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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Servicemen Begun Training On U.S. HIMARS

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Ukrainian Servicemen Begun Training On U.S. HIMARS

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) began training on  the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) sent to Ukraine by the U.S.A. The report was published by the U.S. journalist covering the Pentagon news on Twitter on June 2.

The systems were transferred to Europe before the Washington announced the new aid package which included the systems. They were reportedly sent to Poland via the Baltic Sea. The training is also expected to take place in Poland.

The US Department of Defense shared a video showing the preparation of M113 armored personnel carriers for their further shipment to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian Servicemen Begun Training On U.S. HIMARS

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According to the U.S. Department of Defence, the first stage of training will last about 3 weeks. Then, the U.S. complexes could be deployed with the AFU in Ukraine.

The range of HIMARS reaches up to 300 kilometers. Thus, it threatens the Russian territories. According to the Russian Ministry of Defence, “long-range missile systems are expected to be delivered to Shostka in the Sumy region from the United States”. The systems are expected to be used to carry out bloody provocations by the Kiev regime. LINK 


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US is directly attacking Russia from Poland, so these sites are a legitimate target.


One of the most important reasons why Russia is winning it’s war in Ukraine is because the Russian soliders have no illusions about the real world, politics and geopolitics. A solider that is self motivated to defend his country from the true source of evil (The west) and knows what that evil is capable of doing, will stare death in the face with a smile and go down fighting. Ukraine military have no motivation to fight, they know they are being used against their own neighbour


The AFU is losing as it is corrupt and not motivated. Ukrainian commanders in an intercepted message, “do not spare the foreigners,” and in order to reduce the losses among their own forces, sacrifice them first, adding that “a significant number” of mercenaries are seeking to leave Ukr but the “Kiev regime in every possible way prevents them going abroad.”

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why was dvornikov fired?



hans raus

,,Russia is winning it’s war” LOL

russian copium at its best

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Angry American

Ukrainians are selling Javelin missiles on the dark web for 30,000 USD a piece.

In case you were wondering where much of that $40 billion will go, this is where.

hans raus

Just look at bigger picture, one example doesnt make whole story. Try harder ;)

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus
Angry American

Did some digging and it’s actually worse. The Javelin was given or sold by Ukr. soldiers to an Al Qaeda (HTS) terrorist fighting in Ukraine. He may have sold it for $15,000 via Telegram, and now it’s re-sold on the dark web.

hans raus

and? one example? its big deal? one or two javelin is not nuclear bomb bro


I wish you would travel on a plane that would be an Al Qaeda terrorist with a Stinger rocket from Ukraine. Have a nice holiday!

Vlad the Imposter

That’s like seeing one mouse in your kitchen … You might only see one mouse but guaranteed there are dozens in the walls and ceiling you don’t see.

Mariupol was 100% liberated

Why was dvornikov fired?


why don’t you make a police report?

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Typical fake news for gulible people https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/15 31344394053369856?s=20&t=t9DOUGyVV0kjVYGbuzkhIg

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin bitches tears taste like heaven
Vlad the Imposter

Price seems too good to be true. The USA values them at $178K/ea. They restrict sales to allied governments. They wouldn’t sell them to India because India wanted to know how to build them as part of the deal … the Americans value

Selling a working model of these on the black market should fetch a price ABOVE retail due to the restrictions placed upon them. At $30K I would guess that there’s no missile, no battery or it’s just somehow fucked. They’ll take out an $8M tank or a car full of VIP’s from 4 KM so even $2 – 300K would seen reasonable

Granted if it’s been shown that these things are in fact a piece of shit maybe they’re only worth $30K


why don’t you make a police report?


