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Ukrainian Leadership: No Peace Treaties With Russia, Only Capitulation Of Moscow

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Ukrainian Leadership: No Peace Treaties With Russia, Only Capitulation Of Moscow

Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council Secretary Danilov made several doctrinal statements. Among them he said that there can be no peace treaty with Russia – only its capitulation is possible. At the same time, he believes that the war will not end quickly.

The secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Danilov, has made several doctrinal statements. Among them he said that there can be no peace treaty with Russia – only its capitulation is possible. He believes that the war will not end quickly.

Earlier, Danilov also made loud statements – “as soon as Ukraine has such an opportunity, it will strike at the Crimean bridge (which connects mainland Russia with the Crimean peninsula)” or that “Germany owes Ukraine a debt from World War II”.

However, in his latest series of statements he has not expressed his fantasies, aimed at meeting the needs of domestic propaganda, but the new official course of Kiev.

On May 2, Ukrainian presidential adviser Arestovich said that Danilov’s statement was legitimate and agreed with Ukrainian President Zelensky.


In his turn, the head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Budanov, said that there were now only two ways to end the war:

The first is to divide Russia into three or more parts. The second is the relative preservation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation with the change of the country’s leadership. In the latter case, the new leader will say that the Russian Federation had nothing to do with all these processes, it was a sick dictator. In this case, Russia will give up all its occupied territories – from the islands of Japan to Königsberg (now Kaliningrad), previously (before the 2nd World War) belonging to Germany”.

Similarly, the rhetoric in the West has changed. They are less likely to talk about the need for a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia and more and more likely to emphasise that Russia needs to inflict utmost military damage, up to and including complete unconditional surrender in the war. The U.S. leadership has stated that the emphasis is shifting from doctrine of maximum economic damage to Russia to total military defeat on the battlefield. This is now the official policy of Washington.

The reason for these processes is obvious – official Moscow continues to act as if it is not in a state of de facto indirect armed conflict with the entire NATO military machine, but rather is conducting a limited military operation thousands of kilometres away from its borders.

Today, the Russian Armed Forces deployed in Ukraine do not have a head of manpower strength on the battlefield. At the same time, Ukraine is preparing for another, fourth wave, of mobilization. Kiev announces this step despite the thousands of mercenaries and NATO soldiers already taking part in combat operations. For its part, Russia has not even carried out a partial mobilisation exercises. There is an explanation for this. Moscow seeks to minimise losses, while Kiev ignores their size.

Meanwhile, the situation is exacerbated by the lack of a clear public message on what the Kremlin is pursuing in the military operation. Is it to denationalise and demilitarise Ukraine, is it to ensure control over the entire territory of the former Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, or is it, after all, the war to secure Russia itself?

Such uncertainty, combined with the full military support of a number of NATO countries, is inspiring the Kiev regime, whose statements are becoming increasingly aggressive. The Ukrainian leadership is already declaring not only Moscow’s capitulation, but also, apparently, Budapest’s one. The very same Danilov stated that Hungary must and will be held responsible after Russia’s defeat, as it is its ally




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Lawrence of Arabia

He sounds like Hitler in his bunker, circa April 1945. Reality has nothing to do with anything!


Or a better parallel: Saakashivili in Georgia. He genuinely thought NATO would start World War 3 to save his ass, just like those guys.

They of course don’t think they are capable of reaching those things. They hope for millions of americans and Europeans fighting for them with nuclear stuff while they sit on a villa in Spain.

As SF says, explicitly in this article: time for Russia to realize this is not going to end in a few weeks with “business as usual” and their oligarchs and political elite holidaying in Europe with their first world counterparts as if nothing happened. They are dealing with a bunch of deranged neonazis and a cornered empire wanting to keep world dominance at any cost. Dragging this out for longer and longer will only make the crackpots even more scared and bound to do something stupid, for themselves and the world.

Peter The Ungrateful

“As SF says, explicitly in this article: time for Russia to realize this is not going to end in a few weeks with “business as usual” and their oligarchs and political elite holidaying in Europe with their first world counterparts as if nothing happened.”

