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Ukrainian Nationalist Groups Train Own ‘Child Soldiers’ With Support From Government: Investigation

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Kids are being trained to kill at Ukrainian nationalist camps, as reported by the Associated Press.

Some of the campers are dressed in combat fatigues, carefully aim their AK-47s, while their instructors teach them that they shouldn’t consider their targets “human beings.”

“We never aim guns at people,” instructor Yuri “Chornota” Cherkashin tells them. “But we don’t count separatists, little green men, occupiers from Moscow, as people. So, we can and should aim at them.

VIDEO: Children as young as 8 train at Ukrainian nationalist camp. (AP Video/Mstyslav Chernov)

Most of the children are in their teens, but some are as young as 8 years old. They are at a summer camp created by one of Ukraine’s radical nationalist groups, in a forest in western Ukraine, which was visited by AP. The camp has two purposes to teach children to defend their country from “Russian aggression” and to spread nationalist propaganda.

The nationalists have been repeatedly accused of violence and racism, but they are still allowed to and play a voluntary and central role in Ukraine’s conflict in the Donbass region. They also evidently have strong links with the Ukrainian government.

Earlier this year, the Ministry of Youth and Sports earmarked 4 million hryvnias (about $150,000) to fund some of the youth camps among the dozens built by the nationalists. The purpose: “national patriotic education.”

Natalia Vernigora, the Ministry spokeswoman said that the money is distributed by a panel which looks for “signs of xenophobia and discrimination, it doesn’t analyze activities of specific groups.”

Cherkashin, the instructor is a veteran of the fight with “pro-Russian separatists” in Eastern Ukraine. He was wounded in combat and after recovery went on to lead Sokil, the youth wing of the Svoboda Party. According to him it is important for Ukraine’s children to be filled with nationalist thought, so that they can fight against Vladimir Putin’s Russia as well as “challenges that could complete destroy” the European civilization. A large challenge, according to the nationalists are LGBT rights, which are an alleged sign of “Western decadence.”

Instructor at Ukrainian nationalist youth camp lectures children about what he sees as Western decadence. (AP Video/Mstyslav Chernov)

“You need to be aware of all that,” said instructor Ruslan Andreiko. “All those gender things, all those perversions of modern Bolsheviks who have come to power in Europe and now try to make all those LGBT things like gay pride parades part of the education system.”

According to the AP some of the children were not paying attention, however a fair share was. During a break, a teenager played a nationalist march on his guitar. His instrument was decorated with a sticker showing white bombs hitting a mosque, under the motto, “White Europe is Our Goal.”

The schedule at the camp was difficult. Campers were awakened in the middle of the night by a stun grenade. They had to then rapidly come out of their tents, while holding their AK-47s “that were, in some cases, almost as tall as they were.” They were required to carry their assault rifles all day, according to AP a girl even broke out in tears due to exhaustion.

The AP also cited Mykhailo, the oldest camper, at the age of 18. According to him the training was “necessary.”

“Every moment things can go wrong in our country. And one has to be ready for it,” he said. “That’s why I came to this camp. To study how to protect myself and my loved ones”

It appears that the democracy and values that the US and the EU are so strongly attempting to plant the seed of and protect in Ukraine is finally starting to give “fruit.” If an 18-year-old boy considers that “White Europe is Our Goal” means that nothing has “gone wrong” in his country, then maybe, at least the EU needs to rethink its strategy.

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None surprises, the NATO Ancestors supported Hitler,

the Today NATO is supporting Easter Europe ultra rightist Fascists Banderists !

