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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Forces In Mariupol: Ten Days Of Surrender

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Ukrainian Forces In Mariupol: Ten Days Of Surrender

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The remaining Ukrainian troops, Azov nationalists and foreign mercenaries in the key city of Mariupol have sustained heavy losses as a result of recent operations by the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

As a result of these losses, between April 3 and 13 at least 1,600 Ukrainian fighters surrendered to Russian and DPR forces.

  • Between April 3 and 4, 267 Ukrainian service members from 503rd Battalion of the 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at the district of Kalmiyusky.
  • On April 5, at least 30 Ukrainian service members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) surrendered at the district of Levoberezhny.
  • Between April 11 and 12, 160 Ukrainian service members of the 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at Kalmiyuskiy, after taking part in a failed breakthrough attempt.
  • On April 12, an additional 1,026 Ukrainian service members of the 36th Marine Brigade, including 162 officers, surrendered at Kalmiyuskiy.
  • On April 13, a new batch of 134 Ukrainian service members of the 36th Marine Brigade, including 14 officers, surrendered at Kalmiyuskiy.

In the last few days, Russian and DPR forces made significant gains in Mariupol. These gains included the city’s port. The forces are currently cornering the remaining Ukrainian troops in the Azovstal steel plant.

More Ukrainian troops will likely surrender in the upcoming few days. However, the radical elements, including Azov nationalists and foreign mercenaries, may fight for longer.

According to the General Staff of the AFU, 2,543 AFU service members, 14 service members of the National Guard and 116 service members of the State Border Service of Ukraine are now listed as captives.

Once the battle of Mariupol city is over, the Russian military and the armed forces of the DPR and Luhansk People’s Republic will reportedly push with full force on several other fronts in the Donbass region. Ukrainian forces are already preparing for this.



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So the entirety of Ukrainian Marines have surrendered yet they still keep fighting? BULLSHIT



mike brown

those chechens need to be profressional and not have fun and make videos they risk their life in a stupid way and be efficient

Last edited 2 years ago by mike brown

Sounding like a parrot.


Hey, Zelensky here. More of our soldiers surrendered in 2 days than any other army since WW2. But rest assured we’re winning though. Yes it is true we are not achieving anything militarily, but we managed to injure a couple more civilians with mortars today.

Tony Blinken

Well, you are what you are and you do what you do.


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Last edited 2 years ago by AprilSizemore
Ghibli Drivetrain

Deputy Commander of Asov Battalion in Mariupol Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Gritsaenko aka call sign “Gogol” was killed in Mariupol in last days. The net is closing fast on these Ukrainian neo-fascist brigades.

Note: Gritsaenko was a podgy fat cunt, not exactly fighting fit. Too much looting – eating and drinking.


Last edited 2 years ago by Ghibli Drivetrain

It would’ve taken all eight lost copters to save his fat ass.

Bob - Enough

They are to get the UK and US special forces out … once they are caught – just watch the fall out …


Putin knows that the naziz are gided by the yankee and UK satelites, the ewax planes. Why are they still in service? Shoot them accidental out of the sky !! close the communication lines so that they are blind and deaf. Rusian satelites can trac the incomming stuf from NATO, once on Ucranian soal KABOUM gone whit the instructors.

Pamfil Military Academy

Is him that asshole who a couple of weeks ago filmed himself and his gang of criminals asking for help ?


Did he lose his nose when he bought the farm? Spending eternity looking for his nose wandering the streets of hell named after Ukraine’s Nazi heroes would seem a befitting end.

Ghibli Drivetrain

Capturing AUF and Asov goes on day by day, the Chechen’s are mopping up behind advance of DPR and LPR Forces in Donbass Basin, building by building, capturing those Ukrainian soldiers now hiding out in basements, those that refuse to surrender are simply blown up in their hideouts.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ghibli Drivetrain

Moron. What is bullshit about that? Lots of people surrendered doesn’t mean all of them surrendered. Those who didn’t surrender will do that in due time or die in the process. The news article is presented correctly

The Black Hole of Ukraine

He’s been viewing those Zelensky hohologram media releases on BBC again.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Black Hole of Ukraine

Funny, i thought that, given your Nick name, you of all people would know the number that composes a Brigade in a modern military force….. and why even after all that surrendering, there is still a fighting force in the region (not for long tho)….

Last edited 2 years ago by Dodo

“Between April 3 and 4, 267 Ukrainian service members from 503rd Battalion of the 36th Marine Brigade surrendered at the district of Kalmiyusky.” In this paragraph there seems to be a typing error : 4267 soldiers surrendered in 2 days !

Last edited 2 years ago by Caesar

There is a comma and a space between the 4 and the 267. The sentence states 267 surrenders, between April 3 and 4.


Thank you for correcting my error. I apologise for the oversight.