Oh and please do tell us how it’s losing this war all wise one? 😂 funny you assume Ukraine even stood a chance against Russia

hans raus

100 days and russian invaders stuck in dumbas/donbas ? great success ^^ so called secound army in the world?please give me a break. NATO goal is just to bleed out russian military and economy and seems like it works out.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Russia can easily role over Ukraine. The fact you can’t see they are going slow so Ukraine can send it’s shrinking army to the front line just to get destroyed every time, until Ukraine has no army again just a few troops to defend cities. From there Russia will easily move into Ukraine with no army to stop them as all of them where thrown into Russian line. It’s called strategy. Too complicated for people who cannot think like you that’s why the Ukrainian military is vanishing slowly with so many dying and surrendering


Putin is micro managing a very serious war where Russia is being attacked by 32 US puppets from as far away as Australian colony. Russia needs to do some serious and tangible destruction in Kiev. So far Russian has been vacillating.


I too think Russia should just end this with a tactical nuclear strike on Ukrainian president. This is a loud and clear massage to the west that no more games. And the next one to take charge of Ukraine will see how serous this is. This is Russia’s backyard


Except that president isn’t in his own country, but hiding on NATO territory… This the evil empire’s next play: get RF to attack a target within NATO, so they can all openly join in without going MAD.

Joe zaza

Tout d’abord, dites-nous combien de temps les USA ont mis pour envahir et conquérir l’Irak ? Ils n’ont même pas réussi à conquérir l’Irak il y a presque plus de 20 ans. Deuxièmement, l’Ukraine est trois fois plus grande en terme d’aire que l’Irak. Troisièmement, la Russie mène sa guerre seule à la place des États-Unis, qui pour attaquer l’Irak ont mis sur pied une coalition de plus de 30 pays presque tous membres de l’OTAN. Alors arrête de dire n’importe quoi. Les États-Unis, censés être l’armée la plus puissante du monde, n’ont jamais fait la guerre seuls. Jamais. Yougoslavie, coalition Irak, coalition Libye, coalition Afghanistan, coalition Syrie, coalition… c’est la différence entre l’armée la plus puissante du monde et la seconde…


Bonjour de Bretagne

Boris Kazlov

Russia is not second army, it is the greatest military, it is only using less than 10% of its forces in Ukro, the rest are in their bases waiting for the attack of combined NATO armies.

Joe zaza

First for all tell us how long did the US take to invade and conquer Iraq? They failed to even conquer Iraq almost over 20 years ago. Second, Ukraine is three times larger in area than Iraq. Third, Russia is waging its war alone in place of the United States, which to attack Iraq has set up a coalition of more than 30 countries, almost all members of NATO. So stop saying nonsense. The United States, supposed to be the most powerful army in the world, has never fought a war alone. Never. Yugoslavia, coalition Iraq, coalition Libya, coalition Afghanistan, coalition Syria, coalition… it’s the difference between the most powerful army in the world and the second one

Vlad the Imposter

That’s one way of looking at it but why does Russia have to go anywhere when the Ukraine just keeps sending more and more troops into the Donbas to be destroyed?

Russia’s objectives are 1. to destroy the offensive capabilities of Ukraine and 2. free the Donbas. As it stands Russia doesn’t have to go anywhere to achieve both objectives.

The casualties have gotten so bad for the Ukes that their government stopped keeping track. Perhaps if they learned to retreat and force the Russians to move then they could catch the Russians in the open and kill a few of them but they keep sending their guys into established Russian kill zones to die.

hunter bidé lab pork !

raus little ukro anus !!! go f yourself with a zelosnky in your anus !!!

Michigan Mam


Man, you really understood nothing, didn t you ?

You said, quote: “…reasons why Russia is winning it’s war in Ukraine is because the Russian soliders have no illusions about the real world, politics and geopolitics. A solider that is self motivated to defend his country from the true source of evil (The west) ….”

What is western governments ??? Eastern governments … Thomas, wake up ! Things turned dangerous long before. The german NS regime warned all of us about it. But we where too stupid to listen and understand what they were talking about. Now that these last european protectors/guards of mankind are gone, the jewish world government NWO/JWO is already openly talking about eradicating most of mankind (see video below). “The 4th industrial revolution” which pro-jewish Rothschild chill and WEF-leader Klaus Schwab is promoting, is just another term for finishing off 90% of mankind. Just 500 mio humans are planned to be left as slaves for the jews, the rest they want to kill. That’s the truth. So yes, it is indeed becoming ‘seriously dangerous’ not to know about these facts and allow these creatures to command whole nations.

