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Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On September 11, 2022 (Map Update)

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Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On September 11, 2022 (Map Update)

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UAF at 50 km from the Russian border, everything goes according to plan


According to Colonel Cassad, Russian army crossed the Ukraine-Russia border and returned to the Belgorod region. Whole Kharkov region is under Ukraine control except for the Oskill river.

Dick Von D'Astard

Er, John Ukraine and Russia border one another. I guess you think Ukraine is somewhere located north of Wyoming?


RuSKiA LoOsINg tErrITorY EveRtHiNg AcCoRdInG TO pLaNk


RU getting their ass kicked lololl. Even a 3rd world country can beat the Sh!t outta them rn 😜


What happened to you LGBT soldiers and Afghanistan?

genbased nanoshit

nothing, they killed some civilian and then went back home…

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re an imbecile youngster who with this kind of approach will have the nazi on Moscow gates very soon.


A third-world country that has received $110 million per day in military assistance from the US, as well as ongoing intelligence, and training support. This for what was the third largest army in Europe prior to the launch of the SMO. And yet the failed Ukrainian CIA project lost an area the size of the United Kingdom after eight years of NATO support. Fuckpile Banderpite fan-boys never fail to amaze when they completely ignore the loss of the entirety of Luhansk, a vast section of Donetsk, parts of Zaporizhe and Kherson and the rendering into taco meat of tens of thousands of Ukrainian service personnel. Do your victory jig in the face of those conditions, derpster.

They/Them Army Special Operations Command

lmfao AFU reversed months of gains in one weekend with minimum casualties. cope harder loser


This month they lost 35k Ukrainians and mercenaries.

Putin huylo

Nooooooooo, 150k and 200 bayraktars minimum.


Russia army destroyed at least 1000 MRPS, 2000 Bayraktars, 3000 Ukri air planes, 4000 tenks, 5000 space ships and 10000 star destroyers…



Defeat the Satan Scum of the West

Russia: Either you mobilize in part or full. Or throw a tactical nuke or two as a warning on this scum with a warning: surrender within 5 hours or a strategic one follows to Kiew. This will shut them up. What do you care, Mr. President Putin, what the scum thinks of you? This is about fighting back the imperialist and globalist scum and their monstrous proxy war onslaught, which the Satanist Western elite takes as a first step for many gay onslaughts to follow against everyone. Nuke them. You have God’s and my blessing. Do it now!


Russia has to fully mobilize an send in 1 million men.


Bomb the nazi scum

Why waste any men? It’s what the West wants. Just throw the bomb.


That would create a very dangerous precedent. If Russia can do it, others can do it to Russia as well.

Bomb the nazi scum

No they can’t. Because Russia has nukes and Ukraine does not.

genbased nanoshit

fUKRAiNE has nuclear reactors and they try to bomb it…

genbased nanoshit

why should this be dangerous: the biggest problem is the clima-change, a bit nuclear-winter could help!

genbased nanoshit

bomb what? washington DC or NYC?

genbased nanoshit

wow – mega analysis i’m very impressed…

Pamfil Military Academy

They don’t want and don’t wanted. Putin and his fellow generals are all khazar jews part of the scenario.


If that is so, what do you think is their plan?


Stop lying about the noble Orthodox Christian president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. SF, you need to take note here and stop all slander of Putin on your site, especially when the slander is a lie. Spreading these horrible lies must be stopped. You need to defend your president’s honor here, like I am trying to do.


That “noble guy” has just betrayed his own people in Kharkiv


The noble Orthodox Christian leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has NOT betrayed his own people. Everything he does he does for his people, the Church and his homeland. He is nearly 70 years old and doesn’t have to be president any longer, but like Marcus Aurelius some 2000 years ago he has accepted his fate and therefore continues to serve his country at the best of his abilities. He has his reasons for doing what he is doing in the Kharkiv area, and soon we will all understand why the SMO had to take this path at this time to secure the path to victory.

