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Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are ‘Pirate Flags’

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Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

What if Captain Jack Sparrow was a “Ukrainian patriot”?

On December 13, the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces (UAAF) finally reacted on a wide-spread series of photos showing President Petro Poroshenko alongside a UAAF soldier with an insigna of the 3rd SS Panzer Division “Totenkopf” [“Death’s Head” in German] – one of 38 divisions of the Waffen-SS of Nazi Germany during World War II.

Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

Mr Poroshenko and Ukrainian “heroes”

The UAAF released a video, in which the photographed soldier claimed that he was wearing the SS Insignia “by mistake”. He allegedly thought that this is a kind of pirate flag.

In the first part of the video, the soldier “admitted” what he described as “his mistake”, which allowed “Russian propagandists” to spread “lies” about the mighty Ukrainian Armed Forces. In the second part of the video, other Ukrainian servicemembers went through the prepared script and claimed that they do not support this kind of behavior.

If the situation develops in this direction further, the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ media department should claim that it had dissiminated a reminder among UAAF troops how to find the differece between a pirate flag and Nazi insignias.

A pirate flag:

Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

A kind of Jolly Roger

Not a pirate flag:

Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

Insignia of 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf

In fact, there are two main explanations of this situation:

  1. The UAAF recruits IDIOTS, who don’t know the difference between Nazi and pirate symbols;
  2. A new Nazi-related scandal in the media, which, this time, involved Poroshenko forced the Ukrainian military to undertake special PR measures in an attempt to convince that there are no Nazi supporters in within its ranks.

Even if the Point 1 is at least partly true, there are more victims of Russian propaganda that just accidentally mixed the symbols. The Special Operations Regiment “Azov” (more known as Azov Battalion).

Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

Another victims of “Russian propaganda

The unit is using the logo of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly as insignia and its flag. The Social-National Assembly was an assemblage of the ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi Ukrainian radical organizations and groups founded in 2008. This organization as well as the Patriot of Ukraine [another neo-Nazi group] were among the key founders of the Special Operations Regiment “Azov” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian Military Claims Its Troops Use Nazi Insignias Because They Think These Are 'Pirate Flags'

Social-National Assembly of Ukraine

Probably, the Social-National Assembly of Ukraine and the Patriot of Ukraine also made a mistake and mixed Nazi symbols [Wolfsangel] with pirate flags. All these sad msitakes are actively used by the “Kremlin propaganda” to undermine the “democracy” in Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the Ukrainian democracy has many enemies. Recently, Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Joel Lion ‏found that the Lviv region of Ukraine declared 2019 as the Stepan Bandera year.

It’s unclear what Mr Lion had been doing in Ukraine since 2014 if he found that Stepan Bandera is an official “hero” of the modern Ukrainian state in december 2018 only.


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Val Shadowhawk

When you the readers encounter the incessant use of the term ‘Nazi’, you must learn where it came from and WHO benefits from it!!!https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/04/16/exposing-the-nazi-epithet-who-started-it-why-how-and-who-benefits/

Promitheas Apollonious

and of course the nazi word has nothing to do with the word taken out of the ashkeNAZI, that if you search it you find out how many of them was joining the german army in very critical positions, beside dominating the economy of germany and very much what they do now days in Uk/US and not only.


There’s a strong smell of manure about that report.



You can call me Al

I agree. In my view, they almost seem to be playing it down…….wonder if there is a reversed coup coming and the baby brown shirts will swap sides, because their mothers keep hitting them with a pot ?.

Bobby Twoshoes

At last the truth about the Kerch Strait incident comes out, they weren’t saboteurs or provocateurs, just innocent man-child pirates hunting for pieces of eight.


Strictly speaking, Privateers flew a plain black rectangle. The Jolly Roger was from the imagination of a writer of stories about pirates.

You can call me Al

This has nothing to do with Pirates, all their logos faced forward (I am amazed that has not been picked up); draw your own conclusions – https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/Kampfgeschwader_54.html

Pirates – https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41BSVR4HMPL._SX425_.jpg

AM Hants

John Kerry comes to mind. Which society was he a member of?

List of ‘Skull and Bones’ members:


You can call me Al

Actually I was thinking of John McCain !!!!!…….whahahahaha

AM Hants

Where is he now?

Burn Baby Burn, Disco Inferno… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH-QwK4v0ZI

You can call me Al

Christ, it had me boogieing down; God I’m good.

AM Hants

Too mesmerised with Travolta’s hips. So loved that film, times and memories. Even white suits, but, never white stilletos.

You can call me Al

Who ?, I was looking at the kit.

AM Hants

So was I.

You can call me Al

Bah; yukkie yuk.

Merry Christmas girl, catch you before New Year I hope.

AM Hants

Take care and have a wonderful Xmas and New Year.

AM Hants

Have you seen this? Might make you laugh, even though I have not read the article.

