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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Heavy fighting continues in the area of Izyum, Kharkiv region. The sides are suffering heavy losses. Most recently, Russian sources shared footage from a newly captured position of the 95th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The videos show dozen of killed Ukrainian soldiers in the trenches (21+):


Bodies of the killed Ukrainian soldiers were left by their comrades and were buried in mass graves by Russian soldiers.

Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Ukrainian Soldiers Buried By Russians Near Izyum, Kharkiv Region (Video, Photos 21+)

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Clown of Kiev

Thanks Vlad.. our conscripts would be vomiting and crying for mama if they had to have done that.


Not much to bury from the two Hélis shot down yesterday in zaporizhzhya. Ruskies barbecue



THAT is from an accident in Romania in 1998 you Moron !!

NATO is laughing at you

This Romania? Hahahahaha lalaland Transilvânia peut eutre


Boris Badenov

NATO is peeing and defecating in their diapers at the thought of getting their butts kicked by Russia!!


fake news keep on losing loser on you go then keep going RUSSIA STOCKS URRP!

Florian Geyer

Yes, its an old photo that I remember because of the exposed rib cage a few months ago.


Lol no wonder you guys are such idiots living in denial… Here s the vídeo i screenshot it myself. Plenty of bodies. Still not ukraine hahaha poderá



Lol no wonder you guys are such idiots living in denial… Here s the vídeo i screenshot it myself. Plenty of bodies. Still not ukraine hahaha poderá



Busted again!


Aww! Ukrotard is sad! So angry with Clyde for making fun of failed Ukrainian CIA project! How’s your math, Ukrotard?


5 billions and counting since 2014, all to the trash can


Actually all to UkroNazi Jew accounts and 10% for the Big Guy!

Boris Badenov

Clyde, Go retrieve the gerbil from your boyfriends but & discuss PETA & trans mental illness rights!!


Just another older photo try somethung original with todays serial numbers trollstars!

Last edited 2 years ago by RUSSIA 1.6mbpd EATSJPMORGAN/YELLEN$:

4 million more to go

Andy McNab

WTF? Is that a Royal Marine Commando’s jacket?


He was a military advisor: how to die well chopped by Russian bullets


Million dollar question: Is that a dead Royal Marine Commando wearing it?


One of the many Full Retard Brits that went to die in Ukraine….. The ones told not to be Rock and Rollers with one foot in their Graves. Most did not listen…..

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Yes, it is and I know a few lesser bright chaps who went there against many former colleagues advice. Also, the patch and flag is in the just right spots.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Perhaps a visitor from UK with a funcy Royal Marine Commando’s jacket caught in crossfire, who knows.


These Ukie Nazis had been training with NATO pigs for years. Could be a Ukie with a souvenir jacket from one of his Brit trainers.


Britains gone all woke n fkd up,theyre in on the bio weapon scam too,though for now fuk the usa!


Deerp state maggot got whats deserved trying to be the nazi wannabe wanked out mi6 idiot,oh well! Life must go on,life was life.

Muhammad your Prophet

Trying to create a phony new narrative about the number of mass civilian graves being found in Mariupol through satellite images? That’s not going to work. Everybody knows the Putin cockroaches have been executing civilians since the invasion started. They even provided the reasons at the time. Accusing civilians of being mercenaries or spies or any other number of deranged excuses. Now every single news organization is publishing the images so the shitty Russian propaganda can’t spin the truth. Everybody’s watching the same thing. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/satellite-images-show-mass-grave-near-mariupol-maxar-says-2022-04-21/

Vlad butcha orc

It’s interesting how many times they repeated taking images of the very same soldiers. As if it would be a lot of them, but isn’t.

Furthermore, these images aren’t new either. Someone is desperate to create a narrative with propaganda. It’s similar to the tank column image and some text about stuff.

Freelance Intelligence Analyst

Your BS propaganda hardly even work on the western sheeples anymore, so why waste your time here. Everyone with a brain knows where the evil lies and who commits war crimes. Kiev has the same backers as the “”Syrian rebels” and ISIS. For each day the western public is slowly starting to realize the ugly truth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freelance Intelligence Analyst
Muhammad your Prophet

I guess that the Putin cockroaches are happier being brainwashed robots to a deranged military amateur like Vladimir Putin. America imperialism idiocy from the Cuban government and their filthy hospitals in Havana, right? I’m familiar with all of it. I’ve known retards like you in person. They’re robots. I know exactly what they’re going to say because they’re just repeating what they’re told to say.


