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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Military Planned To Turn Airport In Severodonetsk Into NATO Military Base Near Russian Border

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Ukrainian Military Planned To Turn Airport In Severodonetsk Into NATO Military Base Near Russian Border

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On June 27, the assistant to the head of Chechnya in the power unit Mr Alaudinov claimed that Russian-led forces found evidence that the Severodonetsk airport should be turned into a large military base of NATO. 

He claimed:

We have all the information and evidence that the airport of the city of Severodonetsk was being prepared for a NATO base. It was supposed to become the main airport in the area that is adjacent to the territory of the Russian Federation, to our borders. Large camps with planes, weapons, and military equipment were to be deployed there. In fact, probably to prepare an attack on the Russian Federation.

This is another proof that if we hadn’t stopped them, they would hardly have left us alone. Their attack on our territory would only be a matter of time.

Ukrainian Military Planned To Turn Airport In Severodonetsk Into NATO Military Base Near Russian Border

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In 2020, the former Minister of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Zagorodnyuk claimed that the Kiev regime planed to create two bases in Severodonetsk and Mariupol according to NATO standards.

Since the beginning of 2015, the airport has been owned by the Luhansk Regional Administration which was under Kiev’s control. Since the Lugansk airport was completely destroyed as a result of the fighting and is located on the territory beyond the control of the Ukrainian authorities, it was decided to create a new regional airport on the basis of Severodonetsk.

Today, the airport as well as the city of Severodonetsk and nearby settlements are under control of the Luhansk People’s Republic.


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Work T Home

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work T Home

US has been killing million of innocent peoples in The Middle East.


your mom earned twice that on her knees… entire football team left very happy


None of that is true.

Just another excuse for Russia kill local Russians.


Ukraine Nazi has been killing and genocide million of local Russias lol

Work AT Home

I Get Paid 0ver 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over 15471 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitless. SEE MORE HERE… 𝑺𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒋𝒐𝒃1.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

If u r free to think then you should think freely and not jabber away with comments that clearly show u do not think

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Mental dyslexia,the gimps a p00f!


NATO was absolutely intent upon expanding and threatening Russia, this war will give them an opportunity to rethink

Ed Theman

Russia needs to send a military message to Finland and then if they keep up their talk about NATO, give them the Ukraine treatment.


NATO needs to get involved and kick the Russian filth all the way to the Urals.

Stephan Williams

NATO is only effective fighting against women and children and disarmed armies. Against a trained and well-armed opponents they’ve been proven to be largely ineffective.

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Oh yes with your degenerate low ballish sodomised tranny loving nocando weaklings, can’t even find your way out of any turkish brothel.mr absolute can’t fight for shit drongo!

Assad Defeated Zionists

And Mariupol into a Naval base. Putin shouldn’t negotiate until Odessa is in the bag.


He won’t negotiate. Russia decides when the special military operation will stop and not the capitalist-dicatotors who have been poisoning this word for far too long.


SATANIC is more apt than capitalist


I believe that the number of weapons shipped to the Ukraine has guaranteed that the Russians have to now take the entire country instead of just the Russian majority provinces.


Not necessarily, perhaps. If Russia can enforce neutrality (no Nazis!) of the Ukraine governments going forward, by military means if necessary, and re-gain the trust of the majority of Ukrainians who just want to live in peace and who can remember the good, or at least decent relations they had with Russia prior to the coup, they probably don’t need to overrun the entire country. In fact, to hell with Ukraine west of Lvov. Let Poland have at it. Gotta do something about the culture of corruption though, and insist on good government. Ukrainians would appreciate that- an answer to a prayer. Fuckin’ Uncle Sam ain’t gonna make that easy, though. They never stop!


They can barely take another city and progress is getting harder and harder. They won’t take shit.

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Make no mistake low iq p00f,you are absolutely full of shit,ya weak sodomised pussi grot!

Assad Defeated Zionists

I guess Ukraine will become Uncle Putin’s front yard.