The NATO, Israel, Gladio, Al Qaida, Daesh, ISIS, Abu Sayaf,

never cares Humans and Children’s, old habits die hard…

Robert Fisk: The only lesson we ever learn is that we never learn https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-the-only-lesson-we-ever-learn-is-that-we-never-learn-797816.html —————————————- Anglo-American Money Owners Organized World War II

by Valentin Katasonov

To mark the 70th anniversary of the Victory against Nazism, we publish a study of Valentin Katasonov on financing of the NSDAP and the rearmament of the Third Reich. The author deals with new documents that confirm the organization of the Second World War by US and UK Bankers, covered by President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in the hope of destroying the USSR. This study raises new questions that will be addressed in a future article. http://www.voltairenet.org/article187508.html


In comparison, the Donbass looks Good

sorry it’s in French https://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/international/article/pouchiline-et-passetchnik-elus-a-209498

Pouchiline et Passetchnik élus à la tête de la RPD et de la RPL

par Christelle Néant (son site)

Hier, 11 novembre 2018, avaient lieu en République Populaire de Donetsk (RPD) et en République Populaire de Lougansk (RPL) les élections visant à élire les chefs des deux républiques, ainsi que les députés. À l’issue de ce scrutin, les deux chefs par intérim de la RPD et de la RPL ont été élus.

Les élections se sont déroulées dans de bonnes conditions, et aucune irrégularité importante du processus électoral n’a été enregistrée, que ce soit par les commissions électorales de chaque république, ou par les plus de 90 observateurs internationaux qui étaient présents (dont moi-même). Les bureaux de vote ont ouvert de 8 h à 20 h, et n’ont pas désempli tout au long de la journée.

Le taux de participation a été très important : en RPD, 1,6 millions de personnes se sont déplacées pour voter, soit 80,1 % des personnes en âge de voter ; et en RPL, le taux de participation a été de 77 %. De très bons chiffres qui montrent l’enthousiasme de la population.

Un enthousiasme qui se manifestait de manière concrète devant chacun des sept bureaux de vote que j’ai pu visiter tout au long de cette journée en tant qu’observatrice. De Donetsk à Starobechevo, des chants, des danses traditionnelles et des stands où les gens pouvaient acheter de la nourriture et des boissons étaient organisés devant les bureaux de vote, donnant une ambiance festive.


Là où les médias occidentaux y voient une chose négative (l’AFP en tête, méritant ainsi sont surnom d’Agence France Propagande), l’ensemble des autres observateurs avec qui j’en ai discuté, s’accordaient à dire que cette ambiance festive était de loin préférable à l’ambiance d’enterrement dans laquelle ont lieu les élections en Europe.

Beaucoup m’ont même dit que l’on devrait s’en inspirer pour rendre les élections plus joyeuses et attractives en occident. Comme l’a souligné un de mes collègues italiens hier, après tout il est plus logique de célébrer l’expression de la voix du peuple (et donc la démocratie), que d’aller voter en traînant les pieds dans une ambiance sinistre.

En tout cas, contrairement à ce qu’a pu raconter l’agence de propagande ukrainienne UNIAN, les files d’attentes dans les bureaux de vote ne faiblissaient pas tout au long de la journée. J’ai visité des bureaux de vote du matin jusqu’au soir, et à aucun moment je n’ai vu de bureaux de vote vides. Il y avait toujours beaucoup de monde, ce qui confirme que le taux de participation annoncé est conforme à la réalité.

Les personnes que j’ai interrogées dans les bureaux de vote se disaient enthousiastes de voter, et beaucoup ont souligné que c’était une élection importante pour l’avenir des deux républiques.

Nous avons pu inspecter les urnes, vérifier l’intégrité des scellés et les listes de votants, regarder les bulletins de vote, et interroger les votants et le personnel des bureaux de vote. Tout était absolument conforme et transparent.

Inspection des scellés

J’ai pu constater que la répétition des « primaires » de 2016 avait porté ses fruits et permis aux deux républiques de mettre au point des procédures électorales conformes aux standards de l’OSCE, qui ont été appliquées avec succès ce 11 novembre.

La sécurité a bien sûre été renforcée pendant ces élections par crainte d’attentats ou de tentative de saboter ces élections de la part de Kiev.

