Wilfried Bleriot, 32, was killed in action, according to Ukraine’s International Legion in a Facebook post on June 4, 2022. He displays the black-and-white patch of the overtly fascist Misanthropic Division, part of the Azov Battalion.
Ukraine is being projected as an unstoppable force of heroic fighters on the battlefield by western media and it inspired thousands of ‘volunteers’ from all over the globe to flock to join the fight against Russia.
‘Volunteers’ can be paid 3400 US dollars per month if they decide to work under the Ukrainian government or can even make 1000 to 2000 US dollars per day if they decide to work for private contractors, which qualifies them as mercenaries. They can apply by filling out a form at their nearest Ukrainian embassy to be vetted in total impunity and then be sent to fight without facing any opposition from western governments.
However, when the volunteers join the fight, they are faced with a reality that is far away from the fairy tales that have been depicted on the news incessantly since the start of the conflict. They are confronted by abysmal logistic, corruption and the reality of going against the Russian forces.
Paul Hughes, Canadian volunteer who served in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry described the terrible logistic of the Ukrainian forces by saying:
“I think you’d have to come up with a different word than disorganized,” Hughes said in an interview from Lviv, describing the so-called International Legion for the Territorial Defense of Ukraine.
Retired US Marine Colonel Andrew Milburn even described the volunteers as an absolute fiasco:
“A swarm of Fantasists for every one candidate with experience in combat. And even combat experience means little in this war—because trading shots with the Taliban or al Qaeda is quite different from crouching in a freezing foxhole being pummeled by artillery fire.”
Many reported of feeling abandoned by the Ukrainian government when they find out that they are simply being used as cannon fodder. Some report having to live with only one potato per day while facing heavy shelling from Russian artillery fire.
Serhi Lapko, a Ukrainian company commander stationed in Donbass, told the Washington Post that he saw his company go from 120 members down to 54 after only 3 months of conflict, due to death, injuries or desertions. He also felt abandoned by Ukraine.
“Our command takes no responsibility,” Lapko said. “They only take credit for our achievements. They give us no support.”
Dozens of Ukrainian units refused to continue fighting and lay their weapons. LINK Another video complaint was shares by the 72nd Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They uploaded a video on Telegram where they declared that they would no longer fight due to the lack of proper weapons, support and leadership.
Reports of the Ukrainian forces’ incompetence and lack of respect for the lives and well-being of their subordinates are plenty and cause low morale among their troops.
This is not the only barriers that the volunteers are facing when fighting in Ukraine, they also are not granted the same legal protection as regular Ukrainian soldiers. Since they are foreign fighters, they are considered as mercenaries if captured by the Russian forces and can even face death penalty in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). The foreign fighters are also under scrutiny of their own government. LINK, LINK, LINK
For example, the General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI), the French security internal security agency, reported that they cannot prevent people from leaving but that they could accuse the foreign fighters of mercenarism or terrorist conspiracy if their actions in Ukraine contravene French laws.
Since many volunteers end up in far-right groups harboring neo-Nazi ideology like the Azov regiment, who is known for its human rights abuses on top of proudly displaying Nazi symbolism, it would not be surprising that if the fighters that do not fall under Russian artillery or simply desert, face prison sentences when returning home.
Yeah let’s get paid to become canon fodder or get blown to pieces by the Russians. Yup that’s smart!😂🤣
US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade
10 times copypaste accolalli
You still here. wow.
Globalism is a global problem but there has been a concerted effort in recent years to blame globalism exclusively on the US and, by proxy, White Americans. Extremely sinister, considering that White Americans are some of the biggest victims of globalism.
The US could disappear into thin air tomorrow and globalism would exist almost unchanged. There would still be a world financial empire pulling the strings. There would still be countless globalist NGOs and multilateral organizations. Every country in the world would still be a UN member state. The Left would still have total political hegemony in the West. Immigration would continue unimpeded. Western countries would still pay their yearly tribute to Israel. Agenda 21/2030 would progress as planned.
