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Ukrainian ‘Kraken’ Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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Ukrainian 'Kraken' Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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On May 5, a group of Ukrainian nationalists was destroyed by the Russian Special Forces in the Kharkov region. At least four members of the Kraken nationalist unit Kraken were killed, one was captured alive and is currently interrogated.

The detained member of the the Kraken national battalion revealed the details of the failed operation of Ukrainian forces.

Ukrainian 'Kraken' Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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A 40-year-old native of Transcarpathia, Yakovets Vitaly Viktorovich, is a member of the sabotage and reconnaissance group of Kraken testified:

“We had a senior of the group – Grechka. When I asked him where we were going, he said we were going to a secret. We had to lie in ambush all night. We stopped halfway – something happened. Either the secret was moved, or something happened. The shooting began with machine guns, and then a shot from the barrel. I ran up the mountain, near the ravine. Anti-aircraft guns started working on us – from our side. The next day there was shooting from the other side again and something flew in. I walked around the ravine, and there were Russians. I surrendered.”

Ukrainian 'Kraken' Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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Ukrainian 'Kraken' Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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Ukrainian 'Kraken' Battalion Suffers Losses In Kharkov Region (Photos)

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Amid the active operations of the Ukrainian nationalists in the region, they are often targeted by Russian missiles and artillery. On May 3, the control posts of Kraken units in Zolochiv and other Azov strongholds in Stary Saltov were destroyed by Russian missile strikes. On the same day, Russian artillery struck the Ukrainian positions in Shestakovo. As a result, several dozen soldiers of the Kraken battalion were killed and wounded.

The Kraken combat formation is a Kharkiv unit of the nationalist Azov regiment, which is part of the National Guard of Ukraine.

It was created after the start of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine and mainly consists of local criminals. The battalion gained fame after the Ukrainian counter-attack in the Kharkiv region in early May. After the surrender of the Azov battalion in Mariupol, the Kiev regime began promoting the Kraken unit as some kind of elite special forces consisting of Ukrainian patriots. However, in fact the unit members are now losing territories in the region.

Kraken is formed mainly of radicals and rapists and murderers released from prison. Members of the nationalist formation conduct punitive raids, using the so-called “death squads” to break into the homes of local residents suspected by the SBU of pro-Russian sentiments, subject them to physical violence and take them away in an unknown direction. Dozens of detainees are already missing.

Local residents testified about the atrocities of the Kraken battalion. According to the locals, back in February, more than 500 residents were arrested in Kharkiv. No one knows where they are now. Young girls were taken to the Kraken bases, they were beaten and raped. Some of them disappeared.

In the first days after the start of the Russian special operation , Ukrainian militants prevented civilians from evacuating to Russia.

“Two months ago, people from Kharkiv were skipping, and now no one is going to Russia. As far as I know, about 200 cars were able to drive from the city to the Russian border at the beginning of spring. People organized themselves: they left in columns of 10-15 cars. But on the way they could be robbed or killed by militants of national formations. It is clear that people went to the evacuation with money and personal belongings,” said a local resident.

In early May, Ukrainian militants shot refugees who were trying to leave Volchansk in a convoy of 34 cars in the direction of Kharkiv. The fire on the column was opened from the Ukrainian checkpoint. Most of the cars managed to turn back, but several people died on the spot.

The National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation previously warned about the criminal activities of Kraken members. The Russian ministry is aware of dozens of abducted citizens who did not return home after they were taken away by the militants of the National Security Service. There is no information about their fate.

Dozens of local activists were forced to leave the country because the Kiev authorities persecuted them for their pro-Russian views.


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Muhammad your Prophet

It’s a volunteer battalion of Ukrainian civilians. Is that what the Southfront troll farm boasting about? They captured a 40 year old local resident who’s probably a teacher or a handyman fighting to defend his country from a horde of cockroaches.


Stupid Kraken-Nazis got what they deserved. Death to all of this scum!

Eddie Truncaro

This pretty funny. First Western MSM glorifies the Kraken Battalion, even going so far as to praise them for their anti-Russian racist attitudes.

A day later, the Russians attack, defeat, and humiliated the Kraken. This underscores the farce of Ukie nationalism and its proponents in Western MSM.

Time to put these Ukie Nazis on trial for war crimes.