Could we at least agree on the fact that all the persons you are talking about are eighter jews or of jewish origin ?

Because that is the point we need to focus on. Trotsky – real name Leo Bronstein, Lenin with his grandgrandfather Moses Blank (a jew), Jacob Schiff a jewish grantbanker and personal friend of Baron Rothschild ( another satanic moneyjew). So we are basically talking about a whole bunch of horrific crimes, reaching now to the current Uktraine war, where jew Zelensky(brought into power by US-jewish orchestered coup etat done by US-jewish primebitch jewess V. Nuland) is said (by the jewish medias) to be battling russian dictator Putin ( which we all know is just another jew – with his mother the jewess maiden-name born Shelomova). POTUS Trump, a chill closely related to the jewish Chabad Lubawitch sect, with his daughter – Ivanka converting to judaism – after being married to the pro-Israeli jewish Chabad Lubawitch agent Jared Kuschner. (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared_Kushner). Biden, a senil pedophile pro-jewish marionette which has all of his several daughters married to jews and nearly 95 % of his whole cabinett consisting of jews only. Germany was led into destruction and made delivering weapons against russia by – why whom, by the jews like former chancellor Helmuth Kohl (real name Hennoch Cohn – a jew) and of course by the poland-born jewess Angela Merkel (real name Anjela Kazmierczak). Turkey, Erdogan stems from the jewish splinter-tribe called Donmeh resp. Dönmeh, a group of jews in exile, which where forced to eighter become muslim or get killed, and therefore long long years ago turned into muslims but still kept the jewish rituals. France was destroyed and flooded with migrants by the jew president N. Sarkozy, then in Sweden we have … s.o. and on.

Everywhere the leaders are jews, and marionettes of the jews (often themselves also full or at least half or quarter-jews).

So why are you all so afraid of speaking out the truth ?

It is Jews ! Plain and simple ! Do what Jesus did. Speak out this truth freely. Don t be afraid ! It is Jews, these snakes they are the enemy of man. Don t fall for their trick, which is to convince the waking up masses that indeed it is “the jewish zionists” but not “THE JEWS”. Yes, the massacres where commited by the judeo-bolshewics but not by “THE JEWS”.Yes, all the COVID lethal mRNA ratpoison injections where produced and delivered by jewish owned companies, but not by “THE JEWS”. Yes jewish families are controlling nearly 100% of the worlds central banks, but the banks are nevertheless not in the hands of “The Jews”. Yes it was democrats, but not “the Jews”, it was the communists but not “The Jews”, yes it was indeed jewish lodges and freemasonary illuminati behind this and that but not ” THE JEWS etc. etc. Guess what ? IT WAS JEWS !!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE : JEWS !!! It was not the eskimos, it also were not the spainiards or the french, it was JEWS !!! That’s these parasites, ok ? Jews that’s their name !

And who was fighting against the jews, these lying vermins and snakes ? Who was (apart from Jesus 2000 years ago) speaking that out openly against them already 80 years ago ? Fighting them whereever they were met ? Nah ? Wake up people, and stop believing in the jewish media lies regardless if from the western or the eastern side. It is BOTH lies !

Look at the real perpetrators and listen to what they admit themselves please:

Especially watch this from minute 17.35 it is in english https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZE54hIcF7Z9B/




Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam

You do realize… Jesus was a Jew right? Not just that, but the KING of the Jews?

John Stone

According to the Bible God was the father of Jesus and lineage in the day was through the father. So, I don’t know…


I agree 100%. Russia must strike inside Poland. I can’t wait for the day Russia launches a pre-emptive EMP followed by Sarmat’s on Jewmerican soil.