Captain Hohol

Indeed, it’s obvious now that active duty U.S government people are running the show and pulling triggers, he threatened and now he needs to back it up with nukes.


Not just Russia. China sits their while NATO gangs up on it closest ally. China should put 10 million troops into the Ukraine and end this nonsense, but they won’t because they too will fall to the Globalists.

genbased nanoshit

china should sink some .us battlegroupe if they see it. .ru wil fix .ua, no need to help…


They think, maybe, time is on their side. Every day that passes makes them stronger and the West weaker. Well, maybe. If they get their demographic problem under control. Atm it is not.


The funny thing is that the US can be destroyed by North Korea, at any time, if they so desire. And North Korea is, as we all know, a close friend of both Russia and China. They have close to 100 subs and I think most of them are capable of carry nukes, and if they were to send half of them towards USA there is no way in hell that the Americans would be able to sink them all. Just saying what could happen if the US takes this to the next level.

Ho Lee Fook

Correct. NKorea is pefectly capable of taking on the yanks in a total war scenario.


Yes they are. And that is why the US are leaving them alone. They are scared that the great leader, Kim Jongun, will attack them with his subs. Its hilarious really!


I agree with you … mostly. Using nukes at this stage of the SMO, however, is a bad idea.


they already did partially mobilize, where have you been

Miki Miric

Čini mi se da dok ne počne dimiti po Moskvi neki se neće opametiti, ljudi nemate dovoljno vojske u Ukrajini, umjesto da iscrpljujete njih oni crpe vas, umjesto da ih demilitarizujete oni imaju više oružja nego prije,niste krenuli kako treba od samog početka i daj sklonite više onog Konasenka lažova, počeo je da nervira odavno sve oko sebe.

No brits and US, no crime!

Ahahaha, ajd prosveti ih cuveni analiticaru!


I think the expansion has reached its limit. Anywhere beyond that, ukrainian soldiers will face a powerful counter-strike from russian formations in those areas.


hahahahaha which limit? Entire Ukraine will be freed. There is no other option.

genbased nanoshit

yes, freed from the NAZis according to the plan… odessa is russian


No. Ukraine continues to build strength in the West. Full mobilization + NATO weapons. Russia needed to escalate after the first week. Didn’t, and will now lose it all.


This is not a major defeat but actually a major victory. Izyum, kupyansk and balalkeya have been denazified, denuclearised and demilitarised. Hence we are evacuating from these places after mission accomplishment. Entire Donetsk, luhansk and crimean peninsula will follow suit.

Captain Hohol

What so that people in donetsk and crimea can be killed when they disagree with the LGBT fag nazis and their minions?

Do you remember what happened in Odessa? You think that’s good?


If Russia leave Ukraine , the war will come to an end.


What do you think would happen then? there would be millions of ethnically cleansed Russia speakers and the others subjected to genocide,maybe you are sick enough to want that.

genbased nanoshit

if fUKRAiN leave novoRussia and the war comes to an end… or better if .us leave .eu and the war comes to an end. if NAZibanderist leave to world and … hahaha


Like Kherson was freed?


units receive a Deployment Order. It means what it says. The military units identified for action start moving via train, truck or plane. Depends on the operation. But they are moving into place and do not initiate action until they commanders receive an Execution Order.

Since the United States and NATO are involved directly with Ukraine’s military planning, I am certain they followed the JOPES process. That means the planning for the Kharkov offensive probably started the first of September, perhaps even earlier, i.e. July or August. Assembling and moving the men and equipment to deployment points took some time. It was not done overnight.

I am not familiar with the Russian planning system, but I am pretty sure the Russians follow a similar procedure to JOPES. It is important to understand this with reference to the offensive taking place around Kharkov. The Russian forces started moving into the area on Thursday, 8 September. And we are talking about hundreds of trucks, tanks, towed artillery and troops.

