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Ukrainian Offensive In North-Eastern Ukraine On October 6, 2022 (Map Update)

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Ukrainian Offensive In North-Eastern Ukraine On October 6, 2022 (Map Update)

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  • Russian-led forces recaptured the village of Debrova;
  • Clashes between the AFU and the Russian Army continue east of Kupyansk;
  • Clashes between the AFU and the Russian Army near Nevske village;
  • Russian Army struck Ukrainian military facility in Kharkiv with Geranium-2 suicide drones.


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Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

Time for recapture the whole of Kharkov and then make the referendum.

Long Live Russia

Ukro-nazis don’t have any reticence to use anything and to take any possible decision only to achieve theirs goals and drive russians back, inflicting humiliating defeats. They throw thousands as cannon fodder without any reluctance, they execute anyone, they bomb any civilian target, they suck ameriscum asses like hell to get supplies, they use any dirty trick to inflict as much PR damage as possible (like the sunk of Moskva). Why russians don’t want to adopt same tactic. A good old word of wisdom say: ‘cure like with like’. Russians must ask KIM for 200.000 well trained north koreans as ‘instructors’, don’t having enough manpower to train the huge forces mobilized. They will provide koreans some 5 superships with 1 million tons of ukrainian grains in return, which anyway didn’t arrive where it was intended as part of the so-idiotic deal of Moscow. And put price on every destroyed bandera pig as 1 ton of extra grain and 5 ton for each capitalist mercenary asshole liquidated. North Koreans will eat them alive figuratively as well as literally, like theirs dog-soup meals. And all of the russian manpower problem will be instantly resolved.

Bloody October

You have to realize that the North Koreans are even more brainwashed than the Russians. Their soldiers just listen to the orders from above. Just a pyramidal structure, with no self decisions, basically the same problems than the Russian army but times 10x. Zero modern warfare… The only thing as the Russians they are really good at, is threatening and blackmailing their adversaries or people who simply disagree, with a possible or probable nuclear apocalypse…


Judging from MSM talking points, you Westerners are the most brain dead and brain washed bunch of zombies on this planet. Your talking points are so much CNN, MSNBC, or BBC bs, that it’s rich you are calling other brainwashed. You Anglos are the most psychopathic and evil race to ever walk the Earth, the more I see you economy collapse especially in your homeland of Britain, the better. Projectors and hypocrites of the highest order you and your women need to be sterilized, for the good of non-Anglo-Saxon and non-Western humanity.


I understand your feelings about the UK (I live here) but we are just people like any other. People have little chance to learn the truth and those of us who do are shunned and censored out of existence. If the people in the UK had any real idea what is going on they wouldn’t support it I assure you. Save your hostility for our government, not just the politicians (they are just mouthpieces) but the deep state (the financial parasites) for it is they that are the real evil.

flush goes the nation

I know many in the West, The media you refer to CNN,MSNBC,BBC and a host of others, Yes you are correct on and correct on the brainwashed naive and stupid people who watch. But there are millions who do not watch those MSM propaganda outlets and know what to watch / read and see the truth and do not agree what is going on in the west as well as the 2014 coupe in Ukraine and the stupidity of the west to be involved in the waste of the war, (they actually made possible and in the long run created it.) Also many millions do believe Joe Biden was installed and is a fake POS president.

Max Schmidt

I like the strategy of bringing the Peoples Republic of Korea (this is the correct name) into the war.


Soon, Russian troops won’t have to worry about being surrounded, since they’ll be right on their own border.

Joseph Day

They took back Debrova, advancing in bakmut. Seems the battle off the bulge 2 is kaput


They are on theyr own border right now, novorussia.


Mark U, I’m in Wales and support Russia as their cause and fight is just whilst ours is DECEPTION, for greed and control.

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