There is no future in fascism nor their lgbtq nor soros (period) get it through their thick heads,us dolla is losing on all sides yet fossils are the future as is agriculture and infastructures too,fed reserve are zombified inept scammers! The future beckons toward free trade in the global world,so the west is done!
only nazi polo molo and moron like me believes your Kansas hillbilly fringe stupidity
In my dreams too
💋Hi) My name is jens assholm, I’m 63 years old) I’m an aspiring sex model, I love dick photos. Please rate me, erotic taking in the ass videos and photos at the link 👉 https://full.cum/id375036
jens I thought you gave that away last year. Don’t they pay you enough for your juvenile comments. No jens I don’t want to see any of your photo’s either fully dressed or taking it in your butt.
I didnt wrote that. Injury painted and almost upgraded to white trash did.
Can you translate that to English please?
thats not me.
Listen to your mom and stop fudge packing you monkey pox faggot.
you like tranny sex like me—more anti-depressant will make u better LGBT nazi
sadly my son is a tranny pervert and a middle aged fudge packer and what am I do to do? have to feed the useless bastard by selling my granny ass to smelly Turks. Sad but true. How do I get rid of this queer from my basement, just like Zelensky who is now posing in Vogue magazine with his nipple button fake wife as he is also a faggot?
Sorry ma’am I had to kill your son. Khloe and Kylie are very possesive of their Momma’s internet whoredom.
@jensfagholm Sorry but Kris Jenner was first !
Congratulations! Russia is now in the middle of destroying Ukraine.
More like Russia destroys wests agenda 21 wet dream as woke ukrop kiev lgbtq askenazis try in vain to destroy what was built by hetero soviet slavic peoples for the sake of the phaedo kweer degenerated mobs of the ailing phaedo reserves. FIXED!
All this dirt gets thru the mods.. my piece on mRNA injections gets deleted.. what gives.. mods?
poko molo nazi disturbed schizoid—new name when no meds in kansas trailer park
The US and the UK has beeb trying to destroyed Russia since 1947.
This is more realistic.
As usual these fools fail to take a long term view, once you have destroyed all your competitors ( which is everyone not USA ) there will be no one left to trade with.
Since Russia condemns mercenaries involved in the Ukraine conflict, has laws against them at home, and fails to intervene in the execution of them by the Donbass republics, why are the Russian media now promoting this so-called “Wagner” group of Russian mercenaries in Ukraine? Russia claims to be upholding international law on this matter. Are we now to believe that the Russian government expects these Russian mercenaries to be executed by Kiev when they’re captured?
The supposed leader of this group, Dmitry Utkin, was celebrated as a national hero by President Putin himself. Yet, Russia’s aim is to denazify Ukraine, and Utkin sports Nazi tattoos—one of the signs Russian troops use to identify Nazis in the ranks of captured Ukrainians.
SF should do a thorough investigative piece on Russian PMCs and this “Wagner” group in particular, to get to the bottom of it. Many people thought this group was a myth, an invention of lurid tabloids. But here we are with RT itself promoting them today, without a hint of irony. (And don’t be so petty as to delete my comment this time SF. It’s a serious point that needs discussing.)
Well, from a geo-political standpoint at least, they do perform on behalf of an emerging multi-polar world order- for the most part, and that suits me. But, you have a good point- there should be nothing to hide about their background and leadership. It is what it is, along with what they do.
Those kinds of people are very well descriebed here.
You support russian propaganda. Those Mercenairies are in Ukraine under their jurisdiction.
If the Russians themself were, they were not in Ukraine. Furthermore those Mercenairies are there BECAUSE of Russia.
Go home and play with Yor little Oligarc Wagners.
moron nazi jens—go to lgbt tent slurp sperm leave Greenland Faroe is. mercs are nazis that die–jens already dead inside
injuri wrote this too
No,they are only there for western backed orcs you dumbass,wagner are paid actors! Give the impression they are better than anything russian or ukranian,where in reality they are only propoganda scam corporate paid acting clowns,so you play with your little wagner orcy grots and don’t pretend you are not aware WAGNER ARE FAKES!