All fascists in Ukraine must die

The APU has a shortage of people, and a catastrophic one. Kraken are 100% punishers, they were kept for executions of those who tried to surrender and for punitive actions of the civilian population, allegedly for cooperation with the Russian Federation. And these bastards are on the front line, and right away this is it. Well, Kraken, it’s not against the unarmed to “fight”. The Russian Army unwound this kraken perfectly

Haans rauss

They are just civilians who decided to defend their country against imperialistic invaders from russia , russian army captured civilians………….great success !!! russia must be in panic mode with all ukrainian progress in kharkiv region up to russian border ^^

Eddie Truncaro

You are too dumb to discuss geopolitics, international relations, or the war the Ukraine.

In truth, Russia was forced to invade the Ukraine. That’s because US/NATO is trying to turn the Ukraine into a giant military base, to be used against Russia. US/NATO is doing so because it wants to achieve a position of strategic superiority from which it can exert coercive leverage over Russia in future bilateral affairs.

In other words, once militarily established in the Ukraine, US/NATO will demand that Russia subordinate its foreign policy, and vital national interests, to the West’s whims. If Russia refuses, US/NATO will then station missiles, radars, and F-35 jet airfields on the RF’s borders.

That is what this war is all about. Any great power in Russia’s position would do EXACTLY as Russia has done under the same circumstances.

Think about it. How would the US respond if, for example, China tried to turn Mexico into a giant Chinese military base? Of course, the US would invade Mexico. Immediately.

Dumb Ukies like you are only good for ethnic hatred and racism. Make sure your remarks remain within the intellectual boundaries which nature imposed on you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Truncaro
Haans rauss

You missing main point, ukrainian people want to be part of west, thats why they fight right now. They have right to choose what sphere of influence they want to be in and they decided to go west – its simple as that. YOu guees why nobody want to be in russian sphere of infuence? coincidence ? no! anserw is very simple, no economic growth and poverty. There is nothing that russia can offer and thats why ukraine go west.

You missing another point if you claim that somebody forced russia to attack ukraine. Mate you rly believe in this? ,,being forced to attack” is just part of russian propaganda and typical excuse to justify killing ukrainian people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Haans rauss
Eddie Truncaro

The Ukraine is a buffer state. It’s a buffer state because of where it’s located on the map. Because the Ukraine’s a buffer state, it can’t join US/NATO without creating a security threat to Russia, its immediate neighbor.

For this reason, the Ukraine is not really free to choose one power bloc over the other. The Ukraine, in forming its foreign policy, must take into consideration Russia’s national security interests. That means the Ukraine must commit itself to neutrality in international affairs.

BTW, it’s been known for decades the the people of east Ukraine have no interest in joining US/NATO. That’s been established many, many times through opinion polls. East Ukrainians, BTW, comprise one third of the country’s population.


No point of trying to explain any of that to a Ukro Nazi child rapist supporter. The only way to deal with these psychopaths is to eliminate them. Russia is doing a great job and the squeeling if these pieces of shit is getting more desperate by each day..:D

Haans rauss

u talking about russian child rapists? this is all what they can offer to world.


Drunk again?

Haans rauss

southfront reality: we killed some kraken’s and captured one old guy….great success………..

reality ver2.0: Kraken unit still hunting down russian invaders

Haans rauss


Eddie Truncaro

Blue _Sauron is a well known Ukie propagandist and hater of everything Russia. That individual is not a respectable source of information on the war.

You are expected to know better than to litter this forum with Blue_Sauron’s propaganda.

Haans rauss

Yes, everything against russian invaders is fake and propaganda :D welcome in russian clown world :D

BTW hard to avoid being hater when russia killing and rape ukrainian citizens.

Last edited 2 years ago by Haans rauss
Clown of Kiev

Watch your mouth Hans, I’m the only clown around here 💯🏳️‍🌈🤡🇺🇦💯

Eddie Truncaro

“BTW hard to avoid being hater when russia killing and rape ukrainian citizens.”

Ukie soldiers have been killing and raping Donbass civilians since 2014. That’s just a fact.

Who specifically are the Ukie troops who commit these crimes? Easy answer. They are:

1) Ukrainian servicemen who come from Galicia, the region where Bandera’s UPA-OUN ethnic cleansing movement flourished during WW2. 2) Ukrainian nationalists who chose to enlist in the neo-Nazi “volunteer battalions.” Most such Ukies happen to come from Galicia, incidentally.

