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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are ‘Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive’

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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While Kiev attempts to hide losses and officially denies the beginning of counteroffensive on the southern frontlines, Ukrainian commanders hided their plans from their servicemen. Servicemen of the 37th Brigade of the AFU became one of the main strike power of the first-stage of the Ukrainian offensive. They were thrown into battle without any descent preparation. As a result, the unit suffered heavy losses.

As soon as Kiev launches any operations on the front lines, Ukrainian servicemen launch media battle against their commanders. After servicemen of the 37th Brigade were defeated on the battlefield near the village of Novodonetske, they filmed numerous appeals, claiming the incompetence of their command. The AFU managed to partially take control of the settlement on the first day of the offensive; but after several hours of heavy battles, they retreated and the village came back under the control of Russian forces.

According to the appeal of the 505th battalion of the 37th Brigade, only 130 servicemen survived out of 450 fighters sent to counterattack. They refused to fight under the command of those who used them as cannon fodder and did not bother to cover their attack with artillery and other means:



Earlier, servicemen of the same unit, who survived in the battle for Novodonetske, called for help after their unit was defeated. They confirmed heavy losses, complaining that they were used as cannon fodder. The men are seen likely drunk or drugged. They once again confirmed that they were sent to their deaths “almost naked”, since there was no artillery or air support.




Later, another official video appeal was shared by servicemen of the Ukrainian 1st company of the 1st platoon of the 2nd battalions of marines, and members of some tank crews, who were sent to the village of Novodonetske to support the 505th battalion which was almost destroyed there.

The servicemen shared their story and made the same decision to refuse to fight under their command. They claimed that they were informed about the combat operation 10 minutes before they were sent to the battle. Their commanders lied that there were no Russians in the village of Novodonetske and that marines should only check the local houses. As a result, the Ukrainian fighters had no time prepare for the operation, they were not informed about other Ukrainian forces there, they were not even provided with water. Their commanders left them in the settlement without any artillery support and no cover from the drones. That’s why they should fight alone with riffles.

The marines confirmed that their commanders knew in advance that the 505th battalion would be destroyed and the marines were used as cannon fodder to plug the hole. Another professional Ukrainian unit suffered losses and refused to fight under the command of unprofessional officers.



After the heavy battles, Russian servicemen searched some abandoned bodies and equipment of Ukrainian Marines from the 37th Brigade in the village of Novodonetske. There are some of their passports, as well as numerous lists of personnel, and callsign tables along with combat control signals, staff schedules, lists of ammunition etc. All these documents, as well as some personal documents of the servicemen, like their medical cards, were taken to the battle, which means that the soldiers were not prepared to what will happen. They were definitely sent to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian Servicemen Refuse To Fight As They Are 'Cannon Fodder For Counteroffensive'

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Ukrainian counteroffensive has been ongoing for almost a week, but the AFU is yet to achieve any victories. The whole world has been waiting for it for months, but the Kiev failed to prepare its servicemen. This is only the first stage of the large-scale offensive which is still gathering pace and the main attack is yet to take place; but the testimonies of Ukrainian servicemen reveal the the Ukrainian Army failed to organize the cooperation between the units and assure the necessary cover for the advancing forces. Months-long training in NATO brought no results.

At the same time, the videos confirm that the military operations of the AFU in the area of Novaya Kakhovka, where servicemen are used as cannon fodder to distract the Russians, are likely aimed the only put pressure on Russian defense. While the main attack is being prepared in another area of southern front lines, where the AFU will try its best.


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Ukraine Nazi flagwavers suck dick and fuck Israel

the sad truth is that russia care more about these people and ukrainians then tier own regime and dictator zelenskyy does.usa and nato does not care at all about ukraine or the people, they have their agendas and that’s hurt russia and let the ukrainians pay for it in blood and country.


“ukrainian forces have suffered losses in heavy equipment and soldiers as they met more than expected resistance from russian troops in their first attempt to break through russian defense lines in the country’s east in recent counteroffensive,” cnn wrote today, citing senior us officials.

Florian Geyer

the thick brits depend on cyberwarfare to will battles, when in reality all they achieve is to bullshit their own populations that the uk elite never listen to anyway.

the million ‘man’ march against the elite war in london before the gulf war was started was——-totally ignored—.

russia is liberating ethnic russians trapped in ukieland with real action.


the parasites waste our taxes on operations to constantly deceive us, those of us who are deceived.

Georgeous George

instead of making stupid videos the ukrop cannon fodder would better shoot the mofos that sent them into the meat grinder.


for making this video he is as good as dead.


very sad, this war is claiming too many lives, ukrainians must sue for peace now.

Anthony Smith

this is terrible, no soldier should be subjected to this treatment. soldiers from any country that are willing to fight for their cause, deserves respect and to be told the truth of the situation.

Jan Kotke

russian soldiers and officers have never been better than enemy. history confirmed it. russia always took higher casualties than its enemy. and russia has never won great war without having strong allies. napoleon ja hitler were beaten by allied forces.


it must really be a difficult time to be a ukrainian service man right now. theyre suffering casualty counts not seen since the fall of berlin and the paid sbu internet trolls are not even acknowledging their deaths lmao. absolutely brutal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny
V Molotov

humiliated you can only grasp for a lie🤣🤣🤣🤣🇷🇺

Putin's Massive Balls, NATO's empty nutsac

i thought that the cockroach soros just announced that ukraine would be victorious in their counteroffensive, looks like the dual passport holder will be wetting himself…

Peter Jennings

how is it that the biggest parasites on earth get to live very long lives? they get the very best of care whilst their companies feed off the general public.


they fight for jews.

and so they are getting what anyone with common sense would expect.


seriously. these soldiers claim they want to fight under better officers than they have know, completely ignorant that the genocidal rot goes right to the top and into the coup regime’s foreign owners.


the russians have dug in in the territory they have conquered.

if you think getting the ukrainians out from their positions was difficult, wait until the ukrainians try to get the russians out of their positions.


russians have historically been the world’s strongest defenders. it may very well be genetic memory or something of the like. every +- 100 years or so russia gets attacked by the west, and every time they managed to repel them.

mike l hutchings

the ukraine is a real class act….. stupidity is a war crime, or it should be. once the truth of american involvement in keeping this war going is common knowledge, they won’t look like the conquering hero’s that they think they are. the american public is being sold a bill of goods that is not in our interest. a few million more dead and the globalists will be happy.


here is the real nato doctrine of combat, send in the meat and let it eat up as many bullets as possible, maybe they’ll run out and have to fall back! soon this will be germans, italians and french, spainard and sweeds, as they are running out of warm bodies in the ukraine. i can’t wait, death to nato, death to the west, and death to anyone who would be braindead enough to raise a gun for their satanic world order! die die die!


la stupida propaganda schifosa usa e occidentale orribile e sanguinaria pro guerra alla russia ha provocato una vera strage di civili ucraini e anche di mercenari stranieri ! quei tre fessi stupidi di cittadini ucraini emigrati in italia avevano un lavoro però si sono licenziati e sono corsi ad arruolarsi perché la propaganda usa aveva detto che la russia non era preparata a fare una guerra moderna !


la stupida propaganda anti-russia delirante e scema con annesse censure fatta dai paesi usa-uk-ue-nato che dicevano che la russia aveva vecchie armi e pochi missili-droni ha provocato la morte o il ferimento grave di circa 600 mila soldati ucraini e stranieri ! a furia di raccontare balle chi le racconta inizia a credere pure lui che siano notizie vere !

Raptar Driver

ukrainian sounds like a mix of russian and polack.


it’s essentially just a really retarded sounding russian dialect.

Anthony Raymond

the us junta in kiev is a threat to all ukrainians and the world.


it is hid not hided in english. your welcome.

WT Baker

kiev could care less just like wash. d.c. doesn’t care about the american population. we are all fodder for their genocidal policies be it senseless wars or simply taking away from the innocent the basics of everyday life. support the schiller institutes call for peace through development.

Emanuel - Brasil

apenas no dia 08 de junho de 2023, 680 soldados ucranianos mortos! a contra-ofensiva ucraniana é um moedor de carne!

Emanuel - Brasil

soldados ucranianos, juntem-se ao exército russo! abandonem o playboy nazista traficante e homossexual volodimir zelensky.

Emanuel - Brasil

contra-ofensiva ucraniana é o novo moedor de carne!

💈USALGBT Pride Month 💈

send jens holm and tom sawyer to reinforce them

Buford T Justice

these guys have fought bravely, they have nothing to be ashamed of , they should realize that it’s futile , that their lives are of no value to kiev , to their commanders or to jens or senile blowhard in the white house. they should save themselves, however they can .


the ukrainian fighters, undoubtedly brave men, if not too discerning, are accusing their commanders of treating them like valueless pieces of meat for the meat grinder. well your top commanders are jewish and it’s written in their talmud that you are indeed beasts and pieces of meat for them to do with you as they wish.


it looks more and more like the goal of the ziomafia parasites who took over ukraine is to kill as many ukrainians as possible and have the country ripe for further plunder.

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