Nobody ever said that it will be over quickly. I distinctly remember Putin warning in his speech on Feb 24 that this will be very testing, no word about a time frame. It is just that people keep expecting some kind of quick end – must be all that tweeting which shortened the average attention span to goldfish levels. And there are no real Oligarchs anymore in Russia. Putin couldn’t care less about what they want and think. It was him who stripped them of their political power in his very first term, was basically his first act as president. That is also why the sanction against the “Oligarchs” don’t bother him in the slightest, on the contrary. He witnessed from the sidelines how they had plundered and literally robbed his beloved country.

The West seems to do him all kinds of favors with the sanctions. The “Oligarchs” now also stripped of at least some of their assets, discrediting the western banking system by stealing half of Russias reserves, hence slowly ringing in the end of the Petrodollar, crippling their own economies with other boomeranging sanctions etc. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he has planned for all this to happen.


Some years ago Vladimir Vladimirovich said: we wil not fight in the motherland. So, he already knew then what was coming.


The ukros only come to Spain for cleaning our ases, begging for money or playing Basketball, If they are from the Russian Ukraine.

jens holm

We only has/had 10.000 of them here in Denmark. Their unimplment rate is 00000.

We have or had some few hard criminals. We think those are under control even some few are among the other criminals we have.

It makes no sense to compare with Spain. We are happy for the Ukras, because we have vacant real but mainly low paid jobs.

They support themself, are normal small tax payers and send money home.

Our muslims are different. After 10 years about 45% is still only minus. They think they should make new musim countries and not according Ourt Constitution.

We cant even send them home. None will take. We also has many born here.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Denmark’s constitution ensures that Islam can easily take control by changing the wording Christian with Islam.

Of course, Christians will still be allowed to practice their religion by paying an extra tax.


It’s 2022. I’m not sure how many Christians are left in Western Europe.

jens holm

When Ukras are as told its very much about unimployment rates. Ours is less then 4%. Yours is 14%.

So what about more windpower, solar cells and insolation against too much summer and winter?

Spains in many ways are doing many things well.


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Last edited 2 years ago by jeyoho1246

When you are a heavy drug user, obviously reality isn’t your strong point :D

The ukrops are sniffing coke like crazies.

hunter bidé lab pork !

He sounds Like hitler taken in The uranos and snifing coke !!!!


Crack is killing the Ukrop leadership :)

jens holm

Unicef will send You 26 crackpipes.

Russia is a paper tiger

Fun fact: ukraine has sunk 20 times more tonnage than the russian navy. Lololol

Florian Geyer

Minding bending drugs taken by the majority of Western politicians are destroying their own countries.

Tom Bombastadillo

With Hunter Biden as poster boy–along with Zelensky. Tirds of a feather, smoke crack together.


Ukie baghdad bobs always bring a smile to my face.

Rick Jefferson

Greed, not crack. The leadership profits from ukes deaths and the destruction of Uke country because that is exactly what the evil empire wants. They see all that death and destruction as a strategic victory over Russia. The Uke leadership will all retire in places like Miami with a fat pension provided by the empire.



jens holm

Russia is the devastaing invader. So far they have let 50.000 to die. Its added toral destruction for billions.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Do not be so negative. The positive is that the reconstruction will create many new jobs.

Unemployed Danes and other Central Europeans will also have the opportunity to participate by taking the jobs that the Ukrainians would rather not have.


From what pile of shit do you extract such “data”? Or you make up them … …

Rick Jefferson

Your uke nazi friends have murdered thousands of ethnic Russians. The invasion was an act of self-defense. The uke idiots that allowed their nazis members to commit those atrocities are responsible. The good news is that the genocidal war that was being waged by your ukes has been stopped and the nazi perps are getting what they deserve. The Russian military are heroes.

Tom Bombastadillo

All western MSM are baghdad bobs now.


Crack is killing the Ukrop leadership :) I don’t think that dude was in his right state of mind. Ask the US to return California and the other states that were illegally taken by the blood thirsty yankee from Mexico.


and don’t forget tejas!!!!!!

jens holm

USA started as nothing

Most there are based on invaders and thieves from Spain and Portugal. Its hard to see the were better. Im surre Mexico has kiled more indians then the american has.

People always only go back to those terrifying border wars and take side.

Michel LeBlanc

No english speaking folks killed more natives. Still killing them today.