Thats right. Those people are not even in a Russian jurisdiction.
they are now and permanently—you senile discarded 77 year old nazi
i didnt write this. Miss Foster did
Hey Dumb Dumb, think for once in your life, So I ask you and the rest of the leaders, Who is/was Wagner?
There is your answer dumb dumb…
Wishfull 5th column medias trying to make out russia is too weak without bollocks groups, has anyone seen factual footage of any of these taking on nazis? fk no! wagner are bollocks. FIXED!
A law passed last month recognizes the Wagner mercs as russian army soldiers. So legally they aren’t mercs at all. In fact they have the tricolor of Russia on their uniforms.
Also there is an unwritten rule between them, to not let the ukronazis take them alive.
No Ukras will take them alive
“the musicians” are not nazis
More power to Russia if they get the Wagner group. They are winning without them anyway. Private armies are part of modern warfare more than ever now.
😉👍 Latest I’ve heard is Zelenskyy has stopped military payment to families of POWs and MIAs to save money while at the same time knocking door to door looking for men ages 17 to 60 to send to the front lines with a rifle and one magazine and zero rations (fend for yourselves even if you have to steal food from the local).
Very much as You only use Your ears for fly lessons.
village nazi moron
You have no ears or use them for fly lessons
The reality is that these scum are terrorists and pose for cameras for their Jew masters and have brought nothing but misery to the Ukrainian Slavic people, who like Syrians have borne the brunt of Anglo-Zionist delusional quest for global hegemony and desire to “destroy Russia and control its immense wealth” ( a direct quote from the arch evil Jew Blinken).
These worthless scum have no protection under any rules of war or Geneva convention that only applies to state armies. These bastards are mercenary terrorists and deserve robust interrogation, field summary trial and then a humane firing squad and the cost of the bullets send to the Americunt embassy in Warsaw and the Jew Zelensky Vogue magazine poser hiding in the basement.
Russia has been too soft and humane to all sorts of vermin.
Jew Masters ha ha. Never heard that excuse before.
We can only salute the majestic service the armed forces of the russian federation is doing in sparing the world of this utter filth. Hopefully russian missiles will suffice in numbers for the important job they are doing 🚀
Russians save the hardly non existing pension for them. Its a kind of very expensive contraseption too. Dead men not often makes children, where I Iive.
Never heard of necrophilia Jens. Get them while they are stiff.
Wall as?
Its not like that. Many visited my mother, when she was days. The last ones took here with the light off.
she just has to lie on her back and take some loads
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol.
Thats not enough.
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol
But You cut the лужайка unless You have a goat or some rabbits
disgusting chervek
Thats a completly lie.
Right, it’s the *Russian*Propaganda* again, even when it comes from the Ukrainian servicemen.
You from interpol or just some lowlife who turn off the light when you go to the bathroom because you scared the CIA has planted cameras & microphones to record you?
We in west has every single group there in details. So we dont need to be infected by that worse then blur. Hardly no westerns read here.
Our sources anytime are more sober and part of the real world in Ukriane as well.
I’m a westener, so who the fuck are you?
I am what I write here.
Not at all. Its propaganda because of two things 1) Its highly biased 2) Those people already has been well descriebed and catogorized for years for the world for decades. You even can find them on Youtubes.
Its also ignored, that those one in Ukraine are there because of Russians. So if russians go to their own country, there will be none mercenairis there of any kind.
Russia by the way has no juridiction in Ukraine as well. So its a matter for the homelands of those soldiers.
We fx has given Kurds milder punishments because the after all has been fighting Our enemies in ISIS. By that we have punished ISIS members much harder.
Most of Ukraine has been Russian territory for hundreds of years There is no Ukrainian language. It is Russian dialect. There is also no such country as Ukraine. These historic Russian territories were herded into modern Ukraine at gun-point by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev in 1922, 1945 and 1954, respectively, purely as a matter of administrative convenience.
