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UN Considers Lifting Some Sanctions, Removing Taliban From Terrorist List

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UN Considers Lifting Some Sanctions, Removing Taliban From Terrorist List

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UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres called for exceptions in the sanctions regime against the Taliban in order to facilitate interaction with them.

Asked if he considers it appropriate at some point to exclude the Taliban from the list of terrorist organizations, Guterres noted that the organization’s member countries will decide when the right moment will come.

At the same time, the official recalled that he advocates a flexible approach and pointed to precedents in the past.

“As you know, the Americans asked for some exceptions for their own negotiations with the Taliban. So I believe that we must create conditions <…> and ensure the effective distribution of humanitarian aid,” the UN Secretary General stressed.

In August, militants launched an offensive against Afghan government forces and captured all major regions, including Panjshir, which has long been a hotbed of resistance. The events unfolded against the backdrop of the withdrawal of the American contingent: on the night of August 21, the military left the Kabul airport, putting an end to the almost 20-year US presence in the republic.

In September, the Taliban formed an interim government headed by Mohammad Hasan Akhund, who served as foreign minister during the first Taliban * rule and has been under UN sanctions since 2001.

The movement was recognized as a terrorist organization in 2001, and more than 110 of its representatives were under sanctions. The Russian president’s special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov said earlier that the procedure for their removal from the lists could be launched after the start of meaningful inter-Afghan negotiations.

The US said that it will not lift existing sanctions on the Taliban, but it will ensure lifesaving humanitarian aid to vulnerable Afghans amid what the United Nations describes as “a looming crisis” in the country.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged to continue humanitarian aid to the Afghan people through United Nations agencies and nongovernmental organizations, a day after the United States said it would provide nearly $64 million in new humanitarian assistance.

The new U.S. assistance, which would bypass the Taliban and be distributed directly to Afghans, brings the total U.S. assistance to the Afghan people to $330 million this fiscal year.

The U.N. is appealing for $606 million for the remainder of this year for food, health care, shelter and other vital needs to assist 11 million people.


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Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

“Making the Taliban Great Again” MTGA

-Granpa Biden


Joe Biden: “We put together, I think the most extensive & inclusive voter fraud organisation in the history of American politics” https://worldtruthvideos.website/search?keyword=voter+fraud

Joe Biden calls his own vaccine mandates an outrage and an infringement on freedom https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/joe-biden-calls-his-own-vaccine-mandates-a-outrage-and-a-infringement-on-freedom_owvhMLAYvSvooec.html

UN promotes global homo, welcome to clown world! https://i.imgur.com/R4tUcMA.png

Cultural Alchemy Special Berlin Sin City of the 1920s, the Origins of LGBT: https://odysee.com/@SurvivingWeimerika:f/Cultural-Alchemy-Special-Berlin-Sin-City-of-the-1920's-(Pre-:0

Lesbian Jewish Artists from the Weimar period kicked out of Germany: https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/degenerate-jewish-039-artists-039-from-the-weimar-era-quot-fighting-quot-national-socialist-germany_xckgMmIRnNTcNLE.html

The solution! https://odysee.com/@ponyboyrick:2/A-New-Spirit—Joseph-Goebbels:8


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

jewess Sings About How ‘Gender Identity’ Insanity Comes From the Talmud: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/080/152/058/original/c133964f37abb9ef.mp4

6-8 Sexes in the Talmud: https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/196414?lang=bi https://www.jta.org/jewniverse/2015/the-6-genders-of-the-talmud

The Jew Magnus Hirschfeld is the pioneer of the LGBT, he was expelled from Germany in 1933 for his immorality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lili_Elbe#Surgeries_and_dissolution_of_marriage

[In 1930, Elbe went to Germany for sex reassignment surgery, which was highly experimental at the time. A series of four operations were carried out over a period of two years.

The first surgery, removal of the testicles, was performed by Dr. Erwin Gohrbandt, under the supervision of sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin.]