Tom Bombastadillo

The ‘natives’ over the hill from me are all getting twenty thousand per month of casino money just for belonging to a tribe. You’ve been reading too much woke crap.


These guys are fucked up in the head.

No matter how much you want those things to become true, and hope for those things to become true, you don’t go around stating them publicly, to leave an way out in case they don’t kind of go according to those plans.

Specially when they are impossible. They relative “success” (as in, not losing as much territory to Russia as Russia wanted to) is only because they are fighting a war for survival throwing every man in a meat grinder, and Russia is fighting a “special operation” with 200k professional soldiers and nothing else.

This is as delusional as if Russia went on saying “our plan is annexing everything controlled by NATO until Lisbon”

Thomas Turk


jens holm

Your descriebtion in its best is highly inaccurate.

The state is made by Russia. First they moved Ukraine west. Next they added a 100% russian area and population and as ususal with no contact with the rest having their own culture, TV radio, schools.

Thats made for several other areas(I know estinia well).

Next we here see the USSR state or regional state is no good. Russia even attack their own mistake using those incomming Russians as hostages for the invasion.

Ukriane also did not create this state. They took over a terrible quagmire drowned in bad decissions from old days corruption included.

None where I live can see some 17,8% running Ukraine as Russia tryed to. NONE. Russia also was given the many nukes for – I suppose – not to look agressive.

UN has recognized that for 30 years. Ukras has their own konglomerate having not enough glue well assisted by Russia. They have may orher problems.

But today they have well elected Parlament as well as President and ministers. Putin & Co has made every 36 mio Ukras hate Russia and him.

Tom Bombastadillo

Ukraine is presided over by a choir of ghouls, none of whom were really elected.

jens holm

Its very visible that Russia dont understandUkraine just want to be a normal part of the rest of the world. They want to produce and trade both way and raise the livingstandard.

No they do it by mainly Russia. NO WAY.

Putin has made it into a military thing gurded by nazis.

Facts are the main game changer is the economical problems and we want to help them even its very difficult. We do it as countries and fx by EU and USA.

Putin here is paranoia of the worst kind.

We have had Russia all the west of Berlin. We hve seen planes for taking all western Europe. Now Putties by Taiga woods cant undestand this is no turf of Russia.

Tom Bombastadillo

Ukraine is so corrupt it could never “be a normal part of the rest of the world” until that is gone. Ukraine has vast resources and there is no excuse for it to be poor other than corruption.

Stop making excuses for Ukraine’s poor performance and stop blaming Russia.

Rick Jefferson

Is Putin paranoid about US-NATO moving right up to his front door? Is he paranoid about the CIA Pentagon tryin g to place nuclear missiles on his border less than five minutes from Moscow? No, moron because those are facts. Will the Russian people allow those weapons on their border. No!! moron. And you can take that to the bank. Will morons, like yourself, cause a nuclear holocaust because they are too stupid to understand these simple facts? It is possible and even likely if you morons continue to ignore these simple facts.

Arzt Injektion

Indeed, it is stupid to make these public statements because if it doesn’t go as planned, then what? You have backed yourself in a corner. Far better to pretend to negotiate so you appear to be reasonable. Now, in addition to Russia they are also threatening Hungary. I am sure their American masters did not tell them to do that, however when your brain is addled on drugs, you can’t help yourself.

SF is right about the lack of direction from Moscow though. If there is need to mobilize do so now. No need to wait until May 9th. The people will support this. The only people that are treating this as the national struggle it is are the Chechens. Apart from them, and Wagner, there would be no reinforcements going to the Donbass at all.

Tom Bombastadillo

“I am sure their American masters did not tell them to do that, however when your brain is addled on drugs, you can’t help yourself.”

Well, considering that their “American masters” are Dementia Joe and Hunter “Crackhead” Biden ….

NATO is laughing at you

Ooops 🍿

Tom Bombastadillo

NATO is a mid-century dinosaur. And it is going to die soon.


Yope. If Russia attacks NATO. I guarantee you only USA, UK, and Poland will fight. I guarntee you Russia know this that NATO is mostly virtue signaling. But their not dumb enough to do that. But if they do only three countries will fight.

