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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Says Kiev “Defending Itself”, Expects Unprecedented US Assistance

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Says Kiev "Defending Itself", Expects Unprecedented US Assistance

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Kiev will open fire only if its troops in Eastern Ukraine are threatened or attacked, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in an interview with the French Liberation newspaper.

“We do not seek to escalate, we are committed to a political and diplomatic settlement of this conflict. We will open fire only if there is a threat to our troops on the ground or if they are attacked,” Kuleba said.

The minister added that Kiev was satisfied with the comprehensive ceasefire that entered into force on July 27, 2020.

“Until December, it worked well, but then something changed in Moscow. As for us, we do not carry out any reinforcements with the aim of going on the offensive, these are simply ordinary military rotations. But if one of ours is killed, we have the right to defend ourselves,” Kuleba said.

Kuleba also expressed the opinion that the position of France and Germany within the “Normandy format” should be more active in order to move towards a real settlement.

“The “Normandy format” and Minsk-2 worked and gave results: stabilization of the situation on the ground, exchange of prisoners, ceasefire … “Normandy format” is enough to stabilize the situation. However, it is obvious that in order to move towards a real settlement, we need a more active position of France and Germany within the framework of the Normandy format, or an external factor, a little additional energy that will give impetus to the process and change the status quo,” the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said.

Kuleba also said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had allegedly “underestimated” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and now that he has realized his mistakes, he is dealing with him differently.

“One of the reasons for President Putin’s change in behavior is that he underestimated President Zelensky. Zelensky’s desire for dialogue does not mean that he is ready to compromise in the national interest and concede on issues of crucial importance for the future of the Ukrainian state. As soon as the Russians understood this, they changed their behavior. To be clear, we are always ready to speak with Russia, but the object of this discussion must be the departure of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory and the restoration of national sovereignty. There cannot be any other subject for negotiation.”

This is, more or less, exactly the same rhetoric of former President Petro Poroshenko.

He also said that Kiev was receiving “unprecedented” support from the United States:

“Moscow is testing Washington, that is one of the stated goals. I am satisfied with the way the United States is responding. Within a week, the foreign ministers of our countries, those of defense, the chiefs of staff, the security advisers and finally the two presidents, spoke to each other. This is the first time that we have had such a diversity of contact with the United States in such a short period. The messages that we have heard from the Americans, that we have made public, have certainly been heard in Moscow.”

Additional measures to ensure the ceasefire entered into force in Donbass on July 27, 2020. They imply a complete ban on firing, placing weapons in and near settlements, offensive and reconnaissance and sabotage actions. In addition, the measures provide for disciplinary liability for violation of the ceasefire.

At the end of March, Ukrainian security officials said that four soldiers were killed and two more were wounded during shelling near the village of Shumy in the Donetsk region. Kiev began to talk about the aggravation of the situation in Donbass.

The DPR also announced an increase in the number of attacks from the Ukrainian security forces. The head of the self-proclaimed republic Denis Pushilin did not rule out the possibility of a full-scale attack by Kiev on Donbass, noting that “Ukraine has everything ready for this.” The DPR reported the death of a child on April 3 after Kiev used a drone with an explosive device.

The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the reality on the contact line in Ukraine is frightening, the provocations of the Ukrainian military are numerous. According to him, Russia, not participating in the conflict, cannot ensure a comprehensive ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine, but uses its influence to implement agreements.


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Who wrote this joker’s script? Tommy?

Albert Pike

Since you ask:

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” https://themasonicleader.com/albert-pike-and-the-3-world-wars/

There is no state (besides of Israel) on the planet – which is more Lubavitch than the Ukraine. All the others are also part of the club, but team Zelensky/Kolomoisky tops them all. It’s logical that it will start there, and move from there to everywhere… https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/emergency-meeting-called-for-ukraine-peace-talks-ukraine-pulls-out-us-asks-russia-about-intention-for-vast-forces-russia-replies-no-more-info-for-you

johnny rotten

Alice in Wonderland, every damn day strained to believe at least to a couple of impossible things, this is Ukraine today, one of the greatest geopolitical successes of the West.


The US, just this week, was also pushing the Philippines to send warships to counter the Chinese up close in Juan Felipe Reef. The US was telling the Philippines that they will support them if they were attacked by the Chinese. Seeing through the US’ proxy scheme, and how the US does this everywhere, the Philippines did not send any warships to confront the Chinese. They just issued statements.

