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Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkov Region On September 12, 2022 (Map Update)

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Ukrainian Offensive In Kharkov Region On September 12, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • The Russian Army withdrew from the north and northeast of Kharkiv oblast;
  • The AFU took control of an area of about 8800 km2 in the Kharkiv oblast;
  • Russian forces withdrew to the left bank on the Oskol river;
  • The AFU crossed the Seversky Donets river near Zakotnoe in an attempt to attack Krany Liman;
  • The village of Studenok is under Russian control;
  • The AFU approached the village of Belogorovka.


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This was actually a perfect opportunity to ambush and bomb advancing Ukro formations, also to use tactical counter attacks to inflict massive casualties on them. But Russia for some reason has no reserves at all…. 140mil people, but they can’t even gather half mil troops…. they even have to transfers a few units to entirely different axis only to weaken that line as well.

They started this intervention with inadequate numbers, probably the main reason why plan A failed and after massive Ukro mobilization (plus foreigners) Russian leaderships still did very little to increase manpower. They somehow expect to win the war with a few thousands Chechens and Wagner PMCs doing everything…. Until recently I believed in Russian victory, even with all mistakes and setbacks. How could they lose this war? I don’t believe it any more. How can they win this war now? Not with this strategy.

Last edited 2 years ago by reality

I agree. Russia seems to be lost completely


There is also the theory of the agreement reached, as an “act of good will” seen around Kiev…

Everyone knows it's the Jews.

Sun Tzu teaches to appear weak when strong. This all can be one big feint. And the media reporting this is not to be trusted either. Even now with this strategic retreat, I’d bet twice as many Ukrainian troops are dying than Russian troops.

Pamfil Military Academy

Good for you with this mathematical when you loose the war.


It doesn’t matter even if it’s true, they can afford 2x or 3x higher losses as long they are winning. They are not catastrophic, nor Zelensky & Biden really care how many Ukrainians die or some foreign scum. But Russians now have to regain this territory and that’s highly unlikely any time soon. Unfortunately they are not appearing weak, they are weak. And Russia cannot afford to be perceived weak, too many vultures within and abroad.

Ma Laoshi

I basically agree with you, but is “massive Ukro mobilization (plus foreigners)” just a fixed fact of life, like the weather? The Russian side complains that Kiev+NATO brainwashes the population; and yet they do nothing about it, like denying Kiev the tools to control the country, and sealing the borders to NATOstan. As if the rich, connected, and jewish in Kiev at the end of the day are still “our kind of guys” to the Kremlin, and therefore not to be touched under any circumstances, even as they push Nazism.

Pamfil Military Academy

What a good comment. Russia is already in a good night state. Mrs. Putin and his HQ traitor khazar generals are watching over.

Pamfil Military Academy

Totally agree. Watch how they will be screwed more in the coming days. Already ukrop nazi trash have a foot on the other side of the Severky river and attack Lyman from both sides. Russians are in complete disarray. Also the ukrop fascists launch a powerful attack from Seversk to Spornoe and Belegorovka, which is on the LPR so trumpeted ‘complete’ eliberation and only 30 km to Lisichansk. Thank you Mrs Putin and your HQ traitor khazar fake jews. Meanwhile Putin is in COMPLETE unconsciousness, attending to east asian forum and refusing to comment anything. Good night Russia ! You have plenty of 5th column traitors and a lot more patriot useful idiots.

Ma Laoshi

>>ukrop nazi trash

This may well be so, but for the time being they *fight*, giving it all they’ve got. As, of course, did the original nazi trash back in the good old days. It’s all nice and well for Putin to say “We haven’t started anything in earnest yet”–except that it suggests he and his club are *not* earnest. But wars in part are a contest of will.

I get so many vibes of the Syrian war. Putin claimed “We will only fight the proxies in partnership with the USA”, and then ???, and then Russia Wins. The US of course was having none of it, and sent in the Marines. But Putin just stuck to his talking points, in effect stating and restating how he’d *like* the war to go, until it got bogged down into the messy stalemate that persist to this way. Similarly, VVP has staked political prestige on the “Genius of the SMO”, with plenty of Saker’s and Martyanov’s on hand to tell him that this is indeed so at every turn. Well, NATO has now smelled blood; let’s see how much of that prestige will survive a *defeat*.

