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Ukrainian Nazis Launched Strikes On School Bus, Markets, Other Civilian Targets

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Ukrainian Nazis Launched Strikes On School Bus, Markets, Other Civilian Targets

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Ukrainian Nazis continue precise attacks on civilians in the regions that Kiev lost. Ukrainian war crimes against the Russian population do not stop.

On February 4th, Ukrainian UAV struck a school bus with children in the Zaporozhie region. At least five children and the driver were wounded and taken to a hospital.

Ukrainian Nazis Launched Strikes On School Bus, Markets, Other Civilian Targets

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Another civilian bus came under attack in the village of Golmovsky located on the outskirts of Gorlovka. At least eight civilians were wounded as a result of the precision drone strike.

Ukrainian Nazis Launched Strikes On School Bus, Markets, Other Civilian Targets

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In general, the Donetsk urban agglomeration came under at least three waves of artillery shelling and six drone strikes on civilians. Ukrainian Nazis attacked civilian cars, busses, garbage trucks, apartment and private houses, markets full of civilians. So far, at least ten civilians have been wounded.

Ukrainian Nazis Launched Strikes On School Bus, Markets, Other Civilian Targets

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Ukrainian Nazis also continue attacks on civilians in Russian border regions. The Governor of the Belgorod region reported that three people were injured by drone attacks during the day.

The terrorist Kiev regime has been terrorising the Russian population of the Donbass for more than decade. Ukrainian Nazis are torturing civilians both on the Donbass frontlines in the Kursk region. Mass murders, persecutions, precision attacks and genocide this is the true face of the fake Ukrainian democracy.


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Heiner Bremer

the disgusting ukrainian criminals are waging a war against children, old people and other civilians, but they will lose even this war, because they are born losers, zelensky’s gang of criminals


the only acceptable negotiation is unconditional surrender of the criminal, barbaric z1ion1st zelensky regime. no other option will be accepted. surrender is the best option if ukraine wants to remain a country and still have remaining infrastructure

Ramshead Soup

ukraine is traditional russia the criminals set it up as “independent” like the way the use divide from within to conquer from without globally. eg israel palestine, north and south korea vietnam, pakistan india taiwan china, east and west germany and so forth with different names over centuries of the same operation. imo


any rump ukraine that is allowed to remain will just become a cia playground and terrorist base. any unoccupied part of ukraine should be a free fire zone.


spot on, i expected russia to have killed zelenskey by now and all the kiev rabble.

Ramshead Soup

joe biden funneled 174 billion dollars stolen from americans who are poor, sick hungry to set up. zelensky. americans have the highest rate of chronic illness on earth, pay the highest prices for healthcare and die on average the youngest on the planet. because as pope benedict said “christians are now the most persecuted people on earth”

Ramshead Soup

and musk labeled usaid that joe used as the facitatir of the 174 billion dollars stolen from americans a criminal organisation. now secretary of state rubio has taken control since musk revealed to him the true extent of its criminality. investigations to prosecute are under way according to reports although i doubt they will get very far until the entire legal system is radically overhauled which would require another napoleonic revolution style of operation. imo


and here’s how they will twist and turn, and rather than identifying the individual who corruptly misused the usaid front for their collective intentions as globalists, will instead make it an anti american propaganda exercise as they spin the narrative, like from french attorney, to twist and turn, you know like a snake in the grass stealing lying deceiving. imo “i’ve never seen anything like it! spent the day reading the….” you tube.


and imo billions of it really was just to lander drug sales. you know they set up one of the dealers whose sold millions of dollars worth of cocaine or opium for them, disguised as a well respected member of the community, you know a little teacher or air hostess a trolley dolly or sex worker etc, in some role they’ve funded like to become a pottery teacher or some such “liberal” rubbish.


they give them millions which pays the network who then build a little mud hut and buy some potters wheels and lumps of clay. and that’s how they do it in every community globally. imo. maybe grow some cabbages. you know all that bs.. the yellow brick road dotty, over the opium fields to see the wizard.


they deserve it because they are stupid.

War of the Worlds

with us and eu acquiescence, and in some cases – direct help.

i think this tells russia all it needs to know, as if it didn’t already know it.


yes of course putin, and used to have to cynically grimace at just how put in he really was, knows exactly, but can’t say, or as anastasia repeated, if i tell then i will be killed immediately, that england’s government has boasted that they will fund ukraine for the next 100 years. telling him, we don’t care about the short term.


after all of donbass is liberated, dnepropetrovsk oblast is next. attacking kherson at the same time and surrounding dnipro from west and east will pave way to mykolaiv, then odessa. then call quit. but even dnepr is enough. if dnepr is taken after donbass, ru has all the resources of ukraine. cry nafo transgender n1gger loving faggots

Ramshead Soup

youre such a troll. with your fake names giving yourself your fake votes imo.

War of the Worlds

have a bowl of soup and shut up.

Russian bagayo

if sf weren’t completely corrupt, sf would write here that putler’s (brics and erdogan) al-qaeda members attacked girls in the aleppo area and killed 20 of kurdish girls.