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

You are easily duped by jewish atrocity propaganda, the nonsense in Ukraine is intentionally confused with the National Socialists. The Soviet Union invented “evidence” since proven to be lies to blame Germany for judeo-soviet massacres orchestrated against Slavs, meanwhile you actively deny Soviet atrocities and sometimes celebrate them, such apathy and hypocrisy is demented and vile. Deep down you know it’s true, yet continually deny the horrific truth.

Hellstorm: https://worldtruthvideos.website/watch/hellstorm-documentary-by-renegade-films_KcV5351oN9xmJCS.html


Based on Thomas Goodrich’s book, ‘Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47’ this 2015 film is about the Real Genocide of Nazi Germany. Learn the truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World War II.”

https://codoh.com https://shop.codoh.com https://holocausthandbooks.com

Instead of learning how to think, you are indoctrinated by your leaders what to think. That is why you don’t get it and only think in simplistic black and white terms, you have therefore developed a stockholm syndrome in response to perceived threats. This shuts down the reasoning faculties of the brain, thereby activating primordial humans instinct for ensuring self-preservation.

The jews are expert manipulators and use such a strategy to divide and conquer.


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
Tommy Lee

Do I know you from OD?


What is OD, do you have a username there?

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
Tommy Lee

Occidental Dissent.


I’m afraid not.


Sorry, I don’t frequent that website.



Chris Gr

There are Jewish fascists also like Stern gang and Lehi.


1. You don’t know what Fascism is.

2. National Socialism is different from Fascism.

3. National Socialism is antagonistic to Judaism.

To learn more about authentic Fascism which is not race-based:


Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

You are the one deluded thinking they are real patriots. How comes the Zellerboy and Porkyshitko are both jews? How comes Azov batallion one of the many nazi paramilitary groups committing genocide is funded by jewish oligarchs in Ukraine? You think adolf and his nazis were real? Please don’t make me laugh. Nazis were put in power and funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s, Ford, GM, Alcoa, Chase Manhattan banks, Kodak, Coca Cola, IBM and half of wall street openly funded the nazis, before and during the war. Nazi racial ideas were based on the U.S. eugenics programs, and tweaked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute the HQ for nazi racial ideas. Nazis were a tool to destroy Europe, same as Ukraine is today. The only problem os Ukraine is very weak and very corrupt compared to nazi Germany while Russia is a lot stronger than in the past. Non the less zionazis trying to pull the same thing twice with fake patriotism and fake nazis. Time to wake up… Libtards and neonazis are run by the same people.

Chris Gr

These things are not correct really. Except for a part. Banks fund everyone and every war. Not just the nazis.


Your comment reinforces everything I said about you. Not only can you not prove me wrong on any account, all you Communist scumbags know is the atrocity propaganda centered on sensationalism and never on substance.


You aren’t man enough to debate me, so you resort to slander (false, malicious statements) that I find amusing.

“Russia is a lot stronger than in the past.”

Haha… Now that’s delusional. Why not just attack Ukraine and get it all over and done with? What’s stopping you?

Yes Ukraine is very corrupt and weak. It’s sad that living conditions are worse in Russia than Ukraine. You have zero curiosity and are very lazy minded.


“You are the one deluded thinking they are real patriots.”

70% of Russians think that Stalin was one of the greatest men to ever live, talk about delusion.

“Nazis were put in power and funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s, Ford, GM, Alcoa, Chase Manhattan banks, Kodak, Coca Cola, IBM and half of wall street openly funded the nazis, before and during the war.”

That statement is false, in fact it was the Soviets who were installed by jewish oligarchs in control of the West. You never look into anything I sent and foolishly assume I’m wrong, you tend to lack curiosity and take what your masters tell you at face value. You would rather do that than investigate all positions with an open mind, you only know how to mindlessly parrot what you are told.

As for Operation Paperclip, Communist eastern Europe took Germans with them to work on their own projects which resulted in your cosmonauts going to space, thereby taking credit for German talents. At least the Americans had the decency to later admit to it.







Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

“Nazi racial ideas were based on the U.S. eugenics programs, and tweaked at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute the HQ for nazi racial ideas.”