Last edited 2 years ago by WhitePride1488

Lol, a nazi supporting Ruzzian nazi hunt. You should get your head checked.


Russia should send S-400 and Zircon missiles to Venezuela.


Nope cuba will be better. And they should arm the cartels in Mexico with more advanced drones and weapons


I want to marry a pro Assad supporter girl ;) :D


I know a pro-Putin Afghan women.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sylvain

Yes, and that is exactly what they need to do!


Russia has nuclear submarines in the Carribeans. It can’t be anything else.

Steve C.

Don’t worry folks. WE did the electrics. Think 1970 Lucas lightng products…

hans raus

Nice, hope russian child rapists will taste NATO superiority and toys for big boys. glory to NATO

Angry American

Germany lost war and is now a US pimp and occupied, most Americans certainly don’t want a war. We have growing poverty and cost of living crises. Throwing money at dead loss Ukraine is insanity.

hans raus

You are wrong, its about american sphere of infuence. USA need ukraine and majority of ukrainian people want to be part of west – its good deal for usa and ukrainian people. USA corporations will own majority of ukrainian land and ukrainian people and their economy will benefit from this. win-win situation. Russia can just bark and nothing more.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Lol ukraine is full of debt and there is nothing it has that US really needs. EU countries like France and some other countries don’t want it in EU competing with its economy. They made this clear. It has nothing special anyways. US knows Ukraine will never enter EU or NATO, not in a million years, they just whisper fake promises in its leaders’ ears and instigate wars and turn brothers against each other like they always do! Sowing seeds of doubt and plotting dissent among friends and neighbours. Typical scummy CIA tactics.

You really think the US cares about ukraine?!? Haha gullible idiot like all the other MSM guzzling CNN zombies! Ukraine is just the scapegoat and latest sacrificial lamb used to weaken Russian army!


Lol NATO told Poland if it gets involved in Ukraine and is attacked by Russia it will not risk nuclear war for it 😂😂😂 NATO is a paper tiger at best 😂 NATO got kicked out of Afghanistan by warrior with sandals and no wi fi. You think they will stand a chance against Russia?

hans raus

any attack on NATO members = attack on whole nato. Nato never told that will not risk for other nato member- its you fantasy or just cheap russian propaganda. BTW russian army is joke and will not risk to attack nato- its could be sucide mission for russia.

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Russia is just bark??? Russia just attacked a state that is supported by the U.S and threatened if anyone try to join in and help Ukraine they will be next. Until now the U.S or mighty NATO are not even bothering to jump in. That right there is a fear for Russia. Ukraine basically already lost this war, they are just trying to drag this on… You thinking the U.S or NATO will help is a fantasy. The U.S will get another big blow after Afghanistan.

Michigan Mam


At least you are admitting that Russia is the attacker and not Ukraine or the US. Quote: “Russia just attacked a state that is supported by the U.S and threatened if anyone try to join…”

Applause for this, because it is the truth. That’s more than all the other communist-supporters and little Putin butt-boys here have admitted so far. Thank you, for your honesty.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam
Rick Jefferson

The US invaded Ukraine in 2014 and has been controlling that government for the last eight years. Zelensky is just a puppet who does what he is told.


And the U.S stands no chance against Russian militarily

There is very little doubt that the Russian RS-28 Sarmat, as a strategic weapon, is not only unrivaled but also, in a good sense, a complete overkill. But that is the issue, even without Sarmat, the US has zero capability to stop what is known head-on response (second strike capability) of Russia. US dabbling into the ABM technology for the last several decades produced, frankly, very little practical results and is no match for even very limited second strike. Once one considers such weapons as Avangard hyper-sonic gliders (already on combat duty in 13th Missile Red Banner Division in Orenburg) and fast growing gap between the US and Russia in terms of hyper-sonic weapons such as 3M22 Zircon, which turns any SSGN carrying those missiles and deployed at both Pacific and Atlantic into de facto strategic strike platforms, one begins to grasp a scale of the problem facing the US.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas
Boris Kazlov

CIA shitstorm is everywhere.