Last edited 2 years ago by B B

Decapitulate Russia? the opposite is true. Ukraine will disappear fron the map soon. East Ukraine becomes part Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republic. West Ukraine becomes a province of Poland.

NATO....The 4th Reich

They’ll all end up in Canada and eventually create a civil war there too.

Von Tzu

Dude I already have ukrops in my town, in a town with People from every nation on the planet they stick out. More annoying then Australians

Michel LeBlanc

Bring em in send them out west with the other nazis.

Tom Bombastadillo

Here in sunny SOCAL, my neighbor is a woman from Ukraine. We had a huge long war over the property line. She built a huge enclosed patio right up to and over my property line. The county requires a 15′ setback, so I finally filed a complaint and she had to cut it back 15′. But the cinder block patio wall encroaches about 2′ onto my property, and it was built in 1953 along with the house and has a footing, so the County grandfathered it in. So I have “permanent Ukrainian occupied territory”.

OTOH she did a bunch of yard work here for free. Took it on herself to cut down weeds and grass out front one wet year. Wouldn’t take any money. Another time she asked to trim a couple of small palm trees in my back yard and I said OK. So she did that and then cut down and ripped out a bunch of other stuff too, some of which should have been left alone.

Easily one of the best looking women I have ever known. Tall, slender, good looking, muscular, perfect teeth, platinum blonde, blue eyes. But … WATCH OUT!


Don’t forget the hungarian province too!

Sgt. Based

So they’re just completely divorced from reality now

I know losing takes a mental toll but goddamn have the Ukrainian leaders gone off the deep end

Peter The Ungrateful

Talk about drinking your own Kool Aid.

Don’t get high on your own supply.

Michel LeBlanc

Yeah saying Kalliningrad needs to return to germany. Does Gdansk need to return next??

Filthy nazis , they cant even hide it anymore.

Assad Defeated Zionists

Looks like cracks are beginning to develop. Just saw FOX Tucker Carlson put in perspective how old, senile Biden has approved like 20 $billion and is about to approve another 33 $billion to protect Ukraine’s borders, this when our budget for border security is like 3 billion, when illegals are over running our border bringing in all kinds of drugs and killing over 100,000 Americans due to opioid and other overdoses..


Americans, to the extent that they understand this conflict at all, do not want to suffer for it.

Now that Roe v Wade is gone, the attention on Ukraine is gone.

jens holm

Americans dont suffer for it.

They chosed Biden for Trump. But the really need was Sanders. It show Your reflction and perspective well.

Not even Obama was allowed to make a good Obama care. Things like that are not even allowed to be in the america context.

In the short version here from Denmark we invest in the poor. By that they handle more advanced jobs, which improve the whole production to be more advanced.

By that they becomes bettter taxpayers and by that pay more tax to less low paid or unimployd.

We try to include and upgrade all. Its an illusion laxy bums by that by that just look at TV and drink beer. Some do. We handle them and some give minus.

But we have many more employed pr capita here in Denmark then in USA. The investment pays off.

Its as in the stockmarkets. Most of them are doing well but You can loose money there too.


The 2020 election in the United States was every bit the coup that 2014 was in Ukraine, and orchestrated by the same people. We didn’t “choose” Biden.



Pelosi visits Naziland

Oh really? Did the dems have snipers shooting folks during demonstrations? Did they burn anyone alive or conduct summary executions on the streets?

Let’s not go overboard with the analogies here.

Tom Bombastadillo

Voting fraud chooses whoever is in office in USA, not Americans.

Rick Jefferson

Freedom means that human beings are free to do whatever they want which includes spending their own money on whatever they want as long as they are peaceful. All the death and destruction in Ukraine is caused by taxes because the war mongers use taxes to fund their wars. If the US empire did supply psycho Zelensky and his nazi collaborators with billions in weapons, there would be no war. Zelensky would admit that Putin’s security concerns were legitimate instead of allowing himself to be bought and controlled by the US war machine. The Russians are the good guys because they are acting in self-defense.

jens holm

We actually are 40 countries as supporters. We also add help to civiles there and home.

Fox is a very good example for free speech in United. In many ways they are opposition to Biden and the rest of the world.

Your focus should be on the infantile attitudes according less doing drugs in Your beliefs in narrowminded behaviorisme.

You make Your crimerates high and not only in drugs Yourself.