Unfortunately, Kiev has done the opposite and fell for the US push for proxy war scheme. Now, Kiev is under the illusion that they will be supported if they attack and are setting themselves up for a catastrophic blunder. Looks like Zelensky doesn’t care if Mariupol becomes a part of the DPR. You can be sure that once Kiev starts the lose ground, only thoughts and prayers will be sent and the US will tell Kiev to retreat and accept the secession of the DPR and LPR.


“US will tell Kiev to retreat and accept the secession of the DPR and LPR” Exactly. Since US only objective is to create divide (or war) between Europe and Russia. To present Russia globally as the “aggressor” nation. US-NATO as defender of helpless nations, victims of “imperialist, invading Russia”. Win-win game for US. If Ukraine ends up as total loser, US will only use that as en argument that country must become NATO member. To be able, to have adequate protection, against “evil” Russia.

viktor ziv

I might be wrong here, but article about NATO membership states that country already involved into a conflict can’t become a member until the conflict is resolved. If so, Kiev has to do Blitzkrieg on Donbass. We all know how it ended up first time. IMHO, The more you go to west in Ukraina, the people are more anti-russian, at the same time more and more minorities are involved. Nazi junta has no sentiment for minorities. In L’vov nazies rose animosity toward Poles, same goes for Hungarians and Rumanians in other western parts of Ukraina. So if/when this Blitzkrieg ends up bad for nazi Ukraina and Novorrosiya expands to Dnepr river along with Odessa, western Ukraina will have difficulties becoming NATO member due to unresolved minorities issues. Poland, Hungary and Rumania will not accept Western Ukraina to become NATO member until those minorities issues are resolved. So am not sure if this is actually win-win for US. Since US will need to submit PHR to accept West Ukraina and that will come with a price.

AM Hants

Got back to 1654, when the Tsars happily handed over a lot of Russia to Ukraine. Move forward to 1917, when Lenin took Novorussia from Russia and gave it to Ukraine. It is now known as Eastern Ukraine. Not to be outdone, Stalin took Lyev from Galicia and you will notice the DNA difference between ethnic Russia and ethnic Galicians, starting with IQ levels. 1954, the Ukrainian leader of the Bolshevik Communist Soviet Union, took Crimea from Russia and gave it to Ukraine, as a thank you gift, for their vote.

The Galicia side of Ukraine, weren’t they also seriously supportive of the Nanzis?

‘…The 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) (German: 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS [galizische Nr. 1],[2] Ukrainian: 14а Гренадерська Дивізія СС (1а галицька)), prior to 1944 titled the 14th SS-Volunteer Division “Galicia” (German: 14. SS-Freiwilligen Division “Galizien”, Ukrainian: 14а Добровільна Дивізія СС “Галичина”)[1] was a World War II German military formation made up predominantly of military volunteers with a Ukrainian ethnic background from the area of Galicia,[3] later also with some Slovaks and Czechs.[3][4] Formed in 1943, it was largely destroyed in the battle of Brody, reformed, and saw action in Slovakia, Yugoslavia and Austria before being renamed the first division of the Ukrainian National Army and surrendering to the Western Allies by 10 May 1945…’


‘Operation Paperclip’, the first exercise of the CIA, led by Allen Dulles, who had more friends in the Nanzi Party, then mates at home in the US. His brother, wasn’t he working for the US Bankers, dealing with their Nanzi investments? What happened to the elite from the Ukrainian branch of the Waffen division of the SS? Where did they go and what are their children now doing and more importantly what are they running?


Ukraine, back in 1997, they tried to join NATO, but, could not owing to the fact that they have never ratified their borders in accordance with international law. Yeltsin did not sign them over, when implementing the 1997 Ukraine Russia Friendship Treaty. They are only recognised whilst both nations are part of the CIS. The same reason that Ukraine cannot join the European Union as a full member.


If so, Kiev has to do Blitzkrieg on Donbass You completely forget about Crimea ( for NATO that is occupied land too ) Kiev would have to attack Russia to “liberate” Crimea.

I personally believe that US will completely change those rules to adept them both to Ukraine and Georgia ( since both lost territories ). Germany and France could oppose such changes…

viktor ziv

Yup true, that’s why Rada called Russia aggressor recently. However I left Crimea out of the equation since it is integral part of RF while Donbass is still part of Ukraina. US can change rules but it want matter since the people of Crimea voted to go back to Rodina aka they don’t want to be part of Ukraina. Same goes for Abhazia and South Osetia (both are recognized by RF after the conflict), those people don’t want to be part of Georgia.


