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Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations

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Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations

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Ukrainian Neo Nazi networks are infiltrating European far right organisations and promote terrorism threatening the lives of the Europeans. Italian special forces have recently arrested four suspected members of the extremist organization “Order of Hagal” which has close ties with the Ukrainian paramilitary groups.

The Order of Hagal is an organization based in the area surrounding Naples which has subunits across the country. Besides Nazism and anti-semitism, it promotes subversion and white supremacy culture.

During the investigation, the police collected numerous Nazi and Fascist propaganda materials, bullets, weapons, tactical clothing and other elements. Photos released by police show the Nazi paraphernalia seized in around 30 raids on members of the “Order of Hagal” throughout the country included photos of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and t-shirts bearing the logo of Ukraine’s official Nazi regiment, the Azov Battalion.

The four suspected were arrested during the operations in Naples, Caserta and Avellino. They were planning the attacks in public places and in a police station in Italy. According to the investigators, one of the targets for the attacks of the members of the Order of Hagal was the Marigliano police barracks. Another plan of extremists targeted a shopping center near Naples.

Among those detained are 42—year-old Maurizio Ammendola and 47-year-old Michele Rinaldi, who led the extremist organization “Order of Hagal”, as well as 25-year-old Giampiero Testa, who maintained close ties with Ukrainian nationalists.



Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations

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Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations

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According to Italian media, one of the suspects wanted by police “disappeared” before he could be apprehended. The fourth detainee was a 27-year-old citizen of Ukraine linked to the ultra-right forces. His name is Anton Radomsky, he is from the city of Ternopil located in western Ukraine. Anton was staying in the city of Marigliano at his father’s house.

Radomsky was responsible “for contacts with subversive and paramilitary neo-Nazi groups operating in Ukraine.” In particular, thanks to the young man, the “Order of Hagal” maintained relations with neo-Nazi groups such as the Azov battalion, the Right Sector and Centuria.

According to Italian investigators, Radomsky was supposed to commit an armed attack on a large shopping  center Vulcano buono near Naples. Videos were found showing Radomsky together with members of the group, engaged in fire training at the training ground. Telephone conversations were intercepted, from which it follows that the Ukrainian planned to attack the Carabinieri barracks in Marigliano.

According to the Italian media, Anton disappeared in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations

Artem Zalesov, better known as Artem Bonov,

Meanwhile, more Ukrainian Nazis are coming to the European countries. Moreover, they are openly welcomed by the local extremists.

Followers of Ukrainian Nazis who staged the Volyn massacre, now cry “Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heros!’ on the Polish streets. The entire Polish settlements were slaughtered with this slogan.

Back in March, Artem Zalesov, better known as Artem Bonov, arrived in Poland after he took part in the so-called anti terrorist operation against the civilians in the Donbass region. Escaping from Russian soldiers, he found refuge in Europe. He bravely poses on the Polish streets with his tattoos with the emblem of the 34th Volunteer Infantry Division “Landstorm Nederland”. He does not hide his weapons and demonstrate on the social networks that he managed to escape from Ukraine with a machine gun and a pistol. He calls on other Ukrainian Nazis to come and visit him in Poland.

One of the leaders of the German radicals, Tobias Schultz, welcomed the former press secretary of the Right Sector Elena Semenyak.

Since the very beginning of the Russian military operations in Ukraine, Azov Nazis also found support in Bulgaria. The Kurbatova Mladezh youth organization issued a statement in support of their white brothers, and the leader of the Bulgarian National Union party, Boyan Rasate, published a video featuring the symbols of the Right Sector and Azov.

The radicals all around the European Union supported Ukrainian Nazis, established close international cooperation and a lot of them came on the Ukrainian front lines.

The war is ongoing and Europe is been filled with people with radical views and combat experience, who face with a marginal existence in these countries and as a result, their groups are increasingly criminalized. Together with the radicals, the weapons that Europe had previously supplied to the Kiev regime will turn back with the Ukrainian militants.

The EU and Interpol have been fretting for months about the likelihood that weapons being shipped to Ukraine amid NATO’s proxy war on Russia will end up in criminal hands.

“Once the guns fall silent [in Ukraine], the illegal weapons will come. We know this from many other theaters of conflict. The criminals are even now, as we speak, focusing on them.” Interpol chief Jurgen Stock explained in early June

The only chance to escape from this threat is filtration of Ukrainian refugees, but so far European countries do not recognize the Nazism in Ukraine.


