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Ukrainian Сitizens Сommitting Сrimes In Poland

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Ukrainian Сitizens Сommitting Сrimes In Poland

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According to official data, Ukrainians are behind a large number of crimes in Poland.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Apparently, Ukrainian immigration to Europe is already causing a number of social and security problems. Data shared by state authorities in Poland shows that Ukrainians are behind a large number of crimes committed in the country, which tends to cause outrage among the native population. This is the inevitable result of a series of irresponsible policies, such as uncontrolled immigration and silence in the face of the known presence of ultranationalist and neo-Nazi militants among the foreigners.

According to information shared by the Polish channel RMF24, citing official data from the National Police Headquarters, Ukrainian citizens were responsible for the majority of crimes committed by foreigners in Poland in 2024. The most common crime is drunk driving, but there are also many cases of theft, drug possession and even violent crimes. It was also reported that of the 16,437 foreigners arrested by the Polish police in 2024, 9,753 were Ukrainians.

Poland is one of the countries that receives the most Ukrainian immigrants. There are currently about two million Ukrainians living in the country, according to the Ministry of the Interior. It is possible that the number is significantly higher, considering illegal immigrants or Ukrainian military personnel who pass through Poland during maneuvers. In theory, it is common for there to be an increase in crime amid a large wave of migration. However, this should not be the case in Poland, considering the country’s efforts to welcome these people.

Newly arrived Ukrainians in Poland receive extensive support from the state and local institutions. Housing, financial assistance and other basic social services are provided to every new Ukrainian who arrives in Poland. However, even this assistance is not enough to satisfy immigrants and make them adapt to the rules of Polish society.

Obviously, the most natural reaction to such a scenario is the anger of the native people towards the criminal foreigners. Ukrainians in Poland often receive more aid from the state and live in better living conditions than Polish citizens themselves. Instead of obeying the laws of the country and respecting local rules, Ukrainians react to the good treatment they receive with ingratitude, committing crimes and disrupting the Polish social order.

Recently, Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz commented on the topic of Ukrainians stating that Poles are “fatigued” of them. He emphasized how many Ukrainians have much more money than the average Pole, often living a life of luxury while Polish people send money through their taxes to help the Kiev regime in the war. According to Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ukrainians seem ungrateful, and the Poles’ feelings of indignation are legitimate.

“Of course there is fatigue in Polish society, and it is understandable especially when people here see young Ukrainian men driving the latest cars or staying in five-star hotels,” the official said at the time.

There are many reasons to explain Ukrainian misbehavior in Poland. First of all, it is important to emphasize that a large part of Ukrainian youth has been brainwashed by neo-Nazis over the past decade. There is an entire generation of Ukrainians with a fanatical mentality, indoctrinated in hatred and misanthropy, who simply do not recognize any value in any other people.

Despite Poland’s full support for Ukraine in the current conflict, the nationalist Banderites have always hated Poles, with Ukrainian Nazi militiamen in World War II massacring Polish civilians. The consequences of this infamous ideology can still be seen today, with young Ukrainians fanaticized by ultra-nationalism living in Poland without any respect for the local people.

In addition, there is a social class issue. Many of the Ukrainian immigrants are wealthy or upper-middle class people who have enough financial resources to evade the authorities, leave the country and live comfortably abroad. This explains why Poles often see Ukrainians living in extravagant conditions, far above the average Polish standard of living, which generates resentment. These wealthy Ukrainians feel free to commit some of the major crimes reported by Polish politicians, such as driving luxury cars while drunk, because they simply have enough money to pay for lawyers and fines, feeling like “beyond the law”.

Poland will not solve this problem so easily. It is necessary to control the wave of migration, establishing stricter requirements for accepting foreigners on national soil. In addition, an effort to severely punish criminals is vital to control the situation.

However, none of this will be solved unless the country revises its foreign policy of full support for Kiev, since Poland’s international guidelines currently prevent it from acting rationally in any matter concerning Ukraine.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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master mcblaster

return to sender…

The Sum of all Fears

ay caramba… a trump-putin bromance coming soon to a theater near you. biden almost swallowed his ice cream cone whole today while zelensky asked usaid to send him a pallet of valorium. kuleba, undeterred, swore he’d line up any mp that got out of line against the wall for summary execution.

Boris Orlov

oh interesting, everyone gets what they deserve. we got a lot of nice ones, welcome here!

Yuri Grbatchov

i very saad maaan, my wife likes acid. i no, i small dicky.

Boris Orlov

difficult to follow your deep thoughts, bro.

the narrative

let’s think indoctrination is an issue ? do you think that the zionist indoctrination that has brought misery to humanity by provoking / profiting form wars / robbing taxpayers internationally / providing genocide to steal land and create racist societies ?

the narrative

some crimes might be stealing bread for hunger ?

The Boll Weevil Weekly

polish bread is made with banned pesticide and pest ridden ukrainian grain. not even ukrainians want to eat it.


they got what their politicians wanted

Tranny Yuri

the article forgot to mention the ukrainians are less frequent in prison than polish or russian prisoners. is it because russian criminals are more stupid getting caught, or are they are more criminals in total?

Last edited 1 month ago by Tranny Yuri

criminality and psychopathic tendencies are is the genes of ukranians. it is something that the euro leaders and nato leaders aspire to and admire. they want ukraine in the eu to bring more criminality and psychosis to euroland.


lucas drago cousin’s has 2 neurons and 1 is drawned in cachasa

Holly Molly

dear jens, what’s ‘drawned’ mean? are you speaking a surzhyk version of english?

Maxwell Smart

ooh, ooh. i figured it out. cachaça is some brazilian cheap booze so he meant drowned in cheap booze.

so, eliot must be some brazilian peasant posting in between burning down a patch of the rain forest to plant marijuana, which he smokes just before posting his drunken gobbledegook,


you deserve what you tolerate.

Joris III

we see sovjet collapse as a huge faillure of ussr system but they (the russians) may have been very happy to get rid of the now independent baltics, georgia, ***stans and ukraine. for all their political and economic sabotages, corruptions and crime, foreign collaborations. most of the central asian stans are affiliated to nato for example.

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