“However I left Crimea out of the equation since it is integral part of RF “

I did not say that it is in your eyes “occupied”. I have said “for NATO that is occupied land too“

Dick Von Dast'Ard

“Looks like Zelensky doesn’t care if Mariupol becomes a part of the DPR.”

Or Odessa part of Novorossiya.

AM Hants

Time all of Eastern Ukraine moved back home to Russia.


Nothing to see, here move on….Just some Ukrainian court jester, telling old bad jokes…

Furkan Sahin

I think soon Navalny is dead lol

Ivan Freely

Navalny is irrelevant, just like Guaidó of Venezuela.


I think that you both are right “Navalny is irrelevant, just like Guaido” as long as they are live… Even though if dead, they are not so much of value also…


What planet is this guy on? Trying to portray Ukraine as the victim of aggression when it was they who first started this latest military build up. Ukrainian armour was spotted moving to the frontline before Russia responded in kind.

Truth is they probably never intended to attack, it’s just theatre to drum up more US support for the Kiev junta.


He is from planet called: “Western MSM propaganda” Since, what is not mentioned by Western MSM, it didn’t happen….Ukraine didn’t do anything… They only focus on every Russian move (even Russian retreating from their own border would be called “Russian aggression”)


Unfortunately that’s very true, if western corporate MSM don’t report something, then it just ‘didn’t happen’; especially on Wikipedia regarding anything political.

Even when they have to admit something that breaks the narrative, it barely gets covered, and thus is quickly ‘memory holed’.

Lone Ranger

Ukrop flag = Down Syndrome Awarness ribbon. No joke.

AM Hants

Do you remember the stories and images, following the coup d’erat, back in 2014?


Anna Tuv, explains events in 2014/2015 so well. Her 11 year old daughter was decapacitated by the Ukraine Government. Her husband, was taken out by the Ukraine Government, her 2 year old son and herself ended up with life changing injuries, courtesy of the Ukraine Government and she had only given birth to her youngest daughter, two weeks previously. A typical morning, in her little village, just a couple of days after Minsk II Agreement was signed.

Gorlovka Resident Anna Tuv Gives a Speech at the UN About Genocide in Donbass… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v5wGFYToPY&t=111s


Memories of Ukraine Civil War, where the people in Donetsk voted to become an Independent Autonomous Federation and the those in power, courtesy of a silent coup d’erat, refused their request, against the Constitution of Ukraine 2004.

Memories of 2014:

Odessa Trade Union Building Massacre – 2 May 2014. KIEV AND RIGHT SECTOR KRISTALLNACHT ODESSA BY F. WILLIAM ENGDAHL… https://williambowles.info/2014/05/06/kiev-and-right-sector-kristallnacht-odessa-by-f-william-engdahl/

The young mother, waiting for a bus, when the Ukraine Government took her out, with her year old child.

CNN even commented on the fact that Ukraine was using ballistic missiles on her people in the East.

The cauldrons and Donetsk Airport and who came out the worst?

Azov Battalion and NATO Forces had no problem training up the Nanzis.

Azov Engineering, and I still crack up laughing at their designs. Not forgetting Poroshenko using images of tanks on a Russian Conveyor Belt (not made in Ukraine) and claiming them as ‘made in Ukraine’ post 2014.

Here is an article on the Western Ukraine Tank Manufacturing Base – or Azov Engineering. The comical toys they created, seem to have gone through Google Clean Up and not survived.

A Tour of Ukraine’s ‘Mad Max’ Tank Factory… https://www.vice.com/en/article/539ndx/a-tour-of-ukraines-mad-max-tank-factory

In the outskirts of Kyiv, a small team of engineers and one “crazy professor” are making the ultimate tank from scrap metal and old tractor parts.


Poroshenko, who received guidelines from the Rand Corporation, demanding the genocide of over 1.5 million. President Poroshenko Uses RAND Corporation “Action Plan” for Eastern Ukraine including Ground Assaults and Air Strikes… https://www.globalresearch.ca/president-poroshenko-uses-rand-corporation-action-plan-for-eastern-ukraine-including-ground-assaults-and-air-strikes/5389795?print=1 …………..

What does the Ukraine gene pool look like now?