La presse occidentale n’a pas pu s’empêcher de gloser sur les hommes armés qui surveillaient les bureaux de vote, présentant cela comme une chose menaçante, en oubliant que les dernières élections présidentielles en France se sont déroulées exactement de la même façon, avec des policiers et des gendarmes devant les bureaux de vote, et ce, alors que la France n’est pas en état de guerre, contrairement aux Républiques Populaires de Donetsk et de Lougansk !

Faut-il en conclure que la France est une dictature où les gens vont voter le fusil sur la tempe ? Non bien sûr, en venir à une telle conclusion est tout aussi ridicule dans un cas que dans l’autre, mais cela montre bien le biais cognitif qui affecte les médias occidentaux pour tout ce qui touche de près ou de loin le monde russe.

Ce qui est considéré comme normal et rassurant en France, est jugé comme menaçant en RPD et en RPL. Mais à part ça, d’après les médias occidentaux, ils ne font pas de la propagande…

Le résultat après dépouillement de 97,52 % des bulletins en RPD, donne Denis Pouchiline vainqueur avec 60,9 % des voix, suivi de Roman Khramenkov (14,1 %), Elena Chichkina (9,2 %), Roman Evstifeïev (7,8 %) et Vladimir Medvedev (6,4 %).

Et en RPL, après dépouillement de 96 % des bulletins de vote, Léonid Passetchnik est donné vainqueur avec 68,4 % des voix, suivi d’Oleg Koval (16,57 %), Natalia Sergoun (7,89 %), et Lioudmila Rousnak (5,84 %).

Du point de vue des élections législatives, en RPD le mouvement République de Donetsk a obtenu 74,3 % des voix et Donbass libre 25,7 % après dépouillement de 27,19 % des bulletins de vote. Le décompte se poursuit.

À Lougansk, le mouvement Paix de Lougansk a remporté 74,13 % des suffrages, pendant que l’Union Économique de Lougansk a remporté 25,16 % des voix.

À l’heure où j’écris ces lignes le décompte se poursuit et les chiffres pourraient donc encore changer un peu, mais il y a peu de chances que la tendance indiquée s’inverse.

En RPD ces résultats renforcent la majorité dont disposait le mouvement République de Donetsk au parlement, et confortent Denis Pouchiline dans sa position de chef de l’État. Désormais il n’est plus le chef de la RPD par intérim, mais le chef de la RPD élu par le peuple, et cela fait une énorme différence.

L’assistant du président russe, Vladislav Sourkov a d’ores et déjà félicité les deux vainqueurs, en soulignant que « le haut taux de participation a montré au monde entier que vivent dans le Donbass des gens fiers et intelligents qui croient en eux-mêmes, se défendent avec force et n’acceptent pas la politique stupide des autorités de Kiev ».

Il a aussi exprimé le souhait que les deux chefs d’États nouvellement élus vont faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir pour améliorer le niveau de vie de la population et appliquer les obligations internationales des deux républiques.

Hier, 11 novembre 2018, quatre ans et demi après le référendum d’indépendance qui avait vu la naissance de la RPD et de la RPL, la population des deux républiques a réaffirmé avec force son soutien aux autorités des deux républiques et sa volonté de faire entendre sa voix.

Christelle Néant


See this report by Vesti RU on an attempt to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Vatutin’s liberation of Kiev from the National Socialists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa-EKTaZUeA


Blin Clinton – Yupe Tvoyu Mat Bletee !! You are still smokin’ hash in your ObamaBong. Sober up ! , Your buddy Obama and Hillary actually colluded with real live Russians – $143,000,000.00 times, whereas Trump sent 121 Javelin high teach anti-tank missile systems and US Special Forces to teach Ukraine’s army how to use the Javelin systems to force Russians out of Ukraine.

Yeah, Putin HATES Trump.



Obama’s Imperial Presidency


Could Donald Trump already be the worst of all American presidents? In less than two years his record on the world scene has been frightening enough: U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Accords, scuttling of the Iran nuclear treaty, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, unjustifiably punitive sanctions against Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, terror bombing of Mosul and other Iraq cities, bombastic threats against friends and enemies alike – not to mention a $54 billion gift to the Pentagon and stepped-up nuclear “modernization”. Hard to imagine much worse.

