French soldiers conduct a live fire mission using Camion Equipé d’un Système d’Artillerie (CAESAR) self-propelled 155 mm howitzer as part of exercise Dynamic Front 18 at the 7th Army Training Command’s Grafenwoehr training area, Germany. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army)
Ukrainian officers had sold two French-made CAESAR self-propelled howitzers to Russia, the Donbass Insider reported on July 6.
French lawyer and politician Regis de Castelnau revealed on June 22 that two CAESAR howitzers had fallen into the hands of the Russian military. Back then, Regis said that the Russian military moved the howitzers to Uralvagonzavod plant in Nizhny Tagil, which develops and produces battle tanks, armored vehicles and howitzers, to be studied.
Later, the official Telegram channel of Uralvagonzavod confirmed Regis claims. The channel thanked France and President Emmanuel Macron for the howitzers, saying that they will be “handy”.
According to the Donbass Insider, Ukrainian officers sold the two French-made howitzers to Russia for the low price of $120,000 each. A single CAESAR howitzer costs at least seven million euros. The news blog speculated that the howitzers were sold to an intermediary, most likely an arms dealer, who in turn sold them to Russia.
Manufactured by the partly state-owned arms maker Nexter Systems, the CAESAR is a 155mm 52-caliber howitzer mounted on a six-wheeled truck chassis. The howitzer can fire up to six rounds per minute and has a firing range of around 42 kilometers using ERFB [extended range, full bore] shells, and up to 55 kilometers using rocket assisted shells.
France has supplied at least 12 CAESAR howitzers to Kiev forces since the beginning of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.
The two howitzers sold to Russia were not the only ones to be lost. According to the credible Telegram channel Rybar, three howitzers were destroyed in air strikes on Kurakhovo, while one other was destroyed on the Kubanski peninsula in the Odessa.
Despite the Russian success in destroying and capturing French-made military equipment supplies to Ukraine, France recently vowed to supply the country with an additional six CAESAR howitzers as well as with a “significant number” of VAB armored personnel carriers.
Like the rest of Kiev’s Western allies, France believes that its military support to Ukraine will drain the Russian military and weaken Russia on the long term.
Those HIMARS are up for sale to. They cost one million Rubles.
Since Ukraine had no significant number of artillery units when it was invaded by the Putin cockroaches, the Caesar howitzers were top targets. That number is pretty low considering that for the past few months it’s been their main artillery weapon. Makes no difference now. The battlefield has changed. Ukrainian forces are fully armed now. Putin is fucked.
Sure. Ukraine is winning as they retreat and draft women.
That must mean Ukraine’s running out of trannies
They cant fight anymore, they suffer from incontinence due to a prolonged period of bending over to the English. They have to wear diapers.
Russia should create a task force dedicated to purchasing brand new weapons freshly shipped from the west that would eventually develop a trading partnership with Ukrainian troops selling such weapons resulting to reduced skirmishes and low death counts, slavic brotherhood reconciliation should prevail and let NATO alliance made fool of themselves.
They should have cash prizes for Ukrainian defectors if they can drive to Russian areas and hand over HIMARS and other state of the art weapons.
I’m pretty sure those things will now have baby sitters and Chaperones not very far from them.
Muhamik, it doesn’t work anymore, don’t kill yourself like that! You poor bastard!
copium is a helluva drug!
the RETARD hilarious COMMENT of Year GOES Muhammad your Prophet congratulations Piece of shit
$120,000? Still overpaid 😀
It’s a massive fortune in Ukraine that can support a luxury living of an entire family, money can buy anything in Ukraine even the troops loyalty can be bought to freeze hostilities.
Good deal for Ukro officers tho. Take 120k, defect to Russia, stay alive. Instead of being sent to Bandera in pieces.
But the whole story showing to the world that no-one can trust Ukies is just priceless :-)
the Ukrainians would steak flies from a blind spider
If they have the Caesars, they should put them on display in Moscow – Red Square. They could even let kids climb on them.
And paint French flags on them for the enhanced humiliation effect. Also, publicize the handover big time to demoralize the west.
first you must say macron gouvernment , not france,because many french dont want supply for nazis,two, donbass insider its christelle neant’s site, a brave and honest french journalist in donbass since 2014;god bless her and laurent
Still waiting for the pictures to confirm that claims…there is no reason why uralvagonzavod wouldn ´t present them.