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The Nationalsocialist Wehrmacht saved Millions of Ukrainians back in 1941 (especially Sept. Aug. 1941) from deportation into Siberia and the soviet Gulags. Of course lots of them (Ukrainians back then, and still today) are thankful to Germany for that, and since Holodomor they of course hate communist UDSSR from the deepest of their hearts. And since then of course lots of Ukrainians have positive view on the german National Socialist Movement. Soviets tried to kill them in millions, while the germans saved them and defeated the soviet armies in Ukraine (at least until 1944). But all this facts, this truth SF is not mentioning. It tries to hide it from its audience.

And SF now published pictures with ukrainian nationalists with NS-flags and SS runes etc. as if that would be something special, after the red terror waves, Holodomor and all the satanic shit which the red communist terror hordes have brought on Ukraine in the past already. Ukrainians know you communist demons, and they don t want to have anything to do with you, and they will not allow you to steal their land, it’s that simple.

And that the US jews are using the ukrainian sentiment, to slowly, together with their jewish puppet friend Putin (who is playing the bad guy-role in this weak jewish cinema show) get Europe into World War 3 is something we should start to realize better further than later, because later might already be too late then.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Mexican American 🇲🇽

Two sides to every story, and yours is just one side.

Lol no

And what’s that “side”? That Soviet Russia had national security matter to take food and regional Identity away from Ukraine and kill millions? Civil war also brought hostilities against the German minorities, in particular those the Soviets felt threatened their ” project”. Millions murdered, expelled, fled. Some financed the Nazis, influenced them. Books have been written on this.

The Nazis didn’t embrace the liberator role to a strategic point early or wage a good foreign propaganda war…


“Food and regional identity”! That shit is absolutely hilarious. The fucking communists are the only people ever foolish enough to give “those who identify as Ukrotards” a state, you fucking muppet.

Romanian whore

It is sad Stalin not lived enough to resolve that ‘regional identity’, mostly the ukropian problem. After him, all kind of idiots take its place and started to counter his ‘abuses’, not knowing they started to open the valves which Stalin with many sacrifices started to close. Stalin was right in an incredible number of issues; off course not in all. Hitler was viceversa. The ukroshit nazism and race theory infectionism, and all the horseshit related till now in 2022, which incredibly is already present in theirs shitty Constitution, would have been eradicated untill the ’80’s if the idiot Hruscev would have not abandoned Stalin hardline. Was indeed a very cruel hardline but was NECESSARY. Now, what Stalin politic didn’t finished to kill in the ’50 and ’60’s, is killed by the neonazism new proliferation inside and outside.

William White

Actually 3 sides, his, hers and the truth! These assholes are everywhere, the Lord has sprinkled freaks pretty well evenly around the Globe, you have to keep your guard up at all times. Fortunately most are not real brite so they can be easily monitored.


For sure … but then why haven’t Azov or Kraken or some other NSDAP oriented organization done away with Zelensky the joo and his jooish staff wankers ? Start there. Putin is Eastern Orthodox now and not a communist, and neither are the majority of Russians. Most have gone back to orthodoxy and away from communism. Clean your own house first.

V for victory

You call Putin a puppet friend of US Jews. You must be mentally ill.


Wouldn’t it be neat if the Holodomor was an actual historical event, and not a concoction of rubbish that was cooked up by British intelligence, pedalled by yellow journalists in the US, and now embraced as a religion by retarded Canadians who identify as “Ukrainian”? Neat-o! As to your boiler-plate red-baiting, never, ever stop derping.

Jews rule.

Your post started strong but then you veered off into stupid land when you claim Putin to be a Jew and working for Jews. The fact is many Jewish oligarchs fled Russia because of Putin. Likewise, Israel and Russia both are not thrilled with what has gone on in Syria, and they are not on the same side.


Just look at Pootins face and you see the jew easily.

Proves here:



Check it out yourself if you do not believe me !

It doesn t matter, as both so-called “sides” are gangsters and all big and medium global players (usa, uk, germany, russia, china, india, france, sweden etc.) are run by jews. The currents presidents are just puppets, and do not have power themselves. Putin’s mother is a jewess with the maiden name SHALOMova. The Crimea Kerch bridge was built by Putin’s childhood friend and business partner Arkady Rotenberg, who is of course jewish too. The £3.2bn project was first opened to road traffic in May 2018, with the parallel bridge for rail traffic opening the following year. So when do the people wake up and realize that it is all a jewish theater, and evil trick to get us none-jews to kill each other ?