So, was Russia caught by surprise? No. They had at least one week’s warning of the impending Ukrainian attack. If you want to believe that Russia’s intelligence service is incompetent or was deceived in this operation, enjoy the fantasy. The Russian planners had a couple of choices. They could have moved their forces into position earlier but that would have tipped off the Ukrainians and west that the planned offensive was compromised.

Alternatively, the Russian planners may have decided to mask their movements and made choices about which villages and cities to defend and which to abandon. If Russia had moved preemptively to reinforce Izyum that would have raised warning flags for the Ukrainian and NATO planners.

I agree with Andrei Martyanov’s take–the Russians knew it was coming and chose to let the Ukrainians flood the zone in order to eventually hit the Ukrainian forces with a massive counter attack. The Ukrainians are no longer in fortified defensive positions and their lines of communication to support the forward troops are now defined precisely. The Ukrainian attack has not destroyed nor disrupted Russia’s air, artillery, rocket and missile assets. Attacking the Ukrainian units is an easier task, not more difficult.

I am not privy to the Russian plan. But what I do know is that the planning process required to deploy the troops and equipment moving into Kharkov was not a panicked response. Hollywood can create the illusion of rapid movement of military troops, but the real world requires alerting units, making sure they are properly supplied and then undertaking the logistic task of moving those units into combat. This means the planning was deliberate, not a crisis response.

Larry Johnson Thegatewaypunditdotcom and sonar21dotcom


When do you predict this counter attack by Russia and allies will happen l, cause I believe that’s what’s going to happen but just don’t know when.

Ho Lee Fook

Its already started. Power was cut to the towns and special forces are going door to door. Theres not much resistance because the ukes havnt dug in yet. RF will have the territory back in a week max at a cost of many thousands of nato proxy troops and very few of their own.


Keep on dreaming, always an excuse for the russian failures in ukraine. At this point defeat is inevitable. Russia’s only chance is to declare war and mobilize in full.


The entirety of the response of the Ukrainian CIA project in the face of the Russian SMO has been failure. They sat in their fortifications which NATO built for them over an eight year span, and got turned into taco meat trying to take Kherson. At some point the Russians have to deal with the bulk of the Ukrainian force and their NATO owners. The idea that the current developments make defeat inevitible is just ridiculous.

Captain Hohol

I really hope so, you have to understand how suicidal leftists will become in the west if they realize their satan fag army lost, it means they will inevitably lose everywhere else too.


Maybe you do not know the Kharkov military situation. Russia had deployed the forces of volunteers and veterans of the two republics plus some pro-Russian local elements (from Kharkov) on the front line in Kharkov. These militias are the most demoralized and least motivated of this SMO. When they saw Ukrainian onboard to Westerner armored cars fully armed arrive at 80Km/h, they did the only wise thing they could: run away, leaving Russian force in panic. Stop.


Then why did they left the ammo, vehicles behind?


You can be rest assured that the Russia’s intelligence service is completely incompetent.


Pro Russians are still made to believe that it’s a trap for the enemy.


It is, just watch.


hahahahaha. The Ukrops trapped the Russians by telling them that there will be a major offensive in the south. While the truth is that the offensive happened in the north. The Russians got played hard.


No, the Russians smashed the failed offensive in the South, which ate up the Ukrotard cannon fodder. Now NATO has taken the reins at Kharkov to stave of a Ukrotard collapse.

Joe Cooper

More like you sucked a really hard one.


There was no Moskow-Kiev agreement behind the scenes…

The Saint

What is going on at Southfront these days? Useful and well-written comments are being deleted but illiterate ones which are seemingly written by 5y olds are left.


totally agree, my last message which was very positive in view of the number of points (60+), it’s been deleted and those who insult ect ect ect are not, there is an idiot in the team of this site and it kills them, the proof each month they earn less and less money, well …

The Saint

Exactly, they do this and they expect to be crowdfunded? Bizarre,


our messages will be deleted anyway, even when I ask a simple question my message is deleted and the answers were all negative without help, their messages are not deleted


Looks to me that southfront has been taken over. The news here is starting to stink of propaganda, not to mention the mass of foul comments……………..