Odessa was founded Russian. In 2004 he opposed the government of the “orange revolution” and got his autonomy and maintain his Russian culture. In 2014, they liquidated 200 pro-Russian leaders. Russia cannot abandon them, just as it cannot abandon Kharkov, Dinipro…

Muhammad your Prophet

And that’s why Vladimir Putin just ordered a terrorist attack on a shopping mall with 1,000 civilians inside in central Ukraine. We are all very aware of Putin ‘s motives and the phony evidence he uses to be a mass murdering terrorist and international criminal.


only 2 dead what hell talk you about ?

john smith

who shops at the mall in the middle of the war ? 1000 people ? yeah right

Muhammad your Prophet

Just two dead by Putin’s terrorist attack?


have you look in Gaza ? Israel murderer over 500 children in 2014

Muhammad your Prophet

We’re also very aware about your terrorist motives for trying to destroy Israel.


Double-speak. Israel is a terrorist state. You accuse those who resist Israel’s aggression of the crimes Israel commits. If all countries were held to equal standards, Israel would be a pariah state. But propped up by the American Empire, Israel is given a free rein to persecute, manipulate and murder.


The so called American Empire is nothing more than a colony of Israel. US is occupied territory just like the rest of the Western world. It’s just that in Palestine the occupiers are in larger numbers while in the US they are only a few percent of the population.


A fair point. Israel and America are two cheeks of the same arse.

Muhammad your Prophet

Another repulsive antisemite.

Stephan Williams

Can you explain what makes an anti-shemite “repulsive”?

I don’t suppose you’ve ever asked yourself why so many of the respected thinkers, movers and shakers from over the past 2000 years of our history have expressed their revulsion for your tribe.

Muhammad your Prophet

What makes an antisemite repulsive is you. Because you’re repulsive.

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Cant wait untill the day that a muslim will slit your throat open,gay fake heart!


In the famous Belgian movie: Tarzan cooked fries…..


US has been killing million of innocent people in the Middle East .


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia
Nigel Maund

Who ever you are, you’re clean off your rocker!


Make cash on-line from home further money quite $18000 to $21000. begin obtaining paid each month op Thousands greenbacks online. I actually have received $26000 in this month by just operating online from range in my half time. one and all simply try this job by.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

Vìctoria must be fuming!


I find it hard to believe that NATO would use an airport base so close to the borders of Russia It would be vanourable to Russian artillery Maybe it could be used for UAV base, for espionage


Guantanamo is in range of Cuban artillery…


It is true, but Guantanamo does not have a military value to the US.


You think that having a military base on the actual territory of an Official Enemy is of no value to the US military?


Off coarse these were serious plans. No better way for these dictators led by the usa to provocate Russia. Every minor incident that might have occured after the base got ‘active’ would have been used in every available newspaper. When Russia installed missiles on the Cuban mainland (almost in the backgarden of the usa), everyone remembered in what way the usa complained and immediately blocked half of the Carribic waters with their Navy. Now that the tide is turning, the allow themselves every step, and nobody should complain. They don’t give a fuck about human rights. What a bunch of losers!


of course is not rough and coarse


About 100-120 kms to the north, east and south from the russian border. Severodonezk is exactly in the centre of this circle the donbas forms toward Russia. Maybe a bit vulnerable but it is still the best position available in the whole area.

Ed Theman

That is probably the Point, NATO wants Russia to attack them, so put the base as close as possible so Russia does just that.

Look at what they are doing in Lithuania.



Florian Geyer

The NATO leadership are not the brightest buttons in the box though, and they never have been.

tommy tranny sawyer

I am humilited again


Something’s weird about RT: pro-Russia, or at least anti-nato, posts are getting pulled… while anti-Russia posts get past the censors and stay up. This whilst RT brags about being “anti-censorship”.

I heard their servers are in israel, or are managed by an israeli company but I don’t really know. However, it would explain things.


We should keep in the back of our heads, that Putin could be a doulble agent following the same WW2 scenario, to create this time not one Europe with an unelected government, but one world with an unelected government..


That’s a good point. I sometimes wonder if one reason he’s going so slow in Ukraine is to give the jews backstage time to work up their postwar schemes.

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Putin is fighting against the askhenazi jewhadis,don’t be a bloody silly poofta,wisen up!

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

That would be treason,that ain’t orthodoxys style,maybe you excuse artists ought to consider zealensky as the one whom plays the new woke order card,so enjoy nwo hyperinflation,sukrzz!