Yeah Putin would like to avoid escalation. But this is not domestic politics: the enemy gets a vote, and Russian passivity will just mean that *NATO* can escalate at will.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ma Laoshi
Washington DCorruption

No reason for NATO to escalate this now and risk a full scale nuclear confrontation. All their dreams already came true. I doubt even the most fanatical haters and anti-Russian trolls here believed this was actually possible… Eventual defeat will turn into the massive domestic problem for Russia: Russians can endure many things but humiliating military defeat is not one of them especially when they already sacrificed so much and especially not from Ukraine. Putin can’t win another term now and whoever succeeds him will take over the country with massive problems while not having Putin’s reputation or political powerbase. However, Russia managed to recover from similar geostrategic catastrophes before (WW1 &Revolutions, the Crimean war etc) but it all depends on this new leader: he must be someone truly extraordinary. Of course US/NATO will continue to wage its dirty hybrid war and keep pressure on Russia. Psychos from Washington dream about demise of Russia for too long and now thanks to this war Russia is seriously weakened.

Last edited 2 years ago by Washington DCorruption
Ones a while i reply

Russia shoud have just taken the Western/pro Russian parts of Ukraine, non-one (except for Ukraine) would have given a shit and gotten away with it sincere there would have been some form of justification, like we seen in Crimea . But instead trying to take Kiev and basically starting war at the gates of Europe, forcing the West and US to react.

Ma Laoshi

I doubt the facts are with you on this one. The whole point of the Donbass crisis has always been to provoke Russia into … something, that could then be leveraged into an all-out attack on the RF by the entire Empire. Note that the West already went into overdrive when Moscow merely recognized the LDNR–before they’d fired a single shot. All of this was announced (indeed, boasted about) from NATO capitals already a year ago.

Russia knowingly (and one might add, reluctantly) took the bait when intervening in the conflict. I, and many others here, think they should’ve made the West sorry for ever offering the bait by acting decisively, instead of confirming Putin’s nickname “King of Half-Measures”.

Ma Laoshi

Forgot to add: if the Ukies could somehow push this thing into the LPR, even if small and transitory, then that’d be a huge PR win for them which’d actually be meaningful. The British talking point that “Russia has culminated” wouldn’t just gain plausibility; it might actually be the truth.


The main objective of this attack was supposed to tie up Russian reserves while the main Ukrainian attack is yet to come in the south in the direction of Mariupol.

The story is the Russians knew the plan but didn’t want to reveal they knew the plan … you know …. don’t interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake. They started moving troops out of Kharkhov area a week ago leaving behind a rear guard with orders to retreat when the enemy came within 4 Km of their positions.

The Ukrainians started moving heavy weapons used at Kharkhov south a couple of days ago and the attack on the power infastructure was intended to stop that process leaving trainloads of Ukrainians stranded in the open which were attacked today.

After months of grinding battles all summer we are in the middle of feints, pins and manuevers by both sides to accomplish something decisive before winter and no one knows who will actually outsmart the other until all the cards are played … it’s kinda fastinating..

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_norica

I hope this is not wishful thinking. In fact what you say makes a lot of sense.


The Russians have failed to protect the civilians from Bandera, nothing fascinating about that.


Svyatogorsk and Bilohorivka taken by AFU this evening. AFU is entering in LPR by approaching Lysycans’k! Total collapse of Russian forces in Ukraine?


Yep. They’re all gone. Banderpites can walk right into Melitopol and put up their triple-dong dildo insignia this afternoon, right?


half a mil troops dont just appear out of thin air, the whole point of the ukr offensive was supposed to be a surprise…


They advertised their offensive for weeks not just on Kherson but everywhere.


stop pretending like russia expected a massive breakthrough east of kharkiv


Russia has poor tactics. No idea on mobile warfare. US invaded Iraq in a month. Further from home, stronger enemy, harsher conditions, hostiles everywhere. They drove around the Iraqis instead and provided air cover to their convoys. Not like Russia who advertised the whole convoys all over. Iraq used Russian export tactics. Static positions, rear bases. Now Himars wipes all supplies and support leaving front vulnerable. As they retreat all behind them is shattered.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valk

Are you serious? Iraqi war was a little colonial adventure against inferior third-world statelet terrorized by Americans with sanctions, starved and bombed for 10+ years before Bush invasion. Arabs are the worst soldiers in the world, they failed to win a war in 1000 years. In WW2 Iraq was conquered in a few weeks by reserve troops from India. Faster than US invasion. The new Iraqi Army trained and armed by Yanks was defeated in 2 days by ISIS, while outnumbering them 3:1. So comparing Iraq and Ukraine, and saying Iraq was more difficult is just ridiculous beyond belief. Also, Himars are overrated crap and completely irrelevant here.