Oleg Tsarov, an opposition MP, back in 2014, who was badly beaten up by those loyal to $oro$ and friends. In 2016, he reported that over 100,000 died during the Kiev civil war against Eastern Ukraine, times by 9 (900,000) left with life changing injuries and not forgetting the millions displaced.


Why have the US set up over 15 bio-chemical laboratories in Ukraine, with full diplomatic immunity?

Why has Bill Gates invested so heavily in the above and Monsanto-Beyer, which lust over the rich dark soil of Ukraine?


CNN 2014 07 29 Ballistic missiles … https://vimeo.com/102251202

18.01.2015 Donetsk Airport. Motorola and Givi by Graham Phillips… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqD6r2HSe-c


How do the people in the East, treat the mothers of the teenage conscripts, sent to erase them?

Donetsk PM Alexandr Zakharchenko talks to mother of captive UAF soldier… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bEixXSu_NU&t=269s..

Rhodium 10

Ukraine fear 2 things: 1º Russian troops advancing in East Ukraine which means that population in that part can rise up and support Russian troops. 2º In case of the 1º point…they fear that Ukrainians officers and comanders defect like in Crimea…

AM Hants

Not forgetting many in Eastern Ukraine have Russian Passports. Now what does Article 5 of the Budapest 1994 Memorandum, and also the same words used in the Security Council Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear WeaponsTreaty, signed by Sergey Lavrov, who was the Russian Ambassador to the UN, at the time. Also signed by Bill Clinton and John Major, the UK Prime Minister of the day.

What does Article 5 State, bearing in mind the Russian passport holders in Eastern Ukraine?

5. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm, in the case of the Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state.


Ukraine: The Budapest Memorandum of 1994

The following is the text of the Memorandum on Secu- rity Assurances, known as the Budapest Memorandum, in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, signed Dec. 5, 1994.

The United States of America, the Russian Federa- tion, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

Welcoming the accession of Ukraine to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as a non- nuclear-weapon State,

Taking into account the commitment of Ukraine to eliminate all nuclear weapons from its territory within a specified period of time, Noting the changes in the world-wide security situ- ation, including the end of the Cold War, which have brought about conditions for deep reductions in nuclear forces. Confirm the following:

1. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe] Final Act, to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

2. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial in- tegrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

3. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE. Final Act, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.

4. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, as a non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggres- sion in which nuclear weapons are used.


5. The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm, in the case of the Ukraine, their commitment not to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state.


6.The United States of America, the Russian Fed- eration, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will consult in the event a situation arises which raises a question concerning these com- mitments.

This Memorandum will become applicable upon signature.

Signed in four copies having equal validity in the English, Russian and Ukrainian languages.

Bruno Giordano

Thanks for posting (copying/pasting) the text of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. The first two articles are very interesting, especially in light of your own hobby-horse(s).

Article 1. …. ,to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

Which leads to the well known question: why is “AM Hants” so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense?

Article 2. …..to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Which leads to the question: What part of its commitments “refrain from the threat or use of force” do the Russians not understand? So why does “AM Hants” defend the use of threat and force against the territorial integrity and political independence of Ukraine? Is Russia defending itself? Is it in accordance with the charter of the United Nations?

AM Hants


Remind me, but who funded the violent coup d’erat in Ukraine, when Russia was enjoying her Winter Olympics? Remind me, but, what is the United Nations Charter based on? Is it self determination/will of the people, including those in Eastern Ukraine, who voted according to self determination rights, not to be Governed by the illegal occupiers of the Kiev Government? Same with Crimea, voting to return home to Russia. Then remind me, but, what does it say in the 2004 Ukraine Constitution about the will of the people and how it should be respected?

It was not Russia using white phosphorous or ballistic missiles on their people, now was it Bruno? That was the Kiev Government. Russia was sending aid and a few tourists popped over to see and help their relatives, over in Eastern Ukraine. Even the Head of the Ukraine Forces, forget the Generals name, back in 2014 was admitting there were no official Russian Forces in Eastern Ukraine, and so was the OSCE. Remember, their statements, stating the official Russian Forces, just family relatives were not in Eastern Ukraine. Around the time that the US Senator Inhofe was passing around the fake photos, that he insisted were Russian Forces, which were easily disproven, over in the Senate. Weren’t the Bell-End-Crap trolls doing the same?

Bruno Giordano

Nobody. People do not need to be “funded” to show their outrage for undemocratic behaviour of their weaselly president. Not going to waste my time on the rest of your distracting propaganda crap, hants. 6 D’s, remember? Stay to the point, hants, and prove what you claim (you can’t). Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum and the other signatories let it get away with it.