Truth Justice

indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas to cause panic and loss of confidence in local governance. ukraine is saving the most terrible terrorists for this type of mop up operations against the russian speaking regions. aq are uncaged animals, so are most humans, only give them a weapon if you can then hide your daughters. have not seen much difference between african conflicts and hamas actions, same beast.

Ramshead Soup

the whole game plan is to make people cry out for a benevolent dictator to save them from failed democratic governments. its run via bureaucracies controlled by corporate laws and bribery. imo its very obvious, the intentions.


here’s the classic expose from gates, you know the saying there’s no point closing the gate once the horse has bolted names they find amusing like the doors with admiral morrisons ( who did the gulf of tonkin) boy as the lead to opening new opportunities anyway here’s them epitomised and blatant “this is very alarming bill gates wants to do what?


remember the whole of windows of opportunity was stolen and somehow given to him the real inventor another englishman like the gates family are, did get some compensation i believe after years and years in the courts. allegedly

the narrative

gotta wonder where this troll is from … israel ? langley ? london ?

Niccolo Machiavelli

nato hq in brussels.

the narrative

wait an minute … gatta be tel aviv …. got the “hasbara” scramble talk fingerprints

Ramshead Soup

and who created nato.? which family?

Truth Justice

once again, great work, bravo, very intelligent findings. your grandma’s basement must be a real intelligence trove.


toilet walls and wikipedia ars his alma mater

War of the Worlds

those are jake sullivan’s boys. try to keep up with recent history.

Russian bagayo

who do you think will watch palmyra now? it was 1993 and i was taking a group of schoolchildren to see palmyra. i saw mr. bassel assad in damascus.he was a true prince and they had better roads and houses than we do in our trieste. unfortunately, the handsome prince died and instead of him they crowned putler’s cipayo.

read my lips

vaffanculo, stronzo.

Russian bagayo

bassel assad never liked either russia or hezbollah. that’s why the us and israel wouldn’t think of destroying the country (and of course palmyra). and now they wouldn’t be killing kurdish girls on the truck taking them to work. girls would probably ride on a better bus, but the train like i.

Ramshead Soup

look at least make some pathetic failed attempt to alter your style to match you’re different names


russia army are the neo nazis from 21 only sf doesn’t know who was the nazis allies at the begining of the 2 great war ?arussia but his litlle friend hitler trick them out…killing ukranians and destroying a country since 3 years..the world knows your parrotingvis for the drunks and halfbrainers

Niccolo Machiavelli

actually the us and uk were germany’s allies. churchill tried like stink in 1939 to get russia to invade poland so that they could declare war on them, but stalin wasn’t having any of it. so when hitler lost his patience and invaded poland first, they had no choice but to honour their agreement with poland and declare war on the first invader.

Ramshead Soup

it was a set up they started it in paris. it’s been one war since then, the end game to have one universal rule of law.

Ramshead Soup

what are you trying to convey?

Russian bagayo

erdogan’s servants killed 20 kurdish girls who were in a truck under a tarpaulin. it is now dangerous to go to work in aleppo.who is crazy enough to organize a tour of palmyra, which is no longer there? when the mob ran egypt, it was not even possible to tour at the pyramids. well, the mafia ended and it was possible to go see the pyramids again. a big mafia boss died in prison.

Ramshead Soup

rome conquered egypt. caesar became pharoah. rome fell the vatican replaced it. the pope became pharoah. its that simple. they learned that the pen is mightier than the sword. wake up.


now more russian volunteers will join the battle against genocide🤫

War of the Worlds

trump came and for a few days the doomsday clock ticked back a few seconds, then jumped ahead a dozen.

the narrative

treated like palestinians ? see any connections ?

Niccolo Machiavelli

aaahhh, that mi6-sas training being put to use again….

Ramshead Soup

of the church and crown which is epitomised by canada.

Ramshead Soup

because ukraine has been russian for centuries because kiev was the capital city of russia fir centuries because the people who lived there were russians because the fraud occurred by deceiving the world that it was an independent nation. that it wasn’t russian historical facts. because the truth matters.


you would wish these were true national socialists who actually fight and k ll jews. but these are nato jew helper assets and they serve a jew zelensky calling them national socialists is thus a false claim, they are assets who serve foreign jewish interests that ultimately hurt both the ukranian and russian people living there while the jews gloat as they claim the ukranians have to suffer because in the past they resisted jewish bolshevism.


list to the yosef miz rachi pea ches it for hours. they want mill ions of uk ra n ians d e. d because they in the past fo u ght for their free. d against the je wi sh bolsche viks who s ole their grain and se eds and who were sta rvi ng and mrd. ering them by the mil lions the ho domoor w hen ever your on the tru. mp train or the pu uutien ex press both si d es are co n trolled by j ews. and rus sia ns and ukra nia ns suffer. the je ws want us go. yi m d in a bi g w. ar




russian army the neo nazis from the 21 , the former hitler allies


non sarebbe ora di punire kiev ?


that’s when the war will end when those nazi slugs can no longer shell civilians.

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