Also… there is no reason why uralvagonzavod would present them.
You will never see any pictures, its fake news. just take a look at source, donbas insider is typical russian propaganda website
Where / when did they ever lie to you? It is true … so cope with it like you always do by denying reality and making up cheap propaganda.
There’s gonna be heavily armed narco gangs on the US border
They can sell the anus of Zelonsky for a super low nice price 0,000000000002 euros !!!nothing like doing deals with Ukro nazis !!! nato 0 gang of nato 0,00000001 !!!!!
When I was childminding, the kids would say eat your poo poo drink your wee wee. It was a stage they quickly grew out of.
Gosh, they were sold at scrap metal prices lolololol
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Merci masseur Macron 👍
fake news
source: donbas-insider hahahahahahaha
Its russian propaganda website, just like south front. Its fake and trust me, if russia will recive CEASER then you can expect that 1000 russian bots on twitter will spam CEASAR photos for whole week :)
I ma not surprised why russia create this kind of fake news, from last 7 days ukr army destroy RU ammo depots every single day. Thats why russian psyops is so active with fake news about western artilery systems :)
“I ma not surprised” your ma is not surprised? With your mental retardation?
That is just their way to cope with reality. Those dimwits still believe Ukies are winning. They are beyond retarded. Some day they will eventually have to face reality and will break badly. Just like BoJo in UK. A few weeks ago he stated publicly Mr. Putin will fall and Russia too. Now look at BoJo, he is about to get canned and his country is about to get flushed. Those morons in the west forgot they dealing with a real world-power unlike them jokes of a country like the US or Germany. I’m having such a great time watching them struggle killing their economies and society like that. Same struggle like Hans and the other Muppets in here. It’s just so hilarious to see them constantly lie and cope with the real world :-)
Send the stuff to Iran so they can build it and use it against those who started an unprovoked aggression against syria and yemen.
Send some of it to china so they can sell it cheaper on the world marked and take market share of the companies away that are delivering this stuff to ukraine.
Hit them where it hurts … the wallet.
In Ukraine, everything is for sale. The location of Manpower and weapon concentrations. Weapon systems as well.
Any black market commodity in any quantity is just of phone call away. So remember, you can trust us we’re the CIA, your one stop weapons shop. All sales are final.
We have a special this month, CIA trained Ukrainian love bunnies. ❤️
The channel thanked France and President Emmanuel Macron for the howitzers, saying that they will be “handy”.
This had me laughing!!!!
Wow, great job, you’ve slightly weakened Russia at the cost of how many millions of Euros? And what concessions have you secured from the Ukrainians for your generosity? Oh, nothing? Just as the global markets are heading into a major recession? Truly, the genius of Macron-Jupiter-Napoleon III Bonaparte knows no bounds.
If the RF is clever, she will team up with China and analyze every piece of trophy captured from the hohols. If it turns out that the weapon is worth it, reverse engineer them. If not, give it to the LPR and DPR armies.
That’s gonna be more and more like Assad Syria with countless weapon black market everywhere, endless ongoing violence and pussy export as refugees. There was much important to get some good money than fighting for ‘freedom’. All the same pattern where the satanist ameriscum ‘demonocracy’ arrives.
What i am surprised of is the stipulation that russia DOES NOT (!) have an equivalent “guidance and fire coordination system”. How is that possible? The requirements for fast reaction on the battlefield are obvious already at least 8 years. And you want to tell me that the russians have NO software developer who is able to combine different instruments for fast decision making?
Well, this would at least explain the inferiority of the DNR concerning artillerie duells in the Donetsk region.
Ukraine counter offensives are ever more moving west…..
I work in the Ukrainian military selling western weapons, sometimes I can earn 120,000 dollars a day! just for an hours work driving a vehicle!
The Afghan army sold weapons to Talibans. Seeing Ukraine’s soldiers do the same is not a surprise.
Are you Ukrainian ?
Poor Ukrainian women, made destitute by drugged up Z-elensky need to sell themselves for food! The Russian prostitutes in Rostov can’t make any money as the Ukrainian girls will take it for a basket of food!
Western military supports to Ukraine will drain and weaken NATO in the long term.
in clinic Sawyer therapy is consuming sperm all LGBT counselor—mushammed your profit prefer 8 yr old boys