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Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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On the morning of August 17, the Armed Forces of Ukraine went on the offensive with tanks and Strikers vehicles on Russian military positions in the area of Rabotino in the Zaporozhie region. Up to 4 units of heavy military equipment were reportedly used in the attack, which began after Russian military positions were shelled by Ukrainian artillery, including with cluster munitions.

As a result of several battles, the AFU were forced to withdraw, suffering losses. Footage from the sport reportedly confirmed destruction of at least three Stryker vehicles.

Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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After the battle, Russian KA-52 helicopters entered the battlefield and launched airstrikes on Ukrainian positions in the area. At noon, reports from the front confirmed that one of Russian helicopters was shot down. Russian pilot ejected and was evacuated by his comrades. According to preliminary reports, the navigator died as a result of the crash.

The Ukrainian army reportedly used the Swedish RBS 70 MANPADS for the attack. These missiles are guided by the operator using a laser beam and their range significantly exceeds the launch range of other MANPADS, like Stinger.

Ukrainian Forces Shot Down Russian Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter In Zaporozhie Region

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On August 17, the Ukrainian Air Force Commander declared that two Russian Ka-52 helicopters were shot down. The second aircraft was reportedly destroyed on the Bakhmut frontlines. However, unofficial Russian military sources denied the loss of the second helicopter, blaming the Ukrainian military for another lie.

The Ukrainian military is often declaring the destruction of Russian aircraft. However, this is the first case which was confirmed since the beginning of the Ukrainian counteroffensive more than two months ago.


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3 strykers, several tanks lost by the nazis


it does not matter. ukrainian lives are worthless whereas a single russian life is worth more than all of ukraine combined. it was a bad trade and one day the swecucks will be held accountable.


in near future ukraine will ask usa for 20-40 old b-52 bombers with mark-84, blu-82 “daisy cutter” and the 3,000-pound m118 “demolition” bombs. usage will be to extensively carpet bomb ru trench and defence lines, shower them with some wp & cluster ammo in addition & then, and only then, start storming the ru trenches. that will be the guideline in order to win without suffering lots of casualties for ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

los b-52 ni despegaran, tenlo por seguro


lol you braindead moron. from where should these bombers start while all ukro airfields are scrapped and anyway those would be only big fat lame ducks for russian buk, s300/s400/s500 and russian su27, su30, su34, mig31 and su35. like the nazi propaganda in spring 1945, the nearer the total ukro defeat comes, the more absurd and laughable are theyr endsieg phantasys.


from where all other planes start … nato territory. from where the missiles start that attack russia … nato territory. from where the drones and missiles are controled and the “ukrainian” armys commaned … nato territory. the russians pretend they do not see it cause they do not want to fight nato headon. but nato is emboldened by every successfull strike without losses. and no ukrainian losses are not important the americans and brits.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic

can you offer any proof of planes starting from nato country territory (except reconnaisence ones)? russians only postpone a neccesary move – nuclear strike on all nato c&c centers and infrastructure, which is something we are all heading to. don’t worry, grab a beer and watch.


the way the russians were able to know which planes started from bulgaria and romania was the moskva. thats why they parked it in that part of the black sea. that’s why there was zero “ukrainian air attacks” in the beginning. and that’s why the moskva was sunk to open the window for “ukrainian planes” to start and land in nato territory. that’s why the port of odessa needs to be open for “humanitarian” purposes at any cost. you know for the african people “wink”.


all those bastards sending weapons to kill russians need to start bleeding.


usa killed dozens of taliban leaders &even iranian general soleimani with drone strike. ingushetia,dagestan, chechnya in fact even georgia &south ossetia & abchasia are only kept under putins rod by the iron fist of the slaughter kadyrov.the moment usa takes him out (for example letting ukr taking the blame) and eu&usa start financing &arming the mujahedeen in the caucasus it will be definitely game over for putin & his war in ukraine, & you all here know that !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Juan O

hmm… doubt that the people of the caucasus and co. want to jump on the lgbtqia+ bandwagon as much as you do, just saying…


they will not bother those warriors whith the lgbt stuff as long as they keep killing russians. just how they do not bother hts/ al nusra/ “insert next name al quiada in syria gives itself” as long as they keep killing those syrians loyal to assad. americans can be very pragmatic if it serves them.


dream on, boy, dream on… you are already dead, the problem is you simply can’t see it.