Last edited 2 years ago by caesar
Von Tzu

you were not alone in your error, I made a similar mistake, which I only noticed later

The Black Hole of Ukraine

You damn Yanks. ;-) In Euro notation, it’d be 4.267 and not confusable.

In lakh, I’d hate to even try.


In English, 4.267 soldiers would mean four soldiers and a little more a quarter of another one :D

The Black Hole of Ukraine

No, it just says between April 3 and 4. It could also mean they surrendered within 2 hours.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Black Hole of Ukraine

Foolish Ukrainians !! Some Fat Guy farted in the New York City Subway and they claimed that as their artillery firing at the United Nations Building


Russia should take whole UA, otherwise will be very foolish and unfinish job will hunt Russia later days. Russia or Putin made huge blunder in 2014, now Putin and Russia paying price.

Don’t be foolish, take the whole UA


What is the Ukrainian plan for the state when the Russians resolve the cauldron that is forming in the east? Forever war? Worked out great for Afghanistan.

Jay Said

NATO will fight to the last Ukrainian Asov neo-fascist and AUF conscript (all draftees cannot leave the country by law). Zelensky is a Ashkenazim Jew, and willing to send Ukrainian Slavs to death for US Neo-Cons, who are surprise, surprise, also Ashkenazim Jews. Who would have guessed. : 0

Last edited 2 years ago by Jay Said
The Black Hole of Ukraine

I hate to say it but I think the Russians will finally have to explode a tsar bomba over the north pole and remind them there are another 2000 waiting in the wings as a wake up call. It’s the only sort of diplomacy the yanks understand.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Black Hole of Ukraine

Ukrainians Jews and Americans are the only people I know who protest for MORE war, not less. So, for that kind perpetual war is great. Especially as others are meant to do the dying.

Von Tzu

not entirely true, I have seen bllodthirst amongst my country men, also in my Russian Ukraine supporting friends who have lived in Zapad so long they are Russian. The propaganda works pretty welll.Although I must admit that just being a normie almost excludes you from any independent mind by default.


That’s apparently their plan: to somehow “win” a long war of attrition lasting the whole decade. That’s what Alexei Arestovych (Zelensky’s advisor) openly admitted to in 2019: they expect wholesome NATO backing (but not open intervention) for all that time. What they don’t seem to realize is how the “sanctions” will destroy the global economy, the US financial supremacy and overall European stability in the meantime.

A whole decade or permanent war is a very crazy plan. As they say: you know how wars begin but not how wars end. Honestly, I am not aware of any such militaristic madness since Operation Barbarossa, with which it has way too many parallels.


These captured Ukraine prisoners should be sent to Siberian labour camps, never to be seen again !

Pamfil Military Academy

Anybody here didn’t remark that ALL of them preferred to surrender to russians and not to chechens ? I think that’s a good indicator of how good and fierce are those fighters. When they heard Allahu Akhbaru they know what that means” ”Run, run, you motha fucker stupid nazi, ’cause if I catch you you’re skin is on my belt and you’re head it’s in mine backpack, you filthy Zefag bastard !’

Gorgeous George

Uncle Shmuel does not like surrenders. To the last Ukrainian standing has to be it.


We have to understand that there is an awful lot of troops there, well 50,000. Massive mistake by Ukraine get enveloped in there.

Von Tzu

and judging by some videos, a lot of them are not Azov maniacs, but people who are forced into this


Forced? No one forced them. If you are holding an M-16 you are not being forced.

The Black Hole of Ukraine

That reminds me. Have there been any reports of grunts fragging their Azov keepers?


If somebody hierarchically superior in your back has only a gun and orders you to go you have to. That‘s how it as always be in the army. If you shoot at him then you are in a very bad situation. So was it in 1914 in the trenches. At that time you also had a glass of wine+ether, nowadays it’s rather amphétamines…


In the trenches you got a nut cognac + opium and you run to your dead. The opium was sold by the Neterland, who also deliver it to the Kaizar; The Nederland was “neutral” in that time.


Tactical nukes. Don’t lose another man.

Slava Urini

Have the foreign mercenaries and their co’s started drinking urine yet?


Yes, but not out of necessity.


Is Kremlin engaged in a deal to save French military personnel (UK&Us too) trapped inside Mariupol?


Use missiles to completely obliterate these Azov, Nazi scum in the Azovstal. Don’t take them alive and don’t risk losing more Russian soldiers.


The Azofstal complex is workplace for thousens of people, so the Russians will keep it mostly intact. But the demolition army UK US and EU terrorists will blow the whole ting up if they had to flee. Putin has to use neutralising gasses.


Yup Ukraine will make a comeback any day now…no really they will…really?…maybe??…um…anyone here?…can anyone back me up??…anyone seen any spare Ukraine soldiers willing to fight and not surrender???…anyone???…hellooooo!!…anyone out there? Damn might as well surrender too.

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