So many has guns. They mainly are used to kill own fasmily and friends.

Abortion is same thing. How can any prefare millions of unwanted children to feed the next 18 years. The parents(if there are two) gets no education even they are for it. Thye are paid about 10 dollars and hour and even has to work 60 hours.

Their chilkdren of course gets no education as well and at least might get 25 dollar pr hour.

It even worse. In so many schools and states the Youngsters are learned to avoid. Thats hypocrite unrealisme of the worst kind.

You also use that READY one. It makes no sense. Added to dating with sex this makes sex into a farce for mrs and mrs dildo.

Tom Bombastadillo

USA is in some ways already past the Schwab Great Reset. Work is disincentivised here. Basics are almost all free if one owns nothing. But if you work hard and earn something or gain something, you are punished by laws that make you pay for the ones who don’t work. The horrid Obamacare is a perfect example of that.

I am independent, but I have no health care at all because it is simply too expensive here. Since 1987 when I was cancelled by the zionist corporate scab, I have never had health insurance, even under Obamacare. And that is also a perfect example of why I hate Commies like you, along with your many stupid ideas.

Tom Bombastadillo

I don’t miss any of the many former scalawags in my town who died of opioids, overdoses, angry boyfriends, etc.

NATO....The 4th Reich

These Ukrainians need a reality smack.

And now we have……“Germany owes Ukraine a debt from World War II”. True, all those killers the Nazis employed were never paid. At least they deserve a Nazi pension.

Tom Bombastadillo

It would also make them eligible to pay endless exhorbitant reparations to Israel.

Pelosi visits Naziland

Israel? A drop in the bucket. Just think of what they’d have to pay Russia and Belarus.

..and just think of what Nazi Kiev would have to pay Russia and Belarus and Poland and Israel.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pelosi visits Naziland

This just proves yet again that the Ukrainian puppet dictatorship absolutely despises the Ukrainian people and is hell bent on slaughtering an entire generation of Ukrainian men. Don’t be fooled comrades, every single one of these politicians in the Zelenskey crime syndicate know that Russia’s victory is guaranteed and so does the US, Germany the UK, Poland etc. Now that they have been exiled from Ukraine by the mighty Russian army they want to cause maximum indiscriminate death and destruction out of spite.

jens holm

Typical headbanger used as foot ball attitude. Propaganda.

Orcrainians are white ISIS

Russia is killing orcrainians by the thousands. Entire battalions destroyed.

Once those nazis die, the regular army will begin deserting or better yet, killing the ZATO puppets.

Zelensky is either going to die like Mussolini or run with suitcases of cash like the afghani.


i like the nickname: orcranians are the real orcs

Peter The Ungrateful

I like the term “Orcrainian” alone, brilliant.

jens holm

Taiga TV is Putin

Pelosi visits Naziland

Well, orcranians are as close to being subhuman as a humanist like me would ever want to say on record.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pelosi visits Naziland
Lawrence of Arabia

Those poor Ukrainian soldiers (not the Azovs) have just been brainwashed by state propaganda. They don’t deserve this. We should not condemn them


They have free will,they may fight for life or fight for hell,yet if they gave it to biden,so they perish!

jens holm

The rest of the world see none of that. Highly motivated is not brainwashed.

The state propaganda comes by Russia. Putin has united them and the rest of the world better then Biden.

Thank You Putin.


“United them and the rest of the world.” Something like 80% of the world’s population ISN’T boycotting Russia.

Pelosi visits Naziland

You never cease to make me chuckle.

Rick Jefferson

They have been brain-washed to believe that they are fighting for freedom which is ridiculous because if they believed in freedom and democracy, they would support the newly formed Republics in eastern Ukraine and they would denounce and challenge the uke nazis who believe that ethnic Russians are untermenchen who need to be exterminated.

Tom Bombastadillo

They are the fall guys in all of this.

Pelosi visits Naziland

People so easily brainwashed should not be allowed to vote. Take a hint, America.

Rules Based Order with Fries

America couldn’t elect an intelligent leader if nuclear war depended on it.

Jeez, what’d I just say?

jens holm

I see none of this. Our medias actually are coverings things better then Yours – take Putin one channel TV by and arm.

You dont get that 19 of 20 main units are not nazis.