These Ukrainian soldiers hate Russians because they are raised to hate Russians. They are products of a deeply racist, ethnic chauvinist culture. That is the nature of west Ukrainian culture (especially Galician). The people from central and eastern Ukraine are much less chauvinistic and bigoted than the people from Galicia, BTW.

As for you, you are a product of that same toxic, ethnic-hating, cruel culture that produced these criminal Ukie troops.

Russia is fighting to protect the ethnic Russians and Russified Ukrainians of eastern Ukraine. It has also gone to war to prevent US/NATO from turning hateful Ukies (like you) into proxy troops that could potentially be used against the RF.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eddie Truncaro

Lol there’s an even worse one

His name is def mon

He got so mad when i pointed out the lies of the failed kherson offensive that he just blocked me

They just want to circlejerk each other to their fake news and fantasy twitter moral victories. Reality on the ground is they are getting smashed


Blue sauron lol

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Lots of Photoshop errors in the pictures.


With a little research one will find there has not been a war since 1900 that was not Jew induced.

“War?! What is it good for?!” The Jews.

no antisemitism


“Every Negro… should make a study of Bolshevism and explain its meaning to the coloured masses. It is the greatest and most scientific idea afloat in the world today… Bolshevism has made Russia safe for the Jew. It has liberated the Slav peasant from priest and bureaucrat who can no longer egg him on to murder Jews to bolster up their rotten institutions. It might make these United States safe for the Negro… If the Russian idea should take hold of the white masses of the western world… then the black toilers would automatically be free.” (p. 1)


These guys are really tough against unarmed Ukrainian civilians. But against Russian artillery, not so much.


It sounds more like they are illegal criminal combatants and should be treated as criminals, not POW’s.


This happened a month ago, why the report now?


Now you shelling Kharkiv city, please stop it! Don’t kill civilians! Your enemies in Kyiv, why don’t you siege the capital instead? Take out the coke head zelensky and the war is over.


Good more dead pigs!

Assad Defeated Zionists

Those inbred white supremacists look even uglier than Osama bin laden and the inbred house of Al-Saud

Putin huylo

There are countless videos of Kraken guys owning Orcs. As it should be.

Slava Ukrajini! Herojem slava!



Kraken is the ultimate filth and scum of Ukraine. They are a subunit of Azov and they make regular azov look like cute cuddly teddy bears.

PS these are the vermin that shot the russian soldiers in their leg arteries and left them to bleed to death in mala rohan, southeast kharkiv.

Seeing these guys dead gives me a hardon. To be honest, I wish they would be captured and tortured for months on end to totally break them and then just give them a gun so they can end it, and film it all.


Terrorists from the “Kraken” unit are some of the worst sadistic murderers in Ukraine, they will all be eradicated in order to save Ukraine (and also Russia) from Anglo-American and zionist occupation!

Last edited 2 years ago by Redguard

Kraken are Ukraine’s version of the British Black and Tans; used in Ireland to ‘police’ the Irish under British rule from 1920 (criminals released form prisons in the UK).


More like the Dirlwanger Brigade they were led by a full blown child raping psychopath,a 7.62 round in the face is what they understand.


There are a lot of examples: death squads in South America, Tonton macoute in Haiti.


They should get as much information out of this animal as possible then take him out and shoot him,it was in Karkhov one of those Nationalist pigs stabbed a Russian POW in the head and eyes with a Bayonet,he could have been one of this gang,they have his name so he will be hunted down like a rabid dog.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

A whole lot of criminal garbage in the Ukronazi battalions. These are the same type of elements the Saudis and others released into Syria Under US, NATO and Israeli supervision. Headchoppers, murderers, rapists ect.


They are making us, the US, proud. They represent our national (LGBTQ) pride.


The US is trying to restrict gun right but look to the Corporations, Lobbyists, Think-tanks, Military Industrial Complex. The culture is rotting from the top down; in that, these fascists are creating the rot. The blowback will be insane from all the rotten elements that are trained by the CIA, SAS, Mason and other such elements that do the evil bidding. The US society has simmering for decades on this murderous evil. Makes sense it just festers like a sore that gets ignored over and over.



The Love Boat

Poor Kraken lost his head. Guess his war wasn’t all it was krakened up to be.


Dead Azov animals. So good. More pls.

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