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Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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On August 6, the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck the bridges which link the Crimean peninsula and the Kherson region. The attack was carried out with British-made Storm Shadow missiles.

According to the head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov, the Chongar Bridge was damaged. The village of Chongar also came under fire. More than 20 thousand residents were left without gas due to the damage to the gas pipeline.

The acting governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, reported that the AFU fired at the Chongar bridge and the crossing in Genichesk. In total, 12 missiles were reportedly fired, 9 were shot down by Russian air defense forces. One civilian was wounded as a result of the attack.

Interception of one of the Storm Shadow missiles by the Pantsir-S1 ADS in the area of the Chongar Bridge:



The launch of the Storm Shadow missile by Ukrainian Su-24 bomber. The photos were allegedly taken during the attack on the Chongar Bridge:

Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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The AFU confirmed the missile strike on the automobile bridges in Chongar and Genichesk in the western part of Crimea.

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder, commented on the shelling, claiming that Ukraine chooses targets for strikes and conducts these operations itself.

“This is their battle. They choose targets, and they are the ones who conduct operations,” Ryder said.

The work of the Chongar checkpoint was temporarily suspended and the road was closed. However, there are two more roads between the peninsula and the Kherson region.

Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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Ukrainian Forces Struck Bridges In Northern Crimea With Storm Shadow Missiles

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The Chongar Bridge has been repeatedly shelled by the AFU. It was also shelled on July 29 and on June 22.

“We are able to repair bridges quickly: the passage of cars will be restored very soon… The communication between the Kherson region and Crimea was not stoped — the movement of vehicles along the reserve route is temporarily organized.” – the local authorities claimed.

The Russian authorities stressed out that the damaged bridge has no military significance and the Kiev regime continues terrorist attacks on the civilian targets. In fact, the goal of Ukrainian strikes was to disrupt Russian military communications. However, the main part of Russian military supplies are transferred directly  from the Russian mainland to the Donbass and Zaporozhie, Kherson regions, while logistics through the Crimean peninsula are more dangerous.


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that su-24 belonging to the ukrainian regime should have been shot down, why is putin being so soft on this matter? if i was him i would have launched ballistic missiles on presidential palace in kiev and brought out biological weapons and turned them into zombies.


after crushing the ukr air force in the 1st week of smo rus became complacent & conceded air dominance. last week ukr aircraft bombed rus troops during ukr counter-off & now this. 100% rus military’s fault.


the only adequate response would be to hit us/uk military and civilian infrastructures since the yankees do not care about ukrainian losses whatsoever. but, as i suspect, mr. putin is still too submissive while facing the west playing his own ambiguous game against the logic of war.

Fat Cat

this whole “bring the war back home” strategy is unironically what the ukeleles are doing with their small-ops. somehow they think this puts pressure on putin, and yeah it makes him look disorganised but it seems more like it galvanises support for the war generally. if russian civilians are harmed, they will go bananas. we would in the west too.

WT Baker

i am glad you are not in charge of russian military operations. putin knows what he is doing. his answers to previous strikes resulted in targeting kiev forces military targets such as the very command centers responsible.

Last edited 1 year ago by WT Baker

but nato countries need to start feeling some pain.

Fat Cat

cromwell, our dear genocidal friend, killer of the last legitimate monarch, via the house of stuart, murderer of thousands of irish and scots and englishmen…inviter of the “continental banker” into england, do pack it in. nato countries are feeling pain. they suffer under rubbish leadership, don’t have a say in how their money is spent and would hazard that nato expansionism was as much about keeping us chubby felines fed well in our brutalist offices as defending any little country…


these aircraft operate on the limits of the russian air defense systems. the fly low and then climb to launch their missiles then hit the deck to avoid missile fire. hard to shoot down these aircraft using such tactics unless russia uses massive patrols over ukraine regularly with fighters.

Zbigniew Brzeziński

so so, this little hole is the result of a stormshadow? — rarely seen such a ridiculous thing, but it suits the rarely stupid dictator zelenska, the shittiest actor in the world

i’m ashamed of our friends in london, to deliver such a crap to ukraine, such a shame


you’re right, even my an-us is bigger after my afric gay friends fucked me


de que tipo de psiquiatria você saiu?


looks like russia struggle to keep russia save. as i was saying many time before, russia should nuke uk and the us land carrier will be eliminated and the war could be over withing week. eu will panic, us will bark only.


rus has the conventional armaments to have wiped out ukranato resistance long ago. but it sat back & dug trenches instead of advancing to odessa (securing black sea) & then kiev (securing donbass).