Something else was decided in 1993 and I didnt do it.
No sober book or Youtube will tell the Ukriane language is a russian dialect. Its made by Ruthenians, when Kiev and also Novgoras was real towns.
In those days Russia didnt exist and Moskva was not more then a gathering of wooden houses as a kind of outfit.
Kiev in those day was a big city compared to them. Kievan Russia was runned from there by Rurik and others.
After that Moskva was runned over by the Mongols and was – as i recall it with Nogorod but not Kiev.
Yuri wrote it
Where are the many incidents in the invadr camp. We heard a lot form there too about forced recruitment, peole leaving, running away, not armed well, no wests and helmets and hardly any qualified commanders.
How much of that is true?
Another side visible today say how it is. Some Donbad regiment are the mainspendables at Donbas. According Russia news hardly none of them are dead. That very impressing thats impossible.
“We heard” … you heard bullshit. I heard grey aliens are running the White House but I don’t believe it because I’m not a gullible idiot. This is war and what matters is meeting the objectives you set out to accomplish.
The objective of the Russians is to drive the Ukrainians out of the LPR / DPR, demilitarize Ukraine and create a NATO free buffer.
The objectives of the Ukrainians are to take back Crimea and defeat the LPR / DPR rebels.
The side that’s winning is the side that’s meeting their objectives … right now that’s Russia.
Ukraine hasn’t gained an inch of Crimea back … in fact they’ve lost territory the size of England trying to win it back. Ukraine has already lost most of their equipment once … now they’re losing all of NATO’s gear. NATO is about to give up on Ukraine and Biden may be forced to do the same if the Dems lose the house … this is why Ukraine is trying futile offensives. They need $10B USD/month from the USA / EU to run the war and no one wants to back a horse that’s lost the race.
I have commented You You before.
Very nice to care so much about Our money. But we actually vote about things and make budgets.
I was there. I painted the white house.
Hitler has more support in Berlin then Russia has in Ukraine.
The Wagner mercenary freaks are completely out of the picture by now. They were practically wiped out in Severdonetsk before the Ukrainian battalions crossed the river back to safety. Not a very enviable fate at all. Finally the Southfront troll farm got something right.
US has been killing million of innocent peoples in the Middle East lol 😜
How do You know. Have they been in court?
Very true every were america has been they have caused death and destruction, Korea veitnam Middle East they call crushing and bombing other countries democracy.
These were probably the people “who refused to accept the kindness, the democracy, the freetrade and freedom” brought to them by Uncle Bush, Clinton, Ms.Fullbright, Bush and Obongo.
Your comment would be better if You callibrated some inflation away.
The only thing inflated here jens is your head.
Wall as
Dumb kike troll typing out his pathetic lies, yawn zzzzzzzz, so tedious Shlomo!
Come rape my goats in Leningrad. My mother will be happy to see ypu.
Why ? is she tired of raping the goats.
Cant read I take, article isn’t talking about Wagner Group. Foreign legion & Ukrainian servicemen are pretty much calling out Kiev high command as completely incompetent & inefficient.
Wagner Group are highly effective in urban combat while on the offensive just like they are on the battlefield. Kherson region remains firmly in Russia control since the beginning of the special military operation, and since their deployment to Popasna, all the AFU fortifications in the Severodonetsk region are rapidly being liberated and the front keeps being pushed toward Kramatorsk. Wagner has grown to the size of a brigade.
It’s just like how you were yapping how the RF sustained hundred of thousands of casualties by the end of march so yeah talk about going full retard.
Wagner are fullovit,they are a jew variant of scam to try to water down lpr/dpr/chechyan real urban warriors,amazes me how gullable people can be,see for yourself where is footage similar to dpr/russian/chechyan real full on fighting? Every where,wagner only paid actors with just a touch of the noise works here and there,no factual passport comfirmation of killings= FAKES FIXED!
I guess you also don’t believe Delta Force ever existed that right?
