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Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) fail to advance on the Donbass frontlines and merciless shelling of the civilian population of the DPR, LPR and border regions of the Russian Federation continues.

On June 19, Ukrainian militants shelled Volnovakha in the DPR with American MLRS HIMARS. Ukrainian Nazis fired at least 12 missiles at the local social facilities. One of the targets was the local humanitarian center. Some of the missiles exploded in the area of the road junction leading to Mariupol.

As a result of the shelling in Volnovakha, at least 20 civilians were wounded. Some of the victims are in serious condition. 7 residential buildings and 3 facilities of civil infrastructure were damaged.




Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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At the same time, Ukrainian militants are remotely mining peaceful villages in the region. The victim of another mining was a six-year-old girl who died in the village of Novopetrikovka. For two days, militants have been shelling the village with mines launched by parachutes. One of the mines hit the courtyard of the house where the girl’s family lives.

Also on June 19, the Ukrainian military continued shelling the border regions of Russia. At six o’clock in the morning, the AFU launched a series of strikes on civilians in Valuyki in the Belgorod region. According to eyewitnesses, this was one of the heaviest shellings since autumn.

According to preliminary data, 7 civilians were wounded, including a child who had his collarbone broken.  As a result of the shelling, 5 apartment buildings and 4 private households were damaged.





Ukrainian Nazis Do Not Stop Killing Civilians, Including Children, In Donbass And Russian Border Regions

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Also on the morning of June 19, the Russian air defense again intercepted at least two Ukrainian drones flying at low altitude in the north of Crimea.

Earlier, Ukrainian drones targeted civilian infrastructure facilities in the Russian Bryansk region. The UAV raid on the Novozybkov oil pumping station was repelled. Meanwhile, the equipment at the Maritskaya power substation was damaged. In recent days, as a result of Ukrainian shelling in the Kursk region, a sugar factory in Tetkino has been damaged, as well as civilian facilities in Popovo-Lezhachy, Glushkovo and Salne, where two civilians were injured.


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meanwhile in the media, silence. unless they spin it in a way that made it look like russia did it. then it’ll be over the news non stop


la propaganda usa non vuole che i cittadini occidentali siano informati sui crimini compiuti dagli ucraini filo-usa !


perché la ue ha censurato e fatto chiudere tutte le sedi televisive o di informazione russe o perfino sospette di essere un pò filo-russe ? se accendi la tv in italia e la russia ti mostra i crimini di guerra che fanno gli eroici partigiani nazisti ucraini milioni di italiani sarebbero contrari ad inviare armi e soldi agli ucraini ! circa 50 milioni di cittadini italiani vivono nella felice e beota ignoranza di non sapere cosa accade realmente nella guerra tra russia e ucraina

AM Hants

following in the footsteps of their hero bandera. has anybody seen the videos of how his team treated the civilians, babies, children, disabled, women and elderly, back in the 40s? was it 80,000 – 100,000 polish people he took out in volhynia 11-7-1943? not forgetting what they did in belarus, on the 22 march 1943, over in khatyn. same as what they did in odessa, 2 may 2014. why do our governments fully support and fund them?

Erik Nielsen

weakening, messing up e-europe. making problems for russia.

Edgar Zetar

just like wwii, they first send the cannonfodder puppets countries and when the enemy is exhausted they will try to enter the war. russia is so big to defend and its encircled. usa is using atrittion war and containment strategy, looking for weak points and studying the tacticts on the battlefield of the russian military. attrition didnt work but containment have some results thats why they keep pushing, also will open new domains of war in the future.

Edgar Zetar

russia must stand on their feet and resist, because if russia collapses we will all be doomed by the masters of the universe. so, from far away slava russia!

mighty orc

russians create—children resist…this explains why hohol amerikan always lose

Erik Nielsen

kremlin is outraged afu again broke all the rules, while russia always are following all the rules. putin: “we have not even started yet to defend our slavic brothers in dumbass, because we want to be equal partners”.


this is precisely why russia will eventually have to carpet bomb a swathe of the surviving landlocked rump ukrapper entity and then keep the destroyed are as a permanent death zone slash buffer zone so that the spawn of the surviving nazi ghouls never again attempt to terrorize innocent communities in russia or anywhere else for that matter. the world is with russia and prays for the annihilation of all things natostan, eussr aka the anglozionazi empire of shit.

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