Fat Cat

russia isn’t very well situated for this sort of thing, major cities bow west and the tactic for dealing with the other little napoleon, the real one was basically make a stand and then pull back in the taiga to strangle a starving, cold french army.

Fat Cat

downvoted again? does geography lie? the capital is too close to the border for incursions not to be a risk…this is analysis, not a blood lusting cheer squad. same problem every time russia has been at war against well resourced enemies… scorch the earth, fall back, extend the enemy’s line of supply… you can get upset about it if you want…


they could use foabs that are basically as powerful as tactical nukes to end the war during lunch break. since they are letting their own heavy munitions rot in warehouses, you know the whole war is scripted. they could wipe avdeevka off the world map in literally 5 minutes.


time have come to hit the motherf@cking british parliament during a session with a tactical nuke!

Florian Geyer

thats a nice thought, but now is not the time. lol. its holiday time in the uk, lol.

Fat Cat

actually, a nice thought is imagining a picnic on a sunny day. blowing people to bits at their place of work, even if their pointy heads contain the wrong ideas or selfish motives, isn’t really that nice. i wouldn’t wish it even on an overweight, pervy, huffing mp. just calling on you to say what you mean.

Fat Cat

the likelihood that you are a disenchanted american is very high, i think. nobody should blow up anyone’s parliament. i keep saying, ukraine should relent on its easternmost territories that are ethnically russian, and crimea, and russia should agree to ceasefire and withdrawal with a healthy buffer zone a couple of km either side of the border with no major military assets.

James Connolly

in my opinion a “healthy buffer zone” for russia would extend to the baltic sea. it would include a neutral finland and sweden, full incorporation of those little antagonistic baltic states latvia, lithuania and estonia into the rf and a demilitarised polish state. as a starting point russia first needs to fully denazify and neutralise 404

Fat Cat

yeah that’s not really going to fly for the people who actually live there. nobody on this site wants to talk reality, it’s either 1000% wunderwaffle victory or the great bear has left the cave da? all day every day. russia’s “embrace” has more justification in eastern ukraine than, you know, countries that are explicitly not majority russian. power fantasy i would expect from nafo


lets start with ukraine and the baltics and take it from there.


‘a healthy buffer zone a couple of km either side of the border’

is this a joke? unless a dmz extends at least 300km into ukr from the donb border then civilians will never be safe from nazi shells & missiles.

Fat Cat

are you? so far the binary is “russia must be broken up” or “eastern europe must be occupied,” neither of which are rational. somehow we’re helping the ukrainians by feeding them weapons and into the grinder, and russia’s messaging is no less mixed. it’s about nazis this week and then next week it’s the poles or whomever. nobody wants to discuss a way forward, only escalation and murder.


there is no overarching binary choice, only a return to the security guarantees that rus was pledged time & again. ukr is now a us puppet corpo-fasc state. aim to destabilise rus & facilitate profitable but illegal activities, while murdering thousands of rus speaking civilians since 2014.


the western narrative that you cling to is bs. rus put forward security proposals in dec 21, it was ignored then peace talks april 22 were scuppered when bojo blundered in and demanded z continue sacrificing ukr soldiers to satisfy the western m.i.c. this has been a us neocon war since 2014, like most world conflicts. the ‘escalation & murder’ is simply nato tactics, at the expense of ukraine.

Fat Cat

putting forward proposals while you are occupying another country is cute. that said, i don’t know how or why zelensky cannot walk back his all-or-nothing position. he doesn’t have the men, and you cannot tell me that teenage students being pulled off the streets to swap villages are all nazis. it does require zelensky and co to be willing, which is what i have been saying the whole time. and yes, it is more or less presented to the taxpayer as a one or orher nightmade scenario.


‘putting forward proposals.. ..is cute’

1. rus mutual security proposals were made 17 dec 21. 2. the smo started as a response to z asking to (a) place nukes in ukr 19 feb 22 & (b) invade donbass mar 22, these invasion plans have been admitted.

obscene loss of ukr lives is due to z’s fascist govt/commanders & us-nato. ps: nazis hold all positions of power in ukr, & they’re doing the dragging!