Even the SBU made the claim they were going to find out the identity of their operators.
Beside, I have two videos of Wagner in action, with four photos of the guys in Kherson and Popasna. RT released a video yesterday on them.
Better catch up on what the Wagner group are doing close to Bakmut. Just captured another town on the outskirts so they are doing alright for a group that are completely out of the picture.
Chechnyans and dpr/lpr more like it,wagner are dud/corporate paid actors.putin dont pay them!
Hey Zionist Whore, were all those shekels worth the ruptures in your ass, from all those Israeli cocks? 💩🇮🇱💩
Yuri wants to suck this antisemite freaks’s dick as soon as possible. He’s already gone to masturbate.
I have it on video. They dont like his big mouth.
Your propaganda is not working. People get wiser by the day and see and read what a phantastic job the Wagner Group is carrying out. BTW they fall under Russian jurisdiction, thus there is a law above their head if they misbehave towards civilians. don’t worry, they keep the line.
I’d like if SF said how to join LPR army, for example the Somali brigade.
Why dont You give a link
Article last updated: July 19, 2022
Author of the article: Anastasia Krylova. Position: military lawyer.
How to become a volunteer in the DPR army? If you want to take part in a special operation in Ukraine in 2022 or join the militia of the DPR or LPR, the question may arise who you are meeting with. Below you will find more detailed information on how to get to Donbass.
There is an online lawyer.
I live in the west but I will never be deceived by western propaganda. People must understand that in this day and age, there isn’t much difference between the Hollywood fairy tale and the main stream Fake news fairy tale. If you risk your life for fairy tale, then your are responsible for your fate and death by the might of the Russian and allied forces. Fighting with Russia is not fighting with goat herders in the middle east.
Indeed its the first real war they have been in against people who can fight back and dish out pain,its been a shock for them.
Told by may. Putin believed in his own propaganda. The ukras was determinat to defend themself and got a lot of help for that.
You mean orcs or ex western mimitary?
Have you seen the video of our boys chasing American troops across the field? The Americans were bullying all the time, blocking the way and so on. Ours got tired of it and they answered them. The Americans no longer bothered the Russians
make a translation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPkyrhbpbkg&ab_channel=MilitaryForcesXXICentury
Good stuff, thanks for that
But let’s be honest, if these mercenaries are this idiotic to go to Ukraine while everyone knows Russia has complete air superiority, Ukraine has no air force, no air defenses, no offensive capabilities, etc. etc, and they still go to Ukraine then these mercs are all better off dead. They’re doing the world a favor and helping Russia try out new weapons, drones and military tactics, getting many Russian soldiers skills sharpened and battle hardened. They are serving a purpose. I feel bad for ther Ukrainian conscripts that are forcefully drafted and forcefully sent to the front lines to die. When these mercs get annihilated its exactly what they deserve for going to a foreign nation and shooting and killing people just for money.
Pal, are you serious? Do you know what air superiority means? Ukros destroy several armors every day plus regular himars attacks and plane or chopper every other day. Orcs have very limited precise strikes capabilities. Have you ever seen proper US bombing campaign? Orcs air force is a laughing stock and foreign volunteers know it.
Don’t you realise what you are saying? Then I propose you convert your TV set into an aquarium and use your newspaper for other things than reading or stop buying it.
Its Your own fault You only are able to find propaganda. And its the opposite way around. Russians think we are goats raised by old newspapers from Prava, Tass and Isvestia.
And we dont eat that. Russians hardly has any choise. You have.
You could start with Denis Davydov Youtube. He is sober and IN Ukraine.
Hmmm… You suppose volunteers are more attracted to fight goat herders than standard semimodern orcish army? Orcish artillery was suppressed by ukros himars so good infantry is going to be decisive factor again going forward.
German toilet manufacturers say they will have to close due to lack of gas – Jens—(stoltenberg ) says the EU public must live with it – sounds like a “bum ” deal.