AM Hants

People don’t need to be funded to show their outrage for undemocratic behaviour of their weaselly President.

Yep, agree with you and feel the outrage with regards the cretins that came into power, following the $oro$ funded coup, over in Ukraine, back in 2014. Now remind me, but, how much does $oro$ spend on his army of trolls?

Russia has not violated the Budapest Memorandum, however, Vicky Nuland, the Cookie Monster, admitted that the US violated it, with the $5 billion. gift to Ukraine, to make them think and act the way that Vicky and mates demanded. Check out Article 3 and Vicky bragging about the $5 billion gift to Ukraine. Think you can hear it on the FU EU phone call.

Bruno Giordano

Vicky “bragging”? About giving peanuts? 5 billion over a period of TWENTY THREE years. Gifts from various organisations for various organisations. Many Maidan protesters weren’t even born when the donations started in 1991, even before the Budapest Memorandum. Facts, hants.

AM Hants

Now I really should not feed the trolls Bruno, but, in this case, I will give you a point towards your $oro$ funded bonus for April. Only because there are a lot of archived links that would be nice for others to view, to refresh memories, or if they do not know the history of events, back in Ukraine 2014. Should anybody be reading the comments section and interested.

Provide facts that donations to Ukraine, from the US started in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell? In fact, how much has Ukraine received from the US and not just the $5 billion Nuland bragged about. How much did they receive from giving up the storage facilities of the Soviet Nukes? Bearing in mind, if they had kept them, they would have been obsolete, owing to Russia having the codes and transport carriers. So how much did Ukraine make on that particular deal? Then you have them handing over their domestic arsenal, back in 2006, when Senator Obama turned up with a briefcase full of $US.


So what happened next, with regards the Orange Revolution Part 2, back in 2014, when Vicky Nuland was handing out the cookies with John McCain and bragging about giving Ukraine $5 billion to think the US way. In violation of the Budapest Memorandum, but, more importantly the 1994 UNSC version of the agreement and Article 3, involving coercion.

Let’s go back in time and see what the Archives hold on US involvement in the $oro$ funded Ukraine Coup d’etat, back in 2014? So relevant today. Why were NATO measuring up the curtains and carpets in the Russian Military base in Crimea, whilst setting up NATO schools in non-NATO Ukraine?

Welcome to Nulandistan: US-Supported Ukrainian Democrats at Work …. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1tpx0w


US Criminal Government: US-ICBI-CIA-BLACKWATER Oppose Donetsk-Lugansk Sovereign States…. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1vuftx

(Larry Diamond Videos, the representative/member of Council of Foreign Relations who work closely with NED/International Development USAID. How much does $oro$ receive from USAID?). NED is meant to be the CIA Arm of regime change. They took over from the CIA, over in Hong Kong, in the 90s, when the CIA were kicked out, owing to their dodgy dealings. Larry Diamond videos, rely heavily on promoting propaganda and emotional manipulation. Remember, Bell Pottinger receiving over $500 million, from the Pentagon, in order to use propaganda and emotional manipulation, to push the Iraq War).


Ukraine Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWkfpGCAAuw


Brief history of Ukraine and $oro$/US involvement since the fall of the Soviet Union

When was the mother of Chrystia Freeland invited to Ukraine to write the new Constitution, following the fall of the Soviet Union? A good friend of $oro$, who then invited $oro$ to give her a lending hand in writing the Constitution?

1994, the UK Government, led by John Major, in the Prime Minister’s Papers, explain how the UK and US told Ukraine, that if they did not start investing in the infrastructure and people of Ukraine, they would lose Crimea and it would return back to Russia. Ukraine, ignored the advice. 1991, people of Crimea voted to return to Russia and were ignored. 1994, the people of Crimea voted to return to Ukraine and Ukraine said no and this led to the Independent Autonomous Republic of Crimea. 2014, they voted again and this time they were back home with Russia.

1997, Ukraine tried to join NATO, but, owing to not ratifying her borders, in accordance with International Law, she is not allowed to.

2004, $oro$ funded Orange Revolution and the same year the Clinton Vultures turn up in Ukraine. Making friends with the President of the time and his son-in-law Pinchuk. Didn’t Pops-in-law launch Burisma Holdings, back then? Which was so generous to Hunter and John Kerry’s wee step-son?