For modern war more troops in the front line mean more targets for enemy to shoot at you and more loss,must uses more money and supply and material ,food in the long run it devastating your money supply food your country economic status.


You still need to stop the enemy’s advance somehow, or there’ll be nothing to defend later on. It’s prudent to not squander one’s resources, but you sould much like “We’ll stop fighting now, because we’ve started to make a loss instead of a profit.”, which would be a stupid and also utterly reprehensible standpoint.


The Russians just lost Svyatogorsk (remember they fought hard over this one, including the famous monastery). Wow…


They have also been forced to retreat from three villages in the Kherson region

Player Unknown

Putin turned Russia into a bad joke .. what a shame


Whereas the US turned the Ukraine into the paradise overrun by tens of thousands of Russian and allied soldiers, with millions of refugees streaming out in any direction they can, with tens of thouands of dead Ukrainian service personnel as US-dictated neoliberal exploitation of the Ukrainian agricultural sector takes off and the lights are now being turned off by Russia. A triumph!

opet ja

So on the top of Russian command are idiots and traitors, I don’t see anything else. All that mass of UAF units on the opened space haven’t been attacked by aircrafts and helicopters. A dozen of Ka-52 with Ataka missiles would stop the advance. Russian people should top down traitorous Khazars in their state.


tell me you have no idea of military strategy without telling me you have no idea of military strategy

The climax

This is embarrassing on so many levels for the Russians the biggest mistake the Russians did was withdraw their forces from the north of Ukraine when they had the momentum and gaining land on a daily basis if the Russia were patience they would have had Kiev long ago and also not striking sensitive infrastructure early on only gave confidence to the Ukrainian citizens that oppose Russia and Putin not keeping his word of using his nuclear arsenal if the west dared to interfere instead the west called Putins bluff and kept sending weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine. Overall a huge fail on the Russians part.


Sorry, which state has had the troops of which state on tens of thousands of square km of territory for the last seven months?

The climax

The whole point of the invasion was to push nato far away from Russias borders now not only is nato on Russias borders and Ukraine is heavily supplied and Ukraine has a much bigger army then before the invasion we are talking at the very least 750k troops some statistics claim over 1 million troops. We haven’t seen any major advances from Russia in months don’t think yesterdays attack on Ukraines power plants was impressive it was nothing more then an act of desperation on Russias part an act the Russians refused to carry out at the start of the invasion. Just when we were finally breaking away from the unipolar world system we get a major setback if Russias loses this war “I BELIEVE” it will be the final nail in the coffin for any resistance against nato. Putin will suffer a major defeat in the upcoming Russian election China and Venezuela will capitulate iran will find itself so isolated that these sanctions for the past 40 years will look like a walk in the park the axis of resistance will end up getting nuked Because their is no point in going to war against such groups especially a group like hezbollah. The Iranians will overthrow their current regime if such attack was carried out against hezbollah and US will have full control of the world. This might be a pessimistic view but I truly believe it will be the end of any resistance against nato if russia loses this war. But I can’t only blame Russia I also put a lot of blame on Iran for not starting a major war in the ME after general qassem soleimani was assassinated by the US it’s looking like Iran will always take the backseat and leave a group like hezbollah to do all the heavy lifting. And China is the worst Ally to have in my opinion they have no problem selling weapons to the enemies of their so called close allies. I can keep going on and on ranting but one thing is for sure war is back and forth we will see what the Russians next move is.

Last edited 2 years ago by The climax

ukraine today is more fanatically nazi and anti-Russian then ever before ,s o much that any Russian remaining in Ukraine will be forcefully assimilated or expelled (or killed). even the Russian church was banned.