See how Klaus Schwab admits how they place their agents (including Putin) inside the governments cabinetts to infiltrate everything. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LH0xCHwsYji9/

Only the jews win, when Europeans and russians start slaughtering each other, same goes for christians and muslims slaughtering each other. Only the jews are the winnetrs in this. Ukraine president Zelensky too is jewish. The “american” bitch which orchestered the Maidan coup in Ukraine, Mrs. Victoria Nuland (real name Nudelman) is a jewess too. Ex-german cancellor Merkel, again a jewess (with polish ancestors)and so on and on. Ex-france president Sarkozy a jew, the former one Mitterrand too has jewish roots. The Polish president Duda too is one – his real name is Feigenbaum, his wife too is a jewess. The whole prime section of all the countries in America, Europe, and Russia and related states are totally infested with these pest called jews. Southamerica too has 50% jewish presidents. In middle-east and asia too at least 25% of the important figures and persons have jewish heritage. So please wake up folks, and realize the real danger, the real enemy. It’s not the Russian people, or the German people or the American people or the Chinese people, no it is the Jews. It is these satanic global parasites which cause all the big trouble on earth since at least 2000 years ! Goddamn it !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

That CIA paid fake stories about Putin has been posted by bots on every forum.

Try again another day


It is US Zionist friendly forces that are arresting them!

They are seen as a threat to the USA’s Zionist world dominance if the nationalists manage to liberate their country.


I can just imagine the fat tattood bastard going for a job interview looking like a walking advert for the third Reich,the interviewer would send for the guys in white coats to lock the lunatic up in a establishment for the criminally insane.

Lol no

this “we and the third world against the ebil white European expansion” pivot on SF might be good propaganda for turd world, but it is cringe because of how fake its premises are.

1: west Russia is whiter than Europe, namely because Russia decided its population isn’t just an expendable to trade in;

2: *those controlling West are rabidly anti-white.

3: this imperialism has nothing to do with helping whites

Notice how Azov were programmed to hate Russia specifically and ignore what’s done to Ukraine by everyone not Russia. Ukraine in victory would fall to population replacement, lgbt, Pussy Riot feminism and anti-white agenda, which would destroy Russia too

Last edited 2 years ago by Lol no

They have done the same in Ireland, Sin Fein is now rabidly anti Irish in everything except when it comes to UK.

Putin is sad

They should execute all European far right organizations. Oh wait, they are all pro Moscow and financed by Putin. Hmm now I am confused.


tatoos might be good for scaring pedestrians and passerby but they dont stop bullets and NSDAP was a failed institution back in the day and things havent improved much. The guy in the picture could go and get all that mess lasered off and grow some hair and maybe stand a chance at getting a job though as long as he has no felonies

Jews rule.

How can Nazis fight and die killing fellow slavs to make their Jew master happy? So Ukrainian “Nazis” have abandoned two foundational tenets of Nazism’ fighting for their Jew. As for these Nazis going to Europe, I notice that they’re not in Ukraine in foxholes. And so maybe they’re looking for suckers to recruit to die in Ukraine. For Jews no less.

Max Schmidt

Those who still think that Ukraine is not a Nazi country… I urge you to see a doctor, so that he can check your brain functions.


More Gladio terror ops from the Natostan filth of the angloZionaZi empire of shit.

Who said that the NaZi$ lost WW2?


So they had some photos and made a phone call. For crying out loud, most likely the guy making the incriminating statements was working for the Oligarchs. They love to frame people to cause fear and persecute the innocent.


It’s interesting how any “far right” organizations that have anything to do with Azov or Ukrainians gets busted.

Far right organizations who don’t care about the Azov-Izraeli connection deserve it.

What Ukrainian “nazis” are all about is collecting information on the “far right”, exploiting them for Globohomo’s own purposes, and having them take the blame for their dirtyworks.


We Nazis from Europe want to show our gratitude to your great Fuehrer Putin! We thank him for his great support of Nazis around the world! Heil Putin!

John Deer

Retardation isn’t supremacy, but rather an inferiority-superiority complex of dumb a$$es who ceased economic relevance a century ago. This holds throughout the Axis, from NS down to Ba’ath movement.


It’s clear all Nazis/supremacists are deranged, they can’t even notice the disgusting attitudes they have, for them, anything they do, anything they say, it was completely normal.