2006 – Senator Obama turns up in Ukraine, with a suitcase full of cash, offering them $US, in exchange for their domestic arsenal. Weird, how they are whinging at losing the storage facilities of the Soviet Nukes, but, happily hand over the domestic arsenal, for a suitcase full of $US.

Bruno Giordano

Troll? Soros? That is the childish response of a loser, hants. Your tactic of cluster bombing your opponents with a flood of propagandistic bs is also quite obvious. Now, what was the discussion about. 1994 Budapest Memorandum. The first two articles sufficiently contradict the bs that you post.

Article 1. …. , to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

Article 2. …..to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Russia violated the Budapest Memorandom (in fact still is violating with their intimidations).

AM Hants

Yabbadabbadooda, you still boring me?

AM Hants

Why did Burisma believe the goon below was worth the $50,000 a month? What did he have to offer them?

EXCLUSIVE: What WASN’T in Hunter Biden’s book: How he got unauthorized Secret Service protection, begged Joe to run for WH to salvage his own reputation and made porn films with prostitutes. Forensic experts prove laptop IS President’s son’s

• Hunter Biden released his ‘tell-all’ memoir Beautiful Things on Tuesday, but left out shocking details

• DailyMail.com can reveal those secrets after contents of his abandoned laptop – including a cache of 103,000 text messages, 154,000 emails, more than 2,000 photos – were verified by top forensics experts

• Hunter left his MacBook Pro laptop at a Wilmington, Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019 and never returned for it

• In texts from 2019, Hunter begged his father to run for president to salvage Hunter’s own reputation

• Hunter repeatedly dodged police action against him, despite constantly dealing with drug dealers and prostitutes and having multiple run-ins with the law

• The president’s son was guarded by a Secret Service agent while on a 2018 drug and prostitute binge in Hollywood, despite not being entitled to protection at the time

• Hunter appeared to be obsessed with making porn films with prostitutes, videos and photos on his laptop show

• Texts also show Joe Biden was afraid his conversations with Hunter were being hacked even as they discussed his White House bid


Bruno Giordano

Hunter Biden? What has that got to do with the topic. Completely irrelevant, distracting propaganda crap, hants. 6 D’s, remember?

AM Hants

Who is the President of the US? Who got a job for his unqualified son, over at Burisma? Who are relying on the US and the current President to help them out? Why are $oro$ and Biden so heavily connected, with regards their Ukraine investments?

Yes, I remember the 6 D’s Bruno, that you spin daily.

Disinformation Discredit Deny Disagree Discourse Derail

Dick Von Dast'Ard

What happened in December was Biden-Harris in Washington and the little puppet guy Zelensky in Ukraine being told to step up acts of belligerence and aggression against the peoples of Donbass and threats to Russian internal security. Lucky the little punk didn’t have a Kalibr put through his presidential window.

Raptar Driver

The coup Government of the Russian province called Ukraine will get as much help from the US as Georgia did in 2008.

Lone Ranger

You beat me to it lol…

Raptar Driver

No worries, it’s not a race, the truth is always out there.


“Kuleba also expressed the opinion that the position of France and Germany within the “Normandy format” should be more active in order to move towards a real settlement.”

I think this is a key piece of information.

In other words, Germany and France have very little interest in becoming involved in Ukraine’s mess. As loathsome as they are, the Eurocreatures Macron and Merkel are too smart to place a bet on such a lame horse.

And this is just another way of saying that Germany and France do not view Ukraine under the current circumstances as a viable long-term committed business partner in an economic relationship that works for the benefit of each party.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Ukrainian-North American clown show have now backed themselves well and truly into a corner… Having deployed significant forces into what is a restricted area for heavy weapon deployment and therefore breaking their own ceasefire agreement, the longer it continues… It is like a whole new level of political stupid and has guaranteed that they either lose face (by pulling back) and appear even weaker as the costs will have mounted for the mobilization and deployment, or lose everything by way of military defeat.

AM Hants

What can go wrong when US, Dems and Ukraine work together?

Ukrainian detained in Dubai over raunchy naked balcony photoshoot claimed to be US Democratic Party adviser, local media reports… https://www.rt.com/russia/520346-grechin-ukrainian-dubai-arrest/

Lone Ranger

Good joke. He should do stand up like his boss zellersky. On the other hand he looks borderline retarded…

Lone Ranger

U.S. will send unprecedented support like they did to Kurds, Yazidis and Georgians…

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