36 mio Ukras disagree. NO more russian crap by You and any from there.

Rick Jefferson

Your language skills are so bad that most of what you say makes no sense.




This Ukronazi is definitely on Crack. Russia to capitulate? Snort some more antifreeze and see if you can top the horseshit you just spouted.

Martin Rapavý

That is why the negotiations were pointless because Ukraine has never negotiated in good faith.

And that is the reason why the war broke out 8 years ago—because the Kievan government refused to negotiate with the federalists and opted for attacking them with heavy weaponry, at which point they became separatists.


They only begged to negotiate as Russian forces have encircled Kiev. Now that they left Zelensky thinks he is winning. The best way to deal with that would be to take out those decision-making centers as foretold by Russia. I don’t think any sane person would think Kiev is actually winning, but spreading propaganda like that is not good either. Most people I know believe that BS because they only watch MSM.

jens holm

As usual the Russian versions and intensions are gone.

You doinrt get it. There is no more bendover.

If You see an 8 year build up by Russian military forces, You can choose. They did.

USA, UK and they has done it well.

Let the games begin

Oh, we will definitely see an 8 yr buildup by Russian forces, and going into war footing. NATO has guaranteed that. What’ll be left of Ukraine by then, or maybe the world as we know it is yet unknown.

All over a bunch of neonazi skinheads in Ukraine and their sick-think. Wow, God really decided to punish us big time over this one.

jens holm

That hardly was a negosiation. 80% now run Ukraine. The rest dont.

It makes sense to me. The 80% of course should respect the rest better, but Purtin used them as coat.

Tom Bombastadillo

Something is rotten in Denmark. It’s name is Jens Holm.

Rick Jefferson

The US war machine runs Ukraine. Anyone who can’t see that is brain-dead.

Pelosi visits Naziland

Duh, they just try to buy time. Ukraine and the US both. World champions in negotiation trampling by subterfuge.


maybe they need to change their dealer, he is selling them bad stuff

Peter The Ungrateful

Nah, what a user wants is to flee reality, so they must be getting extraordinary good stuff.

jens holm

Thats right. They have inflation there too.

Tom Bombastadillo

Inflated nostrils that is.

jens holm

He just make a position.

Putin has changed too. Taking Kiev never was an option. It was tourists on vacation even they forgot their fishing geer for supply.

Tom Bombastadillo

As a former landlord living on site (‘in my own slum’) I had to deal personally up close with a lot of people on hard drugs and they almost never do anything in good faith. These Ukrainian leaders ideate the same way. The Biden Crime Clan ideates the same way. One simply cannot trust such people in the least.

Von Tzu

Bagdad Bob was more sane

Peter The Ungrateful

He was not high half of the time and drunk the other half.

jens holm

Russian has not ears. Thats why their tanks can be that small.


This clown subordinate needs his neck stretched. The only way to stop these clowns is to kill them.

Let the games begin

Unfortunately (and I mean that), that is 100% correct.

If NATO is so foolish as to nurture, nay even tolerate such people in its midst, then nuclear war is inevitable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Let the games begin
Icarus Tanović

Ahahahahaha what an idiot!

Last edited 2 years ago by Icarus Tanović

Well Napoleon failed them, so they taught him, Hitler failed them, do they taught him, Zelensky be warned, 3 strikes and your out.

jens holm

USSR collapsed and then what. They also forgot keep and twice within 100 years.

the last one mainly took over from Hitler. Those people were not liberated.


Another criminal who is under blackmail control by his Taskmasters. Although he’s an arrogant piece of shit. Too bad he hasn’t the guts to go out and fight like he expects others. I wonder how much he has stashed away in foreign accounts stolen from the Ukrainian people. How much does he spend weekly to maintain that ridiculous amount of hair coloring? Does he do it for his boyfriend or his girlfriend, and does his family know about his habits? I wonder.

jens holm

You dont wonder. You use one eye or less about this.

Bad intensions is to rejoin Russia or even something like that.

You of course expect to see them as loosers dressed in leftovers from red cross. If You want to see that go somewhere else.


I guess 33 billion buys quite a lot of Captagon.

jens holm

If true the reason might be someone like You.


