The decision by UNESCO to not allow the so-called Republic of Kosovo as a member state is a victory of law and justice and the news that cheered Serbia, it was announced by the Democratic Party of Serbia.
Originally appeared at IN4S, translated by Igor exclusively for SouthFront
They say that the decision of the UNESCO is a consequence principled by the position of Serbia friendly countries and the defence counsels of international law, the result of the commitment of all institutions and organisations from Serbia that were active in the diplomatic struggle that Kosovo does not receive the UNESCO, and the consequences of misjudgements and impatience of arrogant Washington – Brussels diplomacy.
“After this decision, Serbia needs to thank his real friends, especially Russia and China, and to adequately treat those who are the enemies of Serbia and that the vote showed. At least to stop calling them friends”, according to the DSS.
The Democratic Party of Serbia added that the voting in UNESCO showed that it is time to fundamentally change the policy of Serbia and that it was time for the charge to get the support of friendly countries. Again today it was shown that these friends are not few in number and that they are powerful. One defeat was prevented, but the policy of relying on the European Union experienced a crash. Continuation of the current policy that “the EU has no alternative” will be the inevitable new defeats with unforeseeable consequences for the future of Serbia. ”
The Democratic Party of Serbia demands from the Serbian government to immediately issue a decision on termination of the so-called. Brussels-based dialogue, because they are the latest moves by Pristina and the EU administration such negotiations meaningless.
“The Serbian government should require that resolving the Kosovo and Metohija back under the umbrella of the United Nations and bring it into harmony with the provisions of UNSCR 1244. The basic principle of negotiations with representatives of Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija should be that” nothing is agreed until everything agreed “, including the status of Kosovo and Metohija,” the statement concludes DSS.
Nikolic: We have proved that we can achieve the impossible
Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic congratulated the victory of Serbian citizens, after the General Conference of UNESCO rejected the admission of Kosovo to membership of the organisation, with the message that this was a righteous and moral victory in almost impossible conditions.
Nikolic congratulated the Government of Serbia, which is said to have invested a lot of diplomatic effort and didn’t give up even when it seemed that all was lost.
“Serbia has many friends in the world that friendship is not based on the volume of trade exchange and effective weapons, but on the behaviour of nations and states. This victory was won, not by money but the respect that the world has for our country and people. ”
We proved that when we all work in the interests of Serbia, we can achieve the impossible.
This is a continuation of the struggle for Kosovo and Metohija and the character sufficiently clear to everyone that the southern Serbian province will never give up, “said President Nikolic.
Citizens of Serbia, Nikolic congratulated they had confidence that we will defend and defend what our ancestors preserved for centuries.
“This is a just and moral victory in almost impossible conditions, when often what is right can not count on the support of the majority,” said the press service of the President.
The General Conference of UNESCO declined to Albania’s request that Kosovo be admitted to membership of the organization.
Zogović: Today the elementry Montenegro is celebrating.
Unfortunately for official self-proclaimed so-called “Kosovo” and their genuine ally embodied in the de-facto Montenegrin authorities who provide them with emphatic support. Nonetheless justice has still won and southern Serbian province, which is not a state but the a Serbian province, and was not accepted in UNESCO announced spokesman for the Democratic National Party, Milun Zogović.
“We share the joy and satisfaction of the entire Serbian nation for this great victory, which in addition to the internal has broad significance because it confirms that in the end justice will always beat injustice and for the true values ??and the generally recognised principles always be worth the fight,” he said Zogović.
“The decision of official Podgorica to support the so-called reception “Kosovo” is as shameful as the only recognition of the fake state and remains as the most shameful pages of Montenegrin official policy with catastrophic consequences and clear jumping out of the historical context in which our country Montenegro has been developing, “said a spokesman for DNP.
He added that fortunately, these decisions have no foundation and support among Montenegrin citizens not represented a reflection of public mood.
“That is why today elementary Montenegro rejoices, as well as the brotherly Serbia because their are the firmest links the two brotherly countries flowing from Pec’s Throne. This is a great victory and our church whose shrines in Kosovo and Metohija occupying barbed wire and which have been and will remain ours as long as we ourselves do not give up, that will never happen.
Through a clear confirmation that we should not allow the legalisation of snatching someone else’s, this day is of epochal significance and undermined international law and general legal postulates and principles that would have to operate the modern world, ” Zogović concluded in a statement.
Vučurović: A great victory for the Serbian people
New Serbian Democracy with great satisfaction the decision of the General Conference of UNESCO which has not accepted the false state of Kosovo’s membership in that organisation, said John Vučurović, a spokesman for the New Serbian Democracy.

“This is one of the great victories of the Serbian people who, in recent years, have been subjected to various blackmails and injustices, but this is a signal that both the geopolitical reach of establishing relationships that would, at last, been favourable for our people. We believe that because of this decision today certainly Cabinet Minister Hashim Thaci and Milo Djukanovic are the most heartbroken, because these two addresses were the most energetic and the most extreme in the great joint action of kidnapping Serbian monasteries and cultural treasures of the southern Serbian province, “spoke Vučurović.
Considering that, particular in the history of Montenegro, we the remember treacherous role of Milo Djukanovic and his puppet regime in an attempt to seize the Serbian people of his most holy, and of those who took part in their destruction and burning. “By voting for Kosovo be admitted to UNESCO, they hit the venerable face of Montenegro and all those in our history that built the foundations of the state and its spirituality specificly on the Kosovo myth. History will remember that the Montenegrin dictator was closer to the leaders of the terrorist KLA then of our ancestors who fought for Kosovo and Metohija and boasted Obilic medals. ”
New Serbian Democracy welcomes all those States that have not endorsed the so-called reception. Kosovo UNESCO, and it is not hard to guess that the great protector of Slavic and Orthodox Christianity, Russia, the dominant influence that our sanctities not surrender to those who it has never belonged.
“This defeat on the Serbian enemies gives us added strength to persevere Montenegro, and together with our relatives and other citizens of Montenegro to open the process of change, to the political and social margins that were driven away by high-treason logic, puppet service and criminal profits” concludes Vučurović.