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MARCH 2025

Ukrainian Women Targeted For Sexual Exploitation In Europe

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Ukrainian Women Targeted For Sexual Exploitation In Europe

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Criminal prostitution networks and individual abusers are looking for Ukrainian women to exploit them, but European authorities remain silent.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, researcher in Social Sciences at the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro; geopolitical consultant.

According to recent reports, Ukrainian refugee women are being sought for sexual exploitation in Western countries. Data collected by police officers, private investigators and journalists show that there is a growing demand for Ukrainian women from anonymous sexual predators, who seek to take advantage of refugees in clandestine prostitution networks. But, despite the information, the authorities of these countries have not yet presented any effective plan to combat this type of crime.

In Sweden, where paying for sex is a crime, thirty-eight men were arrested searching for this service in March, thirty of them related to refugee Ukrainian prostitutes. In Ireland, a sexual services website specifically of Ukrainian women was created. In the UK and Poland, Google searches for “Ukrainian escorts” tripled in just the first week after the Russian special military operation began. In Spain, the search for “Ukrainian porn” increased by 600% since February. In general, this has been the treatment received by Ukrainian female refugees in the West: being exposed to the action of sexual predators.

These women arrive in the West in an extremely vulnerable situation, unable to afford life abroad and looking for all kinds of help. Many of them are deceived by job offers and high fees, when they are then directed to the black market of sexual services, where they are subjected to degrading “work” conditions, offering their own bodies so that payers provide profits for the human traffickers who put them there.

In a interview published on Monday, June 27, Reuters’ senior human rights advisor Heather Fischer, who is investigating the case, said: “European women, Eastern European woman, Ukrainian women, are already at risk, and often are lured and groomed and recruited into sex trafficking (…) So you put crisis on top of that, and now you have a recipe for increased spikes of demand for human trafficking (…) This might seem innocuous at first to the outside observer, but these trends can actually provide sort of an impetus for traffickers to capitalize the demand (…) It’s just really unfortunate as globally people are wondering how they can rush headlong to supporting some of the most vulnerable people, there was a pocket of society who are asking the opposite question, which is, ‘How can I exploit women and children coming from Ukraine?’ So that’s very alarming for us.”

This type of situation, despite shocking, is nothing new. In large migratory waves, sex trafficking tends to grow, as do other forms of illegal labor exploitation. There are many research works relating the large waves of migration with the rise in the incidence of slave or underpaid labor, for example. The growth in prostitution is also part of this reality: clandestine profiteers take advantage of the vulnerability of refugee women, placing them in a degrading market that they would not want to enter, if they had the economic and social conditions necessary to guarantee their rights and interests.

In addition to this illegal labor issue, however, there are also individual exploiters, who do not look for Ukrainian women in prostitution networks, but who abuse refugees by receiving them at home. Many families in the West have offered shelter to Ukrainian refugees in their homes, welcoming them as new “relatives”. Despite the apparently good intention on the part of people offering this type of help, there are also sexual predators and pedophiles interested in receiving Ukrainian women and children to sexually abuse them. In an investigation conducted by The Times in April, it was possible to observe several sexual predators offering shelter and Ukrainian refugees in Facebook groups. Some openly demanded sexual favors while others spoke more moderately but using suggestive vocabulary.

However, although investigations about this type of exploratory activity have been taking place since February, nothing has been done to protect these women so far. State authorities have blamed sexual predation on digital platforms that are unable to control such criminals’ access to refugee assistance networks. But digital companies respond by saying that such control is the responsibility of the state and not theirs. Meanwhile, more and more Ukrainian women are being abused and the hegemonic media is trying to block the repercussion of the investigations, camouflaging Europe as a “paradise for refugees”.

It is time for European states to act incisively and prevent a new humanitarian calamity. There needs to be a critical reflection by state agencies on how to deal with this situation because it is the responsibility of the local authorities to prevent these women from being victimized by the citizens of the receiving countries.

You can follow Lucas Twitter.


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Absolutely, and its bound to happen as fit blond haired good looking women appear in the west, forced out by Z-elensky who is more interested in killing his men, killing his country and prostituting his women for a startlingly rich post war career in the west. You can’t blame any westerner for wanting these ladies in their bed, they are a nice package, a great experience. All provided by drugged up, sell his country to NATO Z-elensky!


From a Jewish perspective, this is a win-win-win situation: 1. Get the white, Christian guys killed, 2. Get their women (statistically) forced into sex with brown people, and thus 3. empty Ukraine, so it can be re-settled with Jews. After all, it’s partly their old Khazarian homeland. If you don’t believe me, listen to Barbara Lerner-Spectre and Nicolas Sarkozy’s speeches on the matter, and/or dig deeper into Jewish ideology.


