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Ukrainian Propaganda Is Fighting, While US Abrams Tanks Are Hiding In Rear

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Ukrainian Propaganda Is Fighting, While US Abrams Tanks Are Hiding In Rear

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US Abrams tanks appear near the frontlines only after the MSM remember about them.

On January 3, Forbes wrote that there were still no evidence of Abrams tanks taking part in battles in Ukraine:

“It’s been two months since ex-American M-1s tanks arrived in Ukraine. And two months since we’ve seen any evidence of the tanks.”

Ukrainian Propaganda Is Fighting, While US Abrams Tanks Are Hiding In Rear

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As it was expected, Ukrainian propaganda immediately responded to the report. Ukrainian sources shared new video of US Abrams tank driving somewhere in the forest, claiming that it is allegedly heading to the frontlines.



The video does not confirm the deployment of Abrams tanks on the front line. The tanks are filmed in the rear, and Ukrainian propaganda uses the footage to lie about their deployment in battles.

This is not the first time that the Ukrainian media is fighting for the prestige of precious American tanks. In November 2023, immediately after the MSM expressed doubts about the effectiveness of Abrams tanks in military operations, more similar videos appeared in all military sources. LINK

US tanks are still hiding in the rear to save the honor of the Western military-industrial complex, which was severely damaged during Russian military operations in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Russian missile strikes are destroying military depots across Ukraine. Ukraine and NATO probably suffered losses in Abrams tanks even before they entered the battle.


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abrams will burn faster than leos

jens holm

so what? that no comment.

you refer you thinking very well.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm

what medication are you using? i suggest taking less.

jens holm

i love mexican meth, meth is the only “medication” that the nsa allow us to use in the situational room

jens holm

cannot pay for meth–must pay 65% income tax to colonial usa govt

jens holm

no medication can treat my stupidity

No love for 1776!

houthis destroyed plenty of these abrams mbts


yep, on youtube they are sitting ducks for atgm. nowadays this stuff can only be used for parades, against badly armed opponents or for kamikaze attacks in donbass.

jens holm

and patriost too,

jens holm

i ver wrote that

jens holm

import some houtisk.

they dont drink vodka but use it for their cars. they men also are more fertile and has better dna.


well, for sure better dna than yours for instance

jens holm

here we live longer and better.

we also dont have elections with only one candicate. solomon must the vote counter too.


drugs are bad for you.

jens holm

lsd good so i escape reality


many candidates. have you actually ever been to russia ro make these claims? a reminder that their opposition is more free than in ukraine. also people there generally prefer the incumbent over rhe radical liberals whom the west is now falling apart because of. a reminder the eu is in recession and their industrial output is decreasing by the day. clearly russia is doing something right while our west is doing something completely wrong.


also for those wondering 33 candidates are running for president in russia.

jens holm

we ghave election with many candicates that all s uck the same penus. a circed one.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

we must lick lesbian dictator rectum—pay tax to state religion


it depends on what do u mean with better. i think you are a quite boring hateful person, thus u must have a miserable life. if i would be u, well better dead actually

Last edited 1 year ago by Avenger
jens holm

trust me bro, with houtisk here in germany, i finally could get my wife and my daughert pregnant, in few month we will be a happy multicultural family, i am the cuck of course.

jens holm

my ex-husband gay eskimo

Icarus Tanović

the imbecile is from denmark actaually 🇩🇰.


the same shit

jens holm

neurologist boost my intelligence with lizard dna

Barba Papa

saudi abrams tanks don’t come with the depleted uranium armor. and i reckon neither will the ukrainian abrams tanks. nor will the might challenger 2 have its secret dorchester armor. it’s one thing to supply your most modern tanks to the ukrainians, its another to give them with all the secret armor and technology that they don’t want the russians to have. because some of these tanks will end up falling in russian hands. and they will go over them with a fine comb.


the “secret armor” isn’t secret and it’s extremely vulnerable to modern tandem warheads, which is pretty much everything now… many years ago, the kornet was classified as the highest threat to the abrams in iraq.


the millenial lgbt+xzy generation is not able to come up with new military tech


they don´t need new military tech, they have new era gurus fron tiltok that make them feel good and appreciated

Icarus Tanović

yes, that is true. as well as le clerc ones.

jens holm

a dont get the purpose for the artickle.