‘superiority’ … who won ww2 for you? Soviets did!!!!! Who ran with their tail tucked between their legs, after having the help of the local government army and fighting FARMERS for 20 years in Afghanistan and Vietnam, and fire / napalm / carpet bombing the place to hell STILL LOST? The overrated big mouth and even bigger ego US ARMY!


Who defeated and pushed back half a million plus rabid extremist Islamists with VBIEDs and ready to die in suicide attacks, without sending a big detachment at all, in Syria, when they were on the outskirts of Damascus and all hope was lost?

Boris Kazlov

Paper tiger NATO is to afraid and disorganized fractured inside to show up against mighty bear.


Putin and Russia military command totally miscalculate the UA army and longer to war in UA drag, more Russian solders will die. Putin and Russia military command totally screwup the OP in UA

hans raus

nato play 5D chess, russia play checkers

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

Russia needs to put adults incharge of the war or Putin will lose badly. NATO is arming Ukraine to the hilt and Russia is pussy footing around instead of flattening Kiev.

Rick Jefferson

It’s not necessary to flatten Kiev, just all big government buildings.


Rather than crying, bomb to smithereens those himars and trainers, come what may. A coward dies every day but a brave man dies only once.

hunter bidé lab pork !

somebody should tell the nazis unicorns not to put anfetamines in the anus while driving !!!


In January 2022, Donetsk and luhansk were free. On June 2022, all that Russia has is Donetsk and luhansk. Poor war planning and useless weapons.


lol more scrap metal for Russia air force

I think they sent them like just 5 …. even the pro ukro channels on twitter said this is comedy


5? There is 4 only as TRAINING units in germany or poland. There will be at least 15 or more. happy time for ukr, for russian orcs…..not :D

Last edited 2 years ago by hans raus

LOL COPIUM …. 4 or 15 don’t matter …..

idiot they will be located and destroyed

Why every week some new weapon? It’s like a soap opera I cannot stop laughing. Bayraktar? All but 1 or 2 destroyed. Switchblade? Useless. Javelins? Most end up in dpr hands or sold on internet hahahaha

Either they are useless junk or they are getting destroyed …. like the FH70 been destroyed and a lot of the M777 were hit!

And how much is this costing US and EU or wherever you from?

IDIOT ….. cheering this on while you and your country goes broke, how DUMB can you be?!?!? My goodness

Like typical western MSM BBC CNN zombie!!!!!


If Russia does not destroy all of them the first days after arrival with Kalibre there could be some serious doubts regarding Russian army and its capabilities. At least it would be a huge moral boost for Russia and hall of shame for Ukistan and its allies.


If these systems are used to attack Russian territory or used against Donbass civilians or any civilians, then God help us.

hans raus

Hans like HIMAS so much, russobots….not ^^



Good luck to them!


Only 80km…100km rockets are delivered. They can be GPS guided variant with 5m accuracy.

Michigan Mam


Exactly, and why ? Because both US and Russia are controlled by Jews. JewSA does not want Jewkraine to win the war against jew Putin’s JewDSSR.

They just want the war to go on and expand and escalate it, so that more white christian men and women are slaughtering each other. Goyim massacre, with the jews laughing out loud about the stupidity of the none-jews worldwide. That’s what’s actually happening.

I tell this since day 1 here. But apart from 3-4 guys here, nobody seems to get it.

(Btw. good post from you – was indeed important point to get people aware that not the maximum effective range missiles are delivered)

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam


Good luck!

helene matz

him ars

Lazy Gamer

The deal probably came with operators. With intelligence sharing, this becomes an effective attack platform. Now, will Russia be able to spot these things as they are moved before Nato intel spots some Russian column?


China + Russia + Real Nazis……vs…..LGBTQ + Feminists + Jew Nazis

* The real “Nazis” are in the USA and just waiting to take back their jew infested nation.

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