Russia, realize that Nato has already declared war on you. I is WWIII NOW. You cannot be meek and humble towards them and back down, you have to raise the stakes to the MAX. They, the satanists of NATO, they WANT NUCLEAR WAR and we cannot avoid it. The NATO dont want nuclear war yet, so give it to them NOW and catch them. The world will be destroyed, they WILL nuke you, they will up the ante when it suits THEM so you should catch them unprepared. NUKE first to save some of our world. The fight by F UK US NATO EU is to the DEATH, to the death of planet earth. They will keep on fighting you and never let up until they are all destroyed. So DESTROY the satanic filth. In the UK and US, the West and EU we are enslaved and made war on, we have to say men are women, our journalists are tortured, we are cancelled, our children are preyed on. PRAY and get the Holy Water out. It is time to FIGHT against the evil in our world. It is Armageddon.


May the head of the snake be crushed

jens holm

You can commit suicide to help and dig the grave first.

Maybee You can join each other in Barbij Jar. Its difficult. Russia even has bombarded that too.


NATO has no chance in a nuclear standoff. The war was started years ago. Russia saw this and prepared well. So far Ukraine has been a total failure to the west. They spend lots of money and got nothing. Thanks to high prices Russia is making a killing in selling to the EU. They are paying up in Rubles as demanded. Russia is calling the shots. That is why they don’t need to escalate. USD and EURO are finished. Look how strong the Ruble got. The world is witnessing who the real enemy was and still is. Let them deal with that. Time is on Russia’s side. The west is desperate as they don’t get their desired goals. Now they shipping weapons en masse and they still cannot change anything. Let them bleed out and deal with them later. Statements like those only show who really is deranged and helpless. Russia is reacting when necessary but plays it cool when things are running in their favor. That is why you don’t see much action on their part, because things actually are OK. With the nuclear arsenal at Russia’s disposal there is no way NATO will cross their read lines again. This whole mess could be over in one day. But that would also mean the utter destruction of the west and about 1 billion mostly innocent people. That is not that easy to cope with. It is justified thou, it is one red line that has to be crossed.

jens holm

Not even hardheaded children og Putin fans will believe any of this.

You have been tricked. There is no Nobel price for bad jokes.

stephan williams

Jens, You’re not only stupid. You’re a blistered evil soul who doesn’t know when to shut up. Go A WAY!

Tom Bombastadillo

“So far Ukraine has been a total failure to the west. They spend lots of money and got nothing. ”

True, although the Bidens got millions as did corrupt Ukrainian politicians as the only personal beneficiaries of the whole thing, other than the zionist pigs using Ukraine and its people as a huge bioweapons lab on behalf of WEF and themselves. And the rest of the USA and world has had to pay for it all, just for them.

I hope Russia puts out the all-seeing eye of Sauron/Zion.

Michigan Man

It may look like this but it isn t true. The real rulers of these crooked and fucked up world, the satanic jews, have already decided what is going to happen. Their plan is that USA and Europe go down and become like third world shitwhole regions, while China rises, and the chinese tyrannical communist JWO/NWO system is spread out globally, yes, all over the world. That’s the agenda.

The following, one needs to know. To make this sinister manifestation happen they have already put their hook-nosed agents everywhere in the important positions in all western countrys. From USA (look Biden Administration), to NATO command (Stoltenberg is also an agent of them), to Canada, to UK, Sweden, France and Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary etc. And about Ukraine and Zelensky you know already that Zelensky is a jew, too.

In order to get their plan fullfilled they need to fill the hearts of the different nations and people involved with hate. To do this, nothing is better than wars (suffering and dead people – caused by the ‘enemy’), and open borders, which result in masses of often criminals foreign people coming in and living on the pocket of the native people, and in addition often doing all kind of criminal behaviour like rape, stealing, murder etc).

The jews of course have their agents on both sides. Russia today is, like in late 1917, fully infested with jews, they control everything, from the russian central bank, to the government, to the big corps and the media. Same goes for the communist party in chinese which is mainly run by crypto jews supported by the rockefeller foundation and the Yale University ( Yale-China chapter / check for origin of Mao Tse Tung if you are interested in the truth).