Jean Paul France

you are very confused mother teresa, you need to resume your medication.


the longer rus takes to achieve ‘stated objectives’ the more death, destruction, contamination, creeping euro-fascisn, nato expansion and likelihood of nukes. problem is rus is no longer interested in donbass, only crimea and appeasing us/eu (for trade reasons, among other things).


meanwhile the usa m.i.c. is raking in $bns, the cia is studying rus methods first hand, nato is sussing rus tactics, strategy and weaknesses on the battlefield, and the smo is giving western banks, elites and politicos the chance to clamp down on civilians and profiteer. rus smo hasn’t denazified ukr, it has renazified europe.


don’t worry, cia hasn’t seen much of what is to come at their door. they may be very, very surprised. unpleasent surprise, i would say.


donbass is worthless for russia anyway.due to stupid jewtin now crimea is on the table again.he had it already without fighting but due to his stupidicy now the whole west is pressing & supporting ukraine to reconquer it.and soon, when usa opens 2nd front in chechnya & whole caucasus goes up in flames russia will have to fight to secure the precious grozny oilfields & caucasus in a whole. ru cannot sustain a full-blown 2front war. everybody knows that – but doesnt speak about it !

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

lol you moron. still 1,7 million reservists in russia and in case of general mobilisation 20 million man more ready for the rus armed forces. russia will smash ukros and if needed also the caucasus islamoterrorists.


the red army fought cause of the bolshevic commisarys ready to kill everyone who would not fight. without them most russian men will run away instead of fighting putins war. thats the reason the regional bolshevic in kiev zelinsky made a deal with their enemys the banderists to take the job of the commisarys in this war and to kill all ukrainian soldiers who would not fight. without that the ukrainian men would run away instead of fighting his war as well.


these nato trolls are really stupid, aren’t they? look at the quality of their “arguments” he he, no wonder they are loosing a war after war. not a single win since wwii. but they do lie much, don’t they…

Romanian yankee kurwa

like this imbecile who said red army won because of the commissars….the more they go down the more delusion and fuking plain idiocies they pop out.


not a nice thing to loose an aligator or two per month, but also not a big deal, because in the meantime they destroy dozents of ukro tanks, afvs, ifvs, humwees, mraps, strykers, m113…… and last infos says, russian arms industry produces 1 brand new ka52 each week.


do they produce 1 brand new pilot each week as well? cause the bigger problem will be qualified men. material can allways be replaced. and with the poles, balts and possibly even more europeans asking to join the ukrainians in the meatgrinder even the huge numbers of people that russia has are not infinate.


oh yeah, latvia is a huge threat to russia. or poland with its 150 000 men army. russians do not need to produce 1 brand new pilot each week as they don’t loose one every week. don’t worry, there is quite enough of qualified pilots and cadets learning the craft. say, who are those “more europeans” who want to join ukros? not much of them seen at the battlefield. and no one is interested to die in the steppes of ukraine as i have observed. would you come to help ukros? come, baby, come…


i see what you mean, but pls dont be funny thinking a 145 million nation would have any problems to train a few dozent heli pilots a year.


i asume training a pilot takes quite some time unless you want to train a kamikaze. and to have a good pilot who will be able to win you air battles against a near pear enemy will probably take years. the problem is as long as this just costs the brits and americans some eastern europeans and some printed dollars there is no incentive to ever end it for them.


i think it is a smog screan. it will be nato and us pilots in f16. as you say, it takes years of training.

Jean Paul France

are you going to join too???


why should i join? neither ukrainians nor russians ever helped yugoslavia. some russian voluntaries came to help but many of those are dead now (died fighting for donbas) and have not been supported by the russian government at all. and as for the ukrainians. those who helped the us to brake the territorial integritry of yugoslavia and iraq by sending troops to occupy kosovo and iraq in the name of the usa should not ask others to help their territorial integrity.

Last edited 1 year ago by kotromanic
Zero Two

that ka-52 is worth 10 million dollars. with that money, you can restore infrastructure, invest in highly skilled workers, do a lot of great things. but naaaahhhhh, humanity will invest in wars instead.

Last edited 1 year ago by Zero Two

the same goes for nato you clown. 200 billion dollars to fund ukronazis while hawaii burns! nice.


i’m pretty sure the russian army is capable of creating drones doing the same work these amazing kamovs are, with the same spirit they created the lancets

Jean Paul France

despite this loss, today i have seen on telegram roenvkor great blows of the russian army against the ukronats, good and new firepower.

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