You have no idea what you are talking about and believe in the false mainstream claims that Germans said they were the “master race”, such ideas can be found in ancient Greece and Rome. Their racial ideas originate with European anthropology, the birthplace of anthropology on the basis of verifiable racial science slandered by Marxist rhetoric.

I’ve provided plenty of evidence to attest to what I’ve said, all you do is ignore it and insist I am wrong. You have no formed objective thoughts, rather you stubbornly cling to your views whilst completely disregarding anything which you are indoctrinated to consider “bad”.


“Nazis were a tool to destroy Europe, same as Ukraine is today.”

Another assumption about Hitler being an agent, all of which is based on false information you never cross examine and view as gospel. If your government won’t say it, the only slim chance you have of understanding is if someone threated you to listen at gunpoint. Obviously that would be unreasonable, since you are unreasonable. It shouldn’t happen regardless.

You don’t seem to know how to research, it isn’t hard to find sources mentioned in articles or blogs.





Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

“Non the less zionazis trying to pull the same thing twice with fake patriotism and fake nazis. Time to wake up…”

Antony Sutton is an unreliable source, why use his claims when he actually admitted to Wall Street financing Bolshevism in Russia?

“Non the less zionazis trying to pull the same thing twice with fake patriotism and fake nazis. Time to wake up… Libtards and neonazis are run by the same people”

Their worldviews are incompatible, you are among the millions of sheeple who struggle with critical thinking skills. Most people are no better than the ignorant serfs of the Middle Ages, in fact they are worse. They are incredibly materialistic and know very little, not unlike an ant or bee colony, hence the term “bug men”.

If they prop them up, why imprison them for “wrong think”? And why censor them? You aren’t making any sense, then fall for a bunch of hooligans larping as “nazis”. Their actions and rhetoric prove they don’t read shit and believe the mainstream narrative themselves.


If they were puppets, why kill them at Nuremberg? Why go to war with them? And why give material support to the USSR? You have no evidence, except made-up claims. Meanwhile you ignore everything I sent and idiotically assume it’s wrong. You therefore are in no position to understand, you demonstrate nothing but ignorance and low-quality character.

As for Operation Paperclip, Communist eastern Europe took Germans with them to work on their own projects which resulted in your cosmonauts going to space, thereby taking credit for German talents. At least the Americans had the decency to later admit to it, unlike Russia to this very day. The explanation for how the AK-47 isn’t influenced by the StG-44 makes no sense either, all I heard was the Fedorov Avtomat and different internal mechanisms in the AK-47.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

You are ignorant of the fact that Russia is trying to infiltrate the growing American and European White Nationalist fringe moobment with Eurasianist National Bolshevism with the pseudo-intellectual, Russian intelligence asset Alexander Dugin as its founder.


Alexander Dugin beside former KKK Grand Dragon, David Duke:




Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

Since you cannot prove me wrong, I am therefore correct. In your stubborn arrogance, you ignore all evidence proving Ukraine is not National Socialist. Ukraine has no economic or social policies used by National Socialist Germany or Fascist Italy, in fact China and Israel emulate some of their policies.

Ukraine no policies against jews and there are no racial restrictions on citizenship, unlike in Israel which is an investor in China’s Belt & Road Initiative.

Unlike Germany in the 1930s and 40s, Ukraine doesn’t oppose international jewry.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
Michel LeBlanc

Your a capitalist morron is what you are. A white anglo capitalist pig!

Gays although annoying , never hurt anyone EVER!

You bible thumping morrons are all the same!

Chris Gr

Fascism and capitalism are not the same.


The retards don’t know that it’s neither left nor right.



National Socialism isn’t Capitalist, moron. Russia and China are. All you know is jewish bolshevism.


“Gays although annoying , never hurt anyone EVER!”

Your concept of what the Nationalist Socialists thought, said and did is a sensationalist caricature.

