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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Leader Supports Nuclear Escalation

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Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Leader Supports Nuclear Escalation

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Ukrainian public figures are beginning to admit their intentions to cause a nuclear catastrophe. For the militants in the ranks of the regime, nuclear war is not something to be avoided. They believe that such an extreme scenario will have a positive effect on the Ukrainian forces, removing any fear or hesitation from them. The main problem is that such an escalation would obviously cause the unnecessary death of thousands or millions of innocent civilians, but the neo-Nazis simply do not care about their own people.

In a recent interview, Evgeny Karas, leader of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia S14, stated that a nuclear war would be “good” for Ukraine, considering the current situation in the conflict. In his opinion, the beginning of the use of nuclear weapons would have a positive psychological effect on the Ukrainian troops, since, once that point is crossed, “nothing could get worse.”

He believes that once the nuclear stage is reached, Ukrainian soldiers will start fighting more fearlessly, without worrying about any consequences. More than that, Karas expects that, in such a scenario, Ukrainian officials, including generals, politicians and decision-makers, will be better assessed. According to him, it will be easier to test such officers and find out who is cooperating with Ukraine and who is corrupt and weak, since the excuse of “avoiding escalation” will no longer be necessary.

”Nuclear war is good (…) When it happens, we’ll have no more reasons to whine. Nothing worse could happen after a nuclear strike (…) A nuclear war may help us evolve in a way that we could see through an official and tell whether he is a thief or not,” he said.

Karas also believes that the possible use of nuclear weapons by Russia would have an international impact in favor of Ukraine. According to him, Russia’s partner countries, such as China and India, would condemn this type of action, cutting off their cooperation with Moscow and reducing the Russians’ economic capacity. Furthermore, he believes that Ukraine and its Western partners are prepared for a nuclear war confrontation, having sufficient technology to engage in efforts to adapt society to the reality of an environment contaminated with radiation. He believes that the use of artificial intelligence and robotics, for example, are useful mechanisms to advance military capabilities in the midst of a nuclear conflict.

It is important to remember that Karas is one of the most important leaders of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi wave. His organization, the “Society of the Future” (formerly S14) is a dangerous militia, responsible for numerous war crimes and human rights violations. The group brings together a number of extremist militants and was a major source of human resources for Ukrainian reconnaissance and sabotage battalions during the early years of the civil war against Russian-speakers in Donbass. In addition, S14 became known worldwide for crimes committed against the Romani community in the Lvov region, and was denounced by several international organizations – one of the reasons why the group changed its name in 2020.

In other words, Karas is a representative of the most ideologically fanatical wing of the Kiev regime – which explains his tendency towards extreme attitudes and his support for total war. Unfortunately, these extremist sentiments are the main basis of support for the Ukrainian government. Without neo-Nazis and their narratives, Kiev is unable to justify its anti-Russian policies, which is why Karas and other infamous fascist leaders are increasingly gaining ground in Ukrainian public opinion.

This means that it is possible that officials like Zelensky and his ministers will start adopting Karas’s nuclear rhetoric in the near future. The mere fact that Ukraine continues to use long-range weapons against Russia’s deep territory, even though Moscow has made it clear that it can respond to such provocation with a nuclear attack, is already proof that the Kiev regime does not care about nuclear escalation and deliberately threatens the lives of its own citizens.

This clearly shows that it is Moscow, not Kiev, that cares most about the Ukrainian people. Moscow has been patient so far, avoiding taking extreme actions, even though it has the right and the necessary conditions to do so. However, if speeches like Karas’s start to guide Ukrainian military decision-making, it will become almost impossible to prevent an escalation of violence.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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Niccolo Machiavelli

be careful what you wish for…..


ukraine is one sicko society. best to flatten it and start over.

Gallows Humor

aren’t all those guys in the photo dead already?

Santa Klaus

this is either an inferior amerikunt or a brain damaged aussie posing as a ukie

5 dancing israelis

lol. complete moron. nobody win a nuclear war. fu€&!ng idiot.


many idiots roaming the ukrainian steppes with topknots and empty skulls underneath.

many idiots roaming western capitals filling their empty skulls with wishful thoughts and vice versa.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fantasia
Gallows Humor

cockroaches do, so most of those ukranazis will probably survive.


nuke? lol for such nazi scum a simple hand grenade is more than enough, stuffed in his mouth, and pull the ring.

John Kesich

which asylum did kara’s escape from?

Boris Orlov

what a moron. these nationalist assholes prefer to live in a shithole over a civilized home if only their shithole is part of something abstract called ukraine. we the normal people which are also the better part of ukraine give a shit for your idiotic dreams. go to hell you pieces of shit!

Russia Abandoned Syria

time to make it hot in moscow…heheheh


they would care about nukes on galicia. they do not see the nongalician ukrainians as anything else but usefull idiot russian who help kill russians and will be killed after the job is done.


oh god, wherefore art thou. hast thou truly forsaken us?

the human race to be annihilated over the satanic wishes of some knuckle-dragging ukrainian nazis? you are truly a cruel master.


had jewnited states not forced ukraine to abandon its own nuclear weapons to russia in the 1990’s, putin would never haved dared to attack ukraine in the first place. that’s the whole thing. so peace can only be with eighter ukraine joining nato or usa replacing the nuclear arsenal and handing over to ukraine the respective amount of nuclear weapons it has formerly forced ukraine to abandon.option 3 is endless war for minimum the next 10 years.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

with option 3 of course incl. 90% chance for escalation into world-war 3. so make no mistake, that’s what all the jews in west & east ( wallstreet, trump,kushner,blinken etc. as well as putin, medvedew (mad-z-jew), zelensky,borrel,schuster,sarkozy,lagarde,bill gates, soros, rothchild ) want anyway !!

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor
Pearced Morgan

have you ever tried su-cking ukrainian eggs instead of su-cking in ukrainian dicking points? hehehe

btw: does your vanity license plate sport a 14 and an 88 by any chance?

Last edited 2 months ago by Pearced Morgan

counter the points i made, or shut up you worm. it s not my problem you are too blinded to see that it’s joos behind usa,uk,eu,soviet union/ruzzian jewderation & jewtin, same as behind jewlensky & co.

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor

yes truth hurts – but anyway it stays the truth. su-ck that up, you moron. welcome to the real world, suka !!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Fidor
captain hohol

understand that germany would utterly back down in the face of nuclear escalation, so would a trump administration, leaving only the uk and france both of whom would also back down if threatened sufficiently.

nato will not support nuclear escalation.


neo nazi kremlin brazilian parrot , this tard has less brain than chicken


ukraine needs to be denazified. putin is right on this and many other subjects.


brains as yours should be dnazified for once, mental retarded , piece of shit go and eat more icecream with the forehead, nazi russian nest

Pearced Morgan

it’s tough getting caught up in your own web of lies and deceit, isn’t it spideyman? hehehe

Gallows Humor

do you have one of those glossy flatscreens, that reflects your face when you write such shit?


“nazis” genociding own people for the jews

Gallows Humor

nobody ever said they lived on the right side of the iq bell curve.

captain hohol

i would like to see these banderites frag that uaf antifa brigade that is operating in ukraine.

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