seemed to have planed to destroy the ukrainian military with a small number of forces and once it is destroyed role over ukraine.

Since the west keeps filling up the ranks of ukraine with mercenarys and material as well as freshly trained ukrainian voluntarys this plan cannot work.

There is no “a little bit of war” with the us. The ukrainians do not stop infront of regional borders like russians who say hey today we want to fight in cherson and in a couple months perhaps nikolayev.

The us commanders move the ukrainian forces as they need to hit the week spots of the russians that they spot with the intel of all of nato.

There is no point in this. Either give up to nato or fight nato anything else is pointless.


The “small number of forces” is b*llocks story in media, sold to the public. If Russian command doesn’t want to win this war, who is to force them ?! Liberal Putin? Maybe he just wants “compromise” with the West where “Siloviki” and patriots will lose and liberals will win.

The 5th column in Kremlin is the core of the problem! Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin liberals, oligarchs etc.


This is the law of number as usual, said more people defeat less people. Now moving troops from the south is a bad play. This proves there is not enough people for continuing operations. Also allow ukraine to continue or resume operations in the south. The expected move was a counterattack to close the breach, but there’s no resources. So move back is the only solution, due to the logic of the battle. Other people could argue about sending more troops, employ nuclear or whatever bad the reality is there’s no enough troops and ukraine has a lot of soldiers. So going back to retreat, protect the soldiers and keep shelling the ukraine positions when line are secure again.


Sure. But why the fck russia dont call in his 2 Million reservist, till now not even a Part of them. WHY?!


Imho the current frontline benefits the russians; the ucrainian forces came out of their hideouts and are advancing quite fast so they are very vulnerable now – for the first time in this war. This is the best opportunity to eliminate them and i would even give them more space to gain the maximum effect of the counterstrike.

Michel LeBlanc

Finally someone who understands elastic defense concept!

Good comment sir!

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