If we talk about the worst case scenario: Putin will be succeeded by some incompetent puppet from his party. Russian people angry, isolated and humiliated will be tricked by western agencies into another February-October revolution/Maidan in Moscow, Navalny will take power supported by the West like Kerenesky or Lenin in 1917., and that will trigger reaction from conservative Kadyrov starting another Chechen war and total collapse of Russia. Eventually China will take Siberia and subsequently go to war with America and its vassals resulting in total nuclear annihilation of the world. In some 20-30 years.

Last edited 2 years ago by ...

You lost it with “China will capitulate”. After that your head just went farther and farther up your own ass. You’re the reigning retard on Southfront. How long can you hold the title?

The climax

Oh ya and what exactly can China do militarily against nato the Chinese army has no experience on the battlefield. Bitch boy


Its time to knock out the entire power grid in Nazi Ukraine. Its time for the Clown to live in the dark. Shut it all down.


Ukrotard Banderpite jizz-rags in full frenzy mode on SF. Never mind the 300 000 kg of Ukrainian taco meat rotting in the sun in Kherson, the withdrawal of the small Russian force in Kharkov spells the end of Russia! $40-odd billion in arms from Uncle Sam’s Ponzi scheme and the Super-friend NATO stooge/Banderpite Klown army has has vanquished the Russians! How many dead in the combined forces of Blackrock in the last four days?

Pamfil Military Academy

Here it is the valiant russian Putin Shoigu traitor ‘tactical’ retreat: Обстановка на Славянско-Барвенковском направлении по состоянию на 17.30 12 сентября 2022 года

▪️После выхода частей из Изюма и окрестностей части союзных сил заняли оборону на левом берегу реки Оскол. Подразделения ВС РФ продолжают удерживать населенные пункты Студенок и Оскол.

▪️Наиболее тяжелая ситуация складываются в окретсностях Лимана, около которого уже три дня подряд продолжаются бои небольшого гарнизона ВС РФ и НМ ЛНР с превосходящими силами противника.

▪️Подразделения союзных сил отбили уже несколько атак, однако ВСУ не снижают натиск. По наступающим подразделениям противника наносятся артиллерийские удары.

▪️В районе села Закотное украиснкие формирования смогли навести переправу через обмелевший Северский Донец и перевести технику для выхода к Ямполю, охвату и штурма Лимана с востока.

▪️Цель ВСУ — получить плацдарм на правом берегу Северского Донца с целью развить наступление в сторону Кременной в ЛНР.

And translation:

The situation in the Slavyansko-Barvenkovsky direction as of 17.30 September 12, 2022

▪️After the units left Izyum and its environs, units of the allied forces took up defensive positions on the left bank of the Oskol River. The units of the RF Armed Forces continue to hold the settlements of Studenok and Oskol.

▪️The most difficult situation is developing in the vicinity of Liman, near which for three days in a row the battles of a small garrison of the RF Armed Forces and the NM of the LPR with superior enemy forces have continued. The units of the allied forces have already repelled several attacks, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not reduce the onslaught. Artillery strikes are carried out on advancing enemy units.

▪️Near the village of Zakotnoye, Ukrainian formations were able to establish a crossing over the shallow Seversky Donets and transfer equipment to reach Yampol, envelop and storm the Liman from the east.

▪️The goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to gain a foothold on the right bank of the Seversky Donets in order to develop an offensive towards Kremennaya in the LPR.


The strategy of the autistic.


Autism can be wide spectrum and can have above average intelligence -one does not follow the other.


Is time for Russian to make a war not playing anymore, you have to take situation serious you are dealing with satanic forces not ukrainans these lgbt”s praying satan every day


Como ucraniano siento enorme dolor por los miles y miles de soldados que perdemos cada día y por la muerte de miles de héroes que vienen a luchar y mueren como ratas.si no nos rendimos pronto acabaremos siendo una provincia infectada de cadáveres..


What are the Total morons in moscow still waiting for? 50 tactical bataillons still in russia, also 2 Million reservists, while only 200k fight and dying in Ukraine on a Total overstreched 1200km Front. Act now or russia will loose this war.