Fat Cat

what good are security guarantees? merkel more or less admitted they had no intention of keeping them, a key piece of info glossed over here in the west. russia has a lot of bite to back up its bark but all of europe? aids riddled lithuania? no, you have to define an objective.


without cast iron security guarantees for rus/donb/crim (brokered by china, not nato’s bogus minsk accords) this conflict will escalate. idiot politicos in the west completely misread this wholly avoidable conflict, but can’t back down from the initial act of aggression by ukr against donbass 2014. rus will prevail on the battlefield, but hundreds of thousands of slavic brothers will perish in the process. it is a tragedy, authored by the us/uk.

Fat Cat

>brokered by china

ask me how i know you’re not a serious person.


how did the su24s evade defense systems? were all 12 ss missiles actually delivered from aircraft though? perhaps 12 all at once,with drones at the same time overwhelmed the defenses of the region?

Uncle Ho

the uk government is a financial and arms supporter of international terrorism and should be held accountable as such.

Fat Cat

is the russian hardon for the uk about crimea, or because engaging with the us directly is too bellicose? i think most british people see this for what it is, the city of london dragging the press and ministries along for a shopping trip after over a decade of austerity and bailouts.

Fat Cat

i suspect uncle ho cannot answer, knowing well that the whole “anglo menace” narrative is more for domestic consumption. i like russians, they drink tea too!

Fat Cat

i don’t really understand how blowing up trucks full of pickles and people getting to work is supposed to engender warm feelings towards ukraine. in the unlikely event ukraine occupies crimea, are things going to be so friendly? it would be like russia administering the western part of ukraine, more likely to cause resentment and instability without realistic goals.


question: why the fuck does ukraine still have an air force?… and how has russia allowed this after 9 year of war on it’s borders that has drones attacking it inside moscow “now”???…

more importantly… when does the russian federation finally end this charade by booting what is left of it’$ fifth column and resigning it’$ membership in the un club that got it here and start it’s own?!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Fat Cat

russia has a fair bit of leverage in the un, fwiw, though distrust of transnational organisations is always healthy. russia has wanted to have its cake and eat it too. suppression is an issue there, like it or not – including of people who want to drive army reform and are passionate about the country. ie: you can’t fight half a war and call it a humanitarian mission. if they want to clean this up they go after the hq and the hardware.

Fat Cat

for balance, however, russia has adapted and spent its cheapest military resources, so as their capability increases – ukraine’s decreases. it’s frustrating to watch both sides drip fed limited capabilities – the whole thing an indecisive, bloody mire. ru needs to work out which parts of ukraine will tesselate best with their country and focus on those, and command and control and the big hardware. why either side hasn’t a more established defense line beyond temporary trenches is beyond me.


… so everything you just said-most important among them is that russia is no different than the rest of them, especially with regard to price controls on key commodities through it’s central bank?…

unless or until price discovery in the markets is permitted and has a “volunteer advocate” there can be no equity?… and more importantly no change, only “chains”!

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Fattus P. Cattus

not even sure who you’re talking to. your written english is too bad for you to be russian, my money is on langley trying to hang a retard sign around z’s neck after the vilnius embarrassment.


i thought you would have said i$raeli m0 ₱ ₱ad given the second home in moscow when it comes time to “leave”?… khazar waters running deep in the russian federation’s banks and government!

my point being that putin should have put the banking cartel and energy ceos on notice that they would all be “leaving” russia on an airplane with a 1-way ticket or in a body bag after vicky nudelman got caught on an unsecured cell phone admitting to a coup… yet for 9 years did nothing!???

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt
Fat Cat

doing nothing is kind of putin’s mo? i like russia, i want the war over decisively and quickly but he isn’t up to it.

opet ja

stupid russian command, not a single bridge across dniepr river hasn’t been destroyed. all troops and weapons comming across those bridges to the east of ukraine.

Fat Cat

russian army has adapted more to present realities than afu but is still an incredibly slow machine. you get the sense that the cogs turn agonisingly slowly and communication between groups is not that great. if we are to be frank, there is unecessary waste on both sides and the decision making has been questionable.