Poor Germans, they’ve been a cucked white country ever since the 1940s. The German spokeswoman made the announcement that Germany will be forced to start rationing toilet paper and recommends not to flush the toilet more than 2 times a day per house hold then she ended her announcement by boldly yelling “so take that Putin”…..
It’s funny how in the west they used to fabricate lies that the Communist nations in the 70s and 80s had to line up for food and regular household items and now look at western Europe, they have to start wiping their asses with their hands and go into Sherwood forest to collect twigs to heat their homes …..so Take that Putin…….
Most of that is no lie at all.
Your version for west again is higly incorrect. We just decline some from a much higher level.
Our poors also has much more of anything then Your poor ones. You also always ignore we have middleclasses, You dont have.
For USA its typical. You never mention the 165 mio of 330 mio being wealthy. You here even add most of the rest are poor as Your poors.
Thats not true at all. A great part of them has jobs and are poor a level above that and support themself.
We know that because we do make comparing statistics. Russians only make fictive statistics or find strange corners being no representative for themself or us.
You dont get it. They do something about it to avoid those problems by solving them. And they can and will.
And I know people here wasting a lot of water and cleaning more then they do at the hospitals. Thats not right even they pay for themself.
Its a normal thing here not to flush when You pee a little, when the toilet window is open. We also use a toilet only flushing 3 liter but can do 10 liters. Pee then comes into 1,5 liter.
I suppose you are mixing up Germany and EU?
That might be true. Some produtions use a lot of fossils or electricity. By that it makes sense not just to replace old toillets for new ones. Broken toilets will and for new toiletfacilities too.
We have the debate here in Denmark too. The vital ones using a lot might be supported by the Goverment or hs to lower their production some.
It often has a plus site too. It force people to innovate and do the same by less energy. We see the same for transport. More use trains and busses even they have a car. It takes more time. Others chnage to cars driving more kilometers pr liter.
Im a lucky one having a scooter driving up to 40 km pr liter.
We have to make those solatuins fast. To next winter we will have everything as ok again but verything is permanent a little more expensive. No inflation but a real jump up.
I can onl recommens we install more wind and solar power faster. It should have been faster many years ago. Its named as low fruit here. You get a better product cheeper. You improve Your own economy and for the state too.
You save lot of import and becomes less dependent. Even Denmark is in front we are very much behind. People dont like looking at those big towers and propellos.
I see money for, what we need. We gets more old ones to support well. In the other hand we have fewer Young ones working.
We also has to update all kinds of education even its not old. Only by that we can put more gadgets on Mars :)
Europeans must not accept such stupidity. The Europeans are being projected into the Middle Ages by NATOstan and EUstan. Probably no oil, no gas, no CO2(?) or at least much less, you are a sinner driving a car on fossil fuel, you are a sinner if you heat you home more than 20°C, millions of economic fugitives entering Europe, no housing, a socalled climate change, a socalled Covid-19, killing family farms to grab their land, sanctioning their supplier of oil & gas because their Uncle Joe is ordering them, blow up their pipeline with Russia for gas. And when the Europeans have landed into the Middle Ages there is WEF who also want to “handcuf” all Europeans with a digital ID for social control.
Nice part of the world to live in, in a Europe of which more than half of it is still a colony of USA since 1945.
Soldiers of fortune, be ready to spend your fortunes in hell.
hahaaaaa oh shi#t I like that quote..makes for a good T-Shirt slogan put that quote next to a picture of the Red Babushka holding an AK
Have we won yet?
In Lugansk and Mariupol yes.
Wow. Imagine how brave those volunteers are. They risk their lives knowing all too well all those challenges and still they go to fight invaders. Hope that people remember their story. Most stories I’ve heard they actually have very low casulties because foreign fighters are typically very skilled and not stationary cannonen fodder…. Obviously there are very few captured.
Ok boomer
Nah, Putin should encourage all Americans to send their first born to join the volunteer battalions in Ukraine, and remember to urge them to do it before Halloween!
