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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Resistance Movement Starts Fires Across Europe

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Ukrainian Resistance Movement Starts Fires Across Europe

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Fires continue at military-industrial facilities that provide for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout Europe. It was revealed that on the night of September 6, one of them was reported in Denmark.

As a result of the attack, fire destroyed a large warehouse of the Danish volunteer organization Autukrania biler til Ukraine in Copenhagen. The organisation has been supplying the Ukrainian military with military equipment for more than two years. A lot of equipment reportedly burned down, including night visual systems, bulletproof vests, ammunition and cars for NATO mercenaries.



According to Russian military sources, the arson was set by Ukrainian citizens members of the partisan resistance movement called Opir (resistance).

“The activities of the Opir movement have long gone beyond the amateur level, the number of participants has increased many times, and their capabilities to counter assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine have also increased,” the reports say.

The movement is also reportedly responsible for arsons set throughout Ukraine. As a result of daily sabotage attacks, vehicles of Ukrainian servicemen and officers of mobilisation centers, warehouses etc are burning in different cities. The members of the movement are engaged not only in arson attacks in Ukraine, but also operate very effectively outside its borders, destroying military and humanitarian aid, as well as logistics, infrastructure and other facilities in different NATO countries, including Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Moldova etc.


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No Pasaran Jamas

the international (and ukrainian) antifascist partisans of the underground resistance in poland, romania, bulgaria, moldova, denmark, finland and germany are acting on behalf of human freedom and dignity by performing sabotage acts against pro fascist nato equipment and personal. kiev nazis no pasaran! jamás!

Last edited 6 months ago by No Pasaran Jamas

u-tube: louna–“no pasaran”. english subtitles


livescore: ukraine 1 – 2 albania . no subtitles

Last edited 6 months ago by Sherman

open borders fascists? lol


they cover every base they create the divisions to divide from within to conquer from without they’re the fascists and the antifascists. they’re smarter than people. people are stupid and actually believe in their propagandas they’re too stupid to think hang on they’ve been wanting to conquer the world for hundreds of years, they aren’t kids in the playground playing games like juveniles.

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

the article is total bullshit. europe hates immigrants and of course, besides africans and muslims from the middle east they hate ukrainians. moreover, ukraine criminal gangs are fighting with muslim criminal gangs and police is unable to handle that. in sweden they even had to call army as gangs have better equipment then police. but this has nothing to do with russia. in europe, russia is percieved as shithole country full of putin’s assholes which somehow corresponds with the reality.


if sf tries to portrait fights between criminal gangs from shithole countries such as africa, middle east and ukraine as pro russian resistance, they are really desperate. nothing like “prorussian movement” exist in europe. europe is deeply disgusted with putin and “surprisingly” , people who emigrated form russia because of putin are satisfied in the west, at least if they are not total imbeciles and have qualification and motivation to work, in contrast with dumb and lazy muslims.


and if the riots and gang violence typical for ukrainian tribes and muslims will continue in europe, it will cause “far right” (which is not far right at all) movement to overthrow leftist and as you can clearly predict, this far right movement will call for deportation of ukrainians back to ukraine. and guess what. zelensky will grab these repatriated ukies right on the borders and put them on the frontlines in no time. hahaha. how about that, stupid morons from south front ?


ah, one more point. even if the rabid left is not overthrown by the “far right”, there will be enough political pressure from the opposition to start deportations of illegals anyway. for example, germany has begun deporting thousands of illegals from muslim countries to poland. why to poland, which is known as bigoted catholic? because poland can send them to ukraine! i suspect that there are already shadow agreements in this regard. so russia can expect “human waves” of afu muslims soon.


only took you 4 comments to prove you are seriously retarded!


i was convinced after the first sentence of this long delusional keyboard circle jerk of nothing burger nonsense…. but hey, god put him here to remind us that the devil is a good deceiver, houhout is proof.


not even those. his reputation by now precedes him.


yes indeedy. fragging officers will now become the new mobilized pass time. they only have to overcome the ukrainian habit of officers rarely setting foot on the front.


i have rope with slipknot for you

Captain Miroslav

“tolerating evil leads only to more evil. and when good people stand by and do nothing while wickedness reigns, their communities will be consumed.”

– bob riley


oh you’re good at your spiels who trained you?


projection much


if you had remained silent, you would have remained a philosopher.”

anicius manlius boethius


no if he wasn’t fed lines by his handlers he’d be asleep and unemoployed


are you talking to yourself again? you’re obviously the same person. same exact garbage oozing out of both accounts, and posting around the same time. try harder, troll. pathetic.


only a fool has good advice that he himself refuses to follow…


well when stuff was burning in russia the western people were loving it. but two can play this game it seems.

Opir Unite

all of europe and americas opir movements must unite in this crucial moment when the voices of the nations are being repressed and the will of the people silenced. for those captured, they must declare political prisoner status and be traded for traitors in russian prisoners. perhaps reinserted back for more opir action, today we are all opir!