James Connolly

from the aerial photos i’ve seen, the storm shadow missiles are pathetic and a damp squib when it comes to causing damage to a road bridge. looks like they would have had to hit the same target area with whole 12 missiles to make a difference. glad to read that russian ad systems shot down 9 of them.

Fat Cat

either that or the media slaps whatever label on whatever bottle rocket whizzes in front of their camera, poor dears…

Erik Nielsen

we have not even started yet to defend our slavic brothers in donbass and crimea.


if biden wants a nuclear war he will get one otherwise he should back off and face the humiliation of the nato defeat in ukraine.

Fat Cat

yeah we should nuke everything so that the world becomes a wasteland, that’ll show mum for taking away your penthouse magazines!


actually a societal reset would be the optimal outcome. its certainly better than having your brain plugged into a machine, which is where society is headed at the current rate.

Fat Cat

those who equate hellfire with some kind of civilisational tabula rasa aren’t very bright or imaginative.


is it perfect? far from it, yet if you are optimistic enough that we’ll realize some sort of preferable alternative, i applaud you for your optimism. but what i am seeing so far is that people are meekly going along with their enslavement. if you have any ideas how to break the cycle, i am all ears.

Fat Cat

so in summary you’re optimistic about the possibility of nuclear war as a proving ground for man’s best essential attributes. it’s a catastrotunity!


im not sure about that, but i am waiting for a viable alternative. do you have one? is q going to save us? or a mass awakening? certainly not a new puppet president? the goyim always have an excuse to wait and do nothing. meanwhile in every country on earth new restrictive legislation is being passed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Fattus P. Cattus

an alternative to not having my eyeballs melt in my skull? it’s called living. try it.


so the solution is to pretend like the ship isnt sinking, even if it is? i mean yeah sure, denial is the easiest option. its stage 1 of the 5 stages of grief. i dont equate it to a solution tho. i could sell my house and build a mansion in the woods, its easy. but is the easy path the right one?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Fattus P. Cattus

you’re getting too stupid to reply to. make sense first.


oh i see, an emotional ad hominem response without any arguments provided. i got a good estimate now of what stage of the journey you are in and you are probably right that we have little to discuss. good day sir.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
Fat Cat

you have to address my arguments coherently first, or eff off back to reddit from where you belong.


who is we ? while america and uk was killing it’s own citizens with covid russia and china grew stronger if you think you are anything but cannon fodder for the globalists or that you have anything to say in what your government does you may be mistaken.

Fattus P. Cattus

so i have a choice between… a punch in the eye or on the nose? z thinking is very limited, you don’t love russia so much as hate the west.


time russia returns the favor to the country who delevers the missils. make a good dammadge to the intrests off london some were in a country they are plundring, or a good blow to there energysector. in afrika you can hit them and even in syria or irak. take the gloves off !!!

Fat Cat

“shoot everything” and constant escalation isn’t a strategy. we should ask why these countries pursue interests in this region.


this is a jew-amerikan war as usual for the control off the energy in the world. all the countrys supporting ukraine are slaves to the zionists sinds 1945. the people in these countrys are not happy, energy prices mounting, puppet governments who spend milions to the war machine and have blood on there hands. hope that the people will rise and neutralise the pupped regimes.

Fattus P. Cattus

t. chudley moore careful, that kind of antisemitism will have you jailed in russia.


“antisemite ” is an invention off the parasites occupying palestine. they are not “semites” the only real semites are the palestinians. parasites are aske naziz and kazar naziz !!! criminals from the east !!!

Fat Cat

cool, tell the russians and say hi to strelkov when you’re imprisoned.

WT Baker

ii doubt the us had nothing to do with these attacks being it is what the us did so often i. iraq; destroy all infrastructure.


some kalibr missiles through the front door of some foreign embassies in kiev could work wonders, of course it would all be a mistake like the chinese embassy in belgrade.

Fattus P. Cattus

being caught between z world and nafo is a bit like being on an endless roadtrip with 4chan school shooter archetypes and reddit soyboys. get another hobby.

V for victory

“this is their battle. they choose targets, and they are the ones who conduct operations,” ryder said.

pathetic liar.

who gave them their weapons?

who sent the intelligence the ukros needs to strike this or that target?



time to finish off any air capabilities of the ukrainians

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