The Jews want the big world war – and they are forcing the western governments, which are in fact controlled.by them, to act the way they do, and on the other side, the eastern governements ( RU , China etc.) they (the jews) too order them to react the way they do. Thereby securing their plan to create World War 3. China is the ‘safeguard’ of the jewish “Great Reset” World War 3 and JWO/NWO-plan. As China, should the USA and Europe ( especially Germany, Austria, Poland, mabe Hungary, UK plus some Skandinvian state ) realize the true enemy ( the jews) and and armed national revolution take place in these countries, which crush the current crypto- judeo-communist governemnt and replace them by to national government, guarantees that the World War will not end with the west as “the winner”. Because Russia alone wouldn t have the slidest chance against the forces and military production capacities of a National United States of America + National and United Europe. But this all shifts the very moment China steps on the scene, and switches its economy to war-time production, which would immensely outnumber the USA+European capacities, which is why China is ‘the jewish plan’s safeguard’ to make sure everything goes in accordance with the jewish bankers plans.

Of course before this whole theater fully becomes visible, there will be more wars. And of course especially wars which will first seem to contradict what I say. Likely wars between Russia and Turkey, Turkey and Greece, yes even Russia and Israel, but that will only be to fake unite the so-called west (under the grim rule of the jews) against Russia (also under the grim rule of the jews) to fully get the western countries involved and to finally bleed them dry. And of course to give to Russia more “fear-moments” useful to bring the russian people into total war mode.

But we can hope that the jews will fail this time reach their aim, because it is God who is the only true master of the universe. And if the people of the world, especially true god-fearing christians and true god-fearing muslims unite and fight these pest of mankind in a holy war, the war for the survival of mankind itself, then these hook-nosed creatures from hell, stand not the slidest chance of getting their jewish-communist world dictaturship established, and even China cannot cope with all the muslim states around it the moment they all turn into full blown jihadist fighting modus, bend on eradicating all god-less jewish or jewish inspired regimes from the face of the earth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
stephan wiliams

What kind of person could downvote your serious and well thought out comments? Geez!


Very good article. Seems no one in the comments takes seriously the treat over Russia. We should. The beast (us& west)will not die without a last bloody fight for survival.

Tom Bombastadillo

The US and West only needs sincere leadership, not a bunch of self-serving criminals as it stands presently.


Great! That means total Russian victory!

The only thing that can save Ukraine is Putin’s Christianity giving them Minsk 3.

Would like to see Poland Russia Hungary and Moldavia strike a Partition pact with Russia after they con the West out of weapons and money.

Give Moldavia a little strip of land to the Black Sea and a buffer zone between Romania and Russia.


This in fact is the only way to save face for all parties and end this mess. West would abandon Zelensky as a bad player. In the end, they shelled the breakaway regions first and there is lots of evidence too. So far the west is trying everything to make that mess a win for them. But they failed at everything. They lost mostly because of their own sanctions. Now they even ended up to strengthen the Russian currency while getting cut of from important resources. Enormous price hikes in the west are pushing the middle class into poverty and the poorer into disaster. UK is still buying banned Russian oil, because they have no other way. Total failure. #On the battlefield their loses are even greater while Russia is gaining more momentum and has drastically reduced their losses by adapting to better strategies. US is funding Ukraine while their people get nothing and their problems at home are growing every day. Midterms will be a total disaster. So far the whole Russian-connection/collusion has proved to be a big lie. It worked to take out Trump but it will backfire in the next election. Lies like that don’t look good in the self proclaimed land of the free. People can see that much better now.

jens holm

Zelinsky and West has lost no face.

jens holm

Thats no comment to the real world.

Transnistria is not moldova as well. Those mainly are Roumenians.


Danilov wants to split Russia in pieces while not being able to keep Ukraine as whole. Another lines session with 3elenski they will proclaim new Ukrainian capitol on the Yongding River.

jens holm

Its a matter of many things Its very visible that something is very wrong in Russia too.

One making sense is Russia into several states much as EU, Germany or United States.

By that the local states can build heavy infrastructure and make the needed changes. The main problem today its under Moskva command.

But Moskva has no infrastructure to do those needed upgradedes and reforms. They only are able to keep control.

Rick Jefferson

The United States is only one state. Washington calls the shots. Dissent is not allowed. State’s rights were abolished by the war criminal, Lincoln.

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