You’re forgetting about the kids they molest who then become damaged for life, turning them gay. And you don’t know about the anal sex ravaging their rectums, leading to anal and penile infections from the blood and shit on their dicks. This is the origin of sexual transmitted disease.

“You bible thumping morons are all the same!”

I’m a Deist, not a Christian. I oppose all Abrahamic religions, including Christianity. I would prefer our old pagan religions that Christianity suppressed in their forced conversions.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

“white anglo capitalist pig!”

Yet Russia and China are Capitalist. If you knew anything, you would know the Third Position isn’t Capitalist.

You’re the splitting image of all the negative nonsense you state about the mythical “evil White man” you endlessly bitch about. Little do you know you have mistaken so-called “Anglos” and other Whites for jews.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
Jim Allen

Proving you wrong, or not, and you being correct, (right) are two completely different, and not connected to each other in any way. Further, you’ve shown no evidence to support your opinion. (which is a big arrogant, and generally empty opinion based on what appears to be the pretense of knowledge) Not to say the other idiot in the exchange has a more defensible position. This is a troll vs troll battle of wit’s between two unarmed trolls. Or, in the format of Alice in Wonderland, nonsense.


“Proving you wrong, or not, and you being correct, (right) are two completely different, and not connected to each other in any way.”

Yet you cannot debate me, whilst childishly insisting I’m wrong like the faggot you are. I can tell all of you on this website are either Russians, Muslims, Hindus, mainland Chinese, or American patriotards who think Trump’s their guy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

“Further, you’ve shown no evidence to support your opinion.”

And yet I continually post evidence to support my opinion.

“which is a big arrogant, and generally empty opinion based on what appears to be the pretense of knowledge”

All of you on here are pretty arrogant yourselves, you can only regurgitate the shit you’ve been trained to think. No amount of evidence convinces you otherwise, you only arrogantly assume you’re right and declare anything proving you wrong to be a “lie”.

“Not to say the other idiot in the exchange has a more defensible position.”

So you call me an idiot, despite being unable to prove I’m wrong.

“This is a troll vs troll battle of wit’s between two unarmed trolls. Or, in the format of Alice in Wonderland, nonsense.”

The only trolls here are you bohunk faggots who slander anyone you don’t agree with.


Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

You don’t know how to debate, that’s why I don’t debate you because you always refuse to. In your little mind, you are always right and never wrong. You are no different than the Spanish inquisition.


All you can do is slander me in the absence of counter-evidence. You put the cart ahead of the horse and ignore anything different from pre-drawn conclusion.



You spew crap all the time and worship Stalin.


You don’t know NS philosophy and therefore not in a position to properly judge; the commonly dishonest portrayal from mainstream sources consists of 95% lies, half-truths and sensationalism, while only the remaining 5% is grounded in fact.

They wanted to reverse the degradation of people and civilization, transitioning to the positive aspects that existed in ancient European high culture with spiritual connections to their Aryan, or Indo-European past. The Lithuanian language most closely resembles PIE (Proto-Indo-European).

https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Ancient-Origins-and-Myths-of-AFGHANISTAN:1 https://odysee.com/@NordLuxBellator:6/Doom-Guard–Wotan,-Indra,vedic-astrology:9 https://odysee.com/@SouthernNordic:7/acquisition-of-the-new-myth:6

Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
Chris Gr

There are no Indo-Europeans. Those invaders were Mongols.


Sureeee. The Yamnaya (Proto-Indo-Europeans) and related peoples from 3,000 BCE are totally the Mongols from the 12th century AD.


Marxism invented to demonize socialism:


Jews & Modern Capitalism:

https://odysee.com/@Cultured-Thug:c/-quot-The-Jews–amp–Modern-Capitalism-quot–By.-Werner-Sombart:b https://archive.org/details/ezarchive/AVOF+with+Ernst+Zündel+%2356+-+Alexander+Jacob+-+German+Socialism+as+an+alternative+to+Marxism.mp4

Fascist Italy:


National Socialist Germany:







Last edited 3 years ago by Marco

Ukraine has none of this.



Last edited 3 years ago by Marco
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