Last edited 6 months ago by Opir Unite

molchs burn things they’re arsonists like the mafia which some say means mazzini authorises fires incediaries arsonn that’s pope mazzini btw trollopes


i suppose that those fires in europa arent as bad as the intentional fires in gaza that have killed like 50,000 innocent women, children, sucklings, ox, sheep, donkeys & camels. as ordered by (chickanchit the arsonist ñetañahu), his ultra-right henchmen & his treasonous, israel-first, (fight for war criminal ñetañahus political survival) slaves in the government, in the military & in the main stream media across the atlantic.


yeah yeah yeah. bang that drum for the nazi party. all of you in it together transparent as hitler actually


projection is truly your nazi way.


oh dear! people really must take greater care with their discarded cigarette butts! and that global warming seems to be getting really bad! dearie dearie me.


viva la résistance


it takes two baby.


glory to those fighters against nazism in the eu!

those brave men and women are true heroes and should be celebrated by every european citizen!


hahaha youre funny.


glad you eurotard flatheads are also happy about this. 👍


…there is hope in humanity, after all? we are in a fight against evil and wickedness. be not mistaken.


we are, they’re all around the suckers are deceived, they’re naive they’re manipulated at best or complicit totally at worst. “they hate the truth” “they hate jesus,” ie jews “and christians” “they hate truth and beauty” exactly as pope benedict said.


in a way, i enjoy watching the perfidious albionites of the uk digging the hole for their final burial, estranged from the world’s majority community with its house of cards london financial pyramid scheme of full spectrum dominance, to finally tumble into the depths of insignificance for the next ten generations, if not forever. the world knows your last gasp fight for us hegemony and a place at the kiddy table is existential. and the world too knows it is destined for collapse.

Last edited 6 months ago by Snagglepuss
Conan M

burn baby burn!… along with their cities and capital(s)!!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

you epitomise everything that’s wrong with people everything that creates their own karma.


well, thats exactly how you eurotard flathead nazis think, as proven by the eu actions.

at least you admit it. 👍


the ukrainian people are fed up and the amount and intensity of these attacks will only increase, way to go, keep on keeping on, making a + difference, save whats left of your country while you can.

Captain Miroslav

not just ukraine. if you read the article it says “… but also operate very effectively outside its borders, destroying military and humanitarian aid, as well as logistics, infrastructure and other facilities in different nato countries, including germany, bulgaria, poland, moldova etc.”


yes, the ukrainian people that left when the war started and are in certain countries that store the weapons going to the war effort and are fed up with this senseless slaughter and destruction receive intel where weapons are stored and go to work.


russia will continue to cause ukranian skies to be filled with flaming ahitballs until such time as zelensky surrenders, or is captured/killed, thus ending the war.


wrong. the war hasn’t even started


started and the outcome is already decided but you might not notice with your head up nato ass.

Jewish pimp

feeling so sorry and pitty for that x5 bimmer, and that gle merc.


fire in my anuz when gay american hillbilly visit me


you never know when southfront’s running gag shows up, as they’re always in the rear.

Last edited 6 months ago by M.Paraplu
Nuke Kievistan

in nikolaevka, the building of the zarya hotel, where the temporary accommodation point for ukrainian military and western mercenaries was located, was destroyed.

Herr Yermak

too many spies on the ground. we must round up all the villagers and shoot every tenth one to teach them all a lesson.


bravo and fuck nato slavery of your country.

Bobby Stones

good job, the proxy war must stop, enough with the bloodshed.


e’ il momento di analizzare e mettere un pò di ordine in questo conflitto con più ponderazione e determinazione su quel che si vorrà fare [soprattutto da parte russa ]. se si vuol continuare il conflitto bisogna che il cremlino faccia 2 + 2 l’elenco sulle sue possibilità : dare una svolta accelerata a kiev ” ucraina in toto ” e vagliare di dare una calmata alla nato con la sua pseudo-supremazia militare . senza segnali esiste solo lo stallo e spreco di tutto: economia in primis !

Herr Yermak

all very nice but i suggest that y’all knock some sense into meloni first, to start things off.

John bannon

tut tut. so sad. so bad. karma

John bannon

so sad for the conscienceless shareholders of these companies suffering fires. not as hot as hell awaiting

Man Behind The Curtain

europe is the wrong place for them to start fires when their own country is being destroyed in foreign interest. we can debate if these are western or eastern interest in precious resources that in the end belong to the ukrainian people. this war will end one day and people have to live next to each other again and need the resources to bring prosperity to their land. ukraine will have to become independent and not aligned to nato or russia and allowed to become a bridge between east and west.


no, that ship has sailed. the ukraine cannot be independend anymore. nato will make sure of that. and since we in nato want the ukraine to be our next little lapdog like all the eurotards are, the russians will do everything to make this not happen.

see the issue?

Last edited 6 months ago by _TomSawyer_

about time… i am surprised it didn’t start sooner, but there are a lot of precautions to take in kicking off this level of sabbotage.


good job monkey wrench gang, burn em all!

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