Southfront resident nigha


Hypnosis only works through trauma.

Zombies always get in line with the herd. They will do blindly whatever Masters tells them. Thus this barrage of copy-paste idiotic comments.

This particular case of Hypnosis is done by spamming defeatist comments, backhanded comments, spiteful comments with a delusional hope that people who are against parazytes might loose their fighting spirit by installing a fake self-pity of the loss virus in them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

They are sad that their country is losing a war it started.


That’s because they (southfront) are in a dream. Out of touch with reality.


Tell me about it. I had close to 10 comments deleted by them (or CIA hackers?) a couple of weeks ago.


Putin did not use all leverage before invading Ukraine, this led West helping Ukraine. Putin should had cut the gas to Europe before invading Ukraine. Putin’s decision has made Russia weaker. Russia needs time to gain strenght again. Ceasefire would give time to Russia

US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam

Russia is a strong independent nuclear power, with it’s own rich history, they’re completely self sustainable. On the other hand the ukraine is nothing more than a corrupt shithole and proxy state, created by the bolsheviks, that is on the life support of the US. Their economy is collapsing, their people are dying in the hundred thousands for an ugly comedian midget, and they can’t even take Crimea, which will always stay part of Russia. I know it hurts, but time to accept reality.


Russia has to fully mobilize an send in 1 million men. Period.

I thought his was a tactical win for the ukies. I was wrong.

This is a strategic victory. the ukrainians have proven, that given sufficient weapons and money by the west, they can fight and they can WIN.

In other words: they are worth investing money into.

This is a strategic loss for Russia. Putin miscalculated, he thought that 200k soldiers is enough. Might be the biggest mistake of his career.


It’s going down as the biggest military failure in history. A Top Ten List of things you NEVER do in war!


There was an agreement between the two sides, the terms we will find out later.


We need to remember that the war hasn’t begun yet, still only the SMO! If it comes to the crunch, Russia will unleash hell on Earth upon Ukraine and the Nato scum residing there. It will not be a pretty sight!

Captain Hohol

Germany is reinforcing Lithuania, this is big considering Germany really didn’t want to piss off Russia.

I think a lot of EU member states are very nervous right now, I think they know that the U.S fucked up bad sending in people that Putin told them not to send.

I think they’re preparing for all out war, but that will only happen in Ukraine, everywhere else it will be nukes.

The Rock

Can someone tell me what the green represents? Offensive?

Last edited 2 years ago by The Rock
genbased nanoshit

it means the author has no idea, what happens there… exactly like You and me…

Who knows, Who cares, Not me

It’s where a Russian General puked up his lunch before running away maybe!

Last edited 2 years ago by Who knows, Who cares, Not me
genbased nanoshit

great map! really total clear: in the green region the aliens are landed. or should it mean something different?

fuck NATOd russia will win…

Who knows, Who cares, Not me

It’s where one of the Russian tanks based on a Lada Niva overheated going so fast in reverse and spilled all it’s coolant out maybe?

The Saint

Russian forces have withdrawn to the Oskol and Donets in the east and the Russia/Ukraine border in the north. I’m sure Ukrainian sources and SF will make much of the coming “glorious victories” when the AFU move into these empty areas.

There a some good videos around of the withdrawal over the Oskol from Izyum. It was not a ‘rout’ but a very orderly withdrawal of the entire Izyum grouping.

As for what happens next in Kharkiv, some are talking about a counter-offensive having stretched the Ukrainian lines, but it depnds on how strategically important the lost territory actually is, and this might not happen until after Donbass is fully liberated.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Saint

The Ukrops trapped the Russians by telling them that there will be a major offensive in the south. While the truth is that the offensive happened in the north. The Russians got played hard.

genbased nanoshit

we will see in a week…

Pamfil Military Academy

In a week if Russia would not have Sarmat nukes, hohol JNATO trash would be in Belgorod.