RT —ni ravitza


It will now become a Russian airbase and it will stay that way.


Russia may still assume NATO is planning an attack as the petro-ruble and soon to be gold exchange will be empire busters to the west. My guess is that In about 3 years China and Russia will be fully prepared to defeat NATO and thereby deter an attack from NATO. This will likely be the window for NATO to act. As after this time there may be regime change in Europe and the west as the globalist’s plan for a decline in the living standard of the people under it’s control may exceed acceptable limits as their currencies collapse


In Canada only 16% of people (I mean idiots) still support Turdeau. All over the Western world the leaders have similar approval rating. Only US has more imbeciles with 38% still supporting Biden. This is not a good time for NATO to do anything, unless the banking parasites who control the stooges in government want to lose control over the entire population.


I used to really appreciate Papa Trudeau (Pierre) and Canada back in the Vietnam war days, but I’ve largely soured on Canada since neocon Harper revealed Canada as not such a peace loving country. I’ve heard some speculation that it’s just a matter of time, in a search for new natural wealth, the US will forcibly take Canada’s Arctic region on the thinking that that is too much valuable territory for a population the size of California’s. Nothing in the world Canada could do to stop them, except maybe ally with Russia and/or China…


If Scott Ritter and Brian Berletic (The New Atlas; YouTube) are to be believed, it will be interesting to see how NATO countries respond to their point that NATO cannot compete with Russia and/or China because the latter’s industrial base is so much more productive of military wares. NATO’s munitions would be exhausted in less than two months in a war with either country, they say, and Russia and China each have months and months of stockpile to outlast NATO. So, will NATO countries exhaust their declining economies trying to catch up with Russia and China, angering their own populations and risking instability as social spending, etc. is sacrificed to get it done? My take- the West is too addicted to military means to do the right thing for their people, and whip the War Horse ’till the end…

Last edited 2 years ago by Snagger

Just like they planned on taking over Sevastopol after the Maidan coup in 2014.

Florian Geyer

Yes, Victoria Nudleman had ordered new Carpets and Curtains for the naval base in Crimea in 2014 :)

Slava Rossiya


UKRAINIAN MILITARY PLANNED TO TURN AIRPORT IN SEVERODONETSK INTO NATO MILITARY BASE NEAR RUSSIAN BORDER. Reading the title of the article reminded me of what Mike Tyson said before a fight : “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” Well, the Kiev junta had many great plans for how to deal with the Donbass. Now look at them!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Hey Rato !! you can use your airplanes in the anus of zelonsky can land there and snif some coke or whatever !!!!


Russophiles are fucking dumb but even they can’t possibly believe this bullshit. An airport located in an area that has been in the middle of a civil war for the past 8 years getting ready to become a NATO base? How do these bullshitters come up with these moronic stories, lol ?

Last edited 2 years ago by Boggs

Probably looked at what America and Nato did in Kosovo where they have a huge base,or North east Syria where they occupy an area,don’t sound so shocked.

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Its a frantic tranny wannabe sex change seeker raves in vain,because of soros gender drugs!

GTU-UK195Odumb p00fs losing streak

Your brainz bogged up in shit,no further explanation needed,assflogged you lost yet again you liar!


moron nazi amerikant alert


amerikans despised and humiliated, but fewer tantrums from the moron failures now that Russian victory obvious


the nazi nato buggers had big plans for Crimea as well… leaked pentagram papers showed that in 2014… maybe why MH370 was SAM’d down

Tommy Jensen

Whats wrong with that?


Cocaine is a terrible drug that can cause severe delusions of grandeur and obviously Monika Zelenki’s Al CIAduh dealers know this better than anyone. However, as the nasal cavities are gradually eaten away and collapse and the jerking, grinding jaw reflex kicks in then the once pleasurable delusion is replaced with the hard cold reality that the brain damage is irreversible and the end rapidly approaches for the addict that allowed his unbridled vice to dominate even reason itself.

Onward to Odessa ASAP



amerikan strategic planning—impossible contradiction amerikan cannot plan a trailer park 77% amerikant of military age unqualified 9% interested in joining lgbt US military soon USAwill employ taliban to deter Mexican invasion

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