Dude, the article is creating awareness about western sexual predators and traffickers who take advantage of vulnerable Ukrainian women. Your comment “you can’t blame any westerner for wanting these ladies in bed” unintentionally normalizes this situation. Reality is much more serious than that. They are being trafficked for god’s sake.


Hopefully few people would want a whore, but generally attractive White women could make a good partner, at least in theory. The sketchy part is Ukrainian females are so desperate they’d pretend to be whatever you wanted until they feel secure again. Then watch out.

It’s sad that Ukrainians are being exploited, but the masses everywhere are stupid, and their fates depend on the type of ‘leaders’ who get installed in their countries. Note: If a penile pianist comedian gets installed to run your country, take action to gtfo.

bacha boys

And Ukrainian bacha boys…

tommy tranny sawyer

ukie are by nature hookers—not trafficked…this is their nature…they are well known as cunning gold-diggers in the slavic world

Bacha boys

They are now selling children in Europe. Don’t think only women are sold.

Ashok Varma

It is so sad that the Jews and NATO criminals are selling kids and pimping these hapless dumb Ukrainians who had a safe and respectable future with Russia, their mother country. These Anglo-Zionists are worst savages and most destructive evil arseholes on the planet.

Elohim Kosher Bar

Jews have a VERY LONG history with the slave trade of ALL colors of people. This trade also includes: pedophilia, organ harvesting, adrenochrome harvesting, cannibalism, and ritual blood sacrifice. Anything for a shekel.


Bacha boys

It used to be done by the Pope’s pedophile church now it is done by DynCorp.

Bacha boys

Nobody want you. The elite want little boys, not big girls. Read databaseitaliadotit if you are not afraid.


Execute all human trafficker’s and hang there bodies in the town square

Might have to hang you as well

Tom Bombastadillo

That picture looks like the Seattle 2022 Pride Parade.

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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

I waaaaas just thinking that….Look how passionate they are and yet how completely brainwashed and ignorant they are, not knowing who their enemy truly is. This is why its easy to see that the same dark force that ruled Ukraine has control of our governments in the west and our politicians are all puppets that work for the same master.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Robin Morritt

Governments don’t care about the little people. They like wars and money laundering.


It’s the western Moneyed class who own the printing press and thus the Government, who are the problem. The reality is there is no Government for the people in the west. All there is, is government of the people by the Moneyed elite for the interests of the Moneyed elite. The people are just consumer numbers paying interest and tax, who productively work for the Moneyed elite. You would not have actions that cause tripling gas prices, poverty….. in the west if there were governments there!


100 percent correct. America since 1913 upon the creation of the Federal Reserve but even before that was already a dictatorship of the powerful and wealthy elite. There is no doubt the founding fathers originally did create one of the very best systems of government in the creation of the United States but it was short lived. American citizens have less than zero political power yet all they do is brag about how free America is and how oppressed other countries are. I should know I’m American and my people are lost in the wilderness. Majority of Americans are good people regardless of what people from other countries think, but the people have been severely dumbed down, just like the government wants us. Easier to control.



You may appreciate these two videos about how the discovery of oil led to that jewish fortune being used to purchase critical aspects of the US. Full text of both videos included.

The weirdest part of this for me is how that first well struck oil DURING the Carrington Event. It’s a strange ‘coincidence’ that seems significant, but is too weird to have a rational explanation.


ukies have 1 export—hookers


If possible can you pls pixelate Ukronazi tits? I’m not into seeing this display with women that should be going to Bandera as soon as possible.

Not everyone wants to see tits no matter what. Tyvm.


We should recognize that Ukraine has genuine ‘neo-nazis’, people who generally agree with them, and various tiers of others all the way down to nazi-haters. Females, for the most part, adopt the beliefs that keep them safest in their society. When the situation changes enough, some or most of those will repaint with white, blue, and red.


The sad situation of the women of Ukraine is one of the reasons why the war shouldn’t drag on too long. But I also believe that information like this will strengthen the resolve of the Russian leaders to fight on to the bitter end, for the evil in Kiev needs to be exterminated once and for all. Only then can the people of Ukraine be saved from further evil coming to them from the cesspool of depravity of the wicked West. No deals should ever be made with this evil.


You said it all brother, powerful post. Despicable fuc3king cowards taking advantage of these innocent women. Russia must purge and cleanse Ukraine completely and absolutely. For the sake of the next generation of Ukrainians.