my memory is not the best, but i think i recall some has been used as long distance artillary.


people will learn that drugs are bad just by reading what you write.

jens holm

you don’t get it d.k. do you? i am a nsa “analyst” i spend all day, making up nonsense because if i don’t, i get fired, and believe me, no one is going to employ an obese bureaucrat like me.

jens holm

macdonald employ me to clean toilet for 46 years–i expert on dieks

jens holm

i never that wrote as well

jens holm

i never wroite that too.


that,s so sad. brings tears to my eyes….

jens holm

yoiu are very optimistic.


and how would the abram be used as artillery? it doesn’t have the ability to arc rounds like an artillery gun. it is loud and obvious when in motion. and as it stands the current images are being geolocated more than 20km behind the front lines at their closest. the abram isn’t meant for stand up combat in these conditions, especially against a peer adversary.

jens holm

i know the short range 6 km(plus posion high.

and did refer to what i recalled and im sometimes wrong.

but i think ukras desperat tryed to keep the coalmine hill nv of advidka.

you are right about the specific data. no change in change.

jens holm

many large objects hide in my rear.

jens holm

i never wrote that.


yes you did. you,re a sick person!

jens holm

sorry guys, i’m in my bipolar stage, methamphetamine does that.

jens holm

nn–my mental illness genetic

jens holm

i prafarn live lizard and gerbil in my rear


the tank looks like it is filmed in the warmer wetter climes of western ukraine rather than the snowy freezing east where the battles are taking place.

jens holm

yes. anywhere, maybee old.


or maybe in romania, poland, germany… a couple of years ago.


when one is captured before it goes to kubinka tank museum russian scientists can study it to find out what not to do.


they have studied already from the ones in yemen, iraq and syria. the gunners already know which parts are vulnarable!


i wonder if russian engineers do not have nightmares after trying to understand how western engineers operate.

jens holm

i dont think so. they are old and well known.

more likely many taken weapon after refreshing are used against the eneny.

Why Jews Rape Kids?

no with the faggot trend, everything in the us army is rear oriented.

jens holm

sure. thats where your brain is


those tin cans can be in romania or poland or germany just as well. the only way to show they are in ukraine is toake them actually do something like taking bakhmut.

Igor Igorovic

if they are in rear, why not disable them with some flying objects?

jens holm

you still belive ukras are sutting duck less clever then you.

thats the main problems for the whole russian. you even has election between one person.


if they’re keeping them from combat, rather than lying about their performance, it must be spectacularly more terrible than anyone imagines.

jens holm

its known here in west they are building up a reserve for defence or attack.

thats normal for military forces. many has to be well educates.

thats how you should see the many 16s. the jets can operate, if the whole cirkus i not there.

jens holm

glarglin write not me–i now in nursing home electroshock therapy today

jens holm

i am now volunteer in ukra. i sometime stick my peniz into m1 gasturbine. its not gay. just it funny.

jens holm

my peniz was surgically removed 39 years ago by tranny in thailand

jens holm

never written by me.

jens holm

correction peniz removed 38 year ago

jens holm

not written by bee.

Boycott usa the world's bully

wow, abrams tanks have stealth. amazing.


my prozac double —hillbilly depression when talibanned–now russia treat me like lgbt clown

jens holm

electroshock fail to improve my senility

jens holm

not me at all

jens holm

lgbt glue improve senility?


koho tie banderovsko fašistické beštie chcú oklamať? seba samých? lebo nás asi ťažko. ak by boli nasadené do bojov tak by sa museli najskôr niekde objaviť. no na bojisku ich nevidno. ukrajinskí vojaci najlepšie vedia, že ich ťahajú za nos. ale tí to nestihnú nikomu povedať, lebo skôr ako by to mohli odhaliť tak zomrú. svetu mier!!!

jens holm

google translate is coma.

it dont eat – ukrainian soldiers náže vedia, že ich ťahajú za nos. ale tí to nestihnú nikomu sayi, lebo ere ako by mohli odhaliť tak zomrú. peace to the world!!!

in english and and danish

gilberto posada

arderan……………..de esos tanques quedaran pavrsas.

jens holm

we prafar senile amerikan hillbilly propaganda

Mr. Monkey

abram m1 tank crew is the safest job in the ukraine army….

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