Russian Armed Forces strike at Ukraine’s critical infrastructure

‼️🇬🇧🏴‍☠️Two main thermal power plants in Left-bank Ukraine were hit: Kharkiv and Kremenchug thermal power plants are blazing

A blackout on the scale of Ukraine due to falling out of the ZNPP system and hitting two main thermal power plants at once. Ukry frantically trying to equalize the load and generation and turned off the Kharkiv and Poltava regions, but this is not enough. There are failures in the networks of Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Odessa regions.


Ukraine began the fight for survivability:

South Ukrainian and Khmelnytsky nuclear power plants began to turn off the units.

Controllers are trying to keep the system from crashing.

In Kyiv, there is also no electricity in some places.

Half the country without electricity and water.

Trains started to stop.

“According to the Electricity Networks and Thermal Power Plants. They are tied into one system by region. It is necessary to take out all the large substations at once … ”- our associates from KILLNET report.


It is reported that immediately two Nuclear Power Plants on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to disconnect their power units from the power grid – Khmelnytsky and South Ukrainian. Just after Zaporizhzhya.


Due to self-shelling of the energy infrastructure of the Ukroreich, trains from Poland are all for now. They already write that trains throughout Ukraine have stopped. The number of diesel locomotives in ukroreykha is limited. It is not possible to resolve the issue with them promptly. It remains to smash the bridges across the Dnieper to hell and the Nazis will start having real problems. All their cauldron of NATO beggars, which has now accumulated on the right bank, will end up in a huge cauldron. After that, it is necessary to strengthen the Southern grouping in the Kherson direction, transfer it to a dead-end defense and begin the de-Ukrainization of the right bank. The perfect storm…


I really look forward to the continuation of the electricity cutoff campaign, and it will concern Kyiv and Right-Bank Ukraine. This is not some kind of revenge, but pure military necessity.

Rocky Trojson

Come on, can none of you see NATO is just having a little fun with Russia. They were never going to let Putin take Ukraine. They are giving Ukraine just enough to keep Russia slowly bleeding to death. They have not even given Ukraine any of the really good weapons. They are making an example of Putin as a warning to Xi and other dictators. The good news is this will be a WinWin for both Russia and Ukraine. Russia will finally be free of Putin and able to advance her standard of living.

Z for Victory

With what? Another Yeltsin? Clown son of Btch.


Terrible Russian forces and its tactics. The UKR forces are now trained and guided by the UK paras and SAS. Their numbers high and well equipped. Russia doesn’t even seem to have a decent airforce and firepower. Rubbish third world military that has few powerful weapons which are unleased now and again, but not in enough quantity. Terrible and haven’t improved since they looked ragtag scruffy part time 3rd world soldiers when Lt. General Jackson of British para confronted them in Yoguslavia in the 90s.

King Charles III

Lt. general Jackson only “confronted” your mom. He didn’t dare to attack small Russian contingent. And wtf is “Yoguslavia” you stupid monkey?

jens holm

That’s how we autistic people call Yugoslavia.


The Russian General Staff has a promising future working in the Polish fast food industry.

jens holm

Well, that’s your job in Krakow.


watching this,agony since 7 months, i see only this solution: Khadyrov and Medwedew take over Putin, half of the Rus generals command should be shot in open Public on the Red square, call in a good Part of the 2 Million reservists and the whole ukro job could be done till end of year with a victory Parade in Odessa.


The Ukrainians will be taking revenge on the civilian population in the recaptured territory. There are going to be a lot of women and girls walking around mighty sore for a while ;)

Z for Victory

WTF you are kidding, then? Just another troll?


@SF mass censoring, even all hig quality comments and even with only the slightest criticism? from me and all of my suroundings as long as this goes on, not a single cent anymore for SF support. apart from that, this behaviour destroys all your credibility and reputation.


I am tired of all this Russian lies. If they knew about it, it was best opporunity to rain death on attacking ukrops. all the lost cities could have been death traps for attacking side. Defending 8k km2 with 2k troops? is this a joke? RU forces are a joke. Ru Air Force is a joke. Russian soldiers are shit. For six months i tried to cope with all this dissasters of Ru forces. Why don;t they blow up abandoned equimpemnt and ammo dumps? it takes 3 seconds to leave a grenade in a tank or ammo dump. What is this shit? Why are bridges standing when ukorps are blowing everything up? so many shits…

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