Thanks for the positive feedback, bro. Agree with you wholeheartedly when you say that “Russia must purge and cleanse Ukraine completely and absolutely. For the sake of the next generation of Ukrainians.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Yes, that’s what its all about really, saving the Ukraine for the next generation. And perhaps once the war is over, this “special operation” of Putin will help other nations realize what evil truly is so that they too may purge it from their countries. Lets hope so.


I’d target 2 of those 4 for sure!


Nothing new here, it was predictable. Here is another topic about mad “Femen”, read commentaries, they are hilarious. https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/femen-abortion-rights


Anyone know where I can get some ugly Ukrainian pussy? Asking for a friend.

Muhammad your Prophet

Much too old for my taste…

Bacha boys

Is DynCorp selling the kids again.


mostly immigrant non whites

Donald Moore

Well Zel3nsky is making sure all the men will be dead in a year and now the women are on the draft list so what else can women do but go to the EU for help. The EU is making sure that the Ukie women will not be a monetary burden by finding them jobs in the Porn and prostitute business. Got love the EU!

Peter Jennings

Why are these Ukrainian people refugees? What are they running from? Are they running because of western propaganda? Are they running because of the Kiev regime? Or are they running because an excuse has very conveniently presented itself as the western media needs its propaganda footage?

Correct me if i’m wrong but Ukraine was doing alright before foreign usurpers took over the country. Unless these people are from the Donbass, which they most obviously ain’t, they all have a home to return to. Perhaps they want another home in the country? Your country.


Whatever their individual reasons, the overarching factor is likely to be that their country has gone insane.


I’m sorry I lack sympathy for these women but they are the wives, sisters, children and mothers of NAZIS and they breed little NAZIS. What they need is semen injections to depurify their sick ass way of life. Abortions and sterilization of NAZIS. That’s an abortion law I can believe in. Im surprised nobody has come up with a sterilization pill.


You sound like the international zionist jew who wrote the book “Germany must perish” in 1941 during world war 2 that gave the specifics on how to sterilize the entire nation of Germany to make Germany extinct. Hitler used that book as an example of how the Jews wanted to exterminate the German people. My point being that your comment is anti productive and offensive to the majority of Ukrainians who are not nazis rather victims of a tyrannical takeover of their nation. You actually sound exactly like the Ukrainian nazis that were killing pensioners in east Ukraine because they viewed Russian speaking Ukrainians as sub-human slavs that deserved to be exterminated.


That’s part of the reason Jews instigated this. Jews are not attractive, and Jewish men want to have sex with attractive blond women more than their own women. Even in Jewish religious eschatology, when Jews rule the world, they are promised over 2000 slaves for each Jew. And that infers, sex slaves.

Brother Ma

Please show me this 2000 slaves for each Jew. I have read this about Moslems, and know Jews religiously consider us others all just cattle, but I have never heard this “ 2000 sex slave for Jews” business.

Please show me some proof of this.




White women have flat assets. Not good.


Ukrainian men die so their women can get whored-out in the west. Those idiots really ought to reconsider what they’re actually fighting for.

Martin Rapavý

I understand the urges in the West, but all the offers of granting asylum have apparently been useless.

All these girls still want to fuck Putin, apparently the alpha male #1.

Last edited 2 years ago by Martin Rapavý
Bigg Chungus

Ukrainian nationalists care about their nation so much that they would rather physically destroy their country, send 50 000 of their best men to die, serve a Jew president, and send their women to go suck foreign men’s cocks;

…rather than just agree to not join NATO or help them attack Russia.

Nationalists are anything but. They need to be demilitarized. They need to be Denazified.



Most of them arrive without their husbands and boyfriends who the Ukrainian Army has conscripted at the border crossings, literally arriving at the borders the males are separated and taken to be enrolled into the Ukrainian Forces and sent after very brief training…..if you can call it that…to the front lines. These women are therefore highly vulnerable and more needs to be done by the EU and its politicians to protect their status as refugees.


Virgin ukropper brides, unused, as good as new, tatted, untatted, fat, skinny, old, new…we got’em all. Sale this week only so come on down to our warehouse and take a look at the merchandise. Buy two and get the third free. 5% discount on all cash sales and we even “donate” 2% to the continued destruction of rump Ukraine to ensure that our warehouse remain full for the coming season. So get on down now while the latest batch is still fresh. Mr Z thanks you for your support.


Execute all human trafficker’s and hang there bodies in the town square


What makes you think these women wont slit your thoat in your sleep and empty your bank account using your phone while you bleed to death in a wet spot on a bed… Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Who do you think these ladies will blame for being desperate and homeless? Western leadership, and they’re going to lash out at the nearest fools to survive and take revenge… Stay far far away….

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