If they are going to send cannon fodders, at least send them en masse so that the fertilizer shortages could be relieved before harvest season.
Unless Russia changed course and intensify her war effort, this war will be lost. For Ukraine to declare victory, they don’t have to militarily defeat Russia. One good and successful counter attack in Kherson Region for example will be enough for them to declare victory. This narrative of victory will be massively promoted by her western masters and by the western media (on the advise of their western governments). The reason why the western governments will support this narrative is because, they have grown tired of the war and is looking for any excuse to bail out of it. So, such Ukrainian success will be enough for them to push for a ceasefire and some sort of agreement.
As for Russia, nothing short of complete capitulation of the Ukrainian forces will do, and this is going to be extremely difficult to achieve by the way the war is going on now. Unless they scale up attack (as in the beginning of the war), Ukraine will continue to fight forever, because she said, she is fighting for her survival on her own soil and has no where else to retreat.
Do you realize why the Russians had to respond to the provocations by US/UkroNazistan since 2014 when the UkroNazis starting to kill their own people in East Ukraine? It is a “very brave army” to fight civilians and murdered 20,000 civilians from 2014 on till Russia said we are going to stop these killings. Worked up by CIA, Soros, US Military into finally a provoked war all the way by Uncle Sam and Auntie NATO. And now the same provocatuers are screaming that Russia is going to conquer Europe and the rest of the world thereafter. These are all idiots to believe this propaganda. Russia have enough land so much so that the rest of world can live in it! So Russia do not need extra land she has enough land, waters and seas.
It’s their fault for believing the idiots on TV.
A fine young man wasted! It does not matter Russian DPR or UKR it’s tragic.
terrible nazi wasted–not tragic
Death seems to be inevitable.
These foreign fighters are Nazis and Nazi collaborators. They deserve no sympathy or pity and they all had a choice. Dead NAZIS are a good thing. Live Nazis are a bad thing.
No wonder they say same thing about You. You made them.
Welcome to the Army of Hell, kiddo.
This important news just in: Zelensky has managed to encircle a larger butt plug than ever before. An SBU spokesperson was arrested earlier today for inferring it was probably a Himars missile.
“Paul Hughes, Canadian volunteer who served in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry ……”
Get outta here! And these fairies want to do Bear wrestling in the pit of dying rump Ukropland?
Onward to Odessa
Now my take on the hype of the “Kherson Offensive”. I think this is rather a PR trying to up the declining morale among nazis, soon to be forgotten. Like the PR of the 1 million Army which is now also forgotten. Or the gag of the bombing of Crimea bridge. But if they really try something substantial, it will end like the rescue of the Azovists in Mariupol – a total disaster for the SS Wolfsangel, the Russians destroyed their helis and at the end nobody was rescued. Some bodies are now floating somewhere in the Azov Sea.
In the other news: VW Group announced today that it will leave Russia. My take on that: Fuck it! The USSR made cars for almost 70 years without any Western technology. Yes, yes, before you trolls start to spam with your “soviet cars were crap”. I agree with you Jensi and Hansi bitches. But the fact is, they brought the driver from A to B. Is it not what a car is supposed to do?! Besides, some few cars were not that bad. The Lada brand for example managed to survive even after the collapse of the SU. And even exported to countries in the West. Visit the Blog of Detlef Bräunig (aka Dino) for example. A based German guy, and he loves his Lada Niva. Besides, in the last 30 years the RF received a lot of technology transfer from the West (also from VW btw), which will be more than enough knowhow to produce indigenous cars that are state of the art.
And more in the other news: Wealthy Russian tourists who used to visit West Europe in the Summer are now discovering alternative touristic routs in Africa, Asia and Latin America. And guess what, they are loving it. West European tourism industry will face a big loss this year due to the lack of Russian tourists, specially countries like Finland, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
You are right. Its the other way too.
And to close the train of thoughts, I recommend this guy here: youtube.com/watch?v=oP2wPJ51pdw For those under you who knows Russian movies: he could be the twin brother of Kamil Larin :)