Dictator Putin’s army has shown its weaknesses. Poor command ability, inability to plan, low morale and obsolete equipment. It doesn’t have an active air force, it doesn’t have modern armored vehicles, it doesn’t have modern tanks, it lacks precision weapons and missiles… all of which is a result of the corruption and incompetence of the country’s leadership. A failed army, a failed country.


Says a gender neutral troll, that wishes the uttered lies to be real..

Last edited 2 years ago by RusianSoldiersLifesMatter

No, they have decent equipment, they just didn’t have enough troops.


So the failed Ukrainian CIA project, which has no modern tanks, no active air force, no modern armoured vehicles and lacks precision weapons and missiles but has spent $40 billion loan-sharked by the US is what, precisely?

Pamfil Military Academy

Only the words: ‘corruption and incompetence of the country’s leadership’ are right. But that’s ENOUGH.


The time for Belarus to get involved, is now.


LOL, why would the people of Belarus want to get into this mess? Putin wanted to scare Ukraine into honoring Minsk and it didn’t work. He never wanted a full blown war, and neither does anybody else. Putin has to go, preferably by suicide, Russia to the West, and we are back to the End of History.

Pamfil Military Academy

Thums up but not fully. Russia have many patriots replacing the traitor Putin. Not for nothing Putin supress Jirinovski at the bery beginning of the war, ONE of the best patriots who would destroyed Kiev junta in no more than 3 months.


Putin is not a traitor! He is one of the greatest leaders of all time, and a noble man who loves his country and his people — even his “brainwashed” brethren in Ukraine!

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re a youngster useful idiot which will face Russia destruction (not right now, stupid fuck) keeping Putin in it’s imbecility dreams.


They may take an active part in the future. If they are really needed, they will come to Russia’s aid, for they know full well that if Russia should fall, then they themselves will be next.

Amazing Frank

Russia just had nobody to defense the area. Just a skeleton crew. What a fuck up!!


Plan B needed 400,000 troops and only had 250,000. This is military malpractice.

Pamfil Military Academy

Complete and irremediable DEFEAT if Putin and his generals will not be fired or shot on the spot for HIGH TREASON ! Totally broken on a 1000 km frontline and those motha fucker so-called russian keyboard warriors dreams about a ‘tactical’ retreat. Idiots from beginning an peoples with no military knowledge whatsoever. And this SF map is not the ENTIRE disaster: ALL north Kharkov frontline was left by retreat, 20.0000 square km lost, 250.000 civilians fled from nazi lead zones into a Turkey syrian like temporary tent camps in the coming winter, thousands ALREADY killed for collaborationism, incredible amount of abandoned military stuff (and not even DESTROYED, just let them there for ukrop use), a phenomenal drop in army morale, and a same ,morale raise for the fascists, etc, etc, etc./……… Good night, stupid idiot russians ! The imbecile west lover Navalnay was ALWAYS right.


This comment of yours has shown who you really are. Not a supporter of Putin or Russia.

Pamfil Military Academy

You’re an imbecile who will face Russia destruction into small colonies from itself when west will install a new Eltin style puppet. You will be smashed right into the face and even don’t know who or what is hitting you. Stay put, idiot, we here in Ro went on the EXACTLY SAME PATH. I have a deja-vu already.

Dick Von D'Astard

I don’t really think you could call it an offensive, I’d call it a political deal.


The time for dealing has passed. Putin is finished. Russia can be rehabilitated if it goes over completely to the West. Then it’s on to Iran and China. The End of History is back.

Pamfil Military Academy

No, but agree Putin MUST be FINISHED. Or Russia will be no more than a sum of west and China colonies.

Dick Von D'Astard

Russia doing exactly what I said… Donbass War not a Ukrainian War. UN resolution 2202 prosecution against Kyiv. Washington/London shall be made to follow international law.

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