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Undeterred: Iraqi Fighters Blew Up Two US Supply Convoys In Al-Diwaniyah

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Undeterred: Iraqi Fighters Blew Up Two US Supply Convoys In Al-Diwaniyah

A US soldier runs at a coalition forces forward base near West Mosul, Iraq June 21, 2017 (photo credit: REUTERS)

On February 27, Iraqi fighters attacked two convoys transporting supplies and equipment for the US-led coalition in southern Iraq.

Both convoys were targeted with improvised explosive devices as they were passing near the city of al-Diwaniyah. Iraqi security sources acknowledged that at least one of the attacks resulted in material losses.

These were the 29th and 30th supply convoys of the US-led coalition to be attacked in Iraq in the last two months. Two other convoys were attacked a few days ago.

The two new attacks came a day after US strikes on Iraqi forces in Syria. The strikes, which claimed the life of a Kata’ib Hezbollah fighter, were a response to the to February 15 Erbil rocket attacks. The attacks killed a civilian contractor and injured eight others including an American service member.

The US promoted the recent strikes on Syria as a mean to deter pro-Iranian groups in Iraq. However, today’s attacks in al-Diwaniyah show that this tactic has failed.

Pro-Iranian groups in Iraq vowed to expel US forces from the country following the assassination of the assassination of Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Deputy-Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units, and Iran’s Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassim Soleimani.

The recent US strikes on Syria will not stop pro-Iranian forces in Iraq. Most likely, the strikes will provoke more actions from these forces.


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Hasbara Hunter



Well done!!! Remember the yankiees come from the shit of Europe sent overseas bastardized with slaves from Africa and natives, they are beasts understanding just the language of violence. Kill them all!


under-educated and unemployed trash from the fly over states. those are the backbone of the yankee-twats military might but the ones that are killed are the ones that are working in a proxie-capacity for the yankee-twats.

Azriel Herskowitz

Americans and Israelis live rent free in your head. Must be hard living when in a constant state of paranoia. Seek help

Hasbara Hunter

Hey Azazel Pedowitz how’s Jacob Wohl doin’ in Prison? Instead of Women to Terrorize now he only got inmates to Sodomize…

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Allah is not completely happy with you. Why did you not take on a suicide mission?

erwin vercauteren

you are defending paedophiles now ? shame on you

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

I pray that God enters your life quickly to taste the fruit and karma of your hatred.

erwin vercauteren

boo boo jeez i ‘m scared now


you’ll be driven out fool. Get real.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are parasites and have ruined the Americunt dumbarse morons. The Americunts have been bankrupted.


The right word is Hebrew or Habirou ,another thing the old resident of Judea land and another thing the Hebrew. the greek word IEVVES from which commes the word JEWS means the persecuted extraterrestrial . And we Greeks claim that the word Ηabirou or Khapirou which according to linguists means again persecuted in the language of the Amorites …is a mixture of different peoples …the phonetic rendering of the name Hapirou or Apirou found in Sumerian texts in cuneiform.

The mystery of the Word Hebrew only the Greek language can solve it. The first syllable the “Kha” or “ha” means he or they the second part of the word “pirou” is nothing but the Greek word “ΠΥΡΡΟΥ”…which for us means ATLANTS or Atturians Trojans.

erwin vercauteren

your place is in the ashtray stfu zionist murderer

Séamus Ó Néill

How much longer do you think you can remain squatting in Palestine? The world now knows your lies about a “holocaust”, they know your lies about your semitic ancestry, The know you were responsible for 9/11, they know that your God is Lucifer…..how much longer do you think the world will tolerate your lying, stealing and murdering at will ? America, your only friend, is sinking fast and you’re going with them…..and good riddance

Zionism = EVIL

Hell is coming for the Americunt lardass occupation cowards across the region.

Hasbara Hunter

Big BoOMM!!!


Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Was not an IED, It was allah who did a little hocus pocus.


good and any jews in the target? if not make certain that they are right in the cross-hairs next time they show their ugly faces in syria or iraq.

Azriel Herskowitz

And the coalition continues it’s mission of defeating ISIS. This has no effect. Rather, it puts a big target on the heads of the Iran backed militias. 11 facilities belonging to Iran backed terrorist militias were targeted and utterly destroyed along with a few vehicles carrying ammunition just a day ago. This is only asking to more pain to be brought on these terrorists


Biden might change the response now, we should expect many dead terrorists. I am in no position to lecture the U.S army but they should take a look at how we solve it here. For every attempt to hurt IDF soldiers, we make them pay with blood. It doesn’t even matter if they succeed or fail, they die.

Alberto Garza

lol i really doubt the gay-transgender -diverse u.s. army is capable of fighting back anymore they only seem to be very good at killing civilians .

Hasbara Hunter

You ARE the Terrorists boy everyone knows that by now…No Worries your Z.I.O. JOE action figure will Recruit some more Murican Cannonfodder to Die for ISraHell…

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Some insane immigrants come to the Netherlands and want a big bloodbath in the future for those who provided housing and food.

Hasbara Hunter

Yeah in 1492 Sephardic Jews had to flee from Spain to Turkey & Amsterdam…These insane immigrants as you call them have made us Rich Financing the Slavetrades, Stealing Spices in Indonesia & the Stock-Exchange on Manhattan, Bilderberg Group…etc…We provided Housing & have fed them…but those Treacherous Backstabbing ZioNazis completely took over my Country…


well, you invited them no?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

No. They had to flee from their Islamist brothers and we gave them shelter.