Drivel hosed out of him like mud from an elephant’s trunk: QUENTIN LETTS on Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson (aka ‘Private Pike’)… https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-6510153/QUENTIN-LETTS-Defence-Secretary-Gavin-Williams-aka-Private-Pike.html

You can call me Al

The article was OK actually; but I grabbed this from it – take a look, it is only short – look at the troops reaction and behaviour – plus the cameramen.


AM Hants

Completely ignoring him, as they carry on chatting. Notice how we are falling down the military league, whilst overtaken by France. Despite having a defence budget the same as Russia.

You can call me Al

Yep; we are in a bad way. What we need is a dictator to take charge…

Oh just a thought ….



Yes and Privateers were the Private Military Contractors of the day who shared their booty with the British Crown.

Luke Hemmming

There is also a lot of spelling mistakes too. Auto Correct anyone?


Jens Holm broke the Google AutoCorrect. The machines all caught fire :)

Jens Holm

I dont care.


We can all see that Jens.

If you cared a bit more about the English language when you post on an English speaking forum it may, just may, make more sense :)

Writing Gibberish in ANY language is totally pointless.

Jens Holm

Its was in the boxes. When a camel is given nice clothe on, its still a camel. And the camel cant by jet pilot even it wish it very much.

Thats how formality. You dont like when I correct a lot of Your crap. None seemes to have been Your teacher in that. And thats a fact.

viktor ziv

“Universe might have limit, but for sure human stupidity doesn’t.” So what to expect next? They eradicated Sloviansk with GRAD systems by mistake, they use Smerch to “liberate” Donetsk by mistake, they killed women and children by mistake, so all the killing, looting, raping, destroying is by mistake.


And the current NATO nation mantra is ALWAYS ‘ We will learn by our mistake(s).’

They never do though. Probably because they do not want to learn.


Probably because they aren’t mistakes, they are quite deliberate atrocities.


Yes, the few that the Western corporate media cannot hide from the public.

Muhammad Abbass

They meant learn ‘from’ their mistakes. They ascribe to the adage that practice makes perfect.

Muhammad Abbass

Just what pirates do.


Oh boy the Neo nazi attack !!!!


Zio Nazi attack in this case.


is there a difference?


Yes, I think so.

Dušan Mirić



I’m willing to believe the people involved were deeply stupid, there is after all no shortage of stupid people in the world and why attribute to malice which can be explained by stupidity. But I also ran a google search on pirate flags, and no Waffen SS insignia turned up. Then I ran one for pirate insignia, and eventually the Totenkopf insignia did turn up. With a link to the South Front article about this incident.

Muhammad Abbass

The presumption of stupidity would be fine, except for the well documented fact there is a lot of neo-Nazi thinking and glorification of former Nazi war criminals going on among the coup government and their military as well as various right wing militias operating there. Just a bit much for co-incidence.

Besides which how exactly is a pirate insignia better than a Nazi one?


Cause pirates are cool. At least in Western pop culture in case you’re wondering, whereas nobody but neo-nazis would think Nazi symbols are A: cool and B: would even dream of putting them on.


And Russia doesn’t do the same in regards to the USSR? Also, a great deal of what is believed about the “Nazis” is based more on war propaganda than first-hand sources.

Exposing The “Nazi” Epithet – Who Started It, Why, How, And Who Benefits:


NAZI was a derogative term the German (and neighbouring Slavic) people used to define a particular sect of Jews who were destroying their lives – the AshkeNAZI jews. It was just a colloquial term to describe these destroyers. The jews, as with all their propaganda have just inverted this term. It is so distastefully ironic, that out of all the people to be given this derogatory label, it would be the very people who are trying to resist the same despicable forces their ancestors had to resist.

More on the kangaroo courts that handled the Nuremburg show trials:


David Cole (a jew) in Auschwitz: The Video of the Century:


The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering by Norman G. Finkelstein (also a jew):


Holocaust Witness The Memoirs Lies And Fraud Part 1:


The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure :


Jewish Gematria The Mystical Number 6,000,000:








Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: https://shop.codoh.com/book/483/497

The Einsatzgruppen Trial: https://codoh.com/library/document/5515/

Who Murdered 66 Million People in the USSR?:







Historical Documents Prove The Connection Between Jews & Bolshevism:





Non-White soldiers in the Wehrmact: https://prnt.sc/la2kzz

Jews on Jews: https://www.bitchute.com/video/K19fPs3KLjgM/

You Gentiles: https://www.bitchute.com/video/eUEZNisp9Ki0/

Why Did Hitler Hate Jews?: https://www.bitchute.com/video/tji0q4eO8uMe/

The Other Israel by Ted Pike: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M7Db2Z4G3iHf/


– “Because the Talmud conspires against gentiles, if a Jew was ever caught telling a gentile what the Talmud really says, such a person deserves death.” ~ Jewish Encyclopedia “Gentile” (p. 623)

Derived from both the Jerusalem and the Babylonian Talmud (the core tenets of Judaism):

– “Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a whore and played the harlot with carpenters” ~ Sanhedrin, 106a,b

– “Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.” ~ Baba Kamma (113a)

– “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.” ~ Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

– “A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.” ~ Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

– “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” ~ Libbre David 37




Proof of non-white soldiers (including black men) who served as soldiers with the Wehrmacht during WW2:



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57af7d4620e51a209864392247eb1e6da077a1a70e3ed4a2d5ea1689973242b3.jpg May the peace and prosperity be with you, friends!