One article of faith among liberals and the corporate media is that Trump’s presidency stands alone as a house or horrors, unprecedented in its fascistic authoritarianism, crazy pronouncements, and ideological blend of xenophobia, racism, sexism, and sheer extremism. Those in the “resistance” know that pretty much any alternative (Bill Maher, LeBron James) would be far better, though specifics — beyond Trump’s mortal sin of partnering with Putin — are rarely mentioned. But precisely what alternatives? Bernie Sanders? Well, the Democratic National Committee never gave him much chance. Obvious comparisons are Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, and his competitor, Hillary Clinton. Obama was in charge of U.S. foreign policy for the preceding eight years, so his legacy (with plenty of help from Clinton) might be worth considering.

Hide Behind

Training of youth for purposes of warfare, hmmmm, and what of the ways a child can be indoctrinated into acceptance that wars are necessary? Read the history of mankind and search for any civilizations formation, can you find a one without wars, aggresive or defensive? Of todays high tech societies what are the most popular on line gaming groups, could it be war gamers? In the US Congress appropriated 10s’ of millions USD to wargame software developement. Congress also granted Pentagons each militar branch 10s’ of millions for advertizing, Advertizing for military ceremonies at collegiate and Professional levels. They have sponsorship within all aTop level automotive racing events. Military were granted funds by law that allows them to enter schools beginning at grade school level to find most propromising student targets for later recruitment. To promote wars the military/educational use slightly different approaches towards male and female acceptance; for the females they talk of children being abused and of course bad men abuse of women. For the males, of course physical prowess and Warrior mentality which is in itself glorification of war., And this is constantly reinforced by school and proffesdional athletes promoted as being best achievers and hero defenders of National ideals. Note the massive backlash apainst football players who would not Stand during natoonal anthem due to allowance by society to excuse police from abusing and killing blacks. The mass of populace could not concieve in the justice of those athletes protest and instead they could but see them as disrespectfull to American Flag. Been in Us a long time, with only breaks being by government sending me to foreign lands to kill, and as a youth was told war was terrible, and only a last resort from those who destroy humanity. Grew up with purposefull weapons for food gathering and military weapons converted to that purpose, but not worshipped as man killers. Todays elevation of modern arms is not based on those early mindsets, no it is born of emulation of the military warriors. The UN is no more than a financial institution of Eurocentric nations that pays them to act as cleanup and programs that hide behind Humanistic causes in order to further worlds dependence upon. You need some glimmers of hope of ending wars, because there is a need to show bad guys, their appointed and mostly supported bad guys. Today it is almost immpossible to find a natoon without a large military budget, even in the poorest. Financial advancement to a nation is almost soley dependent upon their military and resources in support of those Eurocentrics need Those eurocentric derived natoons progit the few with exhorbitant amounts of wealth by wars not on home territorys, theirs and sllies, but out of country. Training children, hell most of eurocentrics never realy grow into cognitive adults until in their ninetys


The Ukrops have had at least 7 full military callups – max callup age is 50+ now. Typically only 1 in 6 responds. The rest go in hiding or off to Russia to earn real money. The Ukrops are running out of adults willing to fight. The Neo-Nazi indoctrination is a problem. It takes substantial effort and time to undo that. Ironically, the easiest way would be for them to be scared sh*tless at the front – hopefully not killed or maimed, then taken POW by east Ukraine forces.


Of course the blond (pictured) is checking out her finger nails!


So many people have fled Ukraine they’re reduced to using children for soldiers?

Rüdiger Preiss

There are certainly enough adults in the Ukraine who could pick up a gun. The question is, whether there’d be enough willing to do that. Children can be manipulated and brainwashed.


It is not so easy to wash adult brains. However, young people are very easy to do it (nationalism, do something for your country, become a hero, save your nation, defend your country, make good easy money, so on).

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