Nah, that ain’t right now……Islamist brothaa on your payroll no?

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

Sephardim lived well in “Muslim” Spain, one of the most renowned prime ministers was Jewish. “Muslim” Spain was peaceful, free of poverty, had social security, plumbing, street lights, education and was a civilization a millennia ahead of it time.. It was the Catholic church who persecuted Jews, Muslims and Christians out of Spain culminating in the grand inquisition. This history is not disputed.

Brother Ma

You are simply running a British army action against spear- chucking Zulus there. You would notice a big difference if your Palestinians were armed and trained properly.

The last time you fought a real army was in 1973 and even in 2006 you were defeated by a militia .


Nutayoo much stronger than gantz the gimp (period) You luvy the weak not martial artist,which makes you a weak sissy spiritually incapable to defend unless you pull your head outta gantz ass and accept the fact nutayoo can snap gants wrists too! God respects the stronger men,not the phoney fake sissys who can’t fight for sht!

Zionism = EVIL

Holy crap. This PUNK is still waffling teenage bullshit, I was hoping that his nuts would have dropped by now and he would be spending more time outside with Grinder dates.

Laurent Parodi

I wonder why isis started to lose ground only after russia got involved in Syria? What was doing your super coalition between 2012 and 2015? I expect no honest answer from a troll like you.

Azriel Herskowitz

The Iran backed militias had US air support in Iraq while they were fighting ISIS. Without the US air support, the militias weren’t gaining any ground.

Captain Freedom

lol, this is not an answer.

erwin vercauteren

no its a lie what else to expect from a ASHKENAZI ZIONIST NAZI LOVER

erwin vercauteren

you are a delusional apologist the yanks never cooperated with Iran because they still can not forget the big fiasco and utterly humiliation in 1979 when their delta teams were all killed in a crash the same with Syria the father of Assad killed 219marines in one big blow in 1983 and the yanks returned home squealing limping crying and with their tall between their legs Americans are cowards just like their zionist parasites the middle east will be free of US and Zionist scum sooner than you’ll expêct

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

disinformation. America/ Israel created and lead ISIS and al Qaeda. Most Iraq’is know this. Oh Lord God, give inspiration to the people of holy Iraq to seek their leader Imam Mahdi, (AS) saviour of the earth.

cechas vodobenikov

jerk off awitz finished rehab—relapsed…strong LSD in homeless tent

Brother Ma


I suppose you think America was settled because Puritans were prejudiced against as well.


More vlike defeating themselfs,seriously how dumb is that,you fund train and bless the kweer freedom fighters (never) only to then blame the ones you supllied and trained to the brim? This is just stupid,now lets just pretend they are the baddies because they are, smart eh,like the axis resistance,how much shekels in killing,smart eh,not,so be killed then: Boring:


Thought that people like you were exterminated; must have missed you, pity. israel is very vulnerable to sabotage so consider yourself lucky that your enemies have some empathy and don’t destroy your most valuable resource; drinking water.

Potato Man

“the coalition continues it’s mission of defeating ISIS” go on and prove it, US have been attacking PMUs, SAA and Iran. As Biden came in ISIL came out yourmother a$$h0le as well. It was the PMUs that finished ISIL/Daesh, US pigs killed more Iraqi civilians (WikiLeaks) and still act like kids. “militias had US air support in Iraq” yeah you fuking monkey we know how helpful they were… A lot of stupid people mainly Zion/yankees thinks it was US that finished Nazi which is just funny…it was Soviet Union cry all you want and try to tell yourself lies, it wouldn’t change facts, and it was Iraq (PMUs) and Iran + Russia that killed Daesh/ISIL, both in Syria and Iraq.

It is a fact that US supported ISIL/Daesh in Iraq, Syria and you stupid to think US wanted ISIL/Daesh be killed that fast, US support KSA/UAE/Qatar/Zion -> what those countries did? They all supported ISIL and Zion called for ISIL state, it fuking funny how ISIL/Daesh/Al-Qaeda never attacked those countries…Zion weren’t that far at all…and let me be clear Al-Qaeda was make by Wahhabi Sunnis – terrorists follow Wahhabism…Osama bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia. You just on the wrong side and don’t want people call you out – lol

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

I dont believe you. May God bring the truth out and show a mirror to your hatred Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.

cechas vodobenikov

reliable reports convey that US terror strikes failed the best this pre-electric society can now do is bring Cold War to Texas, send transgender military to Washington to protect politician from BLM/antifa peasants


Keep the tempo up. The Turkish trolls a couple of days ago were asking where the Shia response was? Prompt FedEx delivered.

Blas de Lezo

Like McCain said: “Bom, bom, bom Iran.”


Mcaincer,boom went it’s brain,no more lies.

thomas malthaus

Is it possible that US-controlled four-wheel oil tankers exiting from Iraq and Syria are targets of opposition bomb squads? If true, I’ve not seen these stories published anywhere.


No reaction,no ww3?Doctor,doctor,repeat prescription,ok usa turn to bomb happy?Next patient plz: Kids,give them everything they asked then they fk it all up.

Arch Bungle


The Objective

Is this the revenge they promised for the dead of 22?

Faisal Al Al Mahdi

It is God who is destroying America the antiChrist, before our very eyes….open them O humanity and see the truth. only few people will survive God’s wrath on humanity, go find the truth and pray for mercy.


These are pro-Iraqi forces in Iraq defending their homeland against the illegal occupying forces, as they have a right to do. The rest is msm bs.

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