March Of The Titans: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/marchofthetitans/

Ancient Giants of the New World: https://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2014/05/ancient-giants-of-new-world.html


[A pottery fragment with the image of a swastika, dating to 7,000 years ago, and an ancient female adornment with a phallus are among the artefacts shown for the first time as part of the on-going exhibition “Gods, Symbols and Ancient Signs” in the museum in Vratsa in north-western Bulgaria.

If you want to see just how deeply rooted the swastika pattern is in Europe, a good place to start is Kiev where the National Museum of the History of Ukraine has a small ivory figurine of a female bird. Made from the tusk of a mammoth, it was found in 1908 at the Paleolithic settlement of Mezin near the Russian border. On the torso of the bird is engraved an intricate pattern of joined up swastikas. It’s the oldest identified swastika pattern in the world and has been radio carbon-dated to an astonishing 15,000 years ago.]








Native Americans and Northern Europeans more closely related than previously thought:



Pyramids and Hieroglyphics in America B.C. – Secrets Not taught in Public School: https://bit.ly/2rMecBf



[While no one here should blame American Indians for fighting back against the taking of their lands and the destruction of their way of life, we should not allow ourselves to be guilt-tripped over the conflicts and believe in the anti-White version of events.]












Jens Holm

And sheep eat. Next might be eating pork, because the swine are slaughtered halal :)

Albert Pike

Interesting Insignia that of the Social-National Assembly of Ukraine and the Patriot of Ukraine, the Wolfsangel Schild – which is hold in place entirely by two Lion of Judah. They don’t lie: From the Jewish ‘Algemeiner’ from four Years ago: ‘Despite cease-fire declarations, pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian militias are still reportedly clashing at several locations in south-eastern Ukraine. Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.’ https://www.algemeiner.com/2014/06/24/ukraine-jewish-billionaires-batallion-sent-to-fight-pro-russian-militias/

That would very well explain what the Israeli ambassador to Ukraine Joel Lion did since 2014 – besides supplying arms… https://twitter.com/derorcurrency/status/1060061582409981952?s=21


At schools last winter’s christmas celebration I talked to an Ukranian woman. She told me about the city she comes from (in Ukrainia). It has been reconstructed, enhanced and enlarged by Jewish investors, she said. I asked whether people liked or disliked the changes that had been brought to them. She said. “Oh, the new buildings are so impressive and handsome; and the Jews do SO much charity in our town” which now to a great part belongs to them. (Same trick als always; ask every country they ever went to.) But peole like this lady like the shopping malls they now have – just as (I think it was Rockefeller hinself; at least, one of the club) Rockefeller once said: ‘They are going to be our slaves, and they will LOVE it”. They are being taken over; they don’t see the consequences; and they do applaud.


True history is different than mainstream narratives, same goes for WW2 in terms of situations where the truth is completely the opposite from what we’ve been told is the truth. Now they have us hating symbols of our pagan past.


This is interesting. Poroshenko has jewish ancestry (like me, actually) but he’s cuddling up to soldiers with a known waffen SS logo. I think the Ukronazis are a discredit to the waffen SS who were by all accounts professional soldiers of ethics and credibility (unlike their depiction in the jewish-owned media). I find the Russian distaste for all things nazi to be a construct. The nazis were largely fighting against Marxism, a philosophy that the Russians now disavow. So, if anything, the modern Russians and the SS are on the same notional side. Unlike the Ukronazis who are definitely part of the Anglozionist cabal. Also, death’s heads are hardly anything new in a military regiment insignia. Deep irony all around.


The term “Nazi” originated as a derogatory term for Ashkenazi jews for destroying the lives of Germanic and neighboring Slavic peoples, this term was later coined by a jewish journalist and supporter of the SPD named Konrad Heiden during the Weimar era who used it as a slander against the National Socialists who never referred to themselves as “Nazis”. It is therefore more accurate to equate jews with Nazis rather than the National Socialists.

Exposing The “Nazi” Epithet – Who Started It, Why, How, And Who Benefits:


Furthermore, the American Nazi party was created by a jew and used to further damage the reputation of adherents to the vastly misrepresented NS ideology, many of whom are in fact ignorant of their own ideology.

Leader of K.k.k. and American Nazi Party Revealed to Be a Jew | November 1, 1965:


The Difference Between True National Socialists and Neo-Nazis: https://bit.ly/2zYsG5b



Claims of Hitler Being Controlled Opposition:



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