If you know how those groups operate, they basically brainwash their members and they turn them into fanatical persons, the moment you disagree with them, they turn against you. Usually, big majority of them, they have personal problems in their lives, social, economical, in their family, something, then they need some scapegoat and someone to blame for that, except themselves. There are even different factions within them, some that contradicts the other one, like some follow neopaganism while hating Christian religions, thus they target them and others follow Christian religions. Plain insanity.


For years, they have been calling to wage a war for their silly cause and European authorities or the FBI in the U.S. never did much against it, then some one them think the Western elites are against them, the same Western elites and NATO are just fulfilling the dream of Nazi Germany, only it is and it was done in a subtle way, they have forced most of the world to serve to their economies.

The supremacists who are against these elites, it’s just because their leaders didn’t do even bigger genocides (those elites have already destroyed many countries, ethnic groups and cultures) they want. The supremacists civilized and superior to the rest? Nice joke.

Romanian whore

Yes, you’re very right. Even the so called ukronazism isn’t a real nazi ideology. In fact this can be called pseudo-nazism or even crypto-nazism, anyway it is good for low IQ humans with all sorts of life frustrations. Also, personally, working in that domain, we have strong evidences that ideologies are DNA/haplo related and thus can be manipulated.


I have no doubt that such operations have close ties with Ukrainian paramilitaries. But what relations do they have to the established dissident right in Europe? What is the stance of for example the Italian dissident right activist group Caza Pound, that has been established for decades, on Ukraine? In my experience, western European dissident right are by far less enthusiastic about war in Ukraine than the mainstream and the establishment in western Europe. This Michele Rinaldi, what is his history?

For sure, some from the dissident right are infatuated by Nazism and are enthusiastic just because they can go to Ukraine and make nazi salutes in public. And some in the dissident right are seeing how supporting Ukrainian side will make themselves more amenable to the establishment in western Europe. But majority of dissident right see USA as the greater enemy to Europeans, not Russia.

Western Defector

If Ukrainian nazis truly wanted to protect their culture they would not be against Russia.


These retard nazis are so retard they’d have been exterminated by the nazis in their concentration camps. Look at those Artem, how long would have it survived when the SS took over its town? (it – because that thing is not a human being for sure). I’m Italian and live not too far from those shiteaters arrested (about one hour and a half by car). These shiteaters would soon be free because Italy “stands with ukraine” and the worst thing about it is the shitty medias don’t even openly talk about their links with the bastards in kiev. I guess Italian medias would be happier to talk about me who can’t stand US-EU and the rest. The good news is that today in my region (in Russian it would be an oblast, although here it’s much smaller) a small rally took place in which they asked for the end of sanctions and a stop to sending weapons and money to the bastards. Just a small breathe of fresh air, but maybe a first step onwards

USA is a shithole, Europe becomes one

If that scum would have been a warrior HE WOULD BE IN UKRAINE TO FIGHT AND DIE FOR HIS IDEALS.


How can they pretend to be “warriors” etc. and waste their time and other peoples’ money in the streets of peaceful Europe?!

What the hell is police and the judiciary system in European countries doing if they allow such monsters to walk free among us? Why are they being payed, to terrorize the citizens with scamdemia lockdowns, destroying our lives and livelyhoods?!


What goes round, comes round, so it’s only fair that the EU and US/UK get to see and suffer the actions of NATO leaders’ terror gangs who employ these beasts as Proxies.


Why would they need to “infiltrate”? You would think them simply welcome? On another note Democratic socialist of old were not far right. … granted you cant change what is accepted by so many … it is what it is. I do not see the need for additional labels as Nazi pretty much sums it up . Yet we see, Far Right..Nazi! As if somehow it makes it worse?

jens holm

me love nazi sperm—ukie sperm tastes like chocolate to me

L du Plessis

The Chicken has come home to roost 😂


Oh pshaw! US CIA backed Neo-Nazis don’t exist, don’t worry about it, it’s just Russian propaganda and anyone claiming otherwise is a Putin puppet, lol. Karma is blind to propaganda

Anti-globalist revolution

Atm the far right in Europe tends to be enemies of the globalists. As was the far left until the 1990s. What we are seeing are first attempts to reintegrate the right into the power structure of the globalists, as the far left was reintegrated in the late 80s and 90s. The result was woke as a justification system for oppression, imperialism, neo-colonialism.

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