Losa you are only a born losa,nothing more too add! Putin smash Yellens sorry ass he ,he!

Muhammad your Prophet

What the fuck is a losa? That’s like a dildo you love to suck or something? Have fun sucking your dildo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

Calm down there Ukro-Nazi lover. I realize that pics of your beloved dead war criminals get you all bent out of shape, but it is not the Russians who started this conflict.

It was the Ukro-Nazis that were executing civilians in eastern Ukraine for almost 8 years…now they are finally getting what was coming to them. You started this.

Muhammad your Prophet

And now the Putin cockroaches are raping all the Ukranian women they can find. Even babies. We are all very familiar with the deranged Putin morality.

Peter The Ungrateful

Oh oh, everyone to safety! Someone played the “babies” card.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

Nup ukranian women are going to russian men now,not captain softcock or eu pooftas

Muhammad your Prophet

What the fuck is this piece of shit talking about pooftas?

FUCk illuminati

to much fake news for you

Muhammad your Prophet

Let me guess. You read Sputnik because it’s the only that makes you feel woozy good.


Everyone knows rather your the pathedic homosexual mi6 rant without the cause,lieing assflogged!

Muhammad your Prophet

Everyone knows you probably talk like you got semen in your mouth. Whose semen do you have in your mouth all the time?


Loyal nazis.

Peter The Ungrateful

Not all of them are Nazis, though. Many just got the shit end of the stick and a Nazi in the rear who threatens to kill them if they even think about surrender.


UA solders are very foolish fighting for corrupted government. Government who bring UA only poverty, distraction, corruption and death. Only fool will fight for those UA thugs.

Vlad butcha orc

Fighting for Vlads failed invasion is the most stupid thing anyone can do.

A geostrategic failure with massive consequences.


ra,ra,ra,arrrgh haha haharr,Putin fuk you eternal,no more easy drugs,easy money losa now eat sht!

Peter The Ungrateful

Sadly though, Elensky basically conscripted every male between the ages of 16 and 60. If they come knocking, the guys have only two choices: resist and die on the spot or go to the front and have a small chance to survive or make a break for it and surrender while nobody’s looking.


People would rebel against that, sooner rather than later. Remember Vietnam war resistance was generated largely around the draft. I know.


As a law abiding citizen of the United States of America and the International treaties of Geneva that my government now violates with impunity with no limits. I want to thank without reservation the Russian Federations role in making sure these Ukrainian Nazis and NATO scum are made as grade A fertilizer for future Russian wheat harvests!

May these scumbags “Rest In Pieces” with their names never mentioned again!

Vlad butcha orc

You are as American as I’m Martian, lol.

Clown of Kiev

Yes, they are all Russian bots.. the entire world must stand behind our Fourth Reich of Shithole Ukropistan. Any dissent will be called out and punished! I’m looking at you China!


Mars? you are from Uranus 😀


You are neither,your cosmic aura only negates to nothing,making you completely dull and void.


What you meant to say is, “that my government has always violated with impunity with no limits”. There was no period in which the US state apparatus was not a predatory device for financial speculators.

John Tosh

How the USA can Win

It’s easy to criticize, here are steps the USA can use to win.

We all know North Korean soldiers are as badass as they come and have nukes so scaring the world has nothing to do with how good your military is. So how can the USA scare the world??

The USA can do something a lot of countries cannot do. The USA can eradicate US poverty. Do it better than the Chinese and see how scared other countries would be of the USA.

Step one, the mortgage system in the USA is criminal. Over half of monthly mortgage payments goes on interest and taxes. How about only 25 % goes on interest and taxes. The rest goes into paying off mortgage loans. With this one step the USA wipes out home foreclosures and rips out the property vultures out of the mortgage business. Town after town will now have occupied houses with a massive reduction of homelessness. Homeowners would be able to hold on to their homes while they look for jobs even if it means in other states.

Step two. Military. Start investing in new military technologies in universities and research centers instead of counting on the thrash coming out of a few US military contracting companies. Young people in Universities should be encouraged to design new military devices. Get rid of the bottleneck in US military research. It’s currently controlled by a few military contracting companies who rush out garbage and use their political clout to push it down the US military.

Open up US economy to foreign investor from all peoples. Including Russians, Iranians and Chinese. Remember the real creator of the apple iphone (Steve jobs) is really from Syria. Can you imagine if Steve Jobs never got to the USA (Jandali Jobs)???

Reduce the power of the intelligence agencies from stifling the US economy. They are everywhere becoming a cancer on US society and economy.

This is how the USA gets strong and scare the world. Not using a fake lying media to win !

Peter The Ungrateful

Be that as it may, why do the USA have to get strong and scare the world? Can’t they just mind their own business and leave the rest of the world be? At least that is what the founding fathers had in mind, or so I am told. The pilgrims and all the other immigrants wanted to escape belligerent Europe which they considered “The Old World”. And look what they have become.

“But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter The Ungrateful

The fate of Ukropes cannon fodders aka Elensky’s meat shields.

basement in US embassy in poland

wonder how many people live in ukraine. it used to be 50 million. looks like about a half of them gone.


I’m thinking 40 percent are gone already and I doubt many will come back. I’m thinking that when this war is over, less than 25,000,000 people will live in what is left of Ukraine

Assad Defeated Zionists

I feel so bad for those unlucky Ukrainian conscripts. Nobody should be used as cannon fodder to protect a street clown like Vlad Zelinskyy.


They are being killed to advance the US strategy for diminishing Russia.

Omas Bioladen

This one ukrop in the front has a black boner! LMAO!

Radio Paul

This is awful and tragic and it wouldn’t have happened if it were not for the rise of the Nazis in Ukraine. Prior to 2014 this was unthinkable. But for 8 years they have butchered people and been arming with NATO and pushing a fascist agenda. My heart goes out to all that suffer and I hope Ukraine lays down it’s arms soon. They have far more in common with Russia than the US and the racist pushing ethnic tensions there.


No Photos of Ukro-Nazis burying Russians ???? Yes, NONE !! The Ukro-Nazis are busy running to Poland or Hiding from their own, after it was shown how an Ukro-Nazi shot the Ukro National Guards at Point Blank with an Stolen Tank


Another day at the turkey shoot. 1000 plus killed and wounded. 200 plus pieces of military hardware damaged or destroyed. 80 to 95 percent of the navy and air force assets damaged or destroyed. Russian and coalition force losses minimal. Just another day at the turkey shoot with no end in site. How long will Ukrainian troops allow this to continue? It will end when Ukraine becomes a radioactive battlefield. As far as Zellensky, Azov is going to kill that Jewish clown.


so happy ukraine is getting BTFO. keep sending your best from reddit.

Christian J. Chuba

That is a very sad sight. I don’t like seeing young men killed regardless of the uniform they are wearing.


Was that photo of a western mercenary or active NATO advisor?

mike brown

lol they just stack all bodies on each other in one giant hole

Karl Wolfe

ALL OF THIS DEATH is directly due to the criminals running NATO and their constant pushing for war and militarization of countries on Russias border. They never admit responsibility for anything because they follow the ONE true liar whom Christ warned us all about. They CREATED this war by pushing events, like they have the past 50+ years all over the world. “War Pigs” is a song that rings true about them. So does the ending in particular.


Is Zelinsky mad….when is it enough. Wasting thousands of lives…Russian military has no match and about time everyone realises that.

The Army cleansed Mariupol, in urban fighting in 1 month!

Clown of Kiev

I’m actually just chilling in the bunker, snorting cocaine, and counting money.


That may be quite accurate

Vlad butcha orc

More than 50 days already and still not finished. Must be orc mathematics you are counting with.


We can only hope that the gallant Natostan battalions were double vaxxed before they got boosted….oh never mind…..

Michael Petrovich

Slavic ortodox men dead, tricked by the zionist west to fight and die against other ortodox slavic men.

Sad times we live in.




Any new report of Rusian casulties?

dj dd

Anything, Anyhow – just to strangle Russia financially and inflict her as much human and material losses as possible. Pathetic vassal Europe. They don’t care about their own losses, as far as Russia is being punished for something, they are okay. Stupid hating vassals. US running all over the world coercing countries into hating Russia, bribing, promising them everything just to be enemy to Russia. The reason for all these maniac efforts – Ukraine is so important to them, the biggest foreign trophy territory wise, manpower wise, economy wise since second world war that they have captured, or so they think. But Russia has other ideas for the bastards. That’s why all these maniac and hysterical efforts to bring Russia to her knees. Not going to happen Bastards! How many weapons can you possibly deliver to Ukraine to make her win a war against Russia? This is useless US and European mentality. Surely they know that RUSSIA HAS MORE WEAPONS THAN ALL WESTERN EUROPE COMBINED. One tenth of Russian territory holds more